The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 09, 1907, Image 8

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AkAfck AU Or tk (AaOili tha U( kkiiiiUi( Op OntOiU Or U.Vi Or AtiAOri 0a(U.4(U(.
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Jlemsy flotes prom Neighboring Tomns I
' themselves tho superior playets by a
(From the Advocate)
J. 13. Sumner the Hrst of the
ruuoivcd his new Holsman auto.
The citizens of Hlldroth are making
preparations to vote bonds for a watei
works system.
P. A. Tnnquury last Saturday night
reached the sovonty-llfth milestone In
his llfo and seventy-live of his neigh
bors and friends gave him a pleasant
(Prom the Signal.)
Mrs. Kiln Sheppnrd has sold her
ittock of millinery goods to Mrs. Abe
Sohouburg of Holdredge.
John A. Shooley sold his stook of
1'urnituro and undertaking goods to
M.J. Tumor, proprietor of the east
aide furnlturo'store.
Part of the time this week our
streets wore practically deserted.
Those who wore not busy at work wore
attending the Hod Cloud Chautauqua.
It would bo an easy matter for some
person to stock up with honey bees
this season, as tlio colonies in this vi
cinity seem to bo swarming more than
margin of 10 to fi.
Harman Aekerman, well known to
the people of this vlciitvty, met with a
serious accident this week while tend
ing a threshing machine near Ragan.
He in some manner got one of his
feet tangled in the machinery, mash
ing it so badly hs to make amputation
W. J. Clapp and wife attended the
Chautauqua at Red Cloud yesterday
in order to hear Rev. Newell Dwight
Hillls. Mr. Clapp was acquainted with
Ilev. Hillls when he first entered tho
ministry and was engaged In mission
ary Sunday school work in this part
of the country.
Ruler of Slam Spends Much for Jew
els While on Recent Trip.
Ikrlln, Aug. 7. Stories regarding
the extravagance of the king of Slam,
eo far as the purchase of Jewelry Is
concerned, continue to crop out
Among his recent purchase?, It Is said,
Is a gold thimble, cove-red with dia
monds and other gems, which Is
valued at $75,000. In his palace at
Bangkok the king has an enormous
stoic of jewels. The apartments of
the first and second queens are said
to contain largo collections, while the
walls of his own apartments are uho j
covered with gems.
(Prom tho Enterprise)
The IHadou school board has elected
four teachers for tho coming year and
will toaeJi cloven grades.
Mrs. II. C. Chovalior loft Tuesday
morning for Montreal, Canada, whoro
tibo will visit for t-ovoral months.
II. J. Wallaco has recently come into
possession of tho old family Bible that
lias been tho property of his family on
his mother's sldo of tho houso for over
a hundred years. The printing was
done in 179!).
Mr. and Mrs. l C. GrandstaU" and
Mr. and Mrs. Will Henuett drove down
to Red Cloud Monday and attended
the Chautauqua. They report tho
music furnished by tho Kilties as be
ing worth tho price of admission many
times over.
(Prom the Express.)
Miss Coriune Dusonberry of Nelson
was in tho city Monday evening, re
turning to Nelson Tuesduy morning.
The four-months-old child of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Chaney, living south of
the river, died Priday and was buried
George Green and sou have returned
from their seven weeks' trip to Spo
kane and George Is very much im
proved in health and will take up his
job on the road again.
The new station at Cadams was
opened today, with O. II. Bartlott as
ntrnnt. This is quite an event in tho
life of this little town, which has been
coming rapidly to tho front of late.
Mrs. Heed is moving her olfects from
tho King hou-c and shipping thorn to
Hastings, where they will live, her
daughter Gulielma being engaged to
teach in the city schools at that
Suspicions of Barjrjagemaster at Mar
seilles Prove to Be Well Founded.
Marseilles, France, Aug. 7. A trunk
belonging to a man and woman who
arrived here from Monte Carlo at
tracted the attention of the baggage
master, who ordered it to be opened.
It was found to contain the body of a
woman cut to pieces. The man and
woman owning the trunk were arrest
ed. Thev had asked that It be lor
wr.ided to London.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
Chicago, Aug. G. Wheat prices on
the local exchange declined more than
lc from the high price today becauto
ol Increasing local receipts and favor
able weather In the northwest. At
tho close the September dellveiy
showed a net loss of 'thc. Corn was
a shade lower. Oats were down lc.
Provisions were unchanged to a shade
lower. Closing prices:
Wheat Sept., !)(?(,& 9 04c; Dec,
Coin Sept., 5314c; Dec, 5!lc.
Oats Sept., 43c; Dec, 42c.
Pork Sept., $ 10.42 Vac.
Lard Sept., $0.15; Oct., $9.20.
Ribs Sept., $S.72'i; Oct., 58.03.
Chicago Cash Prices No. 2 hard
wheat, STljCi'bDVfcc; No. 2 corn, oo'c;
No. 3 white oats, 47hs50I,&c
Fulton ?
Grocery Co.
(Successors to John Griffith)
Stable and Fancy
ganmatoaagL- :mmn hi h i ii'iimaimaanmHaa
A full assortment of Seasonable
Goods kepi in Stock.
Call and See Us. We will try to
Please You.
425 Webster Street.
Bell phono 10.'. Ind. phono M
Barber Shop
Basement of
Potter Block.
a Specialty
Notice of Tax Sale.
Notice Ik lioteby jjlven that th unrlcrelRnrd,
on the sixth (lav of November. 10 5, piirclutkpd
of the county treasurer of Webster county. No
brftHka. ut Drivnte ir1o. the followlni; described
real ettnte. wold for delinquent taxes for tho Tenr
ltH. Rial slltmted In Hot! Cloud, Writer county,
Ncbrnkit, to wit' I.oii (ilxteeti (li)iiud 8Mpn.
teen (17). bloclf eleven (II . Sml'li A Moore'R ml
dltlon to Hetl Cloud. Vehter county. NebrnskK,
iiikI taxed In the name of K. L. Anilcrion.
The above limned person nml 'nil other iicryom.
wlio claim an IiiUTt-H In the above land will
lake notice that the time of redemption or mU)
hind from aM tnx Mile will explic on the7thlAy
of November. A I) Ili'T.nflPr which 1 will apply
lor n tux deed to nil of the above Ihih) which I'm
not redeemed .1 S. Houciuion,
IJnteil UiIhv.M day of July, ltf)T.
Notice of Tax Sale.
Notice U hereby Klvcn that the undersigned,
on the (ith day of November, 1(M.". purchased "f
Hie county treasurer of Webner county. Ncbriih prlvnte sale, the following dci-tlticd renl
eMate cold for tle!l!irUf lit tiixe lor the ear 1WI,
anil "Itimled In lted cloud, Webster conniv. No
bniHk'i, to ulp Lot four t-1) live (M and lx(tl).
In bloi-k ten (I"), of I.oDiio'm addition to I fed
Cioiid. NchnttkH. tnxed In the name of Kdlih
The nboe named persDlinnd all other who
claim an liitfrext In the above bind Mill
notice Unit the time of redemption ot Mild land
I torn ald tax Mile will expire on the Tib iIrv of
NtiM'inber A. 1 WW. nff-r which 1 ullliipplv
lor n tax deed for all of the iibote land that I'm
not redefined. Louim Hanj.v.
Unled this lldi day of July, W07.
(From tho Messenger)
Alt Owens had tho niisforiuuo to
lose his fancy driving horso while on
tho road to Downs last Wednesday.
The horse became sick a little way out
from Downs, where it died. .
Ono pleasing feature that will bo a
now departure tor me itur tuts year
will bo tho base ball tournament. Each
day tho best clubs of this section of
the statu will contend for purses ag
gregating 51100.
About tho niftiest pioco of window
display wo have seen recently is tho
little engine and tender in tho Ahlbom
hardware store, made and designod by
young Karl Ahlborn and Clyde Ar
nold. It is made from hardware found
in tho store.
(From the Review.)
Dr. Myers came into tho olllco Fri
day afternoon and informed us that a
It-pound hoy had been born to Mr.
and Mrs. Mike Sullivan.
A. J. Waldeck's team ran away with
him Thursday while on the road to
town. They struck a post near Walter
Moore's place and Mr. Waldeek was
thrown into the wire and badly cut
about the face.
A. P. .lohnsou, accompanied by his
son Ralph, loft Sunday morning for
Omaha to consult Dr. Gilford, the eye
specialist, concerning Mr. Johnson's
eye. They returned Tuesday night
and icport no operation necessary.
Lust Friday evening Frank Phinney
had a little accident. While driving
home from town witli a buggy ho at
tempted to lead a threo-year-old colt
behind tho buggy. At tho mill tho
colt got frightened at something and
luugod into tho rear end of tho buggy,
breaking tho hind wheels and badly
spraining Ftauk's right hand.
A Trade In Learning.
"I want you," said the old farmer,
"to give the boy 'bout six or eight dol
lars' worth o' learnln'. For instance,
I'll start him on three bushels o' corn;
then, when that's out, I'll keep him
a-movln on a couple o' smokehouse
hams, an' I may decide to give you a
young heifer to I'arn him wrltln' an' a
home raised cow for a lectio 'rithme
tle." "Do you want him to learu any of
the higher branches':"
"Well, after ho climbs a leetle you
might throw In 'bout a bushel or twe
of 'em, or say 'bout a quarter o' beef's
worth." Atlanta Constitution.
W mnttEY
lu" "
Notice of Bond Sale.
Sealed pronoMils will be received lv 1, 11.
Fort, Secretary of the School Huurri. until AiikuhL
J7th 1117. nt I a 31.. for the nurchaMj nf KMW
School ilondsol the School District of tho Cllv
of Hed Cloud. Webxter County. Nebrat-l.ii. Mitecl
April 2nd, 1MJ7, Honda are In den initiation ol
JoOOench, dated June Int. 1007, bearltiR 'f per
cent per annum, maturing June 1st. iWi, ami
optional after r jearn. Heads ls-sued pun-nunt
to section ll'.T.d. Oobbej' 1903 Annotated stat
utes of Nebrasliu.
lllds must be accompanied bv certified chock
for tWK). paxnble to the City TreaMircr. TI10
Iloaru reserves the rlctit to roject any and all
Dated August 1M, MOT, lted Cloud. 'Nobrithl.u.
DK. U.K. HAINES, President.
L. H. FORT, Secretary.
Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon. Ind.. Fays; ''My
wife had Inflammatory Hheumnihm In every
muscle and joint; tier Mitrerltif,- was terrlnlo
aud her body and face were swollen almost lut
yond recognition: had been In bed six weekw
and had eight physicians, but received 110
benefit until the tried the Mystic Cure tor
Rheumatism. It gave Immediate relict unit
she was able to walk about In three dsvs. 1 nut
sure It tavod her life." Sold by U. K. fifes.
Druggist, Red Cloud.
Mlv-vV,. JIUIT
(From the Argus.)
The Jersey set tiro to the grass in
Nate Smith's pasture Wednesday
I.obanon was quite well ropresonted
nt Hod Cloud Monday, as not loss than
four auto loads aud as many earriago
and buggy loads took in tho Chautau
qua. Tho gasoline stove in tho kitchou of
Mrs. E. II. Watson balked Thursday
morning ;and started a blaze, but. it
was extinguished before any particu
lar damage, was done.
Robert Homier and children of
Smith Center were in Lebanon Friday.
Mr. Homier has been blind since 12
years of age, but apparently enjoys
life bottor than some of us who aro
blessed with sight.
Here Is Relief for Women.
Mother (5 ray. a in New York,
discovered an aromatic, pleasant herb
cure for women's ills, called Australian
Leaf. It Is the only certain inanthly
regulator. Cures feiualc weaknesses,
backache, kidney, bladder and urinary
troubles. At all druggists or by mail
fi() cents. Sample free. Address, The
Mother (J ray Co.. Ley Itoy, X. Y.
(From the Sentinel.)
J. M. Burgess and daughter Clara
were in the city Wednesday. Mr. Bur
gess expects to move to Hed Cloud In
the oarly fall.
Miss Gretohon Maser was oloutod
forotnau of Franklin Homestead, Bro
therhood of American Yeomen, at
their last meeting the tUst.aud only
lady foreman in Nebraska.
A splendid game of basket ball bo
tween tho Star team of this city and
tho Rivorton girls was played in tho
l'iue.ules are for the kidneys and
Bladder. They bring quick relief to
backache, rheumatism, lumbago, tjred
worn out feeling. They product' nat
ural action of the kidneys in llltering
waste matter out of the blood. 30
days treatment SI. Money refunded
if I'ineules are not satisfactory. Sold
by Henry Cook's Drug Store.
Within Her Rights.
A very black woman In a silver gray
nutouioltlle coat was seen a few morn
ings ago hauling an unwilling and dis
reputable looking yellow dog by a
leather thotsg.
A friendly disposed policeman asked
casually: "Why don't you turn the dog
loose? lie don't look able to run off.
and nobody'll want to steal him?"
"Ain't I a 'oman?' was the tart
There was no disputing the fact.
"Ain't ills heah a dog?"
Patent fact.
"Ain't dls heah New York?"
Obviously true.
"Well, ain't I got a good tight to
walk on dese heah streets and put on
all the style I choose?"
No disputing a self evident proposi
tion. Now York Times.
I'ineules for the kidneys strengthen
these organs and assist in drawing
poison from the blood. Try them for
rheumatism, kidney, bladder trouble,
for lumbago and tired worn out feel
ing. They bring quick relief. Satis
faction guaranteed. Sold by Henry
Cook's Drug Store.
An Encllsh clergyman, recently set
tled In a small town In Perthshire, met
a farmer's hoy while visiting the mem
bers of his congregation. In the course
of eonversatlon the boy said his par
ents had an aunt staying with them.
The parson, not haVing much acquaint
ance with the Scottish language and
not quite comprehending what the hoy
said, asked:
"Then, do 1 understand that your
aunt Is on your father's side or on
your mother's?"
To which the young agriculturist re
plied: "Weel. whiles the nne an whiles the
It her, excep' when feyther leathers
them balth." Dundee Advertiser.
That isn't all you save
either. You know people
who have drank Arbuckles
ARIOSA all their lives?
Look at them. They like ,
it and they haven't had to
quit drinking it.
Don't let any man sell
you something instead,
which may ruin your
stomach and
Compile with til
tcquircmenti of the
National Pure Food
Law, Guarantee No.
2041. filed at Wash- j
Just Received, a Car of
You can save money by
taking 500 pounds of him.
Protection !
15f)e Medical
Chemical Co.'s
"Haven't you ever noticed her com
plexion?" Milwaukee Sentinel.
AskforAllens's Foot-Ease,
a powder for swollen, tired hot, smart
ing feet. Sample sent free, Also free
samples of the Koot-Kase SaltaryCurn
Pad, a new invention. Address Allen
S. Olmstead, l.e Hoy. N. Y.
The bites and stings of insects, tan
hunburn, cuts, burns and bruises aro
relieved at once with Pinesalve Carbo
llzed. Acts like a poultice, and draws
out inltammation. Trv it. Price Wc.
bull park Thursday, the Stars showing j Sold by Henry Cook's Drug Store,
Man's Precious Rib.
A young lady having asked a surgeon
why woman was made from the rib
of 'man in preference to another bone.
he iravo her the following gallant an
swer: "She was not taken from the
head lest she should rule over him. nor
from his feet lest ho should trample
upon her; but she was taken front his
side, that she might bo his equal; from
under his arm, that he might protect
her; from near his heart, that he might
cherish and love her." Houston
Poor Colors.
"I can't understand Mabel."
"Why not?"
"She's always trying to get things to
match her complexion."
I'AYJiat ofU?"
Wh;t Changed His Mind.
"I had supposed until yesterday, doc
tor, that the days of the bleeding of
patients were past."
"And so Uiey are. Uut what changed
your mind?"
"The hill you sent me."
Ho Powders
are the best on thet market.
Expell the worms.fa'llay "the
fever, sweeten the stomach,
and place the hog in a healthy
They are sold on a guaran
tee, or your money back.
Parties wishing any of these
will consult our agent,
Wi Hi WALTER, Red ciout. i,i.
Agents wanted. Write Soper & Wil
cox, Riverton, Neb.
Hustle While You Walt.
While waiting for your prayer to be
answered try to get what you want
yourself. St. I.otils Olobo-Domoerat.
His Work.
"What." asked the man who Is al
ways preaching, "have you ever done
to make this a brighter world?"
"I've doue a lot In that line, stran
ger." said the one with the large, rough
hands. "I'm a barn painter by trade,
and 1 generally paint 'em red."-Ch!ca-go
If you suffer from bloating, belching,
sour stomach. Indigestion or Dyspep
sla, take a King's Dyspepsia Tablet
after each meal, and overcome the
disagreeable trouble. It will improve
tho appetite, and aid digestion. Sold
J by Henry Cook's Drug Store.
Rosidenco: PirstJ door south of
Rod Cloud Mill, 101 South Webster
Can be foundat.home every forenoon.
Terms reasonable.
1 'jrf
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