The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 12, 1907, Image 4

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Hair Germs
Recentdiscovcries have shown
that falling hair is caused by
Germs at the roots of the hair.
Therefore, to stop falling hair,
you must first completely de
stroy these germs. Aycr'sHair
Vigor, new improved formula,
will certainly do this. Then
leave the rest to nature.
Does not change the color of the hair.
' kttu .aui i ill! i.til lm 41lal
V. Ij. Smith's buggy narrowly escaped
rormulo with enoh bottle
Show It to your
Auk hfm nbout It,
than do at li y
Recent discoveries have also proved that
dandruff is caused by germs on the scalp.
Therefore, to cure dandruff, the first thing
to do is to completely destroy these dan
druff germs. Here, the same Aycr's Hair
Vigor will give the same splendid results.,
Utile by tilt J. 0. Ayr Co.. Law!!, Mui.
To the voters of the Tenth Judicial
I hereby announce myself a can
didate at the l'riiuurles to be held
September .'I, 1007, for the Republican
nomination for the ofllce of .fudge of
the 10th Judicial District of Nebraska,
compriKing the counties of Webster,
Franklin, Harlan, Adams, Kearney
iind Phelps. Hespcctfullv submitted,
To the Voters of Webster County:
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the Republican nomination
or County Clerk of Webster County,
.Nebraska,' subject to the primary elec
tion to be held .September 3, 1U07.
E. W. Uos.
To the Voters of Webster County:
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the Republican nomination
for the otllce of county clerk of Web
Mier county, subject to the decision of
primaries to be held September :i.
V. H. Fiuro.v.
To the Voters of Webster County:
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for the Republican nomination for
County Clerk of Webster county, sub
ject to the primary election to be held
September .'1, 1007. Joiuc J. OAitiiKii.
Hracelets are still the popular arti
cles. Wo have a most extensive line
for ladles, misses anil children. Alt
styles. Prices the lowest
Nearly all of the wheat Is cut and In
the shock. From all Indications the
yield will be above tho average, des
pite the cold spring, though the straw
is wry short,
Mr. and Mrs. William Wolfe have
gone east for an extended visit. They
will visit Michigan, Indiana and Ohio,
and take in the Jamestown exposition
before their return.
Within ten days the Burlington rail
road will adopt tho '.'-cent fare all over
Its system, and the clerks In the gen
eral ollices are making out tho sched
ule for the new rate.
Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will meet
eye, ear, nose and throat patlents.and
those needing glasses properly fitted,
at Dr. DamereH's olllce, Tuesday, July
10. Examination free. t2
O. C. Teel went to Lincoln Wednes
day morning to attend a meeting of
the board of directors of .the Farmers'
Mutual Insurance Co. John Ourber is
in charge of his olllce during his ab
sence. The Red Cloud Automobile Co., Roy
Hale, manager. Auto livery service,
repairing gas engines, autos and bi
cycles. Terms reasonable. Phones:
Shop, 117; olllce, tit; residence, 35;
country, 1(1.
The Congregational society is get
ting ready to make some extensive im
provements in their church building.
The basement will be dug out and the
walls cemented, giving them an addi
tional room.
The bites and stings of insects, tan,
sunburn, cuts, burns and bruises are
relieved at once with Pinesalve Curbo-
lized. Acts like a poultice, and draws
out inflammation. Try it. Price D5e.
Sold by Henry Cook's Drug Store.
The band boys will have another big
ice cream social at tho home of L. P.
Albright, next Friday night. Mr. Al
bright furnishes the light, tables and
lawn, and the mothers, wives, sisters
and sweethearts of the boys will do
the rest. .
If you suffer from bloating, belching,
sour stomach, Indigestion or Dyspep
sla, tuko a Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet
after each meal, and overcome the
disagreeable trouble. It will improve
the appetite, and aid digestion. Sold
by Henry Cook's Drug Store.
Walter Hamilton, a young man con
nected with the feather renovator that
hud been In the city for several days,
was severely kicked by a horse Sunday
afternoon, and for a time It was feared
he was injured internally. He is get
ting along nicely, however, and is now
able to be around.
The Sunday schools of Iuavale will
hold an all-day rally next Sunday at
the M. E. church In that city. There
will be papers by Dr. E. A. Thomas,
Mrs. derrick, Mrs. Clara Lumbrccht,
being wrecked, I
Rudolph Streit wns In town Wedn
esday with two loads of nine months
Newhouse M ntfH that averaged tWO pounds, for
which he got S."i.r() per hundred. Mr.
Streit Is one of the many men who
came here with nothing and is now
independently rich. They are the men
who "stuck" through drouth and hard
times, and they deserve all they have.
P j L? ( 9 w S tsto
1 " 1
loale !
John Garbcr In the Race.
John J. (larber is again In thu race
for county clerk, and his announce
ment appears in another column. John
was defeated two years ago by thenur
ro w margin of :.M votes, largely owing
to the fact that the olllce had already
"Wen held two terms by a Republican.
Mr. Oarber's long service as deputy
county clerk amply quail lies hlin for
the position, and his residence in the
-county since the early days gives him
.11 wide acquaintance that willnodoubt
bring him strong support in the race
for the nomination. His honesty and
jibility are unquestioned, and thu caus
es that contributed to his defeat two
years ago having been larirelv removed.
lie would undoubtedly be elected E. George Peterson, Mrs. Arnold, Willis
should he receive the nomination. ' Fulton, Miss Kurilla Caldwell andoth-
. . w j ers. Charles Fit, will act as chorister.
AsK for Allcns'S F00tEitSe, ' Charley Knley's team of eolts took a
si powder for swollen, tired little spin yesterday noon. Parts of the
Ing feet. Sample sent free. Also free wagon were, scattered along the route
samples of tho Foot-Ease Saltary Corn- from the Holland House to Wolfe's
Pad, a new invention. Address Allen blacksmith shop, where one of the
$. Olinstead, Le Roy. N. Y. horses fell and checked their headlong
Mrs. Florence Salndon is home from
an extended visit in Minnesota. She
says the crops down here look much
better than they do in .Minnesota and
Iowa, and was surprised at thu im
provement in the er'ps since her de
parture for the visit. Mrs. C. W. Frink,
who was also visiting in Minnesota, re
turned a week earlier than her sister.
A 0 year-old sou of John Osborne
walked Into the house the otliur day
and told his mother he had a chance to
trade t,he baby for a colt. "What on
earth would you do with a coltV'asked
his mother. "Well," replied the boy,
"thu colt would soon grow up to be a
horse, but that baby will never amount
to anything all hu can do Is just
Harry Michaels returned last Wedn
esday from an extended visit at his old
home in Indiana. He was accompanied
on liis return home by his sister, Mrs.
Mary B. Starr, of Elkhart. While he
was In Indiauaheheard Vice-President
Fairbanks speak. Hu also took dinner
with our formur townsman, Jacob L.
Miller, who is living in Elkhart and
doing well.
We wish to call attention to the semi
annual statement of the county treas
urer, published elsewhere in this paper.
The statement shows that more money
has been collected this year so far than
at any like time in thu county's history.
There Is In thu railroad bond fund,
S802D.-IO towards payiug thu S10.000
due in 1000. The total amount collect
ed since January 1 is Slltl,0iiS.20, the
the largest amount ever collected in a
corresponding lungth of time. The
total amount of funds now on hand is
Archie Harris, son of Alf Harris of
Garfield townshln. has been under the
! care of Dr. Cook this weelc. The night
before thu Fourth he loaded his rifle
with blank cartridges with the inten
tion of getting up early and firing a
salute. His sister, Miss Laura, beat
him up, however, and taking the gun
went up to her brother's room, presen
ted It at his head and pulled the trig
ger. The chargu took effect in his
cheek, and Dr. Cook has been engaged
this week picking out the powder. The
young lady did not know that blank
cartridges contained powder.
Commissioner Tomllnson has a force
of men at work at the water works
plant this w-eek, fixing the south well
to keep it from caving in. It seems the
old Alter at that well became clogged
with mud and prevented the water
flowing into the well, and also was in
damrer of causing a cave-in. It seems
that it was this old Alter, and not the
new one, that was to blame for the
bad condition of the water during the
I high water a few weeks ago. Mr. Tom-
linson opened the new Alter and upon
examination it was found to be free of
mud. The old Alter, however, was
badly choked with mud and the walls
had started to cave in, which would
eventually have caused the walls to
cave in.
to i
to Straw Hats at one-half regular.
Through July we will sell you any LIGHT WEIGHT
SUIT in the store for
20 per cent
less than regular prices
Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits all go at this price"
Felt and wool Hats at
cost, some of them at LESS THAN COST.
Gimbels, Americans, Roy a is
Not a Hat reserved. What Stetsons we have can be bought
at cost.
look will satisfy to
" to
Remember, this sale is for cash, i
to vou that we mean business.
to - -
1 Paul Storey, i, f
4 id'
Grocery Co.
(Successors to John GrilFeth)
Staple and Fancy
A full assortment of Seasonable i
Goods kept in Stock.
and See Us.
We will try to
Canon City, Sunnjside,
and Genuine Nigger
Head Maitland
You may bo particular or what
some call "cranky," but OUR
COAL will please you.
Our coal is clean and we deliver
Bo 1 Tel. (JO.
Rural Tol. 71
Furniture, Carpets and Undertaking Goods
Licensed Embalmer and Undertaker now
Doing Business in Red Cloud.
Calls answered Day or Night
425 Webster Street.
Boll phouo 102.
Ind. phono 14
Yours to Please,
Amack & Chaney.
(Hod Words for Overman.
Elsewhere we publish this week the
announcement of E. U. Overman, of
Bed Cloud, as a candidate for district
judge on the republican ticket. Mr.
Overman is one of the older members
of the Webster county bar, Is a man of
exceptionally clean pergonal habits, a
good lawyer, a republican, and does
not ride on a Burlington pass. This
makes him a strong candidate in all
sections of the district. Campbell Citi
zen. E. U. Overman, an attorney from
Red Cloud, was in the city Friday for
the purpose of inserting his card in tho
Sentinel as candidate for district judge
and further to personally canvass our
voters in his behalf. Mr. Overman
has practiced law for seventeen years,
has filled the otllce of county attorney
In Illinois and also in hisown, Webster
county, this state, lie impressed us as
a gentleman of high character. 'Frank
lin county, however, has a candidate
of her own in the person of W. C. Hor
sey, who we think will command the
major strength of his party here,
though we doubt not It would go loy
ally to our Webster county brother
were he tho sole valley aspirant.
Franklin Sentinel.
Now is the time to subscribe.
Residence: First door south of
Rod Cloud Mill, 101 South Webster
Can bo foundjathomo overy fore
noon. Terms reasonable.
Barber Shop
Basement of
Potter Block.
a Specialty
Notice to Bidders.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed
bids will be received at the otllce of '
the county clerk at lied Cloud, Neb., up '
to 12 o'clock noon July 10, lUu7,for the I
building of a sidewalk (1 feet wide on
west side of Court House square. Such
a walk must bo constructed to comply
with city ordinance. Hoard reserves
the right to reject any or all bids.
Lk 1)k Torn,
f.t County Clerk.
Albright Bros.
A fine lot of registertd Yearling
Hereford Bulls at farmers' prices.
Farm three miles east of'Bladcn, Neb.
t2 B. N. Lewis, Prop.
We cannot afford to do
less than satisfy in
quality, style, price and
give to you our person
al service and careful
Calls Answered
Night or Day
Rural and Bell phones
at store and residence.
(f One that is a Sale Bargains for Cash f