f i LOCALETTES s W. W Good was over from Lebanon, thto week. On Wednesday a two-inch rain fell over iu Walnut township. There will be services at the Kpiscr jiiil church next Sunday morning. Mr. anil Mrs. Lawrence MeCall are the parents of u son, born last Sunday. Wan n:i Small second-hand lire proof safe. Address II. N. I.eui-. Rla- Ion, Neb. 2t Mrs. Hart Wright of Xoligh. Neb., I is visiting with her brothers, Kd and i Tracy Sherer. In this Issue of the Chief County .ludgr K(Im)ii auuouuees his eandldaey for re-election. Charley Fort of Omaha and Mrs. Xel lie (Jardnerof Orleans were among the vinitors this week. Mr. and Mrs. Oiner Doling of Nor folk, Neb., are parents of a daughter, born last Friday morning. For a short time we will receive subscriptions to The Delineator at 75c per annum. F. Newhouse. Mrs. Charles Hunter and Mrs Davis, of Inavale, were the guests of Mrs. Mnry Arneson the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. K. It. Mercer of Gibbon, Neb., visited the first of the week with the former's brother, M. A. Mercer and wife. Do as the rest will do, see the Ruth Craven company's fine plays. Opera house, three nights, commencing Mon day, August 111. Dwight Wilson came home from Lin coln this noon and will remain until tins first of September, when his vaca tion will be over. Hail did considerable damage to crops south of the river Tuesday eve ning. Rev. George Hummel was again one of the worst sufferers. Md ttobbins and wife leave for l.o villa, la., in the morning, called there by a telegram announcing the serious illness of Mrs. Robbins father. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henderson and Mm. R. J. Skeen went to Verdou, Neb., the first of the week, being callodjthere by tho serious illness of a sister. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thomas are the parents of a daughter, born last Wednesday-, at the homo of the mother's pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Evans. Mr. and Mrs.C. II. King and daughter of ludiauola and Mrs. I. Evans and daughter of Denver, were guests at the home of Will Parkes, Sr., the first the week. Charley Godsey, one of the most popular barbers who ever worked in Red Cloud, came in Friday and will 'work for Dal Sheard. His wife accom panied him. A. T. Walker, our rustling real estate man, took a party of six too Hayes All kinds of Staple Fancy Groceries Your Patronage is Solicited by lUcFARLAND T5he GROCER All tho Phonos f CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears tho Signature- of X S , . . county last Tuesday evening. Horo-j cently sold over 520,000 to buyers from Thayer county. You say ha'lm, and then you laugh some more when vou see the comedians , with the Ruth Craven eomoanv at tho I opera house. three nights, commencing Monday, August 12. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Curtin of Hill ings. Mont., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arnold of Rluo Hill tho first of the week, and they came down to take iu the Chautauqua. Mrs. E. .!. Culbertson and Mrs.Grace Culbertson of Peru, mother and sister of Mrs. L. H. Fort, stopped oil' in Red Cloud Thursday on their way home from a trip to Colorado. Hear Miss Thelma De Hccque. Amor-' lea's youngest prima donna. Her vocal ' selections are alone worth the price of ) admission. Opera house, three nights, , commencing Monday, August 12. U C. Olmstead and daughter Rial, of , Inavale, were In town yesterday. Mr Olmstead will have a sale a week from Tuesday, after which he andMissOlm stoad will go to Colorado on a pleasure trip. SJ . SI-X7-i-- fietfyx'UCU Quite a crowd came up from Superior Hedge, J. Holsworth, .1. Havel, Ed Wednesday evening to celebrate that Amack, W. II. Tuber, Charley Walter, town's victory in the baseball game. l). ltimten. and they brought along with them' Knights Ren MeFarland, Paid Pope, Superior's little German band to help Charles Leuzler, W. Scrivner. A. H. make a noise. j Koi ney, Ed Walters, R. F. Muntz, The Knights of Pythias and the , Horace Urown, .John Mutz. Eagles are playing a game of baseball, Umpires "Lee" Graves, "Doe" Nel this afternoon for the benefit of the son, J. Lain, G. Rradbrook, Harry band and baseball boys, One of the ' Gilliam, Oscar Rurroughs: agreements is Unit each player has to Scorers Oscar Teel, George New pitch one inning. house and one or two others. TIih Union m,...t.lnLrs will nrrain be F..M11.1...I n...vt Snndav evenimr. Rev. C. H. Smith will preach the sermon. Mrs. Clara Hazelrigg and daughter are expected to be present and take part in the program. A welcome ex tended to all. Frank W. Cowden, of the Cowden Kaley Clothing Co., loft for the east the first of the week to lay in the firm's fall and winter stock of goods. Tho firm's business the past year shows a big increase over that of last year, which was a record-breaker. The Skaggs Jewelry Co., of Lebanon has replenished its stock and will soon be open for business. Mr. Skaggs was in Red Cloud this week and informed the Chief that the announcement stat ing that he had retired from the jew elry business was a mistake. County Commissioner II. G. Sawyer has announced his candidacy for re election. Mr. Sawyer lias made one of the best county commissioners we have ever had, but we had understood up to a few days ago that on account of his extensive business at Inavale he would not be a candidate for re-election. Frank Henderson has bought the J. II. Railey place in the western part of the city. This is a beautiful subur ban home, with twelve lots and good cottage and outbuildings. Mr. Railey gives possession September 1, when he will move Into his beautiful new home, corner of Chestnut and Fifth streets. Consideration, fc.'OOO. Ren P. Ranks and brother Arved, from Catherton precinct, were in town Wednesday. The former came down to accompany his daughters liome.they having spent a week here attending the Chautauqua. Arved Ranks, who has been employed for the past year on George Cather's place will leave a week from tomorrow for a visit in Sweden. Fred Hansen, a farm hand, was ar rested Tuesday night upon a warrant sworn out by W. .1 Scrivner, charging him with buying and delivering in toxicating liquor to Al Scrivner, who is barred from purchasing liquor for himself. Anderson pleaded guilty to the charge and was fined .10, which was reduced to 817 and was paid Thursday morning. During tho second game with the Topeka Giants, Pitcher McCIosky of Nelson, who was playing right field j for Red Cloud, lost his pocket book containing about 80. The purso'was ' found Tuesday evening near the right field fence, by Geo. Miksch, sonof Ru fus Miksch. At the time it was thought the purse had been picked up by one of the colored players, but In the light of the present circumstances it is plain to be seen that an injustice was done f them. Prof. Alvin Snapp is organizing an other band, to be wholly made up of new beginners. Tho first meeting will be he'd next Wednesday, and all par ties interested are requested to see Mr Mtapp before that time. Thoobio'f of the new organization is to furnish subs'itutes fur the present band, and in time it is expected that all of the new players will be taken Into the old band. Mr. Miupp is certainly working hard to give Red (.'loud a first class musical organization. Asa Gurnoy, living four miles north of town, received a kiok from a horse Sunday evening that came near putting hlm ol,t ,)f '"lw- U ems he was "ut ,M ,,is h"K lot ''Hng the hogs and il ,,rsi' tlmt as running "found in the lot made a kick at a hog and lauded his hoof In Asa's stomach. Mr. Gurnoy walked to the house and telephoned for his nephew. Tina Gurnoy, who lives on the F. Newhouse farm, then ho lost consciousness. He was so badly injur ed that he had no recollection what ever of having called anyone by tele phono, lie is now getting along nicely and his recovery is assured. EAGLES WIN KnUMs of Pythias no Natch for the Hl$h Flyers. That was a great game of baseball pulled off Friday afternoon for the i benefit of the band. The teams wer. m!ule up ()f uwn rtfpresi!lltltlK tlie Knights of Pythias and Eagles, the hit' ter winning the game by the close score of 4f to HI. Tho teams were made up as follows: Eagles F. Hurdon. Lee De Tour, F, ll W"H "uxl " impossinie u. Keep traok of t,R' brilliant plays made by the various players, for sometimes the playing was so fast that even the um pires could not tell what the players were trying to do. The Eagles were very naturally the best ball players, as they could soar into the air and catch the flies (and other Insects). Tho way Ed Amack and Ren Muntz flew around the bases was one of the features of the game. Amack missed several chances in left field by lying down on the straw stack and going to sleep. Rill Tabor played a star game in center field, he having managed to dodge all the balls that came his way. Paul Pope distinguished himself by making the only two lly catches that were made. He also hit the ball once in a while, though in this he was no different from the rest of the ball play ers with the exception of John Havel, who was not able to solve the slants . and benders of tho speedy pitchers 1 whom he was called upon to face. During the first two hours of the game the playing was fast and furious, but for the next two hours and a half things rather dragged, as the boys were getting tired. Somewhere along about the -third hour of play Darrel Rurden got a nice hit, but he had to stop to rest lie: ween first and second, and by rolling the ball along the ground Judge Keeney managed to catch him at second base. It was great to hear the Eagles scream when one of their side nia.de a brilliant play. The Knights were no less loyal to Complies with all requirements of ' S "Our food was good Bear steak, flapjacks, frcsli bread, etc but nothing seemed to warm and strengthen us as much as a cup cf ARIOSA Coffee, which wc kept in the original package, and ground as needed.' Tron a centlemw now Ira Dctlilelvm. Aibuckle' ARIOSA was the first roasted packaged cofTec,- packaged for the cojumcr s protection and the pores oi each berry sealed after the routing with frah eggs and cugar to keep the coodnoa ia and make the coffee icttle dear and quickly. Men's, Boys' and Children's GOOD CLOTHES at Real Bargains 20 Per Cent Discount Sale now on HATS AT COST. Straw Hats at One-Half Price. t Come and get your slhare of the good things. THE GOWDErHAMY GO. 315 Webster St. First Door North of Post Office. their men. and when one of them made 1 a run like Damon racing to tho rescue ' of Pythias he was lustily cheered. County Clerk Lee De Tour was one of the best players among the Eagles. Whenever he got an opportunity to get the ball in his talons ho soared around until he found one of thebravoKnlghts trying to make a score, when ho would put him out. ' One of tho most thrilling plays came in the second hour of the game when Eagle Amack was making a short fly to first base. Something got tho mat- ter with one of his wings and he fell I to the ground. Hi1 managed to repair' the damage, however, before the braves could find the ball, and Hew home. Ren MeFarland did some fine playing for the Knights, he having managed to stop one grounder. Taken altogether, the largo crowd at the game were not disappointed In the playing of either side is it was not much worse than they expected to see. see and leave the opera house with a As a result of the game the l)and boys 1 satisfied feeling. The plays are all will have about thirty-dollars to put' new and up-to-date, presented by a lino in their treasury. company of ten players who are well a , , 'known iu the theatrical profession, SUNDAY NIGHT'S FIRE Orrln Hedge's House Burns. Alonft With All the Contents. Sunday night about ll o'clock fire broke out in the house on the old Win. Holsworth property, thre e miles north of town, which was recently bought by On-iu Hedge. Mr. Hedge was sleep ing in the house alone and was awak ened by smoke. He r.ushed out to give the alarm and his cries were hoard by . George GrllVeth, who called the neigh- bors over the country phone, but be-, at the county fair at Rliuleu, must fore sulllcient help arrived the fire got make application to the secretary, D. 8. beyond control and practically every- Phelps, at Rladen, not later than Sop thing was lost. The house could not I teniber 1, and send stall and pen fees, be rebuilt for less than 81.100. The in- as the association must know this in surance on the house would not begin j order to know how much more to build, to cover the loss. the National Pure Food Law, Guarantee '-T-V I Talk about "roasted fresh daily," the way to get a cup of coffee that tastes like coffee, with all the delicious flavor and aroma intact, is to buy Arbuckles' ARIOSA and grind it as ycu want to USS it. V.'a.-:sa it a Lie Jvlw t!w Diver (.oj yV Hf-. fSwy A Jr&V' Vffiwr nm ram s&ect S I . y T-'-" lr V...-vX V-s. Rs'jti l!e crxi'na cs:y. Co? Icaei iti identity ai I U J --At U n- 1M js ccLte a::cr licna i aSoV sW I X- ,- Speed Program of the Webster County Fair Association. Tuesday. Sept. 21 -2:40 trot, $100; 2::il) pace, $100; riiniilug, one-half r.ille, 8.10; mule race one-half 111110,81.1; pony ninnlnir one-half mile. 8:10. j Wednesday, Sept. 2.1-2::iO trot, $100; free-for-all paeo.S 1.10; running ono-nalf mile, 8.10. Thursday, Sept. 202:20 pace, 8150; free-for-all trot, SlfiO; novelty raoo,8l0; consolation race, 8.10. Friday, Sept. 27 -2:110 trot8100; frco for-all pace, 8150; pony running one- half mile, 82.1; mule race, one-half mile, 8ir. Entrance fee .1 per cent .1 per cent additional from money winners. Consolation purses for horses tlmt have not won a first money. American trotting rules to govern. Three Good Plays. Hie plays to lie presented by the Ruth Craven compauyare the kind you 1 fafwwl II tt.tst.il ti tit tJ twittl rt 1 if li ti mm t tt4 w v wwn iir-i.w-tMiii.- rtirwv,itii ivu i tn u biu duoed between acts making the per formance practically e-utinuous. Lov ers of good clean theatrical entertain ment cannot afford to miss l,Her Fatal Error," "Ross of Idaho,"and "The Sen ator's Daughter," as presented by tho Ruth Craven company, three nightii commencing Monday August 12. Se cure your seats early. Notice. AH persons wishing to enter any horses, cattle, sheep, hogs or poultry as nearly all built are taken. No. 204 1 , filed at "Washington. : sround Never buy loose coffee out of a bag, bin cr tin. If it were good the roaster would not be ashamed to sell it in a package with his name on it. Tlio ule of ArbuclkV ARIOSA exceed thow of all tlio oilier packaged coffer) combined. Il it tho Lett coHea for you, &nj coiti ycu leu. If your grocer won't supply, write to ARBUCKLE BROS.' New York City.