The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 09, 1907, Image 4

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    i You Mau
Need It
Ask your doctor about the
wisdom of your keeping Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral in the house,
ready for colds, coughs, croup,
bronchitis. If he says it's all
right, then get a bottle of it
at once, why not show a
little foresight in such matters?
Early treatment, early cure.
We publlih our formulu
Wo banlnh alcohol
from our moaioinei
We urns you to
consult your
Many a boy is called dull and stupid,
when the whole trouble is due to a lazy
liver. We firmly believe your own doc
tor will tell you that an occasional dose
of Ayer's Pills will do such boys a great
deal of cood. They keep the liver active.
UeCebythe J. 0. Ayer Co., Lowell, Man.
1 hereby announce myself us a can
didate for the otllee of Clerk of the
District Court, .subject to the decision
of the Independent voters at the prim
ary to be held September 3, 11)07.
U Honor. . Jlt'TfiiiNso.v.
To the voters of Webster County:
I hereby announce- myself a candi
date for the Republican nomination for
county assessor, subject to the primary
election to be held September 3, 1U07
Ukojiok P.
I .hereby announce myself a candi
date lor the nomination to the otllee of
county judge of Webster county, sub
ject to the will of the fusion voters at
the primary election to be held Sep
tember :i. " 1 W. Kiimi.v.
1 hereby announce myself a candi
dute for re-election to the otllee of
county commissioner from the third
district, subject to the pleasure of the
Republican voters at the primary elec
tion to be held September 3.
II. G. Sa'wyhu.
To the voters of the Tenth Judicial
I hereby announce myself a can
didate at the Primaries to be held
September 3, 1007, for the Republican
nomination for the otllee of Judge of
the 10th Judicial District of Nebraska,
comprising the counties of Webster,
Franklin, Harlan, Adams, Kearney
mid Phelps. Respectfully submitted,
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the nomination of Judge of
the Tenth judicial district, on the Re
publican ticket, subject to the will of
the Republican voters, at the primary
election to be held September 3, 1U07.
Hastings, Neb. J. W. Jamkh.
Mrs. HazclriAft and Daughter Beiln
Scrles of Meetings Sunday
Mrs. Clara Hn.elriggof Topeka.Kas.,
will begin a revival meeting at the
Christian church-in Red Cloud, Sunday,
August 11, with Elder F. M. Brani'c,
the pastor of the church, and Miss
Mildred Ilazelrigg as leader of song.
Mrs. Ilnzelrigis an evangelist of na
tional reputation. She has been a
prominent leader in revival work for
the past twelve years. She has held
meetings in a great many of the states
and is especially well known in Ne
braska where she has held many meet
ings. She has alwavs been successful
in every field of labor and will doubt
less be successful in Red Cloud. Thou
( sands have accepted Christ at her meet
ings, churches have been built, many
l given themselves to the ministry
' through her work. She has raised
The Chief is authorized to announce i great sums of money to push the work
that William C. Dorsev, of Rlooining-1 f the Christian church. Mrs. Hazel-
sxsSfiiSi ; !vr "."" yr ,n c"1!f"rn,'n :"""";
of the Republican voters of the Tenth t!,u California Christian church board
judicial district, at the primary elec- at one time and has labored there in
tion to be held September 3, 1H07. j mimy meetings, as well as in Oregon,
i Oklahoma, Iowa. Illinois, Missouri and
To the Voters of Webster County: ! ot,,or ht,lte' HhL' is n woil known vAm
l hereby announce myself a candi-' "cator md writer, having written the
dat for thi) Republican nomination ; history of her own state and spent
for County Clerk of Webster County, years 'of her life as teacher, suporin
Nebraska, subject to the primary elec- . , . , , , , , . ..
tion to be belli September 3. mo?. i tU,t f -schools and as a lecturer
K. W. lioss. wuii piioue speauer on etiucauonaisuo-
jects. Miss Mildred Ilazelrigg, who will
conduct the song work is the. super
visor of music for the Topcka public
schools, and is well known as a musi
cian, elocutionist and artist. She is at
present teaching in one of the Normal
institutes of Kansas, and every mem
ber of the institute has taken her
course in music during the time she has
been with them. Miss Ilazelrigg is a
musical graduate and has taken much
work in Itoston and Chicago. A large
chorus should assist her in the work of
the meeting.
The minister of the church, ' Rev.
Itranic, is just beginninghis work with
The Way Lord Brougham Paid Hia
Debt to George IV.
With all of his knowledge nnd talent
Lord Brougham was eccentric anl
Hlovenly In his personal habit. While
he was a young nnd comparatively
unknown barrister he was asked to a
dinner at which the prince regent
presided. Mr. Brougham's hands
needed washing. The regent's keen
eyes rested on them. lie beckoned to
n waiter and gave an order which tins
man heard with a seined face, and
then going out he speedily returned
with a ewer full of water, soup and a
lie carried them to Brougham, pre
senting them with the prince regent':
compliments. The barrister Instantly
withdrew and never nfterwnrd re
ferred to the Insult.
Years later, when the prince, now
king, tried to divorce his wife, Rrotigh-
ham, as her defender, so vehement
ly sustained her cause that slid
triumphed. The king's name was not
mentioned during the trial, though the
nation know that he was secretly the
prosecutor. Rrotighaui In his speech
declared that he saw In the dlstunce
the nnnieless persecutor of his Inno
cent client, (itiotlng with terrific effect
Milton's words:
The other shape.
If shape It mlRht bo called. blade It
stood as night.
Fierce as ten furies, terrible as hell.
And shook a dreadful dan; what seom'd
his head
The likeness of a kingly crown had on.
George IV. felt seriously this savage
attack. The nation sided with the
queen, and her defender had paid lila
debt with Interest.
I opecialoal
To the Voters of Webster County:
I hereby announce myself iisu can
didate for the Republican nomination
for the otllee of county clerk of Web
bier county, subject to the decision of
primaries to be held September 3.
V. It. Fl'l.TON.
To the Voters of Webster County:
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the Republican nomination for
County Clerk of Webster county, sub
ject to the primary election to be held
September 3, 11107. John' J. (i.vuiiKii.
To the Voters of Webster County:
I hereby announce myself a candi-
ill, t., n, lli.i tififiiiittittfiii tf ,.ui, it. u,,i.
..ilnlnn... r....... ,1... mm.:...i .1!....:... ...i. Ii... ii. ,,i r-1,.,.,1 f-i...:. , :.. .. ..i.....i. i,.. :.
iitioiiuutji liiiiu 111U iiiuu iiirtiriei., Mill Mil: ui:-i -.'iwi.ii uiu i.iiiiiii uiiiui;ii, lmii. in
ject to the will of the Republican
voters at the priniary election to be
held September 3.
Ckouok W. IIi'Mwr.i..
To the Voters of Webster County:
I am a candidate for the otllee of
county assessor, subject to the pleasure
of the Republican voters at the pri
mary election to be held September 3.
IlKMir C. Scorr.
Its Evolution From the Apothecaries of
the Colonies.
During the seventeenth century the
druggist came to America and closely
followed English precedents, modify
ing them, however, by the practice of
the Indians, with whom he came In
contact. .Quack apothecaries began to
spring up In the now land, and In 163(1
the colony' of Virginia passed a law
which among other things regulated
the prices and fees of the druggist.
At this time it was fashionable for
the druggists to prnctlce surgery In ad
dition to pharmncy, and the VIrgluIa
colony contained a large number of
people who were proficient In both pro
fessions. In Massachusetts the busi
ness was largely In the hnnds of
Indians, schoolmasters, old women aud
teachers. The Salem witchcraft de
lusion retarded the spread of the drug
gist for some time in the Ray State,
for the popular impression fastened on
the npothccarles a suspicion that they
sold the potions that were supposed to
produce the spells. Among those who
suffered persecution at this time
inkers of medicine appear to have
been prominent.
The drug shop had not yet become a
distinct Institution. It was usually a
branch of the grocery or spire busi
ness. In 10-17 one Giles Fornian of
Roston, hnd. however, firmly estab
lished himself as devoting special at
tention to pharmacy. In 1018 the first
distinctive drug store In America was
opened In Itoston by William Davles.
One that is a Sale-Bargains for Cask
to Buyers -.
to :
jL Through July we will sell you any LIGHT WEIGHT
jL SUIT in the store for
20 per cent
less than regular prices
Mens, Boys' and Children's Suits all go at this price.
to Straw Hats at one-half regular. Felt and wool Hats at
fX cost, some of them at LESS THAN COST.
to Gimbcls, Americans, Royals
to :
h Not a Hat reserved. What Stetsons we have can be bought
2; at cost.
to Remember, this sale is for cash. A look will satisfy "5
to you that we mean business. to
to to
1 Paul Storey, M
. j.W
". '"S'j"C"-,'jT'tf "C'fm"m'' '."''' 'm."H'fr1
one of the strong men in revivel work
There should be a great meeting in
Red Cloud with these workers. All
churches are given a cordial invitation
to make their arrangements so that
they can participate in the meetings.
Every Christian is invited to help In
the great work of soul winning in the.
A Horse's Memory,
father had n tine driving horse
Furniture, Carpets and Undertaking Goods
Licensed Embalmer
and Undertaker
Calls answered Day or Night
that was Intelligent nnd had learned
a number of tricks. One night he was
stolen, nnd no trace was found of him
for nenrly two years when, one day,
father met n stranger driving the horse
and of course claimed him. In the dis
pute which followed father remarked
that if It was the horse stolen from
him he would on being unharnessed
go to the gate, lift the latch, open the
gate, go around the barn, slide the
bolt, open the door nnd go Into the
third stall. The mnn agreed to give
the horse up on those terms. They
drove home uml up the lane to the
burn and unharnessed the horse, when,
without a moment's hesitation, he per
formed the feats father said he would.
Chicago Tribune.
Luwid M. Stewabd, Mgr.
On B. Stkwaiid, Sec. and Treas.
Red Clovid Business College
Goodyear. Marshall
jyitem of
The Touch
system of
Th? Grc$;
system ol
Attend a complete Business College that will prepare you for an idoal
Commercial Life.
Kail Opening Sept. 3. Enter at any time. Individual Instruction
Yours to Please,
Amack & Chaney.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha, Aug. C Cattle Re
ceipts, 230; strong to 10c higher;
native btoers, $4.507.25; cows and
heifots, $3.0084.85; western steers,
$3.5005.40; Texns steers. $3.004.G5,
canners, $2.003.00; stackers an I
feeders, $2.755.15; calves, $2.75uP
5.75; bulls, stags, etc 2.504.75.
Hogs Receipts, 10,000; 10c lower;
heavy $5.70(fj'5.90; mixed, $5.755.85;
light, $o.90fl..l0: pigs, $5.50C00;
bulk of sales, $5,io35.90. Shoep Re
colpts, 12,000; stronger; yearlings,
$5.50(0 0.25; wethors, $5.005.(!5;
owes, $4.50(35.40; lambs, $G.507.50.
Zimmer Taken to Prison.
San Francisco, Aug. 7. Kmilo J.
Zimtnor of tho Pacific States Tele
phono compnuy, who rofused to testi
fy in order to snvo Louis Glass from
San Quontln, was upon ordor of Judge
Wcller taken to the city prison and
hooked on the accusation filed against
him by District Attornoy Lnngdon.
; Zl minor and his attorney protested,
! but J ml go Weller declared that tho
law must he compiled with and that
. ho could see no reason why Zimmor
should be treated differently from any
other city prisoner.
Real Estate Transfers.
For the week ending Tuesday,
August B, furnished by the Fort Ab
stract Co., L. H. Fort, Manager.
Wm Rostock to Fred Magner, It
a, blk a, Rusehows add R Hill. Sl.'l.'iO
Anna John to Oscar Dahni.s,icd.
undv 7, 4,10 ar.oo
Ooldie M Robinson et ul to Otto
K Stetfregen. Its 1 to 10 blk 7,
Morey's add Rlue Hill $00
N. L. D. Smith to David M Fran
cis, pt It 3, ptne nw 10, 1, 11 . . last)
Lewis Oliustead to Chas S Raini
er. w2sw 31, 2, 12 4000
II W Rayles to Martha .1 Reeves
It 7 blk U V nice add to tJ Rock 50
Henry Rayles to Martha J Reeves
It 8 blk it, pt It blk St, Vance's
add to Ctulde Rock 1000
Margaret Fullerton toIilliaiiFull-
erton qcd wa l'.i, 4, 10 l.'.OO
tJoldie M Robinson et al to Jacob
Ooll, It 27, blk 14, Rlue Hill. . . f.O
John A Sheeley to Noah II Peters
Its 3, 4, blk 1, Vances add to
lluide Rock a000
Lincoln Land Co to Chveleir Imp
Co, It 10 blk 13, Bladen 105
Lincoln Land Co to Cliivelier Imp 11, blk 10. Bladen
Joe Cliivelier et al to Romelia C
Chivaller, qcd, Its 10, 11, blk 10
Romelia C Chevalier to Oliver It
Wright, Its 10. 11, blk 10, It 1
blk 0, Bladen 4300
Frank Wheline to Romelia C
Chevalier, ea net 8, 4, ! 3700
Alta Pettey to Lena Dose, It 1 blk
1, Rusehows add to Blue Bill, 500
Judson II Bailey to N K Hender
son, Us 7 to 18 blk 1, Case &
McNeney's add to Red Cloud. . 2000
Com Trust it Safe Det Co to Carl
J Olson n w a!), 3, 12....' 1
State Rank Bladen to Leroy I.
hpence, pt
Canon City, Sunnyside,
and Genuine Nigger
Head Maitland
You may bo particular or what
some call "cranky," but OUR
COAL will pleaso you.
Our coal is clean and we deliver
Bell Tol. 00.
Rural Tel. 71
It 7 blk 7 Bladen.
Mortgages filed, SrtSO.00.
Moitgages released, S0S00.
Bracelets arc still the popular arti
cles. We have a most extensive line
for ludies, misses and children. All
styles. Prices the lowest. New-house
Albright Bros.
We cannot afford to do
less than satisfy in
quality, style, price and
give to you our person
al service and careful
Calls Answered
Night or Day
Rural and Bell phones
at store and residence.
Foil Sai.k Horse, buggy and har
ness. Inquire Joe Fogel.
4 I