The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 02, 1907, Image 6

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iwmammsBamMWKfissimA mwm. inw
15he CHIEF
jntorcd In tho roatofllco at Ilcd Cloud, Neb ,
m Second Clou Matter.
Pabl C. Phakis
Geokok Nkwbouse
Senator's Adherents Make Vain Effort
to Defeat Indorsement of Secretary
and Refuse to Accept Olive Branch
Extended by Ta'ft Men.
Columbus, O., July 31. Tho candi
dacy of WIK'nm 11. Talt, scciotary of
war, for the ltepubllcan nomination for
president, was Indorsed by tho Repub
lican -statu committee by a voto of
15 to 0. The Indorsement crrrled
with it a declaration that the Repub
licans of Ohio arc opposed "to tho
elimination trom public life of Sena
toia Koraker and Dick."
Although beaten by a decisive vote
In all the preliminary contests, the ad
herents of Senator Foraker In tho
committee refused to accept tho olive
branch extended by the Taft sup
porters, and when tho resolution, ns
amended, was finally accepted, no ef
fort was made to make the action of
the committee unanimous.
The resolution as adopted by tho
committee is as follows:
"Ho it resolved, by the Republican
elate central committee or Ohio, that
wo believo tho great majority of the
people of Ohio, convinced of the
high character, great ability and dis
tinguished services of Secretary Taft,
Indorsei his candidacy for the presi
dency, and, further, wo declare that
the Republicans of Ohio Overwhelm
ingly desire that the name of the Hon.
William Howard Taft bo presented to
the nation as Ohio's candidate for
president, and that the Republicans of
other states bo Invited to cooperate
with the Republicans of Ohio to se
cure hi nomination In 1008.
"And bo It further resolved that we
emphatically declare that tho Repub
licans of Ohio ate opposed to the
elimination from public life of Sena
toib J. 11. Foraker and Charles Dick,
whose services to tho party and state
have been distinguished, by ability,
Wisdom and patriotism."
The indorsement of Secretary Tuft's
candidacy by tho ltepubllcan state
central committee wns vigorously op
posed by Senator Foraker, who, upon
the eve of the meeting of the com
mittee, ppenly voiced his dissent to
the propo'sitton.
' The senior seiuttor from Ohio con
trolled seven of the twenty-one mem
bers of the committee on all votes ex
cept that tnki upon tho adoption of
the resolution Indorsing Taft. A. W.
McDonald of the Sixteenth district
broke with the foraker forces on tho
final ballot, which stood 15 to G.
A. I. Vprys, the manager of the Taft
campaign, declared the action of tho
committee was Important in that It
gave assurance to other states that
Secretary Taft had the support of his
party In Ohio and would be backed
by tho delegation from this Mute In
tho next national Republican conven
Hardem,an-Covlngton Bill Is Passed
by the Lower House.
Atlanta, Gn., July 31. Tho Hardeman-Covington
prohibition bill, passed
by tho Georgia senate some days ago,
Was adopted by the house by a vote of
131) to 39. Two amendments added to
tho bill by the house will neces-sltato
the bill going back to the senate for
concurrence, of which theio Is no
doubt, aud the hill will then go to
Governor Hoke Smith for his signa
ture, which has been practically
pledged, and prohibition will become a
law In Georgia.
'Ilin sinimidniGnt.q nermlt the snlo nf
pure alcohol by retail druggists on tho
prescription of a reputable physician,
nnd also allow wholesale druggists to
carry pure alcohol In stock for salo '
to retailors only. I
The bill prohibits the manufacturo
or keeping on hand In any place of
buslnebs, the bnlo or giving away to
induce business within tho state of
nay liquor thnt may produce Intoxica
tion. The new law Is to become effec-
' -'',a"8-
Republicans Meet at Tulsa.
Tulsa. I. T.. July 31. Frank Frantz
for governor and a full stato ticket on
fc platform claiming credit for good
features In the proposed constitution
and demanding other nmendmenta
fceems to bo the plan of tle Republic-
an statu convention to bo held tomor-
tow., Dolegates are arriving by nun
dreds. There is the best of feeling
among them. All nre for statehood
and willing to give nnd'tajco to securo
It nt the cnrllest moment? Frnntz Is
the central figure In the convention.
The convention will he held In a great
tent seating (5,000.
Officer Kills Ex-Convict.
Chicago, July 111. William Wood, n
negro ox-convict, wns Instantly killed
by Police Sergeant Hertz In a fierce
fight, In which several other officers
besides Hertz participated. During
the fight, Henry A. Noyes, a bystand
er, was shot In tho ahilomen by Wood
and wnB taken to a hospital In a crit
ical condition.
Schmltz Makes Appointments.
San Francisco, July 31. Hugoiio E.
Schmltz, the convicted mayor, made
hppolntments to fill the vacancies ere-
atcil by the forced resignations of
fourteen members Of the board of sn-I
i pervlsors, Schmltz claiming the right
' of appointment on tho gtound that ho
Is the rightful mayor of San Francisco.
6ulta Filed Against 26 Corporation
for Vlolatlnn Sherman Law.
. , . , , ". ... ,,,, , ,.
Washington, July 31.-1 he govern-
...i.,Ib ...v-i. ... v.. """-- v.. -""-
at Wilmington, Del., a petition
against the 13. I. Dupont Powder com
pany of New Jersey, and twenty-four
other corporations and seventeen Indi
viduals connected with tho twenty-six
corpoiatlons, which nro made defend
ants in the petition.
The petition relates that all of the
defendants are engaged In Interstate.
trade and commerce In gunpowder and
other high grade explosives and are,
violating the act of July 2, 1890, com
monly known as tho Sherman anti
trust act.
It sucks' to prevent and restrain .the
unlnwful existing agreements, con
liacts, combinations and conspiracies
In restialnt of such trade and com
ineieo, to prevent and restruln the at
tempts on tho part of the defendants
to monopolize such trade and com
merce, and to dissolve tho existing
monopolies theioln.
Examining Magistrate Orders Henry
Huntington Held for Mental Tests.
Versailles, France, July 31. M.
Hlrsch, tho examining magistrate be
fore whom tho Huntington ca'so bus
been brought, decided that Henry
Huntington, who Sunday night shot
and wounded two sisters und two
bi others at tho bedside of his dying
father, should be examined ns to his
sanity. M. Hlrsch told the Associated
Press that the prisoner, who at times
was strangely agitated, told such con
flicting stories that ho was convinced
be was suffering from neui asthenia,
and futthermoro the maglstiate con
siders that Henry Huntington's wife
Is similarly affected. Mrs. Huntington
admitted that her husband had twice
been under tientment for nervous dis
Battle Between Turkish Troops and
Small Band of Insurgents.
Athens, July 31. There has been
a pitched battle between Turkish
troops, supported by llashl-Bazouks,
aud a small band of Greek Insurgents,
who had entrenched themselves iu a
house on the outskirts of Seres, Euro
pean Turkey, fifty miles northeast of
Salonlen. Tho band was completol
wiped out, but thirty men wore killed
befoie the Boldlers, aided by artillery,
n ,-..-. ir.iln.1 l nniinlitn t lif tiiln trt llll'li .,... b . '-
iorliess. During the fighting the
Bnshl-Bazouks pillaged over 10u
houses and burned a number of Greek
buildings in Seres.
One Dead, Others Severely Injured on
Gunboat Wilmington. and tho Burlington railroads, before
Washington, July 31. A dispatch tbe state board of equalization,
received at tho navv department fiom ' branched out on a different line of ut
Coinmander Hous.h of tho gunboat Wll-, tack in their fight ngalnst tho nlleged
mington at Shanghai says a boiler low assessment of real estate, by at
tube or the vessel burst whllo the ves-l tacking the constitutionality or tho
Bel was at Nanking. Thiee men woie . law which pi o Ides real estate shall bo
t cabled, ono of whom, nieman Philip1 assessed every four years. ISdson
Hind, subsequently died. The other I Wen. lepiesentlng tho Union Pacific,
two arc not seriously burned. ' alleged In an amendment to his pe-
Unofliclul reports of several deaths I tillon filed with thu board Hhat this
f nmallpox on the Wilmington havo
reached the navy department.
Lay Cornerstone at The Hague.
Tho Hague, July 31. The louudn
tlon stono of tho Andrew Carneglo
Palace of Peace was laid at Zorgvllut,
in tho njldit of the woojled park
stretching from The Ilnguo to Sche
venlngen, by M. Nelldoff, piesldent of
tho bocond peace conference.
American league wasnmgton, j-o;
Chicago, 1-1. New ork, 0; Detiolt, 1.
Philadelphia, 2; St. Louis, 1. Hoston,
3; Cleveland, 0.
National League St. Louis, 5; Now
York, 11. Chicago, 7; Brooklyn,
(10 innings). Cincinnati, 8; Phlladel -
Phi". 0- Pittsburg, 12; Uoston
American ABsocmtlon Kansas City, '
0-3; Minneapolis, 2-4. Columbus, G-l;
Toledo, 7-2. J,ouIbvI11c, 0-13; Indianap
olis, C-2. Mllwnukee, 0; St. Paul, 7.
Western Lengue Pueblo, 11; Sioux j
City, 3. Omaha. 7; Dos Moines, i
uuuvui, o; i.nieuiu, x.
Joo Mnloy of Silver City, N. M.,
shot and killed Deputy Sheriff Charles
Smith ns Smith was attempting to ar-,
rest him. I
The plant of the Chicago, New York j
and Hoston Refrlgotator company nt
Chicago was damaged by flro to the '
extent of $300,000.
John H. Jones of Pittsburg, gen-
oral manager of tho United Coal com-
pnny, and Joseph Graham, flro uos&, '
were killed in Edna mine No. 1 by a
fall of slate.
A. A. Smith, a prominent shingle
manufacturer, was killed at Eveiett,
Wash., by the overturning or his auto
mobile. Two companions, Duncan Me
Hidden and John N'elfon, were in
M. Toropoff. leader of the monarch
,st nrty In Moscow, shot mid killed
KC PiimnllMi mnttl lint rt li rt rx.ntnl
'"' " . " ""-""' "....,
lrinin icit i mnni iimniflinrmlnl
tiemoeratic party, miring a neatcu
noll,CH, argument. Toropoff has been
T,. ......, rnnvIlMllll nf m Amnr,
lean Philatelic association was held
on the summit of Pikes peak. John
N. Luff of New York was elected presi
dent nnd It was voted to hold the noxt
annual convention nt Cleveland.
VljiWQ (J? TtfTORT A CjTf A
" U1 iiiJliliaoiVA,
" ' "
Independent Concern Files Articles.
Havclock to Secure One Also.
Lincoln, July 30. Independent
packing houses will be constructed In
Havelock and Alliance, Neb. The Alli
ance company, with a capital stock of
$25,000, fully subscribed, filed Its ar
ticles of incorporation, whllo Charles
Williams of Sioux City Is now in
Havelock organizing a company there.
Potli concerns will do a complete
packing business, the capacity of the
AJllance concern being 100 beeves
per day.
Food Commissioner Johnson Receives
Assurances from Some Dealers.
Lincoln, July 27. rood Commis
sioner J. W. Johnson received several
letters from Nebraska retailers stating
they will obey the state pure food law
by refusing to purchnse package goods
from nianufacturh.g firms outside of
the state. These letters came in reply
to n circular letter Issued Tuesday
warning letnilers that they would be
subjected to urrest and fine if they
sold packages containing piizes and
those on which the net weight was
Merrill Brown of Bertha Probably Fa
tally Injured by Albert Butts.
Tekamah, Neb., July 30. Morrill
Brown, a blacksmith at Bertha, a set
tlement about seven miles east ot
Gralg, was shot and 'pt'rbaps fatally
wounded by his hired' man, Albert
Butts. Brown and Butts had a quar
i el, during which tho shooting oc
curred. A 32-qaliber ball entered
Brown's head Just back or tho left tem
ple and came out through the back
of the head. Butts Immediately went
to Lyons, where he was captured with
in two hours after the shooting. Butts
Is well known at this place, having
Berve, tlmo i the county jail hoio on
., . u ... ....... ..,.... ...,
of stealing, shooting aud
Railroads Allege Valuation of Real
Estate Every Four Years Is Illegal.
Lincoln. July 30. Tho Union Pacific
section ts not constitutional, uucuuhu
It penults real estate to be assessed at
less than Its real value. Testimony
taken from tho auditor's report was
Introduced to show thnt the average
value of Improved real estate Is less at
this time than In 1901.
1 A Cat Monitor.
I once owned two eats. 0110 n gray,
1 the other a black. Dally I placed a
1 hiiwl of milk on the floor for their dls-
po-tnl. One day tit the usual hour their
meal was served, but only the gray
cut wmh present, She drank about half
f ., ... , walked out, only
J to ,.eaniu,ar m, )0Ur inter, the I 'aek
pnt f00WB, ..s soon its they entered
i (M0 ,llH0 Maltlo (which was thu gray
wU.8 unmo) bele(l uincuie by the ear
nnd led her to thu bowl of milk. That
' W1W tl0 nrst nu, ast tmo that Blackle
1 II
Attorneys Submit Motion Without
Argument and it is Quickly Over
ruled by Judfje Wood Dr. McGee
Held for Trial on perjury Charge.
Djlso Ida., July 31. Alter u delay
of thiee hwiirs, Charles 11. Moyor,
piciddcnt ol the Western federation
of Miners, was released lioni dio
Ada county Jail on n bond of $25,1)00,
signed by Timothy Heagau aud
Thomas J. Jones of Uolso.
r Meyer will leave tor Salt Lake to
night In company with William D.
Haywood, who on Sunday wns ac
quitted of the murder of lormer Gov
ernor Steunenberg. Alter a stop ot a
few hours in Salt Lake, they will pto-
ceed to Denver, the headquarter of
the federation.
- -- . .. n .
jjr. lt u. iMcuoo oi uauace, iun.,
charged with perjury In the Haywood
case had a hcarlni In the nrobutc
court and was bound over for trial
and released on IiIh own recognizance.
Dr. McGee swore that Harry Orchatd
, was In Wallace in August, 1004. Or
chard was a witness and
declared he was not in Idnno at the
lime mentioned. N
Formal application was made In tho
I district court to have George A. Pet
tlbone admitted to bail. The motion
was submitted without argument and
was promptly denied byJmlgu Wood.
Railroads and Government Clash Over
Mail Regulations.
Chicago, July 31. Western railroads
are near an open break with the post
ofllce department over the transporta
tion of the malls, owing to a number
of lecent orders. The latest cause of
grievance Is the Imposition of heavy
fines on nearly all the roads for de
lay in delivering the malls. To con
sldei the situation, a number of rail
road oftlcials had an Important confer
ence here. One official declnred that
tho flues levied by the government
ngalnst his road iu ono quarter amount
ed to $!0,o00. A similar condition
on other roads wns leported.
Tho fines were assessed under a
rule which went Into effect In July,
100C The loads are amazed to find
that they are In danger of losing 10
per cent of their mall pay unless they
revise schedules and place their jnall
trains upon running time which they
know they can maintain in all seasons
and In all kinds ol weather.
Tho new rule, tho loads claim. Is
oppressive and unjust. It provides
that If the malls are late tefi times on,
firit- i-mitn .liiflmr i trlni1 nf nlmi
UU lOtlie UUIing .I period Ol IUUtl
ilnv? tho road shall be assessed lo nor
U.ljs um uniu himii in- usv.oiii i.i iin
cent or tne pay oi tnai route lor me
quarter. Under the speed standards
ns now established operating men de
clare it would be a marvel for almost
any of the big western systems to es
capo having their important mail
trains lato more than ten times in
ninety days.
Boston Provides Entertainment for
Hosts Who Have Returned on Visit.
Boston, July 31. The host of home
comers who aie In this city attending'
the home-coming week exercises were '
tendered a reception, at which they
were welcomed to tho state and city
by Governor Guild and Mayor Fitzgei-
aid. The featuio of the sporting
events of the day was a muster aud
play out or veteran firemen, half a
hundred handtubs participating In tho
display, after a march through tho i
principal stieets of the city. The I
families whoso members nre scattered
over ninny sections of the country, I
gathered here for the reunions and
one of them, the Fairbanks family, had
as Its guest tho vico president of tho
United States.
Fifteen and a Half Million Increase
In the Total Assessment. i
Lincoln, July 20. Tho last of the I
abstracts of county assessors has!
been received and the grand assessj
ment roll as fixed by the county as-1
sessors Is 5328,700.337.29. In 1900 It
wns ?318,0S0,S01.02, making tho In-,
crease this year $15,040,030.27. As tho '
Increase In tho personal propei'ty as-1
sessment Is practically $10,000,000.
and the Increase In the asseShIcMit of
ralltoads practically $o.000.000, It is
inougut 1110 Hiaiu uunrii 01 uiiiiuiizuuuu
' will change tlio returns or tne county ,
I assessors very little. That Is, there ,
probably will bo as many reductions.
as increases, tne increase in me as
sessment is way beyond the estimates
made during tho session of the legis
lature, the university regents missing
it over $7,000,000 when they were
making their plea for not only the 1
mill levy, hut to get Into tho genera
fund for now buildings.
Uut it cannot make a Pair Skin or a
Olossy Coat.
Womou with good
complexions ennnofc
bo homely. Creams,
lotions, washes and
powders cnuuot mako
a fnir skin. Fvcry
horseman knows that
tho satin coat of his
thoroughbred coincu
from the animal's
"all-right" condition.
Let tho horse get
"oflhisfecd" and hut
coat turns dull. Cur
rying, brushing nnd rubbing will gi vo
him a clean coat, but cannot produce
tho coveted smoothness and gloss of
tho horse's skin, which is his com
plexion. Tho ladies will see tho point.
Lane's Family
Is tho best preparation for ladies who
desiro a gentlo luxutivo uicdiciiio that
will givo tho body perfect cleanliness
internally aud tho wholesoineues-t
that produces such skins us painters
loro to copy,
Canadian Government
OVER 200,000
farmers who
have settled in Can
ada during the past
few years, testity
to the fact that
Canada is, beyond
question, the great
est farming land in
ine worm.
Bushels of Wheat
from the harvest of 1905
means good money to the
fanners of Western Canada,
when the world has to be
fed. Cattle Raising, Dairy
ing nnd Mixed Farming
nre also profitable callings.
Coal, wood and water in
abundance; churches nnd
easy of access; taxes low.
ForlitrrMurtaml Information Mrtialh
buiHrlictciiili'nl nrinniiicrntlitn
Oltuwu, CiiiiikIii,
ot ths fclloning nutliotllnl Ctnxllin
OoTCfnmeat Agont
w. v. iiexxi:tt
801 New Yuri. Mr lIulIdlD
1'IIIU.III, .-tu.
Trade Marks
Copyrights &c.
Anvono (lending nMcctrh nnd description inn
QUlclily iiscorliilti nur opinion freo wlicinor i
iI.r.1n nrnlmhlr imtrimih n. rnniinmilr-ii
tlninPtrictlyro.diiioni.inl. HANDBOOK on I'nicnib
BOi,t freo. oldest ncciicy for BecuniiB patent.
PutfiitM tnkiiii tliroiiL'h vilimn .t Co. recidvt
tpteial notice, without chnrec, In tho
Scientific American.
A hBtidsomcdy lllnMrntcd, weekly. Ircont clr
dilution jf miy nolentltlo Journal, 'forms, ?3 r
year: four months, (L Sold byull newsdealer..
MUNN & Co.3'8;" New York
Branch Office, tS5 V HL. Wash Inn! on, t. C.
beiutifulljr illuitiated.good storir
nd articles about California
and all die (ar WeiL
a monthly publication devoted
to the farming interciU of die
a yen
a book of 75 pages, containing
120 colored photographs of Q 75
piclurcque poU in California
and Oregon. .
Total . . . $2.75
Cut out this advertiiement
and tend with $1.50 to
against Firo, Lightning, Cy
. clones and Windstorms, seo
t for the Farmers Union Iuaur-
ftnco Co., Lincoln, Neb., the best in-
surance company inthe s"to.
Man .an Pile Remedy comes put up
in a collapsible tube with a iw..u.
Kasy to apply right where soreness
and inllammution exists. It relieves
at once blind bleeding, itching or
protruding piles. Guaranteed. Price
M)o. Get it today. .Sold by Henrv
t'ook'b Drug Store.
t ""y
"""nil ..-.-1