The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 26, 1907, Image 1

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Eight Pages
Home Print
$1 a Year
in Advance
County Redlstrlctcd-Big Batch of Old
Claims AlUwed.
lloiml of county commissioners met
July 17 in regular session. Present,
Commissioners Richard, Chaplin, An
derson, Overman and Sawyer.
Anderson, Chaplin and Riehurd were
appointed to settle with the county
treasurer, and Sawyer and Overman to
Hettle with the balance of the county
Committees were appointed to ap
praise school land as follows:
Chaplin, Anderson and Overman, nS
nv4 30-2-10; Richard, Overman and
Sawyer, nw4 ne4 and ne4 nwt 2-1-lt;
Overman, Sawyer and Richard, be4 set
21M-10; Anderson, Overman and Saw
yer, net net 33-3-10: Anderson, lliehard
and Chaplin, all 30-4-11.
The bid of O. C. Teel for insuring
the poor farm buildings and personal
property was accepted, the amount to
be curried being Sft.SOO.
The following road overseers were
appointed: Fred Lampman, No. lit;
Louis llartman. No. 17.
On motion the county was redistrict
ed to comply with the new law, by
making each precinct in the county
(except cities and incorporated vil
lages) a road district, and they will be
numbered as follows;
Oak Creek, No. 1; Potsdam, No. 3;
Glenwood, II; Harmony, 4; Cathcrton,
ft; llatin, 0; Kim Creek. 7; Stillwater,
8; Heaver Creek, It: Pleasant Hill. 10;
Red Cloud, 11; Inavale, IS: Walnut
Creek, 13; Line, 14; Garfield, 1.1; Guide
Rock, 10.
Hoard adjourned to do committee
July 17, 11H)7.
The committees appointed to settle
with the county ollicers reported that
they found the books to correspond
with the statements submitted.
The following claims were allowed
on the general fund:
T .1 Chaplin, com'r work.. .
AV lliehard, com'r work....
W Richard, com'r work
"V Richard, com'r work
() 1) Hedge, sheriff
,1 (J Overman, com'r work
Dr R T Hull, coroner
.1 O Caldwell, coal
ISernurd McNeny
. (S A R hall, election
I V Kdson, expenses 0 40
O C Teel, insurance 14.1 00
Albright Itros, chair 8 75
School Dist No. 8, election.... JS 00
Chief Pub Co. printing 13 75
3'aul Storey, clothing 15 50
Nation, printing 58 00
School Hist S3, election 5 00
A U Hosmcr, printing 75 50
A C Hosmer, printing .'IS 50
.1 (5 Overman, commissioner... 40 SO
C N Lovercheck, labor 1 50
Thomas Rurdcn, election S 00
School Dist :t, election 10 00
Chief Pub Co, printing 7 (10
DrC F Kehler, medicine 17 00
Guide Rock Signal, printing.. S S5
O C Teel, insurance SIS S5
Neb Institute for Hllnd 10 II
School Dist 10, election '. 5 00
School Dist IS, election 5 (10
L K Spence, printing II 50
1, II Rlucklcdge, Co Atty 80 85
L II Rlucklcdge, Co Atty 5 00
L II IMaekledge, Co Atty SI (10
L II Rlucklcdge, Co Atty 5 00
l)r V A Franklin, ined serv... 11 00
l)r Wegmanu, medicine 1 S5
Lee l)e Tour, otllce expense... nil SO
Red Cloud City 110 :io
Red Cloud City, water It 8S
M Dunlin 4 00
Nellie West Caster, exp S4 07
Newhouse Rros,sherifr supplies 17 00
H K Grice, supplies SI 00
A C Hosmer, printing !I7 50
Chief, printing S7 00
,1 (.5 Overman, com'r service... 51 10
R T Hall, coroner 10 80
(ieo W Hutchison, telephone.. IS 85
L I'J Talt. printing 75 3ft
H H Grice, biipplies lot 70
W R Anderson, com'r H .'10
W R Anderson, com'r 40 70
W R Anderson, com'r S4 00
W R Anderson, com'r 13 00
V R Anderson, com'r '14 10
U G Sawyer, com'r 130 08
II 30
S7 SK)
Sit lift
00 70
1440 70
17 SO
17 40
5 110
10 10
10 00
T J Chaplin, com'r 1 10 50
The following claims on the bridge
fund were allowed:
R S Proudtlt Lumber Co SU57 15
I like it was all over, but Walls and , Kentucky volunteers, of which com
' Harris again scored, and the game was puny his younger brother, F. Houehiu
Red ClOUd and Topcka GlantS Break I again a tie. was captain, ami served 18 months.
Ecn on TWO Games In their half of the tenth the coons' Funerel services were held at the Ash
Wednesday's game with the Topeka llt?w hlank. "Ilraddy" hit safe and ' Creek M. 13. church, conducted by Rev.
CiiantS was as near u farce as anvthing tf"t- down to first, but was caught nap- George Hummel, and interment was in
IS feu
: 1 u
' JC1 uianis was as near u mrce as unvt hint'
" 7ft ooifld well be. The Red Cloud teuni ( ptkr nml went out. (Jriives, McCloskey ' the Waggoner cemetery
010 78 was handicapped by the absence of ' ! Walls hit safe, but were held tight ! Mrs-JatHCS Stone
i - " Saunders, Lain and Rradbrook three "J " uuses, and it remained for Harris
Adamson fc W
G (J Hoit ....
Saunders Rros
Saunders Hros
Geo Clauson ..
Lee Arnett
Al Turner ,
F G Dey
Pope Itros 31 lift J they had a hard time trying to keep Cloud 10, (limits
The claim of 11. E. MeFarland for , the score down Unit low. Cook
rent and groceries, the same being an of Rloomiiigton caught in place
old book account and not ordered by nf Saunders.and he was responsible for '
county board, was rejected. several of the bases gained bv the'
430 80 0f the mainstays, and the colored boys
15 00 were also a little "oiV."' The final score
5S was 13 to 0 in favor of the Giants, and
to get u clean tlnee bagger which
scored all three of them and the game
was over, the final score being, Red
The claim of Herbert P Ruck of SS Giants, although the pitching had a. '.
for coyote bounty was rejected. I good deal to do with it. Oscar Rur- ;
Deaths and Funerals.
X w&fflyiJMWAv&xsfflxww;
Mrs. Stone, widow of .Judge James
Stone, died Tuesday evening at the
home of her son-in-law, Andrew Upp,
iu Smith county Kans. Funeral ser
vices were held at Mount IIopu church
Friday morning, conducted by Rev.
George Hummel.
The 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Peterson died Monday eve
ning and was buried the same night..
The death certificate gave bowel com
plaint as the cause.
The claim of the Smith Premier routrhs started to uninire. and there 1
Typewriter Co was rejected and the I was considerable kicking on his decis- William AIIS0.
machine ordered returned. i ions, particularly by the visitors from William Allsopdicd sometime during
The petition of C. F. Guild and others , Cowles, Inavale and Guide Rock, who Saturday night and was found dead in
asking for u special election to vote a were anxious to seethe Red Cloud boys his bed Sunday morning. Funeral ser
levy of five mills for three years to j smothered. P.urroughs was finally re- vices were held at the Ash Creek M. 1-3.
build u court house was referred to placed bv -lack Waller of Cowles. who church Tuesday afternoon, under the
the eountv attornev. emnnelled t1u Red Timid bnv.x In nut. ausniecS of the .Masons, of whieh i
On motion all bids were rejected for out six men in one inning. Iloyd Smith, deceased was a member. The sermon and cultivated 00 acres of corn once
the sidewalk as submitted. at third, made two put-outs and one was preached by Rev. George II uiiunel, ( over, and put up six acres of alfalfa.
II. II. Holdredge's bond was approv- assist in this inning, neither of which who was assisted by Revs. Cressmau Mrs. Steadman has been sick so much
ed as justice of the peace. was allowed, the Giants scoring six d Austin. A very largo attendance this season that it was impossible for
The claim of Mrs. L. MeFarland was runs after the should have been re-1 of friends and relatives were present him to get in the field. That was
A Brotherly Act.
Guide Rock Signal:
On last Friday, seventeen M. W. A,
boys and neighbors of II. E. Steadtntin
compelled the Red Cloud boys to put auspices of the Masons, of which order went to his place with teams and tools
reduced from 37.30 to 531. Sft.
HoAi'd adjourned to August 7,
Real Estate Transfers.
For the week ending Tuesday,
July S4, furnished by the Fort Ab
stract Co., L. II. Fort, Mannger.
Alfred Decker to W V Anderson
Its 5, 0, 7, blk 10, Cowles SlftftO
J Thomas to D C Hradford, pt lot
13 blk 3, Rohrer'sadd Rlnellill Sft
Daniel CRradfordtoChicugoLuin It 13, nil 13 14 1ft blk 3,
Rohrer's add Hhie Hill 2000
E A Ivrug et nl to S G Stunser,
pt nw4sw4 21, 1, 10 30
Hannah J Crow to Caroline llarf-
houcht, pt se sw 3, 1, II S500
Chas F Gund to Win G Hoffman '
ne4 11,3, 11 0200
Herbert llawley to S. L)gmi, lot
1, Huwley's sub dv Itlue Hill..
Louisa llancy to Charlotte Leigh,
Its 7, 8, It, blk 10 LeDuc's add
to Red Cloud
Christian Koehler to First Nat
Rank Hlue Hill, qcd sw4 3,3.10
Connecticut Trust it Safe Dep Co
to Derginan, ne4 SO, 3, 12
Martin R Corner to LouisuHnney
pt sw4 30, S 11
tired. at the services. practical fraternallsm--tlie kind of
The score in this game was 13 to 0 in ' William Allsop was born in the town brotherly love told about in the gooil
favor of the Giants. ' or Relpher, Derbyshire, England, on Rook. Mr. Steadman wishes to thank
iiii'Iisoay's o.wir. j July 18, 1830. Re came to America with ' his brothers through these columns,
,. , . , , this parents in 1815, and lived for two and if an opportunity presents Itself
...... ...,V ., f,...... ...., .....V... X..W V,.
and more exciting than that of the day
before. Cook of llloomington, who
caught for Red Cloud on Wednesday
and contributed so iimlcriully to our
defeat, caught a star game for the Gi
ants and got his share of the hits.
Walls and Harris of Superior, who oc
cupied the points for Red Cloud, are
certainly ball players, and it wus
through their splendid hitting and base
running that lied Cloud finally won
out in the tenth inning of a hard
fought game.
In the first two innings it looked as
years in Washington. I). C. In 1SI7 will be glad to return sucli favors both
the family moved to Klllnghum county in spirit and in truth.
Illinois, where hegrew to uiauhood, Iu !
1373 he married Miss Helen Zcigler.
Three children were born to this mar
riage, two of whomCharles Allsop of
this city and Mrs.Jane Dugdale of Gib
ban, Neb., survive him. His first wife
Attention Prohibitionists.
All prohibition voters of Webster
county, Nebraska, are hereby called to
meet in the Court house in Red Cloud,
on Tuesday, July 30. 1007, at 10 o'clock,
died in 18011, and he was married again j for t)u, pni.p(m. arranging for the
in 1872 to Mary J. Marshall, of Kfllnjj-1 pluuliijf of a ccuntv ticket in the field
ham county Illinois. Ry this marriage i u,k.,. thl! ,lL.. pri,liurv i,;Wf to makc
he was the father of one child, Mrs
tl I ntl li ti.f.i , . m .. .
ivureii wiiue. iiu ins uiiniiy lie
plans for aggressive work, the election
dt l JlikllttMkl Ililltll1lt(llik timl t, ilin
I Mi. kh wiumu wwtiuuilkLVf tlllll lit I LUC
, transaction of such other business as
inni n-iii..... l,., is..,.,! n..:i i umt ...I..... .... ....
though the Giants were going to huve , , ' 7 , u 7 ', i " ''ol,ie eru tiie meeting. jy or-
,, ,, ,. . ,, . , ne came io uiis couuiy, wnere ne nas
Mortgages filed, S07ftft.
Mortgages released, SI 1450.
a walkaway. Harry Itrown, at first,
MOO droPI)lMl two thrown balls, both of
I which finally resulted iu scores, and
Guy Rradbrook, who is ordinarily one
'of the surest throwers in the Red Cloud
team, made three bad throws to first
that resulted disastrously. Outside of
this, Red Cloud played a good fielding
game, but our boys seemed tobeufruid
of taking chances on running buses.
The colored boys scored three times
in the first and twice in the second in
ning. Red Cloud failed to score
until the fifth inning, when they
made three, Graves, Walls and Harris
scoring. They collected two more in
Now is the time to subscribe.
since made his home. Mr. Allsop was
converted to the .Methodist church in i
1802, and has been a consistent Chris-
tian since that time. He was ever u .
kind and loving husband and father, '
unci wus loved unci respected by all who '
knew him.
Gcerfte Heuchln
George Houchin was born May 27,
der ot the executive committee.
Ciias. Fri.wini:iit Chairman.
A. V., Secretary.
the seventh, tieing the score. The coons
scored two in the ninth, and it looked i wur as u private in company II, 5Sd
To The Public.
Owing to the advance in the price of
foodstuffs and the constantly dcereai
ing profits in the restaurant business,
I am compelled to abandon the policy
of serving fifteen cent meals, and from
1831), in Kduiondston county county, now my regular price will be twenty
Kentucky, unci died July lit, 1H07 aged fie cents. The price for day board
77 ycurs, 1 mouth und S days. He and lodging by the week will remain
leuvos u wife unci eight children, six , the sume us heretofore. Thanking
girls und two boys. Deceused hud been ,you for your patronage in the past and
u member of the Ruptist church for und requesting u contltiuunce of the
forty ycurs, He enlisted in the civil .same, 1 urn, yours to please,
J. H. RoniNso.v.
.4 I
... ;) ,
When you buy a Mower, buy a STANDARD, for the following reasons: You can line up
the cutter bar when it drops back or out of line. You can make the sections register in the
center of the guards. It has a cutter bar that never drops with the outer end, and the BEST
FOOT LIFT that ever was made. I have them in 5, 6, 7 and 8 foot cut. Come and look
them over.
, i .