The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 19, 1907, Image 3

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MKM M. .flBMBfe.
wmmwmmmBm mtm
Author of "The Master Mummer," "A Prince of Sinners," "Mysterious Mr.
Sabln," "Anna the Adventuress," Etc.
Copyriflht. 1003, 1C00. by LITTLE, DROWN, and COMPANY.
TIIKHH was something strange
about Andrew's linuiuer ns lie
iiuvuil up to Duneonibo's side.
Tliu latter, who was In curi
ously high spirits, talked Incessantly
for several minutes. Then he came to
11 dead stop. He was aware that his
friend was not listening.
"What Is the matter with you, old
chap?" he asked abruptly. "You are
positively glum."
Andrew rclhain shook his head.
"Nothing much!" lie said.
'itubblsh! What is It?"
Andrew dropped Ills volco almost to
4i whisper. The words came hoarsely.
Ho seemed scarcely master of himself.
"The girl's volco tortures me," he de
clared. "It doesn't seem possible that
there can be two so much alike. And
then Spencer's telegram. What does It
mean?" ,
"He reasonable, old fellow," Dun
combe answered. "You knew Phyllis
Poynton well. Do you believe that she
"would be content to masquerade under
a false name, Invent a father, be re
ceived here heaven knows how and
meet you, nn old friend, as a stranger?
The thing's absurd, Isn't it?"
"Granted. But what nbout Spencer's
"It is nn enigma, of course. Wo can
only wait for his solution. I have
wired him the Information he asked
for. In the meantime"
"vTdl, In the meantime?"
"There is nothing to bo gained by
training absurd hypotheses. 1 don't
mind telling you, Andrew, that I llntl
Miss Fielding the most delightful girl
I ever mot in my life."
"Tell me exactly, George, how she
compares with the photograph you
liave of Phyllis Poynton."
Buncombe sipped ids wine slowly.
"She is very like It," he said, "and
jet Ihero are differences. She Is cer
irtlnly a little thinner and taller. The
features are similar, but the hair is
quite dllVorently arranged. I should
nay that Miss Fielding is two or three
.years older than Phyllis Poynton, and
she has the air of having traveled and
been about more."
"X few months of events," Andrew
murmured, "might account for nil
"those differences."
Duncombe laughed as ho followed
Jils host's lead and rose.
"Get that maggot out of yojir brain.
Andrew," lie exehiimcdv,"ns quickly as
possible. Will you take my arm?
lind the corner."
They found the drawing room almost
deserted. Lord Ituutnn raised ills eye
glass and looked around.
"I bet (hose women have collared the
billiard table." ho remarked. "Coino
adong, you fellows."
They recrossed the hall and entered
Iho billiard room. Lady Iluntou was
allaying with the lord lieutenant's wife,
iwur d
Miss Ficldluy hihJ the Ixiron were xtlll
tho Count ess of Appleton. The others
were all sitting about either on tho
lounge or In tho winter garden beyond.-
Miss Fielding was standlug on
the threshold, and Duncombe advanced
eagerly toward her. On the way, how
ever, ho was buttonholed by an ac
quaintance; tho master of the hounds
had something to say to lilin afterward
about one of his covers. When he was
free Miss Fielding had disappeared.
Ho made his way Into tho winter gar
den, only to ilnd her sitting in a se
cluded eornei' with tliq baron. She
looked up at his entrance, but made
no sign. Duncombe reluctantly re-entered
the billiard room and was cap
tured by hla host for a rubber of
The rubber was a long one. Dun
combe played badly and lost his mon
ey. Declining to cut In again, ho re
turned to the winter garden. Miss
Fielding and the baron were still to
gether, only now they had pushed their
chairs a little farther back and were
apparently engaged In a very confi
dential conversation. Duncombe turn
ed on his heel and re-entered the bll
Hard room.
It was not until the.pnrty broke up
that ho found a chnuce of speaking to
her. He was sensible at once of a
change In her mnnucr. She would have
passed him with n little nod, but he
barred the way.
"You have treated me shockingly,"
he declared, with a smile which was a
little forced. "You promised to let me
show you tho winter garden."
"Did I?" she answered. "I am so
sorry. I must have forgotten all about
it. Tho baron has been entertaining
me delightfully. Good night."
lie half stood aside.
"I haven't by any chance offended
you, have I?" lie asked in a low tone.
She raised her eyebrows.
"Certainly not," she answered. "Ex
cuse me, won't you? I want to speak
to Lady Runton before she goes up
Duncombe stood on one side and let
her pass, w It'll a still bow. As he
raised his eyes ho saw that Mr. Field
ing was standing within a few feet of
him. smoking a cigarette. He might
almost have overheard their conversa
tion. "Good night, Mr. Fielding." he said,
holding out his hand. "Are you stay
ing down hero for long?"
"For two days, I believe," Mr. Field
lug answered. "My daughter makes
our plans."
He ty.clcu very slowly, but without
any accent. Nothing in his appear
ance, except perhaps the fact that he
wore a black evening tie, accorded with
tho popular Ideas of the traveling
"If vou have an hour to spare," Dun
combe said, "it would give me a great
deal of pleasure if you and your daugh
ter would walk dowi and have a look
over my place. Part of the hall Is
Elizabethan, and I have some relics
which might interest Miss Fielding."
Mr. Fielding removed the cigarette
from ills mouth.
"I thank you very much, sir," he
said. "We are Lord Runton's guests,
and our stay Is so short that we could
scarcely make any arrangements to
visit elsewhere. jGlad to have had the
pleasure or meeting you all the same."
Duncombe sought out his host.
"Runton, old chap," lie said, "do me
a favor. Bring that fellow Fielding
and 'ills daughter round to my place
before they go."
Lord Runton laughed heartily.
"Is It a case?" he exclaimed. "And
you, our show bachelor, too! Never
mind my chair, old chap. She's n rip
ping good looking phi, and money
enough to buy the country."
"I don't mind joi.r chaff," Duncombe
answered. "But will yoo bring her?"
Lord Runton looked thoughtful.
"How the dickens can I?" he asked.
"We are all shooting at tho duke's to
morrow, and 1 believe they're off on
Saturday. You're not in earnest by
any chance, are you, George?"
"Damnably!" lie answered.
Lord Runton whistled softly.
"Fielding doesn't shoot," ho remark
ed, "but they're going with us to Beau
manor. Shall I drop him a hint? Ho
might stay a day longer just to make
a few inquiries about you on the spot,
you know."
"Get him to stay a day longer If you
can," Duncombe answered, "but don't
give me away. The old chap's none
too cordial as it is."
"I must talk to lilin," Runton snld.
"Your baronetcy Is a thundering sight
better than any of theso musliroum
peerages. He probably doesn't under
stand that sort of thing. But what
about the girl? Old Do Rothe lias been
I making tin running pretty strong, you
"We all have to take our chance In
that sort of thing," Duncombe said
quietly. "I am not afraid of De
j "I'll do what I can for you," Runton
promised. "Good night."
, Andrew, who had loft nn hour or so
earlier, was sitting in tho library
smoking a pipe when his host returned.
"Not gone to. bed. yet, tlion?' Dun
(Contlnuad en Fafe tiix.)
&Si Xi,
fm sfi
v 1
ig Dargainsi
White Goods.
India Linons, from .8 1-3 to 30c yd
Barred Dimities, from 10 to 20c yd
Barred Nainsooks, from 10 to 20c yd
Dotted Swiss, from 1 5 to 25c yd
Embroidered Swiss, at 30c yd
Lace striped Swiss, from 121J to 30c yd
Silks. I
loninncii tillr o JnrLre itfirln r.o tr "
j ti.riiiiv.o uiii iiiviiv.o hiuv.. qui. jrvi
La Siren Silk, 27 inches wide 60c yd
Black Taffeta, 36 in., guaranteed. . .$1 to $1.25
Black Peau de Soie, 36 in., guaranteed. . .$1.50
Cuocheted Silk Hoods, each 50c
Crocheted Baby Jackets, each $1.00
. Laces and Embroideries.
Valenciennes Laces in all widths, with insertion to match, from 2c to 25c yard.
Oriental Laces and bands to match, from 15c to 50c yard.
Embroidery from 3c to 55c yard. Conic in ami look our line over before buying and
we will save you money.
Hosiery Bursbn Fashioned Stockings
Ladies' Lace Hose, at
1 5 to 50c.
Children's Hose, lace
or 1 xi knit, 10 to 25c, in
white, tan or black.
Infants' Hose, from 10c
to 25c, in lace or lisle
thread, in white, tan or
The famous Burson
Hosiery, 15c to 35c, all
black, or black with white
No Stockings can
be made with truer
lines and shape,
and yet there
not a scam in them s
from toe to top.
As perfectly fash-
the best
hose, but
the seams,
which arc always
'present in the imported stockings.
You need not pay for the work of sew- w cut Tciis the statu
ing up those scams that hurt, as there arc no scams in the Burson.
Knit in perfect shape shaped perfectly in the knitting. ' They
keep that shape from machine to rag bag.
Best in Quality and Comfort. No Higher in Price?.
IS NH t. rj VH IB
-f-f-m - f-f-f-f-f-f-f-fi ifaaaaai. -
s m a ms
3H bbBI til flui H
as coB H bB .
BfflfB Btflfflfflffll IbBbBi.. m
Ob'b'bV bbbbbW 4M
Ladies9 and Children's Gauze Knit Underwear
Infants' long sleeve Vests 15 to 30c
Ladies' long sleeve Vests 25c
Ladies' long sleeve Union Suits 60c
Infants' Vests without sleeves yc
Children's Vests and Pants, ea. . 15 to 25c
Ladies' Vests and Pants, each.. 10 to 50c
Children's Union Suits 50c
Ladies' Union Suits 25c to $1
This month's Butter ick Patterns
mt V V
are luc ana loc none higher .
Kalamazoo Cored Cu., Maker
Batiste Girdles, at 25 to 50c
Batiste Girdles, with hose supporters, at 50c
Batiste Corsets, with hose supporters, at 75c
Corsets (like cut), with long hips, and
two sets hose supporters $1 and $1.35
Guarantee with every American Beauty Corset.
Muslin Underwear.
Corset Covers, lnco trimmed, at 2."o
Corset Covers, embroidered insertion and hemstitched rutllo 40o
Corsot Covers, with 1 inch embroidery and ribbon bonding GOo
Corset Covers, with 0 rows lace insertion and top finished
with laco beading 81.00
Skirt with two rows of 2-inch insertion and 1-inoli laco l.lfi
Shirt with 8-inch flounce ( .1 73
Aud n host of others which wo Imvo not space to mention, of in
and wo will show them to you. No (rouble to show goods.
m x liJJ II jlj u hj
.. Mr. !
Red CM