The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 26, 1907, Image 4

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wwiMewr m ti"
Yowr Hair
Is it inclined to run away?
Don't punish it with a cruel
brush and comb! Feed it, nour
ish it, save it with Ayer's Hair
Vigor, new improved formula.
Then your hair will remain at
J home, on your head, where it
belongs. An elegant dressing.
Keeps the scalp healthy.
Dou not change the color of the hah.
Formula with etch bottle
Show It to your
Aik him about It,
Ve certainly believe this, or we would
not say so. Ayer's Hair Vigor, as now
made from our new improved formula,
is a great preparation for the hair and
scalp. Stops falling hair. Cures dan
druff. Promotes the growth of hair.
Made by the J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, tlan.
To the voters of the Tenth Judicial
1 hereby announce myself a can
didate ut the Primaries to be held
September 3, 1U07, for the Republican
nomination for the oillee of .Italic of
the 10th Judicial District of Nebraska,
comprising the counties of Webster,
Franklin. Harlan, Adams, Kearney
nud Phelps. Respectfully submitted,
K. l Ovkiiman.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the nomination of Judge of
the Tenth judicial district, on the Re
publican ticket, subject to the will of
the Republican voters, at the primary
election to be held September :i, 1007.
Hustings, Xeb. ,j. . Jami:s.
The Chief is authorized to announce
thut William C. Dorsev, of Hlooming
ton, Franklin county, is a candidate
for district judge, subject to the will
of the Republican voters of the Tenth
judicial district, at the primary elec
tion to be held September r, 1007.
To the Voters of Webster County:
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the Republican nomination
for County Clerk of Webster County.
Nebraska, subject to the primary elec
tion to he held September 3, 1007.
E. W. Ko-w.
To the Voters of Webster County:
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the Republican nomination
for the ollice of county clerk of Web
hier county, subject to the decision of
primaries to be held September 3.
V. 11. Fi'iro.w
To the Voters of Webster County:
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the Republican nomination for
County Clerk of WelMer county, sub
ject to the primary election to be held
September 3, 1007. Joux J. (imiiikii.
To the Voters of Webster County:
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the nomination of county com
missioner from the Third district, sub
ject to the will of the Republican
voters at the primary election to be
held September 3.
(iKoitoi: W. Ilt'MMi:i
To the Voters of Webster County:
I am a candidate for the otlice of
county assessor, subject to the pleasure
of the Republican voters at the pri
mary election to be held September 3.
Hr.Niiv C. Scott.
Furniture, Carpets and Undertaking Goods
Licensed Embalmer and Undertaker now
Doing Business in Red Cloud.
Calls answered Day or Night
Yours to Please,
John Rrush, one of our prominent
farmers living about ten miles north
of town, got badly bruised up Sunday
by being thrown from his buggy. Ills
team got scared at a blanket Happing
in the wind ami ran away, with the
result mentioned.
(ieorge ('. Whistler, of the firm of
Clifton and Whistler, real estate agents
at Port Morgan, Colo., was in Red
Cloud Tuesday morning on his way
east. Mr. Whistler is very enthusias
tic over the prospects for a big boom
in land in that district.
If you suffer from bloating, belching,
sour stomach, Indigestion or Dyspep
sla, take a Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet
after each meal, and overcome the
disagreeable trouble. It will Improve
tiiu appetite, and aid digestion. Sold
by Henry Cook's Drug Store.
(Jeorge Coatesof Superior, whose son
Milton had a horse badly cut on the
'barb wire here three weeks ago, was
up from Superior Monday to get the
horse and take it home. Charley Piatt,
at whose auto the horse became scared,
bore the expense of caring for the
"Out in Nebraska they're making
cheap gas from corn cobs, hence the
renewed hopefulness of Mr. llryan",
says the Itoston Transcript. For the
benefit of the Transcript, we will state
that the gas produced is superior in
quality and smell to that produced in
the home of the "Itoston baked".
In order to accomodate the crowd
that will visit the Chataucma next
week, the people of Red Cloud
must open their homes for their com
fort. If any one has a room or two to
let for that time or could take a few
j to board, let Paul S. Dietrick know at
once. This big crowd must be treated
I The big tent, 120x00, will be crowded
I the entire time the coming ten days of
the Chataiuiim. This is not a street
j fair, but an L-ducatioual treat. It is a
big step for Red Cloud to take, and
everyone should turn out and help
J make it a success so that it will not
! have to go back to the street fair
For our own part we would rather
see our home nine defeated than have
them win the game with a lot of im
ported players. In the old days every
body took pride in the home team and
sympathized with their victories and
losses. Xowadays it is the fashion to
roast the home team on every possible
John II. Walsh, formerly editor of
the Red Cloud Nation, has begun the
publication of a labor paper at Nome,
Alaska. 'Mack" has for some time
been the national organizer of the In
dustrial Workers of the World, and
a few months ago, accompanied by his
wife, went to Alaska to organize that
territory. Mrs. Walsh was formerly
Miss Dollie Held.
The Franklinites are making big
preparations for the Nebraska and
Kansas Interstate Reunion, to be held
in that city August 20 to 21. The peo
ple of Franklin always send a good
delegation to Red Cloud to all our en
tertainments, and no doubt the com
pliment will be returned reunion week.
We know of several families who are
already planning to attend.
There will be an all-day Sunday
& Chaney,
Scho )1 rally at the Indian Creek church
next Sunday. A good program has
been prepared and everybody is invited.
An effort will be made to have the
Mcnelcy-Robley Male Quartet sing in
it It.. .. !.., !...! ! .. .1. I
nit aiiuiiiuiuii iiinii-im ui niiijuijr ;ii iw
Congregational church in Red Cloud.
As announced elsewhere, this organi
sation will sing at the Union service
' Sunday evening.
W. II. Thomas returned Tuesday
morning from a trip to P.ird City, Kan.,
where he has recently purchased a
quarter section of land. Mr. Thomas
brought back with him some fine sam
ples of winter and macaroni wheat, as
well as oats that were grown in that
neighborhood. He also had some red
clover which lie plucked from the lawn
at the depot, probably the product of
seed thrown out by immigrants.
The Meneley Robley Male Quartet
will give two sacred concerts in Red
Cloud next Sunday: At the Cngrega
tional church at 3 p. m.. and at the
Union meeting at 8. The quartet is one
of national reputation, having sung
over the union In Cliautauquas and
lyceum courses. They had a few open
dates before a line of western Cliauta
quas. The first tenor is a Harvard man
with a brilliant record in New York
operas. His voice ranges two and one-
half octaves. Robely, the reader, has
a wide reputation. Urton, the pianist,
is a splendid barytone soloist, and
Kimsey, basso, is exceptionally good.
At both concerts a silver ottering will
be taken.
At Ono Time the Law Was Severo on
Those Who Owed Money.
In nearly every country until com
punitive! recent times debtors have
been subject to Imprisonment. After
tho panic of ISM 101,000 writs for
debt were Issued in England. In 1S30
7,000 persons were sent to London
prisons for debt, and on Jan. 1, 1S10,
1,700 persons were held for debt In
England nnd Wales, 1.000 In Ireland
mid less than 100 In Scotland. From
time to time modifications In the laws
governing the Imprisonment of debtors
have been made, so that fewer debtors
are imprisoned for tills crime each
In 1820 there were 3,000 debtors In
prison in Massachusetts, 10,000 In New
York, 7,000 in Pennsylvania, C.000 In
Maryland and a like proportion in oth
er states. Many of these persons were
Jailed for debts of $1. The law pro
viding for the Imprisonment of men
who could not pay their debts was
shown to be Impracticable by statistics
taken from Philadelphia, where In 1S2S
there were 1.0S3 debtors Imprisoned for
debts amounting to $2.",000. The ex
pense of keeping theso persons In con
finement was $302,000, which was paid
by the city, and the amount recovered
by this method was ?20.".
Imprisonment for debt was abolished
by congress In the United States In
1833, though this measure was not
fiilly enforced until 1839. New Yoik
An Ingenious Problem With Two In
teresting Equations. '
Some time ago George was bragging
nbout never having told a lie, and he
said ho never would. An Irishman,
hearing the assertion, made a wager
with George that he could make him
tell n lie in two minutes.
So Pat began: "Supposing you nnd
your Httlo child nnd her friend were
out In a boat for a row; the boat sud
denly cnpalzed, nud you were nil
thrown Into the water. .Now, which
child would you save?" asked Pat.
"Well," answered George, "under tlio
circumstances I should save my own
In preference to any ono else's child."
"Very good," answered Pot. MXow,
suppose you and your wife nnd child
were out for a row and the boat again
capsized. Now, which of them would
you save, your wife or your child?"
After a thoughtful pause, George an
swered that he would save his wife.
"There you ore," cried Tat. "You
said at first that you would rather sa e
your child In preference to any ono
else's, but now you say that you would
save your wife, who Is somebody else's
child." Pearson's Weekly.
They Disagreed.
"These fellows were fighting," sold
the policeman.
"Your honor," began ono of the pris
oners, "I beg of you not to accept so
crude a misconstruction of our acts.
Doubtless you have heard of a 'gentle
man's agreement?' "
"Well, wo had one, but it had pro
gressed to the stage whero It beenmo a
'gentleman's disagreement' "
Yet was the Judge deaf to reason.
Philadelphia Ledger.
An Unexpected Shot.
"My dear," sold the caller, with a
smile, to ho little girl who occupied
the study while her father, an eminent
literary man. was at dinner. "I sunnoso
you nsslst your father by entertaining i
tno bores."
"Yes," replied the little girl gravely.
"Please ue seated." Judge.
1 SpeaalSale I
to One that is a Sale Bargains for Cash f
fL Buyers to
fli Through July we will sell
() oul 1 in the store tor j
20 per cent J
ifi less than regular prices jf
to to
Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits all go at this price
to to
1 Hats 1
I s
to Straw Hats at one-half regular. Felt and wool Hats at to
to cost, some of them at LESS THAN COST. (0
S w
to Gimbels, Americans, Royals to
fl ! tf
fa Not a Hat reserved. What Stetsons we have can be bought m
ff at cost.
to Remember, this sale is for cash. A look will satisfy to
to vou that we mean business. to
I Paul Storey, cff f
Lewis M. Steward, Mgr.
Red Clovid Business College
system of
The Touch
system of
Attend a complete Business College that will prepare you for an idnnl
Commercial Life. uoai
Fall Opening Sept. 3. Enter at any time. Individual Instruction
Items of News Found in The
Chief of Twenty Years Ago
This Week V
John Tomlinson is building n new
Frank Cowden came home from Or
leans for a visit.
The first of the week a son was horn
to Mr. and Mrs. I. Frisbic. (They of
terwards named him Lucius.)
Horse thieves stole a bay mare from
Uncle Levi Moore's barn Thnrsday
night. The horse was valued at 200.
It will be twenty years ago next
Sunday since Lloyd Uradbrook first
looked upon the light of day in lied
lied Cloud's base ball team had won
thirteen straight games, talcing into
camp all the teams from the neighbor
ing towns.
"Jim" Smith, one of the rising young
men of Red Cloud and iv law student in
the oillee of Case & McNeny, was mar
ried on July 27 to Miss Cecelia Roats,
daughter of A. Hoats.
The Chief tells an interesting story
of three Moravian girls who came from
the old country and were on their way
to Oberlln, Kas. They had been swin
dled out of their money by an immi
grant ngent, who furnished them trans
portation only as far as Kansas City,
where they were put oil' the train.
They walked as far as Ouide Hock,
where charitable people paid their fare
to lied Cloud. In this city Antonio
I'roskovec and John Volnicky took
them in hand and raised enough money
to send them on to Oberlin. Mr. l'ol
nicky was at that time engaged in
AskforAllens's Foot-Ease,
a powder for swollen, tired
ing feet. Sample sent free. Also free
samples of the Foot-Ease Snitary Corn
Pad, a new invention. Address Allen
S. Olmsteud, Le Roy. K. Y.
On B. Stewaiid, See. and Treas.
The Gregg
system o(
Canon City, Sunnyside,
and Genuine Nigger
Head Maitland
You may be particular or what
some call "cranky," but OUR
COAL will please you.
Our coal is clean and we deliver
Bell Tel. 00. Rural Tel. 71
Albright Bros.
We cannot afford to do
less than satisfy in
quality, style, price and
give to you our person
al service and careful
Calls Answered
Night or Day
Rural and Bell phones
at store and residence.
Foit SALK-Horso buggy and hai J
ness. Inquire Joe Fogel.