The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 02, 1907, Image 1

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Eight Pages
Home Print
$1 a Year
in Advance
Amyrwwxsftxwxwpw. soeww;
I'i, .
Red Cloud Wins Four Straight From
Ylsltlnft Teams.
Aside from the regular Chautauqua
program, the baseball boys furnish
some good entertainment for the visit
ors. The first game of the week .came on
Monday, when Cowles went down by a
score of 0 to 2. "Doe1" Nelson pitched
for Red Cloud and Hennett was in the
box for Cowles. Charley llogate did
the umpiring and everybody was sat
isfied with his decisions.
Cowles went to bat first, Foe struck
out, Hennett got to first on Gurbers's
error and Ormsby hit a pop-up to Nel
Kon and went out. l'augh hit a little
one to Harbor and was thrown out at
llrst. Saunders got to first on an er
lor, IJrown struck out, Nelson hit n
safe one which scored Saunders, and
Hines flew out to center.
Vance went out on a fly to Graves,
Fowler got a hit, Thompson flew out
to Ilincs and W. Vance was thrown out
at first bv Nelson. Hradbroolc, 15 raves
and Longtin went out in one two three
Martin How out. Foe sent one out to
(5 raves and Hennett was caught trying
to steal third. For Red Cloud, Garber
got a hit, stole second and third and
scored on Saunders' hit. Drown went
out at Hrstand Saunders scored on Nel
son's hit. Smith and Mines both went
out at first, retiring the side. Score,
Red Cloud 51, Cowles 0.
l'augh got a hit and scored on F.
Vance's safe one. Fowler went out
at first, and Vance scored on Thomp
son's sacrifice. This ended the runget
ting for Cowles.
Hradbroolc reached llrst on an error,
Graves went out at llrst and liongtin
followed suit, ltrad scored on Garbor's
hit, and (iurbur, after stealing second,
scored on Saunders' hit.
Red Cloud scored again in the filth.
Nelson went out at first, Smith hit safe
and scored on an error of Cowles sec
ond baseman. Mines got caught at
second and Hradbroolc llewout to right
Chautauqua entertainment, giving vis
itors an opportunity to attend both
places. It was thought that by sonic
that Rludon would win A bet of g.V
was offered to one of our prominent
citizens by an enthusiastic Rladonlto
I but he hadn't the sand to accept, ltla
den made first base hits and scored
once, which was their only score. Red
Cloud made 0 first base hits and 0 sec
ond base hits, scoring 10. Umpires
Graves and Phelps. Hatteries Rod
Cloud, Saunders and Hennett. Hladen,
Rest and l'errigo.
Red Cloud 7, FrankllnS.
Friday's game, the fifth one played
this week, resulted in a victory for the
home team over the Franklin nine by
a score of 7 to :t. Our boys have play
ed ball all the week and yet they play
good ball right along, and posses in
dominible staying powers that could
hardly be expected of a team that has
had so little practice. This proves
that they are a team of exceptional
caliber They have been victorious in
nearly every game they have played
this season, winning f.ioin the Haskell
Indians and breaking even with the
Topoka (Slants both fast teams. Wo
the title of champions of the Republi
can Valley justly belongs to them.
The Franklin team are a line lot of
young fellcws, but they were clearly
Umpires Graves and Churchill.
Hatteries Red Cloud, Saunders and
ltennett. Franklin, Reams and Cran
dall. Helow we give the names and posi
tions of the two teams:
Franklin Wariner s h o r t-s t o p,
Itrauerbaugh second base, Crandall
pitcher, Greenwood third-base, Rylor
center-field, Mallory first-base, Davis
right-Held, Rloom left field, Reams
Red Cloud Smith third-base Saun
ders catcher, Nelson second-base.
Drown flr.t-base, Hennett pitcher,
Hradbroolc short-stop, Mines center
field, Graves loft-field, Garbor, right
field. Tommy Lain returned to-day from
Oiualia. Mo is one of Red Cloud sstar
ball-tossers and will play in the Red
Cloud-Franklin game Saturday after
noon. Red Cloud 10. Franklin 3.
Saturday's ga me added another to
the long list of victories fos the lied
Cloud team. The day was .fine and the
attendance good. The home team
made 0 runs In the first inning, ;t in
second and 2 in the eixth. Franklin
made 1 tin tho second, 1 in the third
and one in tbe seventh Innings. The
features of the game was the fine pitch
ing of "Fad" White and the catching week came Friday when annouueemnet far as they are enccrned, to Iv;h It
of Hurr Oak Smith. Tommy Lain made cards were received in Red Cloud tell- to u committee of business men of KtJ
a star running Illy catch. ing of the marriage of Miss Li.ioMar- Cloud to make the terms and cotvdlt-
Uinplro. ltrnwn,of Franklin. ker, for four years county superintend I ins by which the connecting mtuvup.:
Hatteries -Red Cloud. Smith and out of public instruction, and William , incuts shall be continued. As Om.
White Franklin, Owens and Davis. A. May, for three years county com- proposition would give both the ri
' missioner from the first district. The an l country users of telephone jni
wedding took place at Tonka Hay, eit'ier company an opportunity to ha tv.
Red Cloud's Chautauqua Draws Big
Crowds, and Everybody Pleased.
Red Cloud's first Chautauqua assem
bly opened Monday under auspicious
circumstances. The weather was ideal,
the crowd largo and good natural.
Two concerts by the Kilties band
wore all and more than was expected,
and the large crowds in attendance tit
both conceits seemed highly pleased
with the entertainment.
Tuesday afternoon Senator Fred T.
Dubois lectured upon "Mormonisinund
the Ainevicaii Home." l'rior to the in
troduction (if Senator Dubois the Wil
bur Starr Concert Company gave a
short program. Senator Dubois did
not Impress his audience very favor
ably at first starting and many people
left the tent. However, those who
stayed until he finished his lecture got
the worth nf their money. Mis sub
ject was a dry one at best, but to those
peoble who are interested in political
economy as related to the Mormon
question enjoyed the entertainment.
Tuesday evening the Citizens' Hand
gave a concert for mi hour, after which
the Wilbur Starr Concert Company
gave a delightful musical entertain
ment. The violin solos were particu
larly line.
Lake Miunetonka,Miun..on Thursday.
The cards state that Mr. and Mrs. May
will bo at home, i:t'J7 Rose street. Lin
coln Neb.,
Tulteys Whltakcr.
Miss Cora Tulleys, who for several
months was a compositor In thlsolllco,
was married Wednesday evening to Mr.
David K. Whitaker. The ceremony
was performed at the home of the
telephone connections with each otlcr
free of any additional would
certainly be a great convenience c
many. Wo believe the mcveinent would
result in great benefit to the users of
both phones and we would like to mms
it tried.
Why Patters Don't Stop.
Newspaper subscribers often v ! a."
why a publisher keeps on sendlnjr Uv
brldeV .mother, Mrs. Anna Tulleys. and impei. vviu. tju. subscription has ox
only a very fewof the intimate friends im.0,i. When a subscriber Is paid to u.
and relatives of the contracting par- vlnUx time and the time expire.-. aari
ties were presi-nt. Rev. A. A. Cress- the paper stops, it looks as if theuU
man, pastor of the Congregational j tor doubted the integrity of the Mb
church, olilciatcil. Following the cor- J serlber, and in nine eases out of tvu
emony refreshments were served, to (K. subscriber will give tho editor n
which till did ample justice. The hap-' c filing down for insinuating that Ulv.
py couple will go to Housekeeping in omjt was not good. Rather than eivt
the old Dr. Dai
Fourth avenue,
immoroll homo on West',,,,,- r..(l,.i.ttons mnitimi. r iubli1u-
,..., .. ..-..,.. -,. ... ,, .,..-, t .
A Successful Red Cloud Stockman.
. .. .
I liief extends honesty to pay a debt it lias. lo.ra-
toiuary for country papers to continuum
sending the paper after the time hte
expired. The city dallies and vtvuk
Wedding Bells.
fc K JA
Schancr-Cathcr Wedding.
Last Sunday afternoon at '.' o'clock
Miss Mela Schaper was married to
Roseoe C. father at the home of the
bride's mother, in Maveloek. Neb., Rev.
Wilt, otlleiatiiig. Only members of the
family being present. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. D. W. Wilt,
pastor of the Methodist church. Ros
eoe Catheris a son of Charles F. Cather
of this city and brother of the noted
authoress, Willa Seibcrt Cather. Ros
eoe used to be cashier in a bank here.
The bride has been engaged in teach
ing in Maveloek, near Lincoln.
The couple left in the evrnlng for Lan
der, Wyo., where Mr. Cather is en
gaged in business.
l,liurios iiurnoyot KodUoud .ob jjes do not generally follow this rate
one af the extensive farmersand cattle1 us tu.. subscribers are at it disi:ias;.
feeders of the Republican river valley, 'lllui iloi,i,.s they are not aeqitinttl
came down this morning with 7 car1 wlth thorn, and do not know tholr S
loads of dry-lot steers. Mr. Gtirnoy ' en standing. One should deem it
feeds most of the year, ami handles an lionor to know that his credit Ik not
several hundred head of cattle and hogs doubted when the publisher conttnms
annually. Me has a farm of 800 acres, to send the paper. Should the subscrl
most of which is in corn, of the rest, , l)m. lkKlrc tu have Jt discontinued Lus
HOT acres is in alfalfa, and the balance Jhiionhl f,., the publisher and retort
in tame grass and pasture. "Last to date, if any amount is owing.
year," said Mr. Gurney, "I raised 11,000 ..
bushels of corn, and I expect to make Candidates and PaSSCS".
it 1S,()00 this year. We never had a Attorney Mol'heelev, who is a uniiiTf
better show for corn than right now. , (lllU. fm. ihe 1Ioinjliat for district
It Is clean and looks well. A large m,i i,,,. !,i ,, mM,i,...niin.,f u
, ' ""h1 ' " " -n '"" w. ""
position on the pass question. Tlur
One of the greatest surprises of the.
acreage is out, too. While that is a
great corn country, perhaps as good as '
there is in the whole corn belt, we
hardly raise enough for our own use.
F.very winter we send outside and buy
lllooiuliigton Tribune takes occasion to'
remark that there is a "question in.?
answered when a man who l zi tnte
holder is a candidate for ntUi-i'. This
sounds very much like a slap :vV the
list vl
corn. It has become a great cattle and
Jiojr feeding point, and more feeding Franklin e.mntyeandidate, Mr.
seems to bo done there each year. The wh(ls(. IJm. ap.H,,iml tl, thu
whole country loolts very prosperous imssl,0ider s issued by the Hrirlingtito
this summer. A few dry-lot cattle are raihvay a short time ago. In a frci.-
"" ! for-all campaign iilce the present ice
we do not like to cast inslnutttuxut- atf
anybody, but it docs not look right fr
i Telephonu Co., has ' (l eandldate for any Important otUcu
,ltlon to the Farmers' 1Ua. llmt l)f district judge, conntr or
Tclcphonc Exchange to Connect.
The Nebraska
made u proposl
Telephone Co.. to connect the two ex- cltv attorney, to acoentfavor fra4lm
ehanes for three or four months as an corporations who are liable ;ti Mv
experiment, free of all charge to any ' tlU0 to bmHllu involved In fcmMuti
one. If at the end of that period it is ...,. the ,.:.: ..., .ountuss.
I -.
found desirable to continue the arrange
ment, the Hell people are willing, so ,
Now is the time to subscribe.
Red CUud 7. Guide Rock 1.
The Guide Rock boys came up Tues
day and narrowly escaped a shutout.
Groves pitched for Guide Rock and was
bit for a three-bagger, three doubles
and six singles. Nelson pitched the
first four innings for Red Cloud and
llld the visitors down to one single.
nnett of Cowles pitched the balance
f the game and the Guide Rockers got
but two singles oft him in the seventh
inning, which gave them their only
score. Tho features of the game were
Hoy Garber's base running and Hrad
brook's work tit short, though all of
tho boys showed great improvement
over the previous game.
Red Cloud scored two in the first in
ning on Saunder's single, Itrown's
double and Nelson's sacrifice.
In the fifth inning Mines got a
double, stole third and scored on
Graves sacrifice, Garber got a base on
balls, stole second and third and scor-,
ed on a mull' at third base.
Red Cloud got theeo more in the
eighth, Itrown singled. Nelson erak
ed out a three-bagger, scoring Itrown.
Nelson came home on Smith's single,
ltennett got a double, scoring Smith.
Hradbroolc got a single, Mines and
Graves struck out and Garber went out
at first and the game was over. At no
time was the Red Cloud team in danger
of losing the game.
Bladen Loses Two.
Wednesday's game was character
ized by some line play and gave amusu
meiit to a vast throng that wore in at
tendance. The rooters for both hides
were very energetic. The Hladen boys
played good ball but Rod ("loud seemed
to Hud th bull the oftonest, hence
their win. lioth clubs behaved in a
gentlemanly manner. 1 Here was no
! ..!!-. - .1 it 11 i t
Kiciciiig or wrangling i.rauorooic ns- r"Y'"Hn T irwT' 1 1 II 1 C I 7 1 O f 111
himself by four sate hits, score: Red r UU 1 LIr 1 that ever was made. 1 have them in j, o, and o1 loot cut. Come and look
uioud 7, JMiuleu a. Umpires Rraves ' ,1 .
end I'lielps. , Hatteries Red Cloud, mvm WVU.
Hennett and Saunders. Hladen, Scott
id l'augh,
Thursday's game was called about
C J, after the close of the afternoon
When you buy a Mower, buy a STANDARD, for the following reasons: You can line up
.1 ..i i .i ii .ri v t i ' i
tne cutter oar wnen it drops back or out or line, i ou can make the sections register in the
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