The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 02, 1907, Image 8

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    "(&.-.... ..,.,-...
I fleaisy Notes From Neighboring Towns !
LEBANON. . t0" of Lo'innon.
(From the Times,) Will Chllcott who was lucky enough
Vojn Smith cnmo in Sunday for a to draw claim No. 2o in tho recent gov
visit with his father who was seriously ornment land drawing at Iiilllng9,Mon
injured last Wednesday. j tii returned last evening.
tlcorgo Duokor received a telegram Dan Doltriok reports that T.H.lirlnk
Friday evening stating that his wife, worth's boy.whobroko his leg last week,
who is visiting in Seattle, Wash., had , is improving and that it will not bo
been seriously burned.
A small cyclone visited the country
h few miles southeast of Lebanon
Sunday evening. Wo understand that
qnlto a lot of damage done at tho W.
Q Rollins homo.
Perry Crlss, who formerly lived south
of Lebanon but who went to Fort
Worth,Texas, a short timo ago to work,
died at the latter place Saturdny, July
'20. of typhoid fever.
Tho little child of Mr. and Mrs. John
Dudley died and was buried Tuosday.
This is tho last ono of tho twins bom
last week, tho other one having died a
n short time after birth.
(From tho Messenger)
All kinds of disastrous crop reports
come in from round about at short in
tervals. Tho Odd Fellows have alroadybegan
work on their new hall on South Main
The fanners report tho chinch bugs
doing considerable damage In a good
' many of tho corn Holds In the lleams
vlllo neighborhood.
Dr. Montgomery was at Rivorton
yesterday taking out an eye for Mr. A.
J. Ilannun, who had his eye badly lac
erated about a year ago, making it
neeosMiry to take out the membor.
(From tho Enterprise)
L! 11. Fois, our up-to-date butcher,
this week Installed a numbor of new
automatic fans and now lias them in
D. Crom sold his quarter section of
laud four miles southwest of town this
week. Tho purchase prleo was $11,100,
or $70 per acre.
Tho Uludon band gavo their Hrst free
concert on tho stroet last Saturday
evening and drew a good crowd of llst
nors. Bladen now has a baud they can
well bo proud of as they are beginning
to turn out some good nuisie.
(From tho Review.)
Tho infant son of Mr. and Mrs. I). A.
Groat died Tuesday and was buried
Mr. Ilaynes died Sunday morning
and was burled Monday afternoon in
tho Rivorton cemetory. Mr. Ilaynes
ban becu in poor health for a. long
With tho privilege of remaining with
us us until tho :Ust of this month An
drew Beck will celebrate his 84 th birth
day. Audrew was born in Germany on
tho banks of the Rhine, but camo to
Amorica atan early age in life and
fcpent thirty three birthdays inWobstor
and Franklin counties and with a con
tinuance of his presont health Mr. Heck
will spend nioro birthday. 9
(From the Advocate)
'" Mrs. E. P. Marsh is conllned to her
home by a very severe attack of fever.
,,Dr. J. B. Sumner lias purchased a
two seated automobile of ihe Holsmau
Ltfvl linger, of Ash Grove, died on l
July 1!), He was born in Vermont in
Mr. ami Mrs. C. 10. Harmon of Hoi
drego aro the proud patents of a son
born to them last Tuesday.
(Fiom tho Monitor)
' R. W. Turner has a new UO horse
power autom Jiilo, bought of Lal'e lain-
A triontl or tlirt homo
Afpo ofttio Trunt
kfiompllCB with the Pure Food laws
v 01 an waits.
iinfiuuuiitMf iitu tnf nf r It fa fnnf
. ....v....j ., .....,...,. ... .w.
Jim Gutolius, once famous in Jewell
county has been elected president of
tho International Association of Auc
tioneers of Kansas City. Gutolius now
lives In Kansas City.
(From tho Express.)
Tho Ileuntngson Produce Co., is ar
ranging to build another addition to
their already largo and complete plant.
A dressing and packing addition is to
bo put up at once to nccommodato tho
handling of poultry.
Tho StateSupronio court has reversed
tho decision of tho district court in tho
State vs. Heidobaugh for the burning
of tho Guthrie barn south of Superior.
Heidobaugh was convicted on what ap
peared to bo good evidence, and was
under a two year soutouco. An appeal
was taken with tho abovo result and
and now ho is free.
One of tho landmarks of this coun
try Is a largo Cottonwood treo on tho
Benson Hunter farm about three miles
north of tho city, now owned by W. II.
Dlehl. It is probably tho largest, and
mnyho tho oldost treo in tho county,
and it measures 17 feet and 7 inches in
circumference, and has ono limb that
extends out fully Mfoot. Tho treo and
its branches take up and occupy over
an ncro of ground. Those who have
seen tho treo of late think it hhows
signs of dyine.
(From tho Louder.)
J J. Martin has commenced tho ex
cavation for his now building.
Threshing returns aro coming in
from various parts of tho surrounding
country and aro ranging from twolvo
to twenty eight bushels to tho ncro.
Mrs. lilumonthal met with a pain
ful injury last Saturday whon sho run
a rusty needlo into tho palm of her
right hand, which penetrated tho bono
and broko oil, leaving a piece of it in
tho bone. Sho camo to town and had
a doctor romovo the broken pieco of
(From tho Signal.)
Chicken thieves aro gotting in their
work around town if reports aro true.
Wo understand they aro local parties
and have almost boon caught in the
act once or twice.
II. Wilson is ono of the youngo-t boys
in-town notwithstanding tho fact that.
74 summers have passed over his head.
Ho rocontly purchased a bicycle and
during tho woo small hours of tho
morning while tho rest of tho town is
peacefully slumbering, ho niny be seon
n thestreot near tho parsonage learn
ing to master the untamod steed.
Ed Cox and wifo departed Monday
morning for Long Bench California.for
a visit. Ho drove to Suporior Suuday
to see about the tickets, as tho agent
hero stated that No, 11 would not stop
under any considerat ion. Ho told ' the I
Burlington people at Suporior that if:
they wouldn't stop NYi.11 at Guide Rock !
for him he would go o or the Santa Fo. I
Wo noticed that No. 1 1 stopped Mon-'
day morning and Mr. and Mrs. Cox aro'
(Prom the Citizen.)
Mrs. Henry Kumko was taken to
Omaha Monday by her husband, where
she goes to seek medical aid.
Tho appalling story in last week'..
j ('it footi in regard to tho breaking of V
G. Mason m leg one day last, week, has
turned out to bo a hoax from start to
finish. George Adlor and daughter, MiuAloo
Ulljorwimt down to Omaha In r-.ponso
to a MiiiuiiOiiB from the hospital. Jli'h,
libor'.s li'ublmwl was operated op for
appontlleltls, and it. is feare1 ho Is not
doing well.
Loonol Clio vnlioiy tho lO.yeiir old son
of Mr. and Mi-8. T. Chevalier, fell from
u hono Tuesday afternoon, breaking , w'! n m? "f ywtorday ealled
hoth bones of ononnnl.olowthoolhow.l "I"'" J'TTU yet? fcon.ln.Law-les, In
,, , , ., . .deed. He has already tniule IiIh apolo-
4IIo was eoming from the pasture on ' B,t.8.F,u.gcudo DInttw.
1 horseback leading two other animals,
whon his hat blew off. Tho horses which
wero being led becamo frightened, and
jumping backward, throw tho boy to
tho ground.
I'incules arc for the kidneys and
Madder. They bring quick relief to
backache, rheumatism, lumbago, tired
worn out feeling. They produce nat
ural action of the kidneys "in filtering
waste matter out of the blood. !i()
days treatment 81. Money refunded
if I'incules are not .satisfactory. Sold
by Henry Cook's Drug Store.
Pastry Making In tho Early Stacou o
English Cookery.
At a very early period the oriental
jvoro familiar with a kludof pastry, a
mixture of flour, oil and honey, and
for centuries pastry making went no
further, even among the nations In the
south of. Kurope. Rut In the beginning
of the middle ages a change began to
take place in the method of mixing the
Ingredients, and some1 other substances
were brought Into use. Iluttor, eggs
and salt found their way Into pastry
making, and the result was a manifest
Improvement. Paste next came to be
used as an inclosure for meat, seasoned
with spices, etc. Afterward It went a
step further, the next use being for the
Inclosure of creams, fruit, preserves,
etc., and later still It began to take the
many fanciful shapes In which 11 has
since been commonly found. In the
early stages of Rngllsh cookery tho
pastry cases wen; called coffins or
"colTynes" and wero made In various
sizes from "grot coffynes with lowe
llddos" for the "tartes of lllesche" to
the "smalle cofl'.vnos" for "tartolettes"
of "flsehe or lllesche," mixed with
"sttif of boylled flgges ground nnd good
powdure and spices."
Petruehlo In "The Taming of the
Shrew," It may here he rioted, calls a
little cap "a custard collln." These cof
fins correspond with tho "vol-au-vent"
of today. London Saturdny Review.
A Trick That Is Sometimes Played on
tho London Cabby.
Have you ever tried to play on a cab
man that old Joke of the "lost sover
eign?" It's very funny. A friend tried
It last summer In London and succeed
ed too. Ho look a "growler" after mid
night at Piccadilly Circus to go to his
lodgings at Bayswater. Remembering
the staleness of the "lost sovereign"
dodge, he thought It would hardly "go
down" with a bright, cunning cabby,
but resolved to try for the fun of It.
Just as he camo in front of a public
house a few doors from his home the
"fare" stuck his head out of the cab
window and ordered the driver to halt.
"I say. cubby, I've dropped a 'sow' It
must be on the bottom of the cab. Just
pull up at that 'pub.' till I run In and
get a match, so that I can find the
"All right, sir," said the cabby and
pulled up opposite the door of the tav
ern. The fare alighted and had taken
Scarcely three steps In the direction of
Ihe "pub." when, lo. Mr. Cabby whip
ped up his horse and flew away Into
the darkness of the night, carrying
with hhn, as he supposed, that sover
eign snugly concealed In the cushions
of the eab.-London Tlt-BIts.
How Snake Poison Kills.
The action of poisons upon the sys
tem Is and always has been one of the
most Interesting of subjects. Just how
and why It kills have been determined
through a series of experiments made
by scientists. The following descrip
tion Is one of the best and most lucid
of any that has been given to the pub
lic: "The venom may be roughly sepa
rated Into two parts, one acting upon
the blood and .the other upon the
nerves. When Injected it Immediately
begins to create terrible destruction
hi the blood vessels. The walls of the
veins are eaten away, and an Internal
hcmorihngc takes place. While this
Is going on a portion of the venom, Is
attacking the nerve. Particularly
susceptiitle to Its ravages is tho 'vaso
motor' system, a nerve center which
controls the muscles rff respiration.
Paralysis takes place in these organs,
nw ' vl,t generally dies from an
Inability to breathe." Hxehangc.
A Pleasant Sort of Sea.
The power of tho surf Is a thing
about which many of us have but the
most hazy Ideas, and Indeed tho ordi
nary conditions with which wo are
surrounded prevent us from fully ap
preciating what it 'can lie at times.
The people- of the Island of t'hlneo
tongue, which Is about a mile and a
half wide, have, however, opportunities
for Judging this experience, which they
must find the reverse of pleasant. On
Its eastern side mid between It and tho
ocean is Assateague isiami, wnicu is
lo 11 "! ' lllllf wM? ''"l th"
power with which tho wines coino N
ho great that at hoiiio places tho surf
sweeps .entirely over hoth Islands.
London Standard.
Tho Bfuto, lias tho
.voting man
Fulton V
Grocery Co.
(Successors to John Griffeth)
Staple and Fancy
A full assortment of Seasonable
Goods kept in Stock.
Call and See Us. Wc will try to
Please You.
425 Webster Street.
Bell phono 102.
Ind. phono It
Barber Shop
Basement of
Potter Block.
a Specialty
That isn't all you save
either. You' know people
who have drank Arbucklcs'
ARIOSA all their lives.
Look al them. They like
il and they haven't had to
quit drinking it.
)on't let any man sell
you something instead,
which may ruin your
stomach and
Complin with all
requirements of the
National Pure Food
Law, Guarantee No,
2041. filed at Wuh
ington. A Talented House Agent.
Mrs. Ilomoseeker You certainly
don't expect anybody to take this
house! Why. the tloors all run down
hill. Agent (a smart man) It was
built In that way on purpose, mum, to
keep peace In the family. Greatest
Invention of the age. mum. Mrs.
lltnueseekor Keep peace In the fam
ily V What do you mean? Agent-It's
all light, ilium; nothing like It. When
ever your husband drops his collar
, buttons they'll roll ddwn to that wall,
and he ll always Know wucro 10 linn
eni.-l.ondou Tit-Hits.
A Comparison.
"I admit I have tho fault you men
tion," said tho conceited man, self com
placently, "but It's the only fault I
have, and It's a small one."
"Yes." replied Knox, "Just like the
small hole that makes a plugged nickel
no good."- Philadelphia Press.
Ought to Survive.
Anxious Mother Oh, doctor, do you
think Hobble 'will get well? Jloctor
No doubl of It: 110 doubt of It. I'vo giv
en hhn medleluo for everything turn ,
ho could possibly have, so we're bound
to strike It right. Toledo made.
There Is nothing so easy hut that It
becomes dldlcult when you do It with 1
roluctance.- Terence. J
. nr 1
Notice of Tax Sale,
Notice In hereby nlven Hint the underslKneil,
on the nlxtli dnv of November, lft f, piirclmfctt
of tho county trcHvnrur of Webster county. Ne
brapkn. at tiffratB nle. the following ilecrlbfil
rent cMnte. sold for delinquent tnxts (or Ihe yenr
1WH. nm! Nltnnted In lied I'loud, WebMer county,
Nubmitkn, to Wit' Lots Mxtveu (10) nnd Haven
teen (17;, block eleven (II . Miil'li it .Moorp'o nd
dltlon to Hed Cloud. Wetater county. Nebrnnkii,
nnd taxed In the nnmeof f. I Anderson.
, The Hhove nntned pctBOii nnd nil other person v
Who claim nu lateral In the above land wll'
take notice thnt the time of redemption of wild
land from Mild tax Mile will expire on the'th day
of November. A I). 10 ?. after ulilch I will apply
for a tax deed to all of the above Intid which l.
not redeemed .1 S. UonnniN.
Dated thin 'AM dny of July, W7.
Notice of Tax Sale.
Notice If hereby ulvea that the niidcnlmicd.
on Ihe (ilh day of November, lH)."i. purchased f
the county ttennirer of WebMereoinitv. Nehrnt. private sale, the following described rcaf
elnteMld fortielliiijiipittftXcfni tluMcnrWOI.
nnd situated In Ued Cloud. WcbMcr county. Ne, to wit: l.oixfmirO) IUe rromid tdxirtj.
In hlo'k ten no), of l.eDuc's addition to Ited-
'loud. NebrimkH, taxed In the name of IMItli
The above nnmed person nud nil otlierN who
ehilni an IntcreM In thenbove bind will lake
notice thtt ihe time of redemption ot i-nld hind
from mid tax hale will expire on the 7th iIhv of
November A. I) Iti7. after which I will apply
for a tax deed for nil of thenbove hind that it
not redeemed. I.ocica IIam:t.
Dated (lib lllli dny of July, J!i07.
Notice of Bond Sale.
S-'enled proposals will he received by , If.
1-ort Secretary of the School Hoard, until AimiiHt
17th ltn;7. at la AI.. for the purchase of iW.S.ouO
School Ilonds of the School District of the Cltv
of Hed flood. Webxter County. Nebraska, votcil
April 2nd. !!K)7. Hondo are In dem initiation of
tfioo each, dati'd June 1st. 1M)7, bearing -t'j per
cent per Milium, maturing June 1st. ift7. ami
optlonnl nflerfi years. Ilondf- fritted piirMintit
to ectlon llSM, Oobbey's 1003 Annotated Stai
utes of Nebraskn.
Hlds must bo ncrompanled by certified check
for i.vxi. payable to the City Treasurer. The
Hoard reserves the right to reject any and all
Dnted August 1st, 1007, Ited Cloud. 'Nehraskft
t .. ,,.,, ""' KAINKS, President
L. II. FONT, Secretary.
Morton h. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind.. says; ".Mv,
wifo had lullnmmntor.v Itheiimatfrm In evetp
muscle and Joint, tier siitrerlng wns terrlblo
nud her bndy and fnce were swollen almost be
yond recognition: had been In bed six weeks
nnd had eight physicians, but received no
benellt until she tried the Mystic Cure for
Hheiimatlsm. It gave Immediate roller aticS
she was able to walk about Iti three davs. i air.
sure It saved her life." Sold by II. K. Orlee.
Druggist, Hed Cloud.
Just Received, a Car of
You can save money by
taking 500 pounds of him.
Protection f
VShe Medical
Chemical Co.'s
Hog Powders
are the best on the market.
Expell the worms, allay the
fever, sweeten the stomach,,
and place the hog in a healthy
condition. They are sold on a guaran
tee, or your money back.
Parties wishing any of these
will consult, our agent,
Wd Mi WALTER, Rnii ciomi.Ncii.
Agents wanted. Write Sopor & Wil
oox, Klvorton, Neb.
Kosideiioo; First door south of
Hed Cloud Mill, 101 South Webster
(.'au bo foundnthomo ovory fore
noon. Tortus reasonable.