The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 12, 1907, Image 1

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$1 a Year
in Advance
Eight Pages
Home Print
So Say the Experts-No Verdict by the
Jury As Yet.
A jury ill the Lancaster county dis
trict court lias been busily engaged this
week hearing testimony to determine
whether or not Frank Marker, the
Inuvalc murderer, is Insane. The state
is represented by Attorney liencrnl
Thompson and County Attorney L. II.
Jtlaeklcdge. Marker is represented by
Judge F. I!. Hamer of Kearney.
The first testimony in the case was
taken Wednesday morning, when the
defense put on the stand a number of
Marker's fellow 'convicts, whose testi
mony tended to show that Marker had
acted "queer"' during his confinement.
Marker himself went on the stand and
told the story of his crime, exhibiting
little or no emotion during the recital.
Quite a number of witnesses were
summoned from Webster county, and
they will go on the stand today if
called at all.
Yesterday was largely given up to
expert testimony, practically all ot
which tended to prove the sanity of
the condemned man.
Dr. K. L. Holyoke, chief physician
of the penitentiary, stated that though
he had been physjeian at that institu
tion during Marker's entire confine
ment, he had never been asked to ex
aminu Marker or had ever seen any
thing about the man that would lead
him to believe the murderer insane.
Dr. J. T. Hay, who has been con
nected with the Lincoln asylum for
the last twenty years, stated that he
had, in company with Dr. Mayhew
and Dr. P.irkner, made three examina
tions of Marker. He said that Marker
answered his questions intelligently
and freely without any indication that
he was insane or subject to epileptic
'What is your opinion of Marker's
condition'.1'' asked Attorney Martin, in
"Well, there is some doubt in my
mind, but from all examinations that
I have made and the testimony that 1
have heard from foieiueii and convicts
at the penitentiary. I believe that
Darker is not an epileptic and is sane.
And." added Dr. Hay. "only a very
small per cent of the epileptics are
"Would you consider Markera proper
Kiibjeet for the asylum'.'" asked Attor
ney Martin.
"No, I would not." replied Dr. Hay.
Dr. Mirkner testified that he had ex
amined Marker, and stated that as far
as he was able to determine from the
examinations he believed him sane.
"The only reason I would have to
doubt his sanity at all has been caused
by talking with some of his fellow
convicts," was Dr. Mirkner's final
Other experts who testified that they
had examined Marker and believed
him to be sane were: Superintendent
Kerns, superintendent of the Hastings
asylum; Dr. 11. B. Oriilln and Dr. F. A.
In neither instance could .Judge Ha
mer shake the belief of the witnesses
in Marker's sanity.
Changes In the Laws Relating to Road
and Labor Tax Now In Effect.
Section lu.Vlfl is amended so as to re
quire every male inhabitant to pay a
poll tax of '.',. r), payable in cash at
the same time as the tax on personal
property is payable. Persons living in
cities or incorporated villages who are
liable by the provisions of the law reg
ulating cities and villages to pay the
poll or labor tax to work upon the
streets thereof shall not be assessed to
pay the tax provided in this act.
Section H070 is amended to provide
that all road and labor tax shall be
paid in cash, One-half of all moneys
collected is road tax shall constitute a
county road fund which shall lie divi
ded equally betwnen the several com
mlssioner districts for the benefit of
the roads therein. The other half shall
constituted district road fund and shall
be expended under the direction of the
rob overseer in the district in which
it was collected for the improvement
and maintainance of roads in such dis
trict. The board may levy the same
rate of road tax upon property within
cities of metropolitan class, cities of
the first and second class and villages
as is levied on the property in the sev
eral road districts, and one-half of all
such tax when collected shall go to
the county fund, the other half to be
paid to the city or Village where col
lected. All grading of the'publie roads
shall be done between April 1 and
November 1 of each year, provided,
however that it is necessary in the com
pletion of a bridge in building the ap
proaches thereto, such grading may be
done at any time as directed by the
county board.
The compensation of road overseers
is fixed ot SU'.f.O per day for all time
necsssarily expended.
Horse Cut on Wire.
Last Saturday afternoon a stranger
who was driving through to lndianola
in search of work met Piatt's auto
just west of town, and as the horse m-
pcarcd to be a little nervous, Mr. IMatt
stopped his machine to wait for the
party to get by. The young man got
out of his buggy and led the horse past
the auto without any trouble, but no
sooner had they got past than the
horse made a break to run. throwing
the young man aside. The horse broke
through the single wire fence and was
terribly cut about the fore legs. Mr.
IMatt came into town and sent Dr. Nel
son out after the injured horse, which
he took to the barn and treated. It
will boa long time before the horse will
be of any use. The young man went
on his way at the expense of Mr. IMatt.
Runaway Boy Sent Home
Last Saturday morning John Hulse
busch phoned in to the sheriff that a
little runaway boy had come to his
house. Sheriff Hedge went to Hulse
busch's and got the boy, who proved to
be the 1 1 vear-old Myron Reed, who
gave his home as Murlingtou, Colo.
The boy was willing to return home,
and the sheriff put him on the west
bound train and sent him on his way
rejoicing. He probably had killed off
all thegri..llcs in Colorado and start
ed east to kill off the Wall streetjbears
one hears so much about.
Here Is Relief for Women.
Mother Uray, a nurse in New York,
discovered an aromatic, pleasant herb
cure for women's ills, called Australian
Leaf. It is the only certain monthly
regulator. Cures female weaknesses,
backache, kidney, bladder and urinary
troubles. At all druggists or by mail
r.o cents. Sample free. Address, The
Mother 15 ray Co., Ley Hoy, N. Y.
fXhpn vnn hi iv a IVlriwy hnv n STAlirj A RT) fnr rn mllnwincr rpaenne Yrni rnn hn nrii
tlie cutter bar when it
center or the guards. It has a cutter bar that never drops with the outer end, and the BEST
FOOT LIFT that ever was made. I have them in 5, 6, 7 and 8 foot cut. Come and look
tnem over.
. i
A Fourth of July Episode That Will (iet
Someone Into Trouble.
A warrant was issued last Thursday
aftern'oon for the arrest of .lames
(touhlie and Henry Steffen, who live
over in Kansas, on the charge of hav
ing abducted 10-year-old Sophia An
derson, whose home is near Mladen.
It seems the parties all attended the
celebration at Mladen, and from there
they drove over into Kansas, where
they were followed by Constable Nor
ris, who succeeded in inducing the
girl to return home. It is said that
the girl is a sister-in-law of (louhlic,
and that Steffen wanted to marry her.
No arrests have been made, as County
Attorney Mlaekledge has been too
busy witli the Marker ease to attend
to the matter of procuring requisition
ti Deaths and Funerals. 1
Jacob Moranville.
i Jacob Moranville, the aged father of
Dr. J. W. Moranville of this city, died
at his home in (luide Mock yesterday
morning and funeral services were held
today. Mr. Moranville was about W
years of age and had resided in (luide
Itock for many years. Obituary next
I week,
' Mrs. LUhtfoot.
Margaret Lightfoot, grandmother of
, Mrs. I. W. Bdson, died at Jlethany, Neb.,
yesterday, where she was visiting with
her daughter. The remains will be
, brought to lied Cloud tomorrow for
interment. We are unable to obtain a
' correct obituary in time for publica-
I tion this week.
Chautauqua Talent.
The following is a complete list of
the attractions for the ten days of the
Chautauqua. There are few changes
from the published list, all of them for
the better. Newell Dwight Hillis comes
in place of Rev. Sam Small, which will
give us a chance to hear the most fa
mous eastern divine of the present day.
Read thin list and see if you do not
think the Red Cloud Chautauqua will
furnish a ten days feast to all who at
tend: Newell Dwight Hillis,
Kilties Mand and Orchestra.
Hon. Fred T Dubois.
Wilbur Starr Concert Co.
Dr. Thomas McClary.
Ritchie, the Magician.
drops back or out of
-iF?4E 14.,".? , f2s sM5gV -iifei i V?Vs5??1
-- Jt,ifa,yta.Mntu..h,;y'.v . Asjtfa. -. ..av .. WM,.'rfi ,. .. .-
' M wa. mA
Spillman Iliggs.
Marvin Williams.
Prof. .1. Loreuo Zwickey.
The Howe Moving Picture Co.
lion. (5. A. d'earhart.
Luclau Kdgar Follausbee.
Midland Jubilee Singers.
Hon. Nat A. Mrigham.
Blllott A. Moyl.
Dr. I). F. Fox.
Roy Russell Teeter, platform man
ager. Meisterslnger's Male Ourtctte.
The Rit.-Nehrbas Combination.
Dr. It. H. Lloyd, M. A., I). I).
Real Estate Transfers.
For the week ending Tuesday,
July It, furnished by the Fort Ab
stract Co., L. II. Fort, Manager.
Win II Skelton to Wellington A
Franklin, lot lit blk II M Hill, $1100
W (J Moore to W A Crary 1 half
lots ;.' S blk II (luide Mock....
Robert (larrison to Alono II
Matty 1 half lot ; blk .i Vanccs
ad to (Snide Rock
Stoiv. MrewingCoto Independent
Realty Co lot 7 blk 1 1 MIuelHH
Prudence 11 .Moore to Kilcrt Marg
inal! Its 1.1 to is blk II Smith's
,t Moores add to Red Cloud...
Fanny T Crary to Mary 12 Doudmi
qcd n'.'sw II l-Tn'Juwl ne I Xi-2
David M Francis to W II Rosen
erans Us M blk yi) Smith ,t
Moores add Red Cloud
Alfred Dickes to N V Anderfon
its sH( 7 blk 10 Cowlcs
Mortgages filed, S7.MI0.
Moitgages released, 1000.
The Early Bird.
Mishop Mrewster of Connecticut is
noted for his funny stories, and his Election from "When Johnnie Comes
latest Ik said to be about,,,, old repro-l J S;
bate who decided to repent and au-
I uounccd to every one that whatever
wrong he had done should be made
I right, so a man who he had cheated
out of a large fuiii of money went
around at midnight to demand it.
"Mut what did you commit this hour
! for and wake me up'.' Why not wait
till tomorrow?" saldthc'old sinner
"I came now." replied the man. "to
avoid the rush." Harper's Weekly.
Pineulcs for the kidneys strengthen
these organs and assist in drawing
poison from the blood. Try them for
rheumatism, kidney, bladder trouble,
for lumbago and tired worn out feel-
ing. They bring quick relief. Satis -
faction guaranteed. Sold by Henry
Cook's Drug Store.
line. You can make the sections register in the
i mb. mm wA
I An Institution of Which Our Cltilcns
Hnve Cause to Feel Proud
If there is any one organization in
which our citizens take pride it is the
Citizens' Concert Maud. While it wn
organized less than a yearago, by con
stant practice- under the ellleient direc
tion of Prof. Alvin Snapp the band
has been developed into a musical or
ganization second to none in this part
of the world. Prof. Snapp believes in
new methods, and as a result the band
uniler his direction plays the inostditli
eult music with ease, giving new peiec
at every concert. Among the
pleasing uumhersure those by the sav
ophone quartet and Marlon .Mercer's,
solo cornet work. The boys went down
to (iuldc Rock on the Fourth, and their
woik received the highest praise. To
show the character of the initsle play
ed by the band we give below a sample
of one of their concert programs:
I'MIT I'llisi
March "American Flan1'.. Louis Moos
Overture "Inspiration " Haves
Characteristic "Mlg Chief Mattie
Ax" Allow
Cornet Solo "The ( hariner" polka
-(Moos) Marion Mercer
Saxophone Ouartct (Selected and ar
ranged by Alvin Snapp) 1st altc
saxophone, Roy Whltaker: d ultt
saxophone, Chas. Phaies; tenor
saxophone.Chas. Milligau; baritone
saxophone, lCrnest 1 lines.
Concert waif "Summer Secrets'
Musical Oddity "The Whistler ami
His Dog" Arthur Pryor
March "C. C. M." (new).. Alvin Snapp
(Composed and dedicated to the
members of the Citieim' Con
cert Mand of lied Cloud).
March "Neal's Fashion Platc"I2nglisb
(rand Selection from the "Mohe-
mian Cirl" Mai ft
Rag, with song chorus, "Laughing
Sam" Rolfe
March "S. S. Theodore Roose
velt" Vandercock
Closing "America" All standing;
"V,c" Fu,,on Candidate.
I '" (mother place In today's paper Fulton
announcing his candidacy for the Re-
' publican nomination for the ollice or
' county clerk. Mr. Fulton is a manor
exemplary habits and a splendid edu-
cation, and lie is in every way fitted to
fill the ollice to which he aspires. In
politics Mr. Fulton has always been a
Republican. He needs no introduction
to the people of Webster county, his:
1 long connection with the Traders.
Lumber Company having given him
a wide acquaintance.
mi pa J