The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 16, 1907, Image 1

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Eight Pages
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Home Print I
$1 a Year
in Advance
4 :
Iho Candidates.
While the primary is still two weeks
nwny, Vo doom it timely to ay a few
words about the Republican eiindidates
who have announced themselves for
nomination to the various oilices.
Elsewhere we make mention of those
who are up for re-election on the Re
publican ticket. In this article we
will deal with those who are new can
didates. The candidates announced for county
clerk, so far as this paper is concerned,
tire John .1. Garber, V. (. Knlton and
10. W. Ross. The first named was for
four years deputy clerk under IS. K.
(J arbor, and practically conducted the
business of the office during all that
time. He has a knowledge of the af
fairs of the olllce not excelled by an'
man in the count'.
K. W. Ross, the next on the list, was
mayor of Ked Cloud for two terms,
hns had considerable experience in
clerical work, has made many friends
among the farmers during his connec
tion with the management of the lle
atrice Creamery Co.'s branch agency in
this city during the past year and a
V. 15. Fulton, of the Knlton Grocery
Co., is also well known in this county,
he having been engaged in the lumber
buijineks for many years. He is a well
known Sunday school and temperance
Vov county assessor, II. C. Seott and
George P.Cathcr have announced their
candidacy, Roth are old and well
known citizens of this county, and
cither of them is amply qualified to fill
the oflice,
11. G. Sawyer and George W. Hum
mel have announced their candidacy for
commissioner from the Third district.
lr. Sawyer is the present incumbent
unrt has made a good olllce r. Jlev,
Hummel is too well known to need an
introduction to the voters. Itoth are
good men, and no matter which one
receives the nomination the county will
be well served.
The Judgeship.
If K. U. Ouennan does not get the
nomination for district judge on the
Republican ticket it will not be because
he has not made every effort to do so.
lie has been doing some splendid cam
paigning and is receiving the heartiest
encouragement wherever he goes. Out
Hide of his home, county he will have
good support in Franklin, Harlan and
Kearney counties. He will receive con
siderable support from the prohibition
element owing to his well known oppo
sition o the use of intoxicants, and he
is conceded to be a man of exemplary
habits in all other respects. There will
be no question of his election should
he receive the nomination, as he would
undoubtedly be the strongest man the
Republicans could nominate. His re
cord us prosecuting attorney of this
county shows legal ability of the high
est order, he never having lost a case
while in that oflice, nor had one re
versed by a higher court. He is not a
railroad attorney, and does not carry a
puss. He carried Webster county in
the l'.tOO election1 by a larger majority
than was given William McKinloy for
president, and was the only republican
elected on the republican ticket. He
almost duplicated the performance two
years later, when he was the again
high man on the Republican ticket.
This shows that he has a strength that
will be of great assistance to him if he
receives the nomination, which he un
doubtedly will.
. For tounty Treasurer.
County Treasurer W. C. Fralun will
receive the unanimous indorsement of
the republicans of this county at the
primary election on September :t, and
r- it is but just that he should. M r. Frahin
has made an enviable record and one
of which he and his friends should be
proud. He made a success of his own
business at Rlue Hill, and for two years
he has conducted the treasurer's olllce
in Y manner that shows that he is in
I evi way conversant with the details
of the oflice. He is one of the cleanest,
most levelheaded and popular otllcers
the county has ever had, and ho needs
no recommendation from us or any
other man. However, you .should not
fail to vote for him at the primary just
because he has no opposition, but give
him that indorsement he so richly deserves.
For County Superintendent.
While we deem it entirely unneces
sary, we feel like saying a few words
in commendation of the work of Mrs.
Nellie West Caster, who is a candidate
for rc-nominat'on to the olllce of county
superintendent. So far as we are able
to learn she will have no opposition at
the polls next November, as no oandi
dutj has filed for the nomination in
either party. Mrs. Caster's work as
county superintendent has been so sat
isfactory that there has been no
ground for complaint, and she has
gained a reputation for hard work that
should entitle her to the support of
everywne interested in the schools of
the county. She has a university ed
ucation, and won her place through
good hard work. This summer she
has been engaged in Normal institute
work at Alma, and her work there
demonstrated that she was entirely
capable of looking after the education
al interests of any county.
Oliver Hcdftc.
Oliver Hedge has announced his can
didacy for re-election to the olllce of
sheriff. That he will be re-nomiuuted
and elected there is no question. He
has given excellent service to the coun
ty, is big enough (o scare most crimin
als into submission, and those whom
he cannot scare he will sit upon ami
"squash" Laying all jokes aside, he
has made one of the best sheriffs this
county has ever had and, while he has
had no dangerous cases in which to
distinguish himself, all who know him
know that he will be there with the
goods when the occasion arises.
The Complete List
of candidates who have Hied with the
county clerk their applications to be
placed upon the ballot at the primary
election to be held September .'I, with
the political party:
For County Treasurer
W. ('. Frahm, Republican.
K. C. Christy, Prohibition.
For County Clerk
lohn .1. Garber, Rep.
V. II. Fulton. Rep.
10. W. Ross. Rep.
W. G. Shannon, Rep. I)e Tour, Pop. and Deni.
.1. A. Saunders, Pro.
For Clerk District Court
G. W. Hutchison, Pop. and Dcm.
T. II. niggle, Rep.
lOdward Hanson, Rep.
For Sheriff
0. I). Hedge, Rep.
A. T. Smith, Pop. and Deni.
For County Judge
John It. Stanser, Rep.
J. S. Gilliam, Rep.
ii. A. Haskius, Pop. and Dcm.
1. W. lOdson, Pop. and Dcm.
For County Superintendent
Nellie West Caster, Rep.
For County Assessor
11. C Scott, Rep.
Geo. P. Gather, Rep.
W. It. Cramer, Pop. and Deni.
For County Commissioners
Third district:
Geo. W. Hummel, Rep.
II. G. Sawyer, Rep.
10. M. F. Grubb, Pro.
J. C. Krooks, People's lnd.
Fifth district
10. S. Fit.. Rep.
(5. Olmsted, Rep.
T. A. Raldwin, Pro.
For Constable
W. K. (Jeer, Rep.
For Road Overseer
F. J. Wobberman. .
Ask for Allens's Foot-Ease,
a powderfor swollen, tired
ing feet. ' Sample sent free. Also free
samples of the Saitary Corn
Pad, a new invention. Address Allen
S. 01 instead, Le Roy. N. Y.
m m i
The bites and stings of insects, tan
sunburn, cuts, burns and bruises are
relieved at once with Plnesalvo Carbo
lized. Acts like a poultice, and draws
out inflammation. Try it. Price 2.1c.
Sold by ricnry Cook's Drug Store.
Farmer Near Campbell Uses Pitchfork
On Ills Neighbor.
Robert Mel(amryn, a farmer near
Campbell. came to Red Cloud Wednes
day in. answer to a telephone call In
forming him that there was a warrant
out for his arrest on the charge of hav
ing assaulted one Henry Ruottgonbaok
with intent to do great bodily harm.
It seems that Mr. Mcl.amyra was
cutting some hay, when llntt etc.,
came up and claimed tho hay as his
own. After a short dispute Ruett
etc , struck at McLamyra with a whin.
whereupon the latter prodded the man
with the long name with a pitchfork,
the tines of which took effect in Ituett
etc., legs. Theiniured party caused
a warrant to be sworn out for "Mac's"
arrest, and it was in answer to this
call that he came to Red Cloud. Ho
was placed under $.100 .bond to appo'ir
next Monday for trial.
P. W. Roland Badly Stunft.
On Wednesday morning.P. W.Roland
was attacked by a swarm of bees
which approached him from the rear
covering himself and team almost in an
instant. Itoth he and the horses were
very warm and the bees stung furious
ly. Andy Guy happened to be near at
hand and ran across the road to his
home, getting a dish pan with which he
soon set up a din that attracted the
bees and caused them to settle on the
grass. This undoubtedly saved Mr.
Rojand's life as he could not have
fought them more than a few minutes' "l-utty Kloliardson of Uiicago, an ox
in the intense heat. The horses simply ' N,lUnml league pitcher, and Jesse
rolled and tumbled about until the bees
left them. Roth man and beasts were
literally covered with stingers. Dr.
Pace happened to be available and the
patient was made as easy as possible
and It is thought he will recover in
good time. Guide Rock Signal.
Pineules are for the kidneys and
Hluddcr. They bring quick relief to
backache, rheumatism, lumbago, tired
worn out feeling. They produce nat
ural action of the kidneys in filtering
waste matter out of the blood. Ill)
days treatment SI. Money refunded
if Pineules are not satisfactory. Sold
by Henry Cook's Drug Store.
your tongue to
and fook in the glass you will see the effect
You can't help puckering it makes you pucker
to think of tasting it
By the use oC so called cheap Baking
Powders you-lake this
right into your system you injure digestion,
and .ruin your stomach.
Say plainly -
Royal is made from
than Alum but you have the profit of quality, the
Farmer Near Inavnte Removes Shotgun
From Biiiy Nuzzle First.
John Deltrunuer. a well known farm
er living north of luavale, received a
bad wound Tuesday evening while at
tempting to remove a shotgun from a
hugy. It seems his sous had gone to
town, taking the gun along to shoot
rabbits by the roadside. When they
returned home they left the gun in the
buggy, and Mr. Deltrunuer took the
gun by the inuz.le and drew it toward
him. In some way it was discharged,
the charge entering his right side.
Physicians were summoned and the
wound dressed. They pronounced the
Injury serious, though not necessarily
fatal. This is the second accidental
shooting in this family, one of the boys
having shot the other while out hunt
ing last fall.
"Sklddoo" For the Odd Fellows.
Wednesday afternoon's game
tween the IOagles and the Odd Fellows
resulted in a score of ,'lt to "23" in fa
vor of the former. The game was re
plete with brilliant errors tin both sides,
the Ren Adhemites having a little the
best of it in the number of errors made.
"Denial" Garber, of the Odd Fellows,
gave an exhibition of stick 'work that
should entitle him to a place on the
Chicago White Sox, he having three
home runs and a three-bagger to his
credit. The American Raid IOagles
had the advantage of having played
one game before, and they rang in two
professional pitchers in tho per.sons of
Ray, who "fired" for Charley Milllgan
long enough to put him in the profes
sional class. The game did not last,
quite as long as the game last Friday
between the IOagles and the Knights of
Pythias, as the playing was at times
fast and furious. Lloyd Rradbrook
otllciatod as umpire, and there were re
peated calls for"Rurroughs"to take his
place. However, he refused to give up.
If you suffer from bloating, belching,
.sour stomach, Indigestion or Dyspep
sin, take a Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet
after each meal, anil overcome the
disagreeable trouble. It will Improve
1 the appetite, and aid digestion.
I by Henry Cook's Drug Store.
puckering, injurious Alurri
pure, refined Grape Cream
William Yondcrfcclit (ids Into Trouble
Over Defending Ills Cattle.
Sheriff Hedge went down to Guide
Rock the first of tho week and brought
back William Vonderfeoht on a charge
of having assaulted his stepmother
with Intent to do bodily Injury. The
warrant was sworn out by Henry Von
derfeoht, father of tho accused. Wil
liam was placed under S 100 bond to ap
pear for trial.
Fromllhe best accounts that can be ob
tained of tho ufialr, it seems that Mrs.
Henry Vonderfeoht had gone to the
pasture to look after some cattle, and
the dogs got after William's cattle and
ran thorn. l(e it understood that while
the two Vondorfocht families' occupy
separate homes, their cattle browse t -gethor
In one pasture, hence trouble.
When William saw the dogs chasing
his cattle he came to the rescue and an
altercation with his stepmother was
the. result. In the natural course of
events William handled his stepmother
rather roughly, and an examination
by a physician showed that she was
rather seriously bruised.
An Unfair Statement.
Those who attended the Chautauqua
at Red Cloud complain of the extortio
nate prices charged at the the hotels,
eating houses and other public places.
Guide Roelc Signal.
Tho above charge is manifestly un
true. At the lunch counters the same
prices prevailed that have ruled for
years. At the hotels and restauranls
the prices were the same as before tho
Chautauqua began, the restaurants
having raised to 2.1 cents per meal a
short time before the beginning of
that event. If that is extortion, then
the alleged restaurants of Guide Rock
and other surrounding towns have been
charging extortionate prices for years,
as Red Cloud was the only town in the
neighborhood where meals icould be
p 'ocured for less than 2.1 cents.
Pineules for the kidneys strengthen
these organs and assist in drawing
poison from the blood. Try them for
rheumatism, kidney, bladder trouble,
for lumbago and tired worn out fcel-
They bring quick relief. Satis-
. faction guaranteed.
Cook's Drug Store.
Sold by Henry
of TartarCosts more
profit of good health. r