The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 19, 1907, Image 6

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    v M6U3Mf MWi!MffttMifMMmft
m w i tnmmnto&zp(Ff&fta&$Xj$i& L rtitAv liuivVu VJUVfekSsi A,W"5,-l'WJRAJunft wi t vr &v. ai :M.r,A.stffWsttfAi,
Author nf "The Manttr Mummer," "A
Prince of Slnntrt." "Mutttrtutu
Mr. firthto," "Anna the
Adventurtu," Etc.
Copyrljjht, 1905. 190C, by Little, Brown,
and Company.
(Continued from Pnga Threo.)
comlio romnrkctl. "Ccfine make you
a whisky and sodn, old chap. You look
n bit tired."
"Very good of you. I think I will,"
Andrew answered. "And, George, fire
you mire that 1 should not he putting
you out at all If I were to stay say
another couple of days with you?"
Duncombo wheeled round and faced
IiIh friend. His reply wan not Immedi
ate. "Andrew," he said, "you know very
well that I haven't a pal In the world
I'd Hoouer have here than you for Just
as long as you choose to stay, but for
give me If I ask you one question. Is
It because you want to watch Miss
Fielding that you have changed your
"That has a good deal to do with It,
George," Andrew said quietly. "If I
left without meeting that young lady
again I should be miserable. 1 waut to
hear her speak when she does not
know that any one Is listening."
Duncombo crossed the room and laid
his hand upon the other's shoulder.
"Andrew, old fellow," he said, "I
can't have It. I can't allow even my
best friend to spy upon Miss Fielding.
You see I've come a bit of a cropper.
Quick work, 1 suppose, you'd say. lint
I'm there all the same."
"Who wants to spy upon Miss Field
IngV" Andrew exclaimed hoarsely.
"She can be the daughter of a multi
millionaire or a penniless adventurer
for all I care. All I waut Is to be sure
that she Isn't Phyllis Poynton."
"You are not yet convinced V"
There was a moment's silence. Dun
combe walked to the window and re
turned. "Andrew," he said, "doesn't what I
told you Just now make a difference?"
Andrew groaned.
"Of course It would," he answered,
"but Pm fool enough lo feel the same
about Phyllis Poynton."
Duucombe, In tho full glow of sen
sations which seemed to lilm to give a
larger and more wonderful outljok on
life, felt his sympathies suddenly
awakened. Andrew Pelham, his old
chum, sitting there with his huge, .dis
figuring glasses and luwcd head, was
surely the prototype of all that was
pathetic. He forgot all his small Irri
tation at the other's obstinacy, lie re
membered only their long years of
comradeship and the tragedy which
loomed over the life of his chosen
friend. Once more his arm rested
upon his shoulder.
"I'm a selilsh brute, Andrew'." he
said. "Stay as long as you please and
get this Idea out of your brains. I'm
trying to get Miss Fielding and her fa
ther down here, and If I can muuage
It anyhow I'll leave you two alone,
and you shall tall: as long as you like.
Come, we'll have a drink together now
and a pipe afterward."
Ho walked across to the sideboard,
where the glasses and decauteis were
arranged. Then for the tlrst time he
saw upon tho tray awaiting him a tele
gram. He gave a little exclamation
as he tare it open. Andrew looked up.
"What Is It, Gcotvju?" he asked. "A
Duucombe stood with his eyes glued
upon tho oblong strip of paper. A
curious pallor had crept Into his face
from underneath the healthy tan of
his complexion. Andrews sightless
though he was, seemed to feel the pres
ence In the room of some exciting lu
llueuce. lie rose to his feet and moved
toftly across to the sideboard.
"Is It a telegram, George?" he whis
kered hoarsely. "Head It to me. Is It
from Silencer?"
Duucombe collected himself with an
"It's nothing," he answered, with a
little laugh In which all tho elements
of mirth wero lacking, "nothing at all.
A note from Heggs, my head keeper,
about some poachers. Confound tho
Andrew's hand was suddenly upon
the sideboard, traveling furtively across
lis shining surface. Duucombe watch-
et'f fit wfth a curious souse of fascina
tion, Ho felt altogether powerless to
Interfere. Ho was simply wondering
how long It would be before those long,
powerful lingers bcized upon what they
bought. Ho might even then have
swept aside tho envelope, but he felt
no Inclination to do so. The lingers
were moving slowly but surely. Final
ly with a little grab they seized upon
It. Then there was another monieut
of suspense. Slowly the hand was
withdrawn. Without a second's warn
lug Duncombo felt himself held In tho
grip of a glnnt. Andrew had him by
tho throat.
"Ton lmvo llcil to mc, George!" ho
cried. "There wna n telegram!"
IT Boomed to Duncombo that time
stood still. Andrew's face, whol
ly disfigured by the hideous dark
spectacles, unrecognizable, threat
ening, was within a few Inches of his
own. He felt his hot breath upon his
cheek. For a moment there sfolo
through his numbed senses fear of
more terrible things. And then the
grip which hold him relaxed. Andrew
stood away gasping. Tho crisis was
"You Hod to me, Goorgo. Why?"
Duucombe did not answer. He could
not. It was as though his body had
been emptied of all breath.
"You meant to keep tho contents of
that telegram a secret from mo. Why?
Was I right, after all? Head me that
telegram, George. Head It to mo truth
fully." "The telegram Is from Spencer,"
Duncombo said. "Ho Is coming hero."
"Here? Is he giving up tho search?
Has ho failed, then?"
"Ho does not say," Duncombo an
swered. "He says simply that he Is
coming here. Ho has wired for a mo
tor to meet him at Lynn. Ho may be
hero tonight."
A discordant laugh broke from Pel
ham's lips.
"What about your Miss Fielding
now?" he exclaimed. "Why do you
suppose that he Is leaving Paris and
coining here? I whs right I know
that I was right."
Duucombe stood up. His expanse of
shirt front was crumpled and battered.
Ills whlto tie was hanging down In
"Listen, Andrew!" he exclaimed. "I
am speaking of the girl by whose side
I sat tonight at dinner, who calls her
self Miss Fielding, who has In plain
words denied that she knows anything
of Phyllis Poynton. I want you to un
derstand this. Whatever she may
choose to call herself that shall be her
name. I will not have her questioned
or bullied or watched. If Spencer
comes hero to do either, I have finished
with him. I elect myself her protector.
I will stand between her ami all sus
picion of evil things"
"She has found a champion Indeed!"
Polham exclaimed fiercely. "With Miss
Fielding I have nothing to do. Yet
you had better understand this. If she
be Phyllis Poynton she belongs to mo
and not to you. She was mine before
you heard her name. I have watched
her grow up from a child. I taught
her to ride and to shoot and to swim.
I have watched her listening to tho
wind, bending over the flowers In her
garden. I have walked with her over
fho moor when the twilight fell and
(he mists rose. We have seen the
kindling of the Blurs, and we have
seen fho moon grow pale and the east
ern sky ablaze. 1 have taught her
where to "look for the beautiful things
of lite. She has belonged to me In all
ways save one. I am a poor, helpless
creature now, George, but by tho gods,
I will let no one rob mo of my one
holy compensation. She Is the girl I
love, the better part of myself."
"Phyllis Poynton may be all these
filings to you." Ouncombc answered.
"I do not know her. I do not recog
nize her. Find her If you can. Make
of her what you will. All that 1 ask
of you Is that you divest your mind
of these senseless suspicions. Seek
Phyllis Poynton where you will, but
leave alone the woman whom I love.
I will not have her troubled or an
noyed by needless Importunities. Sho
says she Is Miss Fielding. Then she
Is Miss Fielding. It Is enough for mo.
It must be enough for you!"
"And what about Spencer?" Pelham
asked grimly.
"Spencer In this matter is my serv
ant," Duncombo answered. "If his
search for Phyllis Poynton entails his
annoying Miss Fielding, then ho Is dls
missed. I will have no inoro to do with
the business."
"I have heard of this man Spencer,"
Andrew answered. "If you think that
he Is tho sort of creature whom you
can order about like that, I fancy that
you are mistaken. You may try to
call III tit oil', If you like, but you won't
succeed. Ho Is searching for Phyllis
Poynton, and he Is coming here. I be
lieve that he will llnd her."
Tho windows wero wide open, and
both men suddenly turned round.
There was no mistaking tho sound
which camo to them from tho road
outside the regular throb and beat of
a perfectly balanced engine. Thou
they heard n man's voice, cool and
"Hero you are, thou, and a sovereign
for yourself. A capital little car this.
Good night!"
The little Iron gate opened and clos
ed. A tall man In a loose traveling
coat and carrying a small bag entered.
I He saw Dunoombe standing at the
i open window and waved his hand. As
, ho approached his boyish face lit up
Into u smile.
"What luck to find you up!" ho ox
claimed. "You got my telegram?"
"An hour ago," Duucombe answered.
"This Is my friend, Mr. Androw Pel
ham. What will you have?"
"Whisky and soda, and a biscuit,
please," was tho prompt reply. "Havo
not upset you, I hope, coming down
from tho clouds In this fashion?" .
"Not In 'the 'least? Eumcoinbo an
Bwered. "You've made us very curi
ous though."
"Dear me," Spencer exclaimed,
"what a pity! I came here to ask
questions, not to answer thorn. You've
Bot me a regular poser, Duncombo.
By Jove, that's good whisky!"
"Help yourself," Duncombo answer
ed. "Wo won't bother you tonight.
I'll Bhow you a room as soon us you've
had a cigarette. Fair crossing?"
"No Idea," Spencer answered. "I
slept all tho way. Jolly place you've
got hero, Duncombo. Nice country
"Thoro is just one question," Polham
"Shan't answer It tonight," Spencer
interrupted firmly. "I'm dead sleepy,
and I couldn't guarantee to tell the
truth. And when tomorrow comes
I'll bo frank with you I've very little
to say. Pardon me, but where does
Mr. Polham como In In this matter?"
"Pelham," Duncombo said slowly,
"was a neighbor of Miss Poynton's in
Devonshire. It was through him that
I first wont to Paris to search for her."
Spencer nodded.
"Glad to meet him, then," ho re
marked. "There nre n few questions I
shall be glad to ask him in the morn
ing." "Thorp Is one," Polham said, "which
you must answer now."
Spencer raised his eyebrows. Ho
was standing with his back to thorn 1
now, helping himself to sandwiches
from n dish upon tho sideboard.
"Hy Jove, your cook does understand '
these things," ho remarked, with his
mouth full. "No Idea I was so hungry.
What was that, Mr. Pelham? A ques
tion which must bo answered now?" i
"Yes. You telegraphed to Duncombo
to know the names of Lord Huuton's
guests, and now you have co'mo hero
yourself. Why?" i
Spencer helped himself to another
"I came hero," he said, "because I
didn't soom to bo getting on In Paris.
It struck me that the clew to Miss
Poynton's disappearance might, after ,
all, be on this side of the channel."
Pelham guided himself by the tablo
to the sideboard. He stood close to
"Mr. Spencer," he said, "I am almost
blind, and I cannot seo your face, but
I want you to tell mo the truth. I ex
pect It from you."
"My dear fellow," Spencer answered,
"I'm awfully sorry for you, of course,
but I really don't seo why I should an
swer your questions at all, truthfully
or untruthfully. I have been making a
few Inquiries for my friend Duncombo.
At present I regret to say that I have
been unsuccessful. In their present
crude state I should prefer keeping my
discoveries, such as they are, to my
self." Pelham struck the sideboard with his
clinched fist so that all the glasses rat
tled upon tho tray. Ills face was dark
with passion.
"I will not be Ignored In this mat
tor," he declared. "Phyllis Poynton
and her brother are nothing to Dun
combo. He acted only for mo. Ho
cannot deny it. Ask him for yourself."
"I do not need to ask him," Spencer
answered. "I am perfectly well aware
of the circumstances of the case. All
the same, I go about my business my
own way. I am not ready to answer
questions from you or anybody else."
"You shall tell me this nt least," Pel
ham declared. "You shall tell me why
you telegraphed here for the names of
Lord Huuton's house party."
"Simplest thing in tho world," Spen
cer answered, relinquishing his attack
upon tho sandwiches and lighting a
cigarette. "I did It to oblige a friend
who writes society notes for the New
York Herald."
to de continued.
Dean of University of California Suc
ceeds Schmitz. I
San Francisco, July 17. Dr. Edward J
It. Taylor, physician and lawyer, dean
of the Hastings law college and of
tho University of California, was, by
(.. board of supervisors, elected mayor
of San Francisco and by tho open (
avowal of tho bribery-graft prosecu
tion tho so-called "reign of tho big
stick" camo to an end.
Merchant Formerly Connected With
Marshall Field & Co. Ends Life.
New York, July 17. Albert d. Lis
oomb, a merchant connected with tho
firm of Marshall Field & Co. of Chi
cago, was found dead In his apart
ments at tho Chatsworth house, as
phyxiated from gas which was escap
ing irom soveral humors. Tho police
believe Llseomb committed suicide.
His family Is absent In tho country.
0. J. Grown Shot and Killed and Otis
Taylor Seriously Wounded.
Cherryvalo, Kan., July 17. Two
robbers held up a St. Louis and San
Francisco freight train fivo miles east
of Chorryvale, shot and killed O. J.
Brown and seriously wounded Otis
Taylor, harvest hands.
Tho victims wore, beating tholr way
'""'' HI Hill'l HhnliiiiHilni.iiiii, mm ti mi ,nil"ll"
'"'' '" "' " "' '"" T
JeBcfablcPrcparationibr As
similating thcTood andReg ula
ting Hie Stomachs and Dowels of
ncss and Rest.Contoins neither
Omutn.MorpbinO nor "Mineral.
imphn Smi"
Ppptnaint .
Apcrfcct Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsfons.Fevcrish
dcss and Loss of Sleep.
facsimile Signature ot
Bett for
Colds, Croup,
Couoh, Etc.
i Opiates
National 1
Food and
Drue Law.
All cough syrups containing opiates consti
pate the bowels. Bee's Laxative Cough Syrup
moves tho bowels and coatMM o opiato.
Clrstwa ami Ix'ivutlfici the hilr.
I'rninoU'i n luxuriant Rruwth.
Novcp Failu to ltctstoro Qray
flair to tin Youthful Color.
Ti Curcj iculp clUrftn-1 At hair falling.
i"J ' "carnitine at Draszlrti
homo to Western Kansas after having
worked la the wheat fields In the
southern part of the state. They re
sisted the efforts of the road men to
rob them of their earnings. Brown
was shot and died almost Instantly.
Taylor was wounded twice, one bullet
Btrlkiug him in the left shoulder aud
the second in the breast.
Taylor was brought to the hospitnl
here. Ho Is In a serious condition, but'
inav recover. Tho robbers escaped.
Supreme Court Decides His Veto of
Kearney Normal Fund Was Right.
Lincoln, July 13 The supremo
court decided that Governor Sheldon
acted within the constitution when ho
vetoed tho appropriation of 585,000
for a now building for tho Kearney
normal school. Tho contention of tho
citizens of Kearney was that the bill
had been retained in tho hands of tho
governor longer than tho constitu
tional limit of five days before tho
executive veto was submitted and
filed with the secretary of state.
From Obscurity to Renown.
An ancient well, onco surrounded by
walls eight feet high, In "Yeolng field "
Trowsbury Mead, a valley nbout threo
miles from Clereneestor, near tho vil
lage of Kemble, Is the source known
as Thames head. In summer no sign
of water or of water plants can bo
found near It. Its walls are now down,
and thickly Interlaced vines and brush
hide it from view. In winter it over
flows, Hoods tho valley and contributes
Its little force to the greatest of Island
rivers. Thus from an obscure, hidden
ami neglected origin Hugland'H historic
river swells and Hows on until, upon
Its pellucid bosom above Folly brldgo
to Its brackish waters below tho Tower
of London, It nurses everything from
an infant's gentle pleasures to tho sin
ister tragedies of the greatest city in
tho world. From "In Thameslaud."
Hi. fj
vr.j; -jit-
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Sfift .3W)i
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Ely's Cream Balm
This Romocly is n Specific,
Sure to Civo Satisfaction.
It cloanscH, soothes, heals, and protects tha
umciiseu inembrauo. it cures Urunrrh nud
drives away n Cold in tho Head quickly.
Restores tho Senses of Taste nud Smell.
Easy to tiso. Contains no injurious drugs.
Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed.
1 Largo Size, fiO conta at DruggibtB or by
I mail ; Trial Sizo, 10 cents by mail. t
ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warron St.. New York.
ladies, out get rid of the dis
ease which is the cause of
most of woman's nervousness,
viz,f female trouble. "I was
very nervous' writes Mrs.
T. L. Tones- of Gallatin.
Tenn.t "and suttercd six years
with every disease peculiar to
my sex I had headache
backache and acute female
inflammation. I took three
bottles of Cardui and it cured
me. I trained 35 pounds in
weight. I tell my husband J
was worth its weight in gold
to me and I recommend it to i
ffl all women."
At nil Druggists
MMln Cure for lltisiimntUtn nntl Neurululu
ruillmlly curf s In 1 to 3 days, It artlon upon
the ijttem Hi rsmarkntil and mytterlom. It
rcninrei at onct tha cauva and the dlienut hn
lustllutil.T dlbappeurH. The a rut iloto L'lentlr
tien'flts, 7. ntniB and $1. Sold bill. K.Guicb.
druggist, Red Cloud. L
f (TV
fY At