The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 26, 1907, Image 5

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went to Franklin
I'M. McAllister
.). 1'. Polaney was down trom (lien
ville Sunday.
I'rot. John Woesnor spent Sunday in
Webber, Kuns,
A. II. Carpenter and family went to
Imperial, Neb., Monday.
Miss .lennie Cotting returned Satur
day from nn outing in Colorado.
Mayor Caldwell requests that every
body clean up for the Chautauqua.
II. V. Conover lias been appointed
deputy treasurer of lied Willow coun
ty. Mrs. Thomas Lain and son .lohn
went to Omaha Monday morning for u
Mr. W. N. Richardson went to Ax
tel, Neb., Tuesday to visit with rela
tives, dcorge Van Camp came down from
Omaha Tuesday for a visit with rela
tiues. h. 11. Hluckledgo and family left
.Sunday morning for an outing in Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. Oravenor Stanser are
the parents of a daughter, born last
Mrs. S. Ilcigle and granddaughter,
Florence Kellogg, went to Hebron
V). A. Dickey returned from Wymore
Sunday, where he took in the race
Mrs. L I). Thomas of Cowles visited
with her son, Dr. T. K. Thomas, the
first of the week.
Mrs. Frank Richardson returned last
Sunday from an extended visit in Sun
rise, Wyoming.
A number of the friends of Mrs. Hen
ry McCune gave her a surprise party
last Friday evening.
Rev. F. M. llranie, the new pastorof
the Christian church, has moved his
family to Hed Cloud.
Mrs. Mark I'arkes came down from
aicCook Saturday for a visit with Mr.
awl Mrs. Will Parkes, Sr.
For a short time we will receive
-subscriptions to The Delineator at 7."ic
per annum. F. Newhouse.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas of In
dianapolis are visiting at the home of
-lohn Harris, south of the river.
Mrs Kvn J. Case, one of the instruc
tors at the Kearney Normal, was vis
iting with friends here this week.
L. M. Marsh, who has been working
in Volfe"s blacksmith shop, has gone
to Hladen to work for Oliver Wright.
Mrs. Charles Diekerson and children,
of Lincoln, are visiting at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. It. Kiser.
The ladies of the Congregational
church will hold their regular monthly
market at Fulton Hros. store tomorrow.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Signaturo of
' y J
Midsummer Clean-lp
All kinds of
Staple Fancy
Your Patronage is
Solicited by'
All the Phonos
Mr. and Mrs. .lames Dugdale of liib
bon. were here this week to attend the
funeral of the hitter's father. William
Klcnora Ueed, widow of .lohn A.
Heed has been granted a pension of SS
per month. Fred Maruer was her at
torney. .lohn Sutton and Frank Coulsun,
prominent farmers of Walnut Creek,
weie in Red Cloud yesterday to seethe
ball game.
Engineer Will La Hue and his family
were in Red Cloud Wednesday on their
way from Republican City for a visit
in Missouri.
About thirty members of the Degree
of Honor went out to the home of W.
J. liippiucott last night and enjoyed a
moonlight picnic.
Miss Josephine and Mrs. S. U.
Florence arrived from Chicago Satur
day for a visit with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. F. Mier.
Misses Iriiiu Vance of Hastings and
Harbara Sehuebel of Omaha returned
to their homes Monday after a visit
with relatives in tills city.
Mr. and Mrs. Strong and Mr. and
Mrs. .lud llailey drove over to Cowles
Wednesday morning to visit Mr. Hal
ley's daughter, Mrs. Harry Waller.
Max Moede was prostrated with the
heat Monday afternoon while working
in the Held. He is getting along nice
ly now, though .still unable to work.
If the Chautauqua is not a success it
will not be the fault of Haul S. Diet-
trick, for he has labored unceasingly
to make the event a credit to our city.
There was a partial eclipse of the
moon Wednesday night at 11 o'clock,
visible in this latitude. Nearly the
whole surface of the moon was obscured.
The state board of assessment has
about completed its work. The report
shows that the assessed valuation of
Webster county has inereasedSl."l),(ll.
13. Hracelets are still the popular arti
cles. We have a most extensive line
for ladies, misses and children. All
stvles. Prices the lowest. Newhouse
.1. E. Robertson of Crete, stopped off
in Hed Cloud on his way home from a
trip to Colorado. He is a brother of
Herbert Robertson, engineer at the
light plant.
Hig Sl.'O and Sl.'O attractions, for one
or two appcarances.andall for 10 cents.
You will kick yourself if you do not
get one of those season tickets to the
Allen McCoy stuck a knife in his
hand the first of the week and for a
time blood-poisoning threatened to set
in, but he will soon be able to go to
work again.
Mr. and Mrs. Strong, relatives of
.lud Railey and wife, started lor Cul
bertson Neb., yesterday morning. They
have a farm in that vicinity where they
will make their future home.
The Indian" walloped the Cowles-Lawrence-Hlue
Hill combination at
CowleH last Saturday to the tune of i
to 0. The Cowles combination had
twelve errors to their credit.
Mr. and Mrs. Kindred, of Smith Cen
ter Kans., were in Hed Cloud on their
honeymoon trip the first of the week.
Mr. Kindred is a relative of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Noble of Walnut Creek.
Rev. Ward Austin, pastor of the M.
E. church will preach at Geneva Sun
day, both morning and evening. His
pulpit in this city will be occupied Sun
day morning by Rev. George Hummel.
When Father Fitgerald went to get
the communion wine for tho service
last Sunday the jug was found to be
empty. As there was no crack in the
jug, it is n mystery what became of the
Do you realize that next Monday is
the opening day of tho Cliatauqua as
sembly? (Jet busy, mow your weeds
and lawns, clean up your alleys and
show the visitors what a nice town
this Is.
The amount of sidewalk building
does not seem to decrease. As fast as
the cement gangs finish at one place '
they have another in sight. There is
alse a considerable amount of brick
walk being laid.
'.. ..,W !...,! Pniinlt. 'lViimiLLnn I.1....!....
M V lllfl'li'i;,! wiJiiti fj itLuiunui i iiiiuu .
In Odds and Ends of our Spring and Summer Men's,
Boys' and Children's Suits. 20 p&t Cent
discount on all this class of merchandise.
jajdp4' fWfim L.X" && - yk
h "M Ederheimer; Stein & Co. 7 IK
MAKERS ' ' )fe?
fircat Special Hat Sale!
for thirty days we will give the people of Red Cloud and vicinity
ne greatest hat buying opportunity ever attempted here. Your
poice in our stock of Men s and Boys high grade HATS at
fctual cost to manufacture. This sale will include
Stetsons, Tigers and Champions
l:hepighest grade hats made.) All Dress Straw Hats at one-half
lie ifegular price, PANAMAS INCLUDED. This sale com-
nenies at once, and is for cash. Come early for choice selections .
f) Cow d e n -Kaley Clothing Co.
The bites
First door north of Posit Office,
Red Cloud, Nebraska
or expected k retire to his farm after
this year.
V. C. Doey, of Hloomington, and
Isaac Sheprdson, of Kivcrton, were
in town V lay, getting acquainted
with the imblican voters of Ued
Cloud. Mr lorsey is the candidate of
Franklin c ity for district judge.
relieved at
llzed. Act
sunburn, ci., burns and bruises are
ice with IMnesalvo Carbo-
ike a poultice, and draws
going up the street with new garden out inilami tion. Iry it. rnce jac.
rake Tuesday morning. Hlncetuenwe Hold uy mry ooit uruK niuiu.
lser suilered a pamiui in-
left eye Monday while
have been speculating as!to whether ho Frank Si
was going to do a little 'muck-raking" jury to h
ml stings of insects, tan,
trimming peach trees. The sharp point ditFerence where Vaner goes or what
of one of the branches struck him in he does, he generally lands in the Web
the eye, scratching the pupil, and he ' ster county jail.
is carefully nursing it to prevent fur
ther injury.
Ofllcer Kinsel made the rounds last
Monday morning and ordered all the
slot machines in the city taken out.
There was some consternation when
Hev. Hay H. Teeter, pastor of tho
Ilrcthrcu church in Falls City Neb., and
who is secretary and treasurer of tho
Brethren National Ministerial Associa
tion, is to bo tho platform manager of
the lied Cloud Cliatauqua, writes: "Our
the order was given, but the now state Chautauqua started olV flno in Falls
law has put the ban on them and they i City. Hooit the Kilties, thoy are liu
are out to stay. 1 menso". The Kilties have just returned
Vaner McOinnis is serving a thirty ' from Jamestown Exposition and are
day sentence in the Webster county better than ever this year. Do not miss
jail for having assaulted a man at this treat: A 52 beason ticket admits
Alma the other day. It makes little t to the whole 10 days show.