The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 19, 1907, Image 8

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flewsy flotes from
(Prom tho Leader.)
Born, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Spronklo, who
reside flovon miloo south of town, Inst
Saturday, a boy.
P. T. Martin was operntod on by Dr.
Thompson last Thursday, for a tumor
on tho back of his neck.
W. H. Manifold of Ftilorton, who
was recently olocted by tho school
board hero for tho suporintondeney of
our schools, has resigned.
L N. Lowis and son wont Jto Omaha
Monday morning where ho will consult
a specialist in regard to a severe attack
af stomnch trouble.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Buzzard wore
called to Salina. Knns., tho latter part
of the week to attend the funeral of
tho hitter's sister, Miss Elsie Stewart
(Prom the Advocate)
Mrs. Maggie Gray, who was operated
on last week for appendicitis isgotting
along nicely.
Perry Shelton and his son each have
the foundation up for new houses.
Tho littlo duughtor of V. T. Davis,
last Friday night, fell off from a horse
and broko her arm.
K. P. Stewart Is limping around
since some time last Wednesday when
he fell through a liolo in the hayloft of
of a barn in tills city.
Arthur Walrath, while working on
the Shelton building one day lu-t week,
slipped off head foremost. Ho lit in a
pile of soft earth and was knocked
unconscious, but was soon at work
(From tho Express.)
The llog-raisiug on Captain Adams's
beautiful lawn hist evening was beyond
question one of tho biggest meetings
and buocossos ever held in our city.
There were in tho neighborhood of
'2500 in attendance.
(From tho Be view.)
A. M. Cooke is now marshal of the
city of Bivorton.
Dick Moore purchased tho pool hall
from Wm. Polly, the consideration be
inir $850.
Mrs. Webb and Mrs. A. Strohn, who
havo resided at Hed Cloud about a
yoar, moved to our city Saturday.
Ornn Daily is touring tho country
with his race mare in company with
Tom Logan. Their first stop was at
Hastings last week, where the mare
was matched with a St. Joe horso live
eights of ji mile which she won with
(Prom the Sentinel.)
Tho sympathy of many friends goes
out to Mr."and Mrs. Jesse Burton in
tho loss of their little sou, Emory Blake
Burton, Thuraday, July 1.
Tho county board in its sossion this
week voted to put in a now steel bridge
ovor Simmons Creek just bolow tho
llovner boys feed lots oast of town.
Messrs Carson and Perry Hildroth
Complies with all requirements of
An old soldier writes about
ARIOSA Coffee: "Your coffee
is the best and richest coffee I ever
drank since I left the service, from
'61 until I received your coffee
yesterday.''' A soldier knows coffee
by the taste, and the way it make3 him
feel, and would cooner go without
his bread than without his coffee.
Aibuckles' ARIOSA wao the first
roasted, packaged coffee, packaged for
TaTaTaW aWvaH iBflS ) ' D 05jic7r'""""yv K J Av-JfiU wi MB?3EStrf'
Neighboring Touins !
started west Mutiny morning in their
Holsmati autonabilo on a journey ex
tending throuA wostorn Nebraska,
eastern Coloradland back again.
About tho bet nows we havo hoard
in a long time t that of tho partial
succors of tho trjatment upon the eye
sight of the vemjablo Ethan Allen.
IJaxter and Coliy, perpetrators of tho
heinous crime II Hivorton last week,
iiro'Btillliijiill. 'lj
el r preliminary hear
stponod until next
lug has been i
week. Ball was
xed at $ir00, which
not being forth
lining, the two are
compelled to hit
hiish within burred
ho Argus.)
Mrs. Sarah Sri J
or harvested her sec-
oud crop of atfal
i last week.
Lew Break ley
as at Belleville this
wook and ;saw h
k horse "Undertaker"
driven a mile in
Mrs. Newell h
past wook, part
i been very sick tho
tho time her recov-
cry being douhtfkl
Philip Ilawk.lnoof tho early set
tiers of tho lonn country, died very
suddenly Sunduybvoning.
At the U. B. pitsouage, July I, Rev.
McOrow otliciatinl. Mr. D. M. Kinsey
and Miss Hose Mclurrn were united in
Tho contract for ho corner bricks
will lie lot .Mondul Already there
a! lot of brick onltho ground
work will not be all
commenced. Theth
of II. A. Dykos, J.
wed to lag after
ce buildings, that
li. Dykes, and W.
S. Arbuthnot, will b
lot and erected
(From tho Citizen.)
After a lingering illiuss of live or six
weeks, tho infant childhf Mr. and Mrs
Mosie Koulier died Tmkday night.
Joe Widdershoim.whahas been quite
ill for a week, is todaylundergoing an
operation at the haudsxof Dr. Swats
laudor and a Hastings piysiciun.
John Becker left Wednesday evening
for Omaha to bring hi wife home.
Tho hospital surgeous d not think
their treatment can materially im
prove her condition.
(From tho Enterta-iso)
Bierhaus A; Snyder huv started tho
manufauture of eouorcte vases to he
used In landscape gardening.
P. N. Lang, who was swindled out of
$1110 by a bogus stock food dealer
named Glover, put his case in the hands
of Attorney R. P. Parley of this place,
who last week brought Glover to time
and secured tho full amount.
Last Sunday while llshing with a
net Charles Gontert, living north of
tovii,vns drowned. His son, who was
with him, got into deep water and was
nearly drowned when his father rushed
into the water to rescue him. Ho got
tho young man safely ashore when he
was seized with cramps and fell back
into tho water and getting caught in
tho net could not looson himself and
1 his son could do nothing to save his
I iftJ-
the National Pure Food Law, Guarantee
A cfo
protection of consumers, roasted
and the pores of each berry sealed with
a coating of fresh eggs and pure sugar,
to hold the goodness in and make the
coffee settle clear and quickly. Better
than "fresh roast." Warming a
little develops the flavor and makes the
grinding easy. Our enormous coffee
business, exceeding the next four largest
firms in the world together, reduces our
;, in U r ' M
mi w' IIP'&
Interesting Items Gathered
by Our County R.eportera
Corn is doing well, wheat is all har
vested and a good quality.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hoaton were in
Hod Cloud Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sutton visited at
Frank Blankenbaker's Sunday.
A very pleasant party was given at
tho homo of T. F. Jones, Saturday.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Allio Kilgore,
an eight pound boy, Juno 10. All doing
H. S. Holcomb and Mrs. John Sutton
wore visiting with Mrs. Mary Arncson
in lied Cloud, Wednesday.
Mr. Worthon has harvested his sec
ond crop of alfalfa. It is a big crop,
much hotter than the first one.
Mr. I. N. Brown shipped HiO head of
fat cattle a short time ago. He has had
some lino fat hogs for sale one that
weighed 7-ifi pounds. Who can beat
that weight?
Our Chautauqua-
The Chuutauqu move is tho educa
tional move of the day and it is of in
tarest to every one who lives in Web
ster county to do everything in his
power to make this a success tills year,
for if it is not a .success it will go to
.some other place next year. With
.such talent as we have no out should
miss hearing them. "Kilties" Hand
will open with'.two grand concerts .Inly
'M. This is the onlv Canadian Hand
that played at thu World's Fair at St,
Louis and at Jamestown. Don't fail
to hear them. Newell Dwight Ilillis,
the great Brooklyn preacher, will bo
here August 1, and great will be the
crowd on Ilillis day. Hon. G. A. (Jour
hart, the Buffalo man of great fame, is
the Sunday man. lie should be heard
by every man, woman and child. Then
there is Hon. Fred T Dubois of Idaho.
Nat M. Brighton, Dr. Fox, .Midland
Jubilee Singers, Wilbur Starr Concert
Company, Meister.singers' Male Quar
tette, the Citizens' Concert Band,
Ritchie, the magician, the Howe Mov
ing Picture Company, and, in fact.
every program will lie a uouuie pro
gram and a rare treat. Send to Paul
S. Dietrich for illustrated program.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at postolllco at Red Cloud, Neb.
for tho wook euding July 18, 1907:
Goo. Holdon.
Josie McClung.
I. Mendell.
Thoso will bo sent to the dead letter
onlee August 1, Itui", if not called for
before. When calling for above please
say "advertised."
W O Tl irtt."LM 1icf tiincf nt
lfv. i.iunr.ii, i. wuun.i,uii
A friend of the hom )
r iuu or 111a i rum
Compllaa with tha Pure Food Laws
of all States.
No. 204 1 , filed at Washington.
0WS3T- ran rmu vmmm
average cost per pound, and enables ui
to give you better coffee for your
money than you can buy in any other
way. There are more packages of
ARIOSA sold in the United States
than all the other Coffee packages
If your grocer will not supply, write t
Fulton V
Grocery Co.
(Successors to Johu Griireth)
Staple and Fancy
A full assortment of Seasonable
Goods kept in Stock.
Call and See Us.
We will try to
425 Webster Street.
Eoll phono 102.
lud. phono 14
yifwfCfiitSi(rl(3miSmCa(mi3GaiQ muuXiniu H
Deaths and Funerals.
Margaret LI ill t foot
On Thursday, July 11, 1U07, at Beth
any, near Lincoln, Nebraska, Mrs.
Margaret Lightfoot departed this life
and entered into rest with the people
of (lod.
Funeral at the residence of I. W.
Fdson of this city, Rev. (Jeorge Hum
mel ollieiating.
Margaret Yeomans vs born in Ber
gen county, New Jorj-oy, October 1',',
There her early life was passed and '
on August 17, IS IU, .she was united in
lnarrugc with .lames Stewart, coming
with him and their four children
four years later to Illinois, where they
purchased a farm under the new pre
emption laws of the Tinted State. To j
the home they made amid thu priva- '
tiuns of early settlers canto four other
children, one of whom, a daughter, died
at the age of four vear.s.
In January, 18.10, her husband died,
and she heroically took up the task of
supporting her family of live children,
the eldest too young to assist, the
youngest but little more than twoyear.s
of age.
Bereft of the education of the schools.
in some .school oi sou reliance ami sac
rifice she had gained an ability to plan,
and the power to do. to perioral, and
few indeed of those who knew her
would lay claim to more deftness of
hand or indomitable energy and force
of will than was displayed by her
through a long ami useful life.
She lived to see all her six children
grown and settled in life, and rejoiced
in the possession of IS grand-children
and 1 1 great-grand-ohildren. She lived
to see the pi'airie home in Illinois be
eoine the 'enter of a rich domain, un
equalled lor ieauty and value by any
agricultir al lavds in the I'nited States,
the wealtii of every acre enhanced by
the work of her patient hands and ful
filling the hopes of her faithful heart.
With her husband she united with
the Haptist church at Paw Paw, Illinois
many years ago.
Coming to Nebraska in 1S7'.I, where
three of her daughters were living, in
18S:i she was ioined in marriage to
.John Lightfoot and afterwards trans
ferred her membership to thu Christian
church in this city, where it ever after
wards remained.
Mr. Lightfoot died in lS'.Hl, since
which time she has had her home on
Ked Cloud. She is survived by two
daughters and one son.
"She hath done what she could; her
children rise up and call her blessed.
A crown of righteousness is her re
ward, for she loved the appearing of
her Lord. A crown of Glory that
fadeth not away".
Georfte Houchln.
(leorgo W. Houchln, aged 77, died
Wednesday night at his home in Gar
field, the result of a stroke of paraly
sis. FuneraPservlees were held at 3
o'clock Thursday afternoon, conducted
by Kovs. Hummel and Waggoner, and
Interment was in tho Waggoner ceme
tery. Members of tho G. A. ft., of
which organization he wab a member,
also assisted at the service. The fu
neral was largely attended.
County Commlssleners Will Submit Prop
osition for Court House Levy.
The petition which was circulated by
C. l Gund and others calling for
Notice ef Tax Sale.
Notlcolfl hereby Riven that tho utidcrnlpned.
on the Cth dny of November, ltW5. iurchiie l
the county treasurer of Webster county. NebrB prlviite wile, the following described rent
entftte sold for delinquent taxes for tlioyciirlWU,
and Minuted In lied Cloud, Webster comity. Ne
braBka, to wit: Loin four yi), five (ft) nnd Mxifl).
In blo"k ten (10). of U'Duo'h addition to Heil
Cloud, Nebrnskn, taxed in tho name of KdllVi
llrrntit. y
The above named ponton anil nil others n Im
claim an Intfrcot In the above laud will titlie
notice tliHi the tlmf of redemption of said laud
from snld tax unie will expire on tho 7th day or
November. A. V 1W7, nttfr which 1 will npply
lor a ihx (iced for all of the above land Hint lw
not redeemed. Loitipa Hani.t.
Dated thin lllh day of July, 1007.
Notice of Bond Sale.
Scaled proposals will be received by 1.. If.
Kort, becretnrv of the School Hoard, until .Inly
J7th, lli7. nt M M.. for thu nurrlinrc of WMiOiJ
School lloniN of the School District of tha City
of Hed C'lo"d. Wcbuior County, Nebraska, voted
April 2nd. 1007, llondsaru In deli' mliintlnii of
ifWKi each, dated .June Int. 1007, henrltii! 4'4 pur
cent per nunum. miiturliiK June 1st. I'.WT, nint
optional after ft earn. IIoikIk IfKiicd purKiuiut
to section liyftH, Cobbcy'n 1 !'.') Annotated Slut
liten of NebrnMsa,
llIdH must he accompanied by ccrtltled chcclc
for fcMK). pajnble to the X'lty Treasurer. 'I'll
Hoard reserves the right to, reject nny nnd nil
Dated July 10th, 1007. ltcil Cloud. Ncbrntkit.
1)1(. H. K. HAINES, l'relilent.
h. II. FORT, Secretary. JuiiH
Morton I.. Hill, of Lebanon. Iud.. gay; "Mn
wife had Tnflaminalorv Hheuraatlsm In every
muscle and Joint: her suffering waft terrible
and her body and face were hwollen almost be
yond recognition: had been In bed six week
and had eight physicians', but received m
benefit until she tried the Mystic Cure for
Ilhcumatlsm, It gavu Immediate relief and
sho was able to walk about In three davs. i a
mire It wived her life." Sold by II. K. Orlce,
Druggist. Hed Cloud.
Just Received, a Car of
You can save money by
taking 500 pounds of him.
Protection I
15he Medical
Chemical Co.'s
H Powders
are the best on the markets
HXpeil Uie worms, ilii.iy luc
fever, Sweeten the Stomach,.
and place the llOg 111 a lieaittiy-
They are sold on a guaran
tee, or your money back.
Parties wishing any of these
will consult our agent,
W. H. WALTER, Red Cloud. Neb..
Agents wanted. Write Soper & Wil
cox, Itiverton, Neb.
Residence: First door south of
Ked Cloud Mill, 101 South Webster
Can bo foundjotliomo every fore
noon. Terms reasonable.
proposition to vote a special levy to
build a new court house, has been filed
with the county commissioners, and
they will submit thu proposition to tho
voters in November. Thu petition asks
for a luvy of five mills for three years,
and stipulates that the court house
shall cost approximately S.'iO.OOO. Cap
tain Houchln said this morning that he
would abandon all further effort in bu-
half of the petition which hu was cir
culating, and would give his support
to Mr. Guild's proposition. If the rest
of the county is satisfied, we are al
though we believe that a little largee
appropriation would have done p
a harm.
. S?ag,yMn ? 'TQ2X