The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 09, 1907, Image 2

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Entered In the Poitolncc M lte1 Cloud, Neb.,
hk jbecund OIahii Matter.
Vavl C. Thauks
Gkouok Nbwhocse
In a Scathing Rebuke by Court the
Colossal Corporation Is Placed on
the Same Level an Counterfeiter and ,
Common Thief.
Chicago, Aug. 5. Judge Kencsaw
M Landls, In the United States dis
trict court, lined the Standard Oil
company of Indiana $2IVMO,uuO lor vio
lations of the law against accepting re
bates from railroads." The fine Is the
largest ever assesseed against any
Individual or any corporation In the
history of American criminal jurispru
dence and is slightly more than 131
times ns great as the amount received
J U DP, 13 K. .M. LAN'DIS.
by the company through its rebating
operations. Tho case will bo carried
to the higher courts by the defendant
Tho penalty Imposed upon the com
pany is the maximum permitted under
the law, and It was announced at tho
end of a long opinion in which tho
methods and practices of the Stand
ard Oil company were mercilessly
scored. The judge, in fact, declared
in his opinion that the olllcials of the
Standard Oil company who weio re
sponsible for the practices of which
the corporation was found guilty were
r.o better than counterfeiters and
thieves, his exact language being:
"We may as well look at this situa
tion squatoly. The men who thus de
liberately violate this law wrong so
ciety more deeply than does he who
counterfeits the coins or steals let
ters from tho mall."
New York Police Completely Baffled
by Crimes Committed In that City.
New York, Aug. 5. Tho remarkable
iieries of crimes in this city, in which
women nnd children are the objects
of attack, shows no signs of abating.'
Another ense has been brought to pub
lic notice that or a young iSnst sido
girl, who was attacked by a miscreant
while passing through tho hallway or
tho house that held her own home.
Scarcely an arrest of importance
has been made nnd tho police confess
themselves (milled. Detectives who
have studied tho different cases differ
ns to tho probable perpetrators. Somo
Incline to tho belief that the assaults
are the work of one man, who has the
mad animal Instinct of the london and
Rei'lln "ripper." Others combat this
theory and point to tho widely sep
arated points at which tho crimes oc
curred and the different methods with
which flna. murder was accomplished.
No one ran explain, however, why
there should he such an epidemic of
fiendish crime in this city at this time
a crime tho city is generally free of.
The list of victims who have met.
death In this wnve of crime will reach
flvo, three young girls nnd two wom
en, A score or more have been at
Sect In Return to Writ Says Iowa
, Member Came Into Fold Voluntarily.
Waukesha, Wis., Aug. 2. A sensa
tion was caused at tho habeas corpus
proceedings brought by Mrs. Anna
Lundell of Sac City, la., Tor the re
lease or her daughter, Olga, from Uie
"holy Jumpers." The return to tho
writ alleged that the girl disappeared
from the Fountain house, tho "jump
ore' " mansion, somo time before noon
on Monday, and that her whereabouts
Is unknown. The return to tho writ,
mailo by tho Metropolitan Church uu-
vtfecW-r!: fir '1
Eoclatlon, further states Hint Olga Ltm
dell enmo to the Institution voluntarily
and has remained there voltmturlly.
Kaiser and Czar Meet.
Swlncmundo, Prussln, Aug. 5. Em
peror Willlum conducted divine ser
vice on bjard the loyal yacht Holion
zollurn. Kmporor N'lcholas was pros
out. At noon Kmperor William, with
I'rlnco von IJuolow, the Imperial chan
cellor, had luncheon aboard the Rus
sian royal yacht Stnndart and later'
witnessed incus between launches and
cutters from the warships. The two
emperors presented the prizes to the
victorious crews.
Williams Wins Scnatorshlp.
New Orleans, Auk. fi. John Sharp
Wllllnms 1ms won the United States
senatorial prlninry In Mississippi, ac
cording to returns received hero from
Jackson. With but one county yet to
licnr from. Williams' nliirnlltv la
,)laccU ul ,Jlu Tm, county ntlll tin-
heard from has been conceded to him
by the Vardaman forces.
Surprise Tests Inaugurated on Rail
roads Are Satisfactory.
Omaha, Aug. 7. Although the
Utile n Pacific has been the only Ne
braska road credited with having In
augurated tho "surprise tests" over
Its system, It now develops that tho
Hock Island, Burlington and North
western have for some time been giv
ing their road employes a "tryout" by
this means and that tho reports re
sulting from the tests show conditions
to bo satisfactory.
An employe of the Union Pacific
who has read the reports following
the surprise tests say that they show
a decided Improvement in vigilance on
the part of tho trainmen and that
fewer signals aro being Ignored now
than, ever before.
A new test has been made, consist
ing of tho changing of tho date on
train orders. If the engineer accepts
the order a mark is made against him.
If he refuses It on account of the
false date ho is given due credit.
Seven engineers were discharged
from tho employ of the Union Pacific
a month or so ago for passing "fixed"
semaphore signals, but most of them
were later reinstated. Tho records of
the other roads are said to show about
the same results.
Opinions Show that Judge Phillips
Dissented on One Question.
Omaha, Aug. 7. Attorneys for
George (5. Ware, convicted of con
spiracy to defraud tho government of
extensive tracts of public land in
Hooker and Thomas counties, uro pre
paring n motion for a rehearing of the
case In the circuit court of appeals.
Counsel for tho government and for
Waro have received the printed opinion!-,
from tho circuit cotut of appeals,
alllrming the conviction or Ware. Tho
majority opinion is written by Jud ,e
Sanborn and concurred In by Judo
Hook. Judge Phillips concurs in nil
of the opinion "save In respect of tho
mnnner in which the trial court dealt
with the application of the statute of
limitations," and (lies a dissenting
opinion on that point.
Cohan Dies of Wounds.
Dayton, O., Aug. 7. Abo Cohan,
who wns shot while accompanying
Anna Markowltz, who was choked to
death by a criminal assailant, Is
dead. Owing to his delirious condi
tion, the information he gave concern
ing the tragedy is considered by the
authorities to be of little value.
Trial of Dickinson and Gadd.
Dps Moines. Aug. 7. The trial of
H. B. Dickinson nnd Dr. E. E. Gndd for
the murder of Miss Irene Blydenburg
of Eldora Is to be hold at the Septem
ber term of the Polk county district
court. They were Indicted in October,
1900, and at the time the caso attract
ed much attention.
Cream Rate Hearlnn.
Lincoln. Auk. 7. The aoultcatlon of
i the Western Tralllo association for
pel mission to increase rates on cream
was heard before tho state railway
commission. Owing to the large mini'
!)er of Persons In attendance the hear
lug was held in Representative hall.
Heat Prostrates Four Men.
Lnlcotu, Aug. 7. Four men were
prohtrated by heat, one of whom may,
die. The mercury reached 95 degrees.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, Aug. . Cattle Receipts,
4,500; steady, but slow; common to
prime steeis, $L30ft7.UU; cows, 3.00
5.00; heifers, $3.0005.50, bulls,
3.00 5.00; calves, $3.00' 7.25; stock
crs and leedors, $2.5O5.0O. Hogs
Receipts, 20,000; 10c lower; good to
prime heavy, $b'.106.20; medium to
good heavy, $u00(!.20; butcher-
t.-l.i. An r.j. .. .... .1 i,. t ...... ,.
mixed. $6.00b.t0; lght mixed, $6.1o
(fir.n- nnpuincr. $.. hllftiiH llfl' iiIum.
r- ZAr .a . i .n o,.V.n . il
$o.G06.40; selected, I6.3U&G.40; bulk
J es- -06.20. Sheep-Recelp a,
1J,(,0": s .""' !? , .rJ
"""BB, $5.6006.70; lambs, $C.7D'
Tiirvrr nun nurn 11 n n nnn nnnr n t Mir unwi
Many Barm and Farm Houses Demol
ished and Shipping Sent to Bottom
of the Lake Wires Are Down and
Details Arc Meager.
Mason City, la., Aug. 7. Clear Lake.
TIanloutown nnd Lake Mills were vis
ited by a cyclone at 5 o'clock lat
evening; doing much dnmago. Reports i
from Hauloutowu and Lnke Mills ate ;
meager, as all wires nre down. Many t
barns and farm houses were de
stroyed. One person was killed and
several Injured at Hanloutown. At
Clear Lake the daughter of CI. K.
Rice was probably latally hurt by
Hying boards or tho cottage, which
was blown to pieces. Tho residences
of U O. Verney and F. L. Rogers
wero destroyed. Park trees were lev
elled and shipping sent to the bottom
of the lake. There wero three dis
tinct cyclones, nil coming from tho
Storm Damage Near Klester.
Klester, Minn., Aug. 7. A tornado
formed two miles west of hero and
laid wastB u strip of country twelve
miles long and half a mile wide. At ,
the gravel pit seven cars wero '
wrecked and a number of workmen I
were Injured. Many fnrm buildings
were laid in ruins and tho damage to ,
crops Is reported extensive. A herd ,
of fifty cattle wore lifted bodily by .
tho storm and carried from one pas-1
turo to another.
Storm In Nebraska.
Utica, Neb., Aug. 7. A damaging
wind, rain and hnll storm swept over
tho farming country In the southern
half of this county last evening. Hall
weighing six ounces fell In quantities,
cutting down tho corn and stripping
trees. Tho loss In a limited district
Is heavy.
Titusvillc Express Slde&wiped by Coal
Car at Kelly, Pa.
Pittsburg, Aug. 7. Pour persons
wero killed and twenty-five Injured In
a wreck on tho Pennsylvania railroad
at Kelly, about thirty-flvo miles from
this city. The wrecked train was the
Titusvillc express. While passing
through Kelly tho train was side
swiped by a coal car and the engine,
tender, baggago and express cars,
with three day coaches, wero derailed.
The victims all lived in Pennsylvania.
The dead: Mrs. Alonzo Huff and in
lant of Johnstown; M. 13. Irviu of Oan
mont, engineer of the passenger train;
(leorgo Coekrnn of Itlmesburg.
Tracks on Milwaukee and Burlington
Roads Washed Out.
LaCrosse, Wis., Aug. 7. A cloud
burst, lasting a quarter or an hour,
washed out tho tracks and telegraph
lines and tied up all tratllc on the Chi
cago, Milwaukee and St. Paul and the
Chicago, Burlington and Qulncy road.
The worst washouts are reported at
Richmond river division of tho Mil
waukee road and near Popln, on the
LaCrosse division of tho Burlington.
Further washouts aro feared, as tho
wires went down early, shutting off
Little Change in Strike Situation.
Denver, Aug. 7. There was little
chango In the strike situation on the
Colorado jmuI Southern. Each side to
tho controversy Is awaiting the result
of tho eorrespondeuco now goti-j on
betweou tho company officers, tho
leaders ol the men and tnn tederal of
ficers, who have sought to end tho
trouble by mediation. Tho railroad
I company is Handling somo ireigni, anil
declares that tho business handled Is
nboul fourth of tho normal. This
' denied by the strike leaders.
Court Acts in Soldier's Case.
St. Paul, Aug. 7.-r-.ludgo Vande
venter In tho United Stntes circuit
court Issued a writ of hnfcnis corpus
directed against Colonel llogers, com
mandant at Fort Meade, S. D on be
half of the parentB or Clark Stevens
of Rati Clairo, Wis., an enlisted soldier
In the United States army. Tho pa
rents desire tho discharge of young
Stevens on tho ground tnat no en-
listed when nut seventeen years oi
ok, making oath that ho was twenty-
Cannon Ball Train in Ditch.
Dallas, Tex., Aug. 7. Tho "Cnnnon
ball" train on tho Texas and' Pacific
railroad easthouud went into the ditch
four miles east of this city. The mall
car jumped tho track and wns dragged
t , A tha cftra ,ofl tho tracU
except tho diner, sieopor and engine.
CT ' nn,.amiH warn illirnd. Th ,le.
ra0( cnr8 woro cr0W(led wlth pa8.
ngers. It Is considered miraculous
,hut mnf) wer0 klHea.
Crowd Storms Street Car Barns Where "
Policeman Had Sought Refuge With
Prisoner Attempt to Lynch Offend-)
er Falls Through Ovcreagerness,
New York, Aug. 7. More of vfhnt come to be seriously known at
police headquarters as "near" crimes
against girls were followed by nearer
lynehlngs. Out of tho score of com
plaints that reached ,the police, a
half dozen dcninnded serious attention.
Whether tho number Is extraordinary
Is disputed, but certain It Is that
never before has mob vengeance so
frequently attended attacks upon chil
dren. Led by a woman who, alternately
in Italian nnd broken English, cried
"Avenge my daughter," a reckless
crowd of perhaps 2,000 persons
stormed tho Fourteenth street car
bains of the Metropolitan Street Hall
way company, where a policeman had
sought refuge with a seriously puui- ,
moiled prlfconcr. Paul Sorgerate, a
Greek peddler, thirty years of age,
had made tho mistake, so it is
charged, of kissing Grace Josco, an
Italian of cloven years. A shrill cry
from the girl and an Impassioned ap
peal by tho mother put the foreigners
of tho neighborhood In n rage and as
tho Greek took to his heels, a crowd
puraued. When a block had been cov
ered Sorgerate stumbled and fell, nnd
the mob was upon him. Kicked nearly
senseless, tho Greek nevertheless
gained his feet only to be knocked
down again. By this time somo one
had snatched a clothesline from the
window of a grocery store nnd tho
rioters attempted to put a noose over
tho offender's hend. Only. the over-1
agerness of each rioter to liavo a
hand In tho lassoing saved the ped
dler's neck. During tho confusion a
policeman arrived and clubbed his way .
to the endangered man. For a mo
ment tho crowd fell back and within
that time tho olllcer had dragged hl
man to the nearby car barns. Police
reserves stood off the mob, while the
Greek wns hustled Into a patrol
Innocent Man Mobbed.
Coated of their man, the crowd
vented Its fury on Gnston Keiiskel,
an unoffending workman, homeward
bound. As he was passing tho rioters
a boy pointed him out, at the same
time yelling: "That's the man's
friend. He was there too." Kerlskel i
was pounded until ho was unconscious.
i iiu uuui: iv.iuim.-m mi. ui, ul luu iii-
jureii man ana removed mm 10 a nos-
irHi-u-.! Prnrr m niniu-i-li'lit lin.1 n
lMlwaid 1 rait, a millWllglll, nnd a
unmnit'li'it cliiilln,- iiviini'liiiinii In YVmit
-""'" "- .., -- ..-'
Fifty-seventh Stieet. Nellie and Helen
Fnrroll, each about ten years old, ac
cused Pratt of Improper remarks. Ho
was frightfully mauled before rescued
from a mob by tho police.
An attempt to assault a woamn on the
street adds another case to the long
list of attacks mnde on women nnd
children in tho streets of New York.
Despite the vigilance of the police,
who have been doing double duty to
prevent a further spread of the crime
wave, the attack would have been suc
cessful had It not been for the desper
ate struggle of Adelaide Wildrer, a
trained nurse, who fought her assail
ant with n hat pin and finally routed
him. Miss Wlldrer's screams brought
the police, who pursued tho man to
Central park, where he was brought
to bay with a fusillade of bullets from
the revolvers of the officers. The
mnn snlfl he was Pietro Daurlo, an
Itnllan peddler.
New Proof Makes Members Liable to
Murder Indictments.
Now York, Aug. 7. District Attor
ney Joromo's office, by securing a
copy of the "Fundamental Constitution
of the Reformed Hunchaklst Revolu
tionary Society," has secured evidence
which, tho attorney's assistants claim,
will place every member of the society
liable to indictment for murder.
The constitution, which every mem
ber of tho society must tnko an oath
to obey, states plainly thnt the gen
eral ass wn lily and various central
committers have the right to condemn
persons to death to carry out Its pun
ishment, and It Is on this clause that
the district attorney's office bases its
claim for tho murder indictments.
Secretary Wilson Improving.
Portland, Ore., Aug. 7. Secretary of
Agriculture Wilson's condition was
so much Improved that ho was able to
receive a few friends. On account of
his low vitality, hla physicians havo
ordered him to keep quiet. If his
physicians permit, Secretary Vllson
will leave Portland for San Francisco
tonight, but be will have to abandon
a largo portion of the work he set
for himself beforo starting on his
I .ourney.
but It cannot make n Fair Skin urn
Ulossy Coat.
Women with pood
complexions cannot
bo homely. Creams,
lotions, washes and
powders cannot mnko
a fair skin. I' very
horseman knows that
tho satin coat of his
thoroughbred conies
from tho an i inn I'm
'nil-right" condition.
Lot tho hors9 get
"offhisfeed" nndhis
coat turns dull. Cur
rying, brushing and rubbing will gi vo
him a clean coat, but cannot produco
tho coveted inoothiK'ss nnd gloss of
tho horse's skin, which is his com.
plexion. The Indies will seo tho point.
Lane's Family
Is tho best preparation for ladies vho
desire- a gcntlo laxative mediciuo thai
will givo tho body perfect cleanliness
internally and tho wholeBOineness
that produced such skins as painters
lovo to copy.
Canadian Government
OVER 200,000
farmers who
have settled in Can
ada duringtbc past
few years, testify
to tnc tact tnat
Canada is, beyond
question. the great
est farming land in
the world.
Over Ninety Million
Bushels of Wheat
from the harvest of 1906
means good money to the
furmers of Western Canada,
when the world has to be
fed. Cattle Raising, Dairy
ing and Mixed Farming
are also profitable callings.
Coal, wood nnd water in
abundance; churches nnd
schools convenient: mnrkcts
easy of access; taxes low.
Mipcrliitondmt of Itmnlft ration
Ottnuu, (.'miuilii.
ct the following kuthcrlttd Cantdlin
Uotetmscnl Agent
vr. v. !h:nni:tt
801 civ York Mfc llulldlnjr
tliiiiiliu, .Vli.
3m Trade Marks
rrW9BKm?F Designs
TfVVW ' Copyrights &c.
Anynno wnijlnij n sketch nnit rtOKcrlptlnn mny
qU0kly ascertain our opinion trots wlictlirr m
Invention la prnhnlily .pnU'ntiiljIn. ronntinnlni
tlonsKtrlctlycontlilcntlal. HANUBUUK oiirntmtb
eota irpu. union nuency tor rrciiriiiir luuenia.
I'.iti'iitH taken tlirouuli Munn .t .Y. rtlv
rpcciultiotlcf, without clmrco, Intbo
Scientific American.
A hnndsnmely llluMrntcd weekly. T.rccst clr
dilution if uny Kcluntttlc Jouriinl. Tcnnp, 13 t
jrciir: tiold byall ncnndrulcr.
MUNN & Co.3G'Broad"a New York
Brancn Offlco. Ctt K SU WaahlDntoti. I). C
beautifully illurtrated.good ttoriet
nd article about California
and all the far Wot.
monthly publication devoted
to the farming interetti of the
a book of 75 pages, containing
120 colored photographi of $0.75
picturetque ipoti in California
and Oregon. . .
Total . . . $l.D
Cut out this advertisement
and end with $1.50 to
against Fire, Lightning, Cy
clones and Windstorms, seo
agent for the Farmers Union Inanr
ance Co., Lincoln, Neb., the best in
surance company inthe s'sto.
(to. itCWM
fclildd i 60 YEARS'
M L'iHklFi
Man Znn Pile Remedy comes pnt av
In a collapsible tube with a nozzle.
Easy to apply right where sorenc&s
and inflammation exists. It relieves
at once blind bleeding, itching or
protruding piles. Guaranteed. Price .
Cue. (let it today. Sold by HeRry,4
Cook's Drug Store.