" n 1 A MAK V Clean-Up Sale OF HISTORY By E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM, Author of "The Master Mummer." "A Prince of Sinners." "Mysterious Mr. Snbln." "Anna the Adventuress," Etc. OF Odds and Ends Copyright, 1005, 1900. by LITTLE. IlllOWN, and COMPANY. (Sr IMBHUMBKaBMI i w ER M -h a J continued. I 4,SlrGporg." ntu sniil. "your warn ing, ns you see. was barely in time. Wo tiro adventurer mill adventuress detected. I suppose you tiro n magis trate. Don't you think you ought to ilt'tniu us?" "What can I do to help you?" ho naked simply. She looked at him eagerly. There were mud spots nil tip her gown, oven upon her face. Hot lialr was wildly disordered. She carried iter hat in Iter hand. "You mean It?" she cried. "You know that I do!" She turned and looked up the road 41I011:; which they had come. There was no soul In sight. She looked oven up at the long line of windows which frowned down upon them from the Hack to the hall. They, too, were empty. She thrust n long envelope suddenly Into his hand. "Guard this for me." she whispered. "Don't let any one know that you have It. Don't speak of it to any one. Keep It until I can send for It." He thrust It Into Ids inner pocket and "buttoned his Coat. "It Is quite safe," he said simply. Her eyes Hashed her gratitude upon lilm. For the llrst time he saw some thing In her face, heard It In her tone, which made his heart heat. After all elio was human. "You are very good to me," she mur mured. "Relievo me, I am not quite o had as I seem. Goodby." lie turned with her toward the car, and she gave a low cry. lie, too, start ed. The car was a mile away, tearing up a hill and almost out of sight. In tho lane hehlud they could hear the sound of galloping horses. lie caught Lor by tho wrist, dragged her through the gate and behind a great shrub on tho lawn. "Stay there!" he exclaimed hoarsely. "Don't move. I will come back." Half a dozen horsemen were coming along the lane at steeplechase puce. Lord Runton, on his wondeiful black liorsc, which no man before laid ever oou him gallop save across the softest j or country, pulled up outside the gate. "Seen a motor go by, Duncombe?" he called out. Duncombe nodded. "Rather!" he answered. "Fielding and Miss Fielding In It. Going like mad!" Runton waved his companions on jind leaned down to Dunoombe. "Reastly unpleasant thing happened, Duncombe," ho said. "Fielding and his daughter have bolted. Fielding seems to have half killed a messenger Wim LillllU HUH II UU11I 1.WI114W11 IU .1VU j De Rotho and stolen some papers. Fact of tho matter Is he's not Fielding at all, and as for the girl Lord knows who she is! Sorry for you, Diinconibe. I Hope you weren't very hard hit." j lie gathered up his reins. "We've sent telegrams everywhere," t o said, "but the beast has cut the tele phone, and Do Rotho blasphemes If wo talk about tho police. Iff) n queer business." He rode off. Duncombe returned where the girl was standing. She was clutching nt the branches of the shrub ns though prostrate with fear, but at his return she straightened herself. How much had she heard, he won dered. "Don't move," he said. . She nodded. "Can any one see me?" she nsked. "Not from the road." "From the house?" "They could," he admitted, "but It Is tho servants' dinner hour. Don't you notice how quiet the house Is." "Yes." She wan very white. She seemed to And some dlfllculty In speaking. There was fear In her eyes. "It would not bo safe for you to leave here at present," he said. "I am going to take you Into n little room leading out of my study. No one ever goes in it. You will bo safe there for ti time." , "If I could sit down-for n llttlo while." He took her nrm and led her unre sistingly toward tho house. The li brary window was closed, but ho open ed It easily and helped her through. At the farther end of tho room was an luncr door, which ho throw open. "This Is a room which no one except mysolf ever enters," ho said. "I used to do a little painting here sometimes. Sit down, please, In that easy chair. I am' going to get you a glass of wine." They heurd tho library door sudden ly opened. A voice, shaking with pas sion, called, out ids name,. "Duneombe, are you here? Dun combo!" There was a dead silence. They could hear hln moving about tliu room. "Hiding, are you? Unite! t'omo out, or I'll by heavens, I'll shoot you If you don't tell me tho truth. I heard her voice hi the lane. I'll swear to It." Duncombe glanced quickly toward his companion. She lay back In the chair In a dead faint. CHAPTKR XXI. THE three men were sitting at a small round dining table, from which everything except the dessert had been removed, Diinconibe filled hl-i own glass and passed around a decanter of port. Pol ham and Spencer both helped them selves almost mechanically. A cloud of restraint had hung over tho little party. Duncombe raised his glass and half emptied Its contents. Then he set It down and leaned back In UU chair. "Well," ho said. "I am ready for tho Inquisition. Go on, Andrew." Pelham lingered his own glass ner vously. Ho seemed to find his task no easy one. "George." he said, "we are old friends. I want you to remember It. I want you also to remember that I am In a hideous state of worry and nerves." Ho passed his hand over his forehead Just above his eyes, as though they were hurting him. "I am not behaving to you as a guest should to his host. ,1 admit It freely. I have lost my temper more than onoo during the last twenty-four hours. I am sor ry. Forgive mo If you can, George." "Willingly, Andrew," Duncombe an swered. "I shall think no more about It." "At the same time." Pelliam contln tied, "there Is another point to be con sldered. Have you been quite fair to me, George? Remember that Phyllis Poynton is the one person whose exist ence reconciles me to life. You had never even heard her name before I sent for you. You went abroad, like the good fellow you are, to find her for me. You assure me that you have discovered nothing. Let me put you upon your honor. George. Is this ab solutely true?" , "I have discovered nothing about Phyllis Poynton," Duncombe declared quietly. "About Miss Fielding, then?" "Phyllis Poynton and Miss Fielding are two very different persons," Dun combe declared. "That may be so," Pelham said, "al though I find It hard to believe that God ever gave to two women voices so exactly similar. Yet If you are as sured that this Is so wbytnot be ul together frank with me?" "What have you to complain of?" Duncombe asked. "Something has happened at Runton House. In which Mr. Fielding and his daughter are concerned," Pelham con tinued. "I have heard all manner of strange rumors. This afternoon I dis tinctly heurd the girl's voice In the lane outside. She was crying out as though In fear. A few minutes later I heard you speaking to some one In the library. Yet when I entered the room you would not answer me." "Supposing I grant everything that you say, Andrew," Diinconibe answer ed. "Supposing I admit that strange things have happened with regard to Mr. Fielding nnd his daughter which have resulted. In their leaving Runton House even that she was there In the lane this afternoon-how does nil this concern you?" "Rocause," Pelham declared, striking the table with his fist, "I am not satis lied that the girl who has been staying at Runton House nnd calling herself Miss Fielding Is not In reality Phyllis Poynton." Diinconibe lit a cigarette and pnssed them round. "Do you know what they are saying tonight of Mr. Fielding and his daugh tor?" he asked quietly. "No!" "That tho one Is a robber and the nther an adventuress," Diinconibe an iwered, , "This much Is certainly true, l'hey have both left Runton House at a moment's notice und without taking tonvo.of their host and hostess. Re member, I never know rhyllls Poyn ton. You did. Ask yourself whether she Is tho sort of young person to ob tain hospitality under falso pretenses and then abuso It to associate herself In a fraud with a self confessed rob ber; 1 - - (Continued on Pflk Biz mam Short lengths of LACES Some have insertion to match. While they lasl, at one-half price. You know our reputation for low prices on Laces. This is a bargain you do not often get. ' EMBROIDERIES Embroidery Flouncing, QC 24 inches wide, per yard. . . OtJv Embroidery Flouncing, IK 14 inches wide, per yard. . . Tity'o Full line in matched set, from ioc to 50c yard. Embroidery remnants, off Embroidery Flouncing, OA 1 2 inches wide, per yard . . . " j Embroidery Flouncing, flO 10 inche's wide, per yard. . . IOI I HOSIERY. Ladies Lace Hose, were 35c a"d 45c, while they last they go at 25c pair Children's Lace Hose in odd sizes, were 25c and 35c, at 20c pair mm mw 'm MM b wm " :Ik1 R ca mWm 7 HI mm H B ! Summer Underwear Ladies' low-neck sleeveless Vests, tape neck and arm, 10 and I2c value at 7c; 25c and 35c values at 20c; 50c values at 38c. - Ladies' low-neck sleeveless Union Suits, 25c value at 19c; 50c and 60c values at 39c; $1 .00 values at 75c. 4 " Children's and Misses' Vests at 5c and 7c. Children's and Misses' Pants at 7c. ui i1 Collars Turnover Collars from 5c to 5 dc. Plauen lace Collars insmall and large sizes, from 25c to $2.00 each. Remnants of Wash Goods, Ginghams, Dress Goods ar 1 A off Odd sizes in Corsets at one-fourth off This month's Butterick Patterns 10c and 15c none higher. 1? WlWfflfflRI M fllnnil Mr mbb iMiiMiHii warn warn mammmmmam V