: THE RED CLOUD CHIEF nTHxTHm Q0 Jmt Subscription Eight Pages All Home Print $1 a Year in Advance KW&W&SfB&fSfZf&S&lWBIBiailX. V VOLUME XXXV. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JULY 10, 1907. NUMBER 2,9 Iff'' 4S f H' 0UNTY ATTORNEY'S STATEMENT Mr. Blacklcdfcc Gives Some Information Regarding the Barker Case. County Attorney Mlncklcdgc has pre pared tin: following statement for publication concerning the Marker in Minilty ttiul. While the result of the trial is a disappointment to Mr. It luck ledge and nine out of ten people in the county, it is no fault of his that the trial went the way it did. lie went to Lincoln and gave the attorney gen eral all possible assistance, remaining there until the verdict of the jury was announced. Mr. Hlncklcpge said that the ease would be fought to the finish, . but at the same time he realizes that it will be a dltlieult matter to secure a jury of twelve men in Lancaster coun ty who will say that Marker is sane within the meaning of the law. In our opinion the time will come when T.uucustyr county will become so tired of these insanity cases that no attor ney will care to appeal to the court of that county to save the neck of a cold blooded murderer. Following is the statement of Mr. Mlncklcdgc: "To the Publisher So much interest has been shown by citizens of the county in the recent trial at Lincoln in the matter of Frank Marker's in sanity that a statement from me might be of interest to your readers. "The trial lasted one week, and was before Judge Frost of the Lancaster county district court and a jury of twelve citizens of that count v. "Marker testified in his own behalf and produced as witnesses a number of employes of the broom shop at the pen, where he has been working, who testified they believed him insane, as lid also a number of convicts three of them under sentence for murder and two for embezzlement. Mesidcs these there was one physician and the prison chaplain who were' of the same opinion. "On the other hand the prison phy sician, Dr. Holvoke. and Dr.. Ilav. Kern and Young, .superintendents of the three insane hospitals of the state, wlio examined Marker.. all slated that in their opinion he is sane, as did also a number of Lincoln doctors who had examined him. "Marker was proven to have told a different story of the crime after the trial In Webster county than what he now says he remembers of it, and seven witnesses from Webster county who had known him well here testi fied that there is no noticeable change in Ids looks or actions from what they wre at and before the trial, and that from their knowledge of him he al ways has been and still is sane. "The general impression of those who followed the trial of the, cast was that the state had made very cleir proof of his sanity. "The jury was unable to agree on a verdict, however, standing six for san ity and six for insanity. They were discharged by the court and another trial of the same matter set for Sep tember H, when a new jury will be called. "I expect to be there to assist the attorney general. "It Is reported that in the meantime Marker's attorney will try to get the sentence commuted to life imprison ment, but I do not tkink Governor Sheldon will interfere. "The costs of the hearing amounted to about 8.100, which probably Lancas ter county will have to pay. "We have all learned something by this trial, which was the first of its kind in tlio state, and I think the state can make a stronger ease next timo than it did this. ' "L. II. Ill.Al'KI.KW'K, "County Attorney." To show the general trend of opin ion we publish a few editorial extracts from the Lincoln papers: Lincoln Star: "No doubt the people'! SirLll he is condemned to ,ue are a lutie in, - patient over the law's delays, but they must remember that these delays are a natural part of the administration n justice and that the laws must be ..'nrcme. It may be irritating to those vLu feel confident that Marker ought to pay the penalty now to know that because of the insanity jury's disa- greement he is to have a respite of many more weeks, but here is a tunc for a display of that noble patience which criminal procedure tests so fre quently." The Evening News says: "It has got to a point where many level-head- ed citizens believe a halt should be ' called on the activity of the peniten- tiary otlteials in aiding criminals to escape the punishment Imposed upon them after being fairly tried ami con victed. Chaplain P. C. Johnson has' prouauiy none more aiong mis mie than any other. He draws a salary from the state for looking after the spiritual welfare of the convicts, but1 apparently conceives il ins uiu.y to assist in freeing them from the conse- quences of their, crimes. Johnson is the man who made the original all! davit two years agv, expressing a be lief that Marker was insane. The law specitle.s the warden as the otllcer to make the allldavit, if he holds such a belief, but Warden Meemer refused and Johnson obligingly stepped into the breaeh. J he chaplain testified for Marker in the later hearing, saying the latter was "mentally and morally deficient." Johnson also lent his as- sistance in getting a pardon for .Mrs. Lillie. His aid was enlisted more than once in securing paroies unu cmuinu- tations for prisoners during the Mickey administration." The Journal caustically comments on tne uniairness oi maicing i.uncusicr county bear the expense of the trial. ! managed to get to second, scoring on a accommodating treasurers the' county discharged Sunday morning after luiv amounting to S3U0, saying it is impos-' dean single into right field. They got j has ever had, will have no opposition , ing announced that they were unable wil.li. ti full Iwiw iTititii filmic .Tiiilir., .....1.. . l I.... .... '..... .. .1. . .. sible to tell how many times Judge 1 lamer will insist on bringing the case up. A Good Result. I'mler the onerationof the new Pure Food Laws, baking powders now gen - erally bear on the labels a statement of the ingredients. This is of the ut - ot importance because of the harm- 1 ingredients used in many cases. mi tul ingredients used in ninny uu Koyul Making Powder is known to bo the only baklntr powder made of Uoynl Cream of Tartar, and this no doubt explains its greatly increased sale here. taking Careful housekeepers are advantage of the protection laws afford, and are u.viiiui rcadinir matter on the back of the label before adopting any brand for use In the home. batted .the visitors and earned their When In tbe place of cream of tartar victory. ' the words "alum" aluminum" or The Indians will play at Cowles Sat phospate of lime" appear among the imi.,v ingredients. they heed the warning f ' and avoid baking powders containing i " " these substitutes. j Now is the time to subscribe. When you buy a Mower, buy a STANDARD, for the following reasons: You can line up the cutter bar when it drops back or out of line. You can make the sections register in the of the guards. It has a cutter bar that never drops with the outer end, and the BEST j poOT LIFT that ever was made. I have them in 5, 6, 7 and 8 foot cut. Come and look v-w them over. RED CLOUD 6, HASKELL 1. Indians Defeated Wednesday In a Fast Game on Red Cloud Grounds. There was a splendid turnout Wednesday to witness the baseball game between the Haskell Indians and I the Med Cloud team. Of course nearlv everyone predicted that the Indians would have a walkawav. but when tin. sU)ju. f battle cleared away it was the Indians who were found to have been scalped instead of the palefaces. "Doe" Nclsonjind a "bum" arm as result of the game at Cowles on Mon-1 llllVf ,lIlrt ., Ued Cloud team was I strengthened; by securing the service of "Doe" Fulbirs. the Chester twirlcr.who pitched a heady game and had the In- ,.,aus ut i,,s UU!ruy n, critical points In the game. Ued Cloud started the fireworks in the third inning when Nelson and Saunders both hit safe after two men were o'.t. With Saunders on second and Nelson on first, lloyd Smith hit a clean two-bagger that scored both men. ' r. tbe last half of the fifth the In- diims had not sueceded in getting a man past first base. In the sixth inning the locals again took a batting streak. Lane mid Graves singled, and both scored on Smith's two-bagger. I lines got a safe oneand Saunders hit one into the trees which the Indians could not find, and liotli mcn scored. It looked like a shut-out up to the first half of the ninth, when one of the redskins hit one into the trees and a couple more men on liases, lint tlie Heady pitching of l-ellars anil the fast fielding of the Med Cloud boys preven - ted their scoring again. The last In- dian went out on a dilllcnlt foul fly which narry mown captured niter ' '""R' through the crowd along the , 'K1'1 "" ' "- 1 " 1U-'11, "' I l,ailMlu l,,u ,iftn' WMun t,,e I"lii"s ' men on -hst and second. Fellars fielded a hot one which he slummei to Lane at second, "iK 11 lllli runner, ami i.ane got lt lwn to Mrown at first in time to '-'ut ,v the hatter, retiring the side. With the exception of a collision be- tween Nelson and Graves in left Held, a which the the ltcd Cloud boys played an error" i the race for the Republican noinina- turn I exhibit premiums have been grenk ning all the less game, while the Indians had two I tion. Fp to the present time we have ' lyinurcnscd. and a good tiinu is proin- to their credit. However, the Ued Cloud team out- JAMBS PETERSON. STRUCK BY LIGHTNING C. E. Putnam, Two Sons and Two Other Gentlemen Severely Shocked During the storm Saturday afternoon, near Cowlcs.thc barn on O.K. Putnam's place was struck by lightning, and splinters of wood were thrown in every direction. .Mr. Putnam and his two sons, N. C. and Miles, and George Denton and a gentleman whose name we did not learn had taken refuge from the storm in the barn. Mr. Put-'of nam was badly injured from the shock, and the others were more or less sha- ken up. The lightning burned a blis-1 ter nearly a foot square- on Mr. Put- nam's breast, and he was rendered un conscious. The bolt, ran down his leg, tearing his clothing and burning his typewriting. Mrs. Steward graduated flesh, it went through the heel of his with highest honors ut the Columbus shoe, piercing a hole as clean as a bill- Mnsiness College In Uio. iiml now holds let hole. His shoe was torn from his an unbeaten record on the Underwood foot anil thrown quite a distance. A typewriter, silverine watch which he carried in i ,,, ,,f h, ..!,.,,,, m..,.i..i,i .f his pocket was melted. George Denton was also struck by the bolt and badly burned ami shoek- . ed. though his injuries were not so se- i rious as were thoseof Mr. Putnam. , ' No 0l)OSltlon. It begins to look as If the present ( Republican olllee holders were all going , to be given another term, witli the ex- " ception of County Assessor Turner, , whom the law docs not permit holding olllce another term. j County Treasurer W. C. Frahin. who has boen one of the most ellleient and within his own party. He represents i the northern part of the county on ' that ticket. Sheriff ). D. Hedge has surprised his friends and confounded his political enemies by his exceptionally good work -m tin otllcc of sheriff. Oliver has shown that, though he is a giant in stature. I he can get around over the country and round up the lawbreakers with surpis - lug ease and swiftness. He will go in- to the campaign this fall with as j-ood a record as any sheriff of the county has ever had, and he will have no Iron- ' j,,. ; n.llK re-elected. Mrs. Nellie West Caster, county su- ' perintendent, will have a clear field in heard of no other candidate for iioin- ination, and it is bertain she will have no opposition within the party. The olllce is by no means a sinecure, and with the possible exception of the ollice of county clerk there is more work attached to it than to any other county olllce. i i COLLEGE LEASED L. M. Steward Will Nannie Business College the Coming Year. Mr. Lewis M. Steward, who came here recently from Columbus, ., has taken the management of the lied Cloud Musincss College. Mr. Steward formerly was manager of the Columbia I Commercial lTniversityof Lnnenstcr.O. lie received a commercial education at. the famous Columbus Mnsiness College Columbus, ()., anil since his gradua- j tion has taken a very active part in commercial life. Mrs. LewisSteward will bepriueipat of the shorthand and typewriting dc niiriments. teaching the' (iiee-ir svsteiu of shorthand and the touch system of ... . L. .... ... ... ... --.-,h .!' short, ha nil, .Mr. Steward claims that it is the greatest and simplest system ever placed heforu the American peo ple. The school will open September II, and everyone Is invited to visit the college headquarters tent during the Chautauquu. BARKER JIRV DISAGREE Another Fiasco In the Case of the Webster County Murderer The jury in the insanity ease, which was tried at Lincoln last week, was to reach a verdict. They stood six to six against insanity. It would be a ditlicult matter to con- vince any citizen of this county that, ' Marker Is Insane within the meaning of the law. The case will be brought j up again in the district court of Lan caster county September 0. It begins to look as though Marker would escape 1 the death penalty. -. The Webster County Fair, L. K. Snence was down from Mhuleir this week soliciting advertising for the I premium list of the Webster County Fair, to be held at Mladeu, September 211 to y.H. Moth the speed and agrlcul- iscd to all who attend. I'he people of Mladeu are very hospitable, and they 4. , do not look at the expense account when getting up an entertainment. As , this is the only agricultural society In the county, every one who can possibly do so should make arrangements to at tend .