Don't Buy Land or Without getting one of Teel's Perfedt Abstracts of Titles. The oldesl and most reliable set of Abstract books in Webster County. $ 1 0,000 Bond filed and approved. Represents six of the best Insurance companies doing business in the state. . . LOANS MADE OFFICE In Ovcring Block. TWO PHONES-Bcll 98, Farmers 36. I 1 flemsy lotes prom r.ATHKRED FROM SUPERIOR (From the Express.) Earl Limes came in last week from Cuba whore ho has been servinga three years enlistment with the U. S. troops. M. I,. Pierce has just completed, taking tho school census and finds thoro are tW2 children of school ago , within tho city limits. Prank Mshop has sixty-four good hearty fruit trees of different kiuds on ! his place hero in Superior, and a thor-' ough inventory reveals the fact that thoro aro two poaches, one plum and two cherries growing in tho oroh . ard. This is probably a fair estimate ' of the fruit of tho entire country this year. BLADEN (From tho Enterprise) On Monday morning word was re ceived from Clariuda, Iowa, of the se rious illnoss or a daughter of Mr. Ed. (J i let to. Warren Davis returned from Uul- .... mn.rn.ij iiiuiiiiuk iiiiu w huw jjj. -Ill on the first day of tho draw telling of tho wondrous crop prospects j jlltff of that country. ' . . , .Some ono went into Seymour Coles The Sunday school convention of ho1MJ lnst Saturday during his ah- tho northeast district of tho county . BC01C0 Hml htoo a'set of silver tea was held at tho New Virginia church . 8poons. Sunday, Juno 2M. Tho building was . , "' r. ., . . , crowded. Andrew Johnson, tho old soldier who ., ' , lives northwest of this place, one dav I he workmen commenced work on ths wook ha(1(l strokoof lmi.HiyaHHli;i tho lot north of J. P. kropp's general , isnow , H ve crlt,0ftl ,.omitl()n nierchaudiso store this week, making j .. tiiiiit nrtu f nn jli ........... 1 .. ... ......1 ! . I an excavation which will bo used as a basement under u two story brick building which is being built by Chas. Sponco. At a meeting of tho voters of the dis trict at the annual school meeting hold Bt the G. A. R. hall Monday afternoon N. Bartlett was elected director to fill vacaucy caused by the resignation of J.H. Kerr and Chas Cowley was re-i elected to his former position of mod- orator. A. Franco was re-elected treas- urer. . . . , FRANKLIN j (From tin Sentinel.) ' The now steel bridgo across Center Creok on the river road has been com pleted by the Ward Bridgo company and win no ready tor travel au soon as tho gradiug for the approaches is done, CALUMET Baking Powder The only high grade Baking Powder sold at a moderate price. Com plies with the pure food laws of all states. o O. C. X I Neighboring Touins OUR EXCHANGES f ' It is out of the best and most substan ,tial bridges of its kind and size ever nut ut) around hero and will Drove the I wisJom of tho ,)0iml , oni0Hng it J bulltlls ,JO moiI0V wlll nee,i bo spot ou it flJr r(ipa,.s for yoiirs Miss Uuth Tucker loft on the llyor Momhlv jKht for Toxls ,,,, ows ()f tho sud intolligenco that her sister, Mrs t7 K,.yburil was vory sicl. wlth tho typhoid fever. James Conkling was caught in tho J rainstorm Monday evening about seven or eight miles south of Naponeo, and ' ws out in it all. Tho roads were so i muddy ho left his auto at Naponeo came down on tho train. Prof Geo. II. Allor. head of the school of music of Franklin academy, left Friday night for Chicago to join tho Wosleyan Uunrtot, with which no i j ted organization lie will sing during1 1 tho summer. BLOOMINGTON i (From the Advocate) I Fred Hunter of Uivorton, who went ' up to thellnntley land opening, drow BLUE HILL. (From the Loader.) John Grimes was operated on for uppendicitisWednosday by Drs. Art, and Lyun of Hastings, and Dr. Frank lin. A deal was made the first of the week lirlktrtla itti nlt1nr1 a... A-... I ....... 1. T tu",",uo"u "" two """ . and leaves the Chicago Lumber 11. L. Polz returned yesterday morn- lug from a visit in Illinois. He states tho crops in Nebraska look much bet tor than they do in either Towa or Illinois. S. W. Hogate shipped a thorough' bred Duroc Jersey hog to California Monday to a party residing uear the coast. Tho express on a hog shipped that distance amounts to quite a sum Trust Haklnsr Powders sell for 45 or SO cents per pound ami may bo iden tified by this exorbitant prico. They ore a mennco to public health, as food prepared from them eon tains largo quantities ot Uouhello salts, a dangerous cathartic drug. Loan Money on Real Estate ON CITY of money and Mr. Huguto's swine must have a protty high standard to com mand purchasers at that distance. RIVERTON (From tho Review.) Miss Sadie Shifely and her brother Joss invited a hunch of friends hi and had a sumptuous dinner, in honor of grandmother Shifeley's soventy-tlfth birthday. Frank Morgan cut his hand with a kuife Saturday while helping with tho work at the butcher shop. He -ays it was a mighty awkward knife they gave him to use. t TWENTY YEARS AGQ Items of News Found in Tho Chief of Twenty Years Ago This Week v v v Sam Temple has returned from Chicago. Court sets next week. Judge (Jasliu I'll the bench. Frank Smith is in Colorado holding down his claim. The storm that visited us last Tues day is reported to have torn Superior to pieces. On Tuesday the long looked for rain came to the relief of the parched I'rtips Last Saturday evening the city conn. oil again turned down all' the appliea- ions for licenses to run saloons, The nine and thirteen year-old sons of Mr. Joseph Cox, living over in Kan sas, were killed by lightning on July .1. They wore out in the pasture after the cows when the storm came up. The two-year old son of Joseph Roeher. living over in Line township, got lost Sunday evening, but with the aid of L. A. Raskins' dogs was found in a Held about a mile from home. Twenty years ago yesterday lied Cloud defeated Guide Rock in a game of base ball by a score of 10 to 7. In the notes of the game wo find that "Harbor in center picked a fly that the boys de light to talk about: Sherwood, in right, is credited with a handsomely nipped tlv: (lalusha at short made some rat tling pickups: Fulton at third made the surprise, foul fly catch of the sea son: Harbor at second can be credited with some excellent stops and throws to first." Wedding Bells. : j:?:e:v:rxcfi: HlltonNvberft. Mrs. .loslc Hilton and Henry Xyberg were united in marriage last Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride near Mount Hope, in Smith enmity Kims, The ceremony was performed at four p. in., bv the llev. Ileorgo Hummel. lloth parties aro well and favorably known in this city and we extend con- . . gratuituions. Dally-Cochrane. At'tho .Methodist ehurch in Inavale last Sunday evening, at 7 o'clock, oc- curred the wedding of HNio Daily and Mr. Uavniond Cochrane. Uev. K.'k. It. Hill olllciatiug. only the near rola - ., 1 . . 1 .i .1 lives and frlneds of the contracting parties witnessed the ceremony. INFLAMMATOHY ItilBUMATISM CUHKI) IN 3 DAYS Morton I.. Hill, of Lebanon Ind,, mijk; "Mj wlfo bail Inflammatory Klieunititlxm la ever miucle anil Joint; tier MirTeriiiK was terrible and her body and face were imolien almost be yond recoKiiliiou: had been In bed bit weoki and had clxbt rbTIclu. but received no ,'.V,,i!'1 'h,e, iLld .'.M" '"J the vrai able to walk about In three dsv. 1 m .. . ..-.... .. ?-. -- ... .W..V. .w sure It saved her life." Sold br U. S. Orlce. Brucglit, Red Cloud. E PROPERTIES r: i-,, Red Cloud, Nebraska " THE CHANCE CAME.'" 9an's Father Said He Never Would Set tho River on Fire. Several yeais before the discovery of oil at I'lthole an Irishman named Mc Carthy and his sou Dan came to this countiy from the Emerald Isle. Dan was u young man of twenty, but his father looked upon him as a mere boy and seemed to take delight in ridicul ing lilm before people. "Yls, Dan Is a good b'y,' he would say sarcastically, "but, Danny, me b'y, yez'll nlver set the river on lire." This was his stock witticism, and It annoyed Dan very much, but he did his best and soon surprised the old gentleman by securing a lucrative job. "Yls. Danny has a Job all right," he said. "It's .?LuO a day, but the b'y Ml nlver set tho river on lire not he." When oil was found at I'lthole, Dan hurried to the scene and was soon earning unusually largo wages as a teamster. All the petroleum was drawn In barrels, and teams wcie In great demand, lie saved his money, bought an acre of laud and soon hud a well drilled that was producing 100 barrels of oil per day at $10 per barrel. Tho elder McCarthy joined him, saw the well, received a liberal gift of mon ey and then shook his head ominously. " 'TIs a good thing, Danny," ho croak ed, "yo're dohf well; but. mark me worruds, ye.' 1 1 nlver set the river on lire, mo b'y." V few days later a Hood wrecked one of Dan's small wooden tanks, the oil ran down Hie river, and there was great excitement. As Dan and his fa ther stood on the bank watching the oil float away Dan drew a match and lighted It. "Father," he said coolly, "the next tolnie ycz say 0111 nlver set the river ou tire plaze remlmber that Oi had a chance wansr, and and didn't do ut, bedad." Then he blew out the match. STRANGER THAN FICTION. The Tragedy In the Life of a Russian Military Officer. Lieutenant von I.emsberg of the Rus sian guards endured thirty-one years of penal exile and penal service In Si beria. He was In his day a tine looking and highly aeeompllslied ottleer. Like many of his fellows, he borrowed mon ey from City Councilor Wlassow, an old, good nnt 11 red bachelor. Young von Lemsberg's notes continued to grow, and thn eld money lender threatened to "lie unless some of them were redeem ed. Theii the young lieutenant became engaged to the daughter of Count To dleben and called ou Wlassow to tell him the news and to ask for time. "You wait," suld he, In a sneering way. "I'll give you a wedding present to be remembered." Helleving this to have been a threat, tho lieutenant called at l the house tho next day and deliberate f!s l.v cut his throat. lie opened the old man's desk to lliul his promissory notes and discovered thorn neatly tied up. marked "raid" and a document by which he would have hecoine the heir of the man he had murdered. Over come by remote he surrendered to the authorities and was sentenced to life 1 servitude In Siberia, because of good conduct his Irons were taken off after seven years, ho married a woman who ' went Into voluntary exile to be near a : relative, started a vegetable shop In ht; I",ni" Uloinoiit wlileh grew until , It became a great mercantile establish ( meat( an, whea t,(, wnp w,t ,apan broke out he volunteered, became an "dicer, wiih decorated for bravery and r'ved a full pardon. ' A Patient Dog. . My brother has two dogs. ,ne a large mastiff, the other a tiny Spit, which . ,.,, ... , ,,. nl ,lla ,,,, Don, tho big dog, had been taught to lie down and face his food, hut not to touch until the command, "Eur," had been given him. Ills mistress, In a hur ry to leave for a day's shopping, gave Hon his breakfast ono day, but forgot tho permission to "eat," and when sho returned late that night tho faithful . dog lay with his paws on tho plato of . M , .... , ..... , i toon, inn not a parucie nau ocen xoucn cd! Chlcnco Tribune. m m s Annual'tstimalco? Expenses and Rcooii of Revenues Received. The following It tho numml KmIiuMc of I5x i pciiM-Mof the probable nmouiil of iiiom-j iucok mry for nil purposes to be raised In the City or Hed Cloud, XobrRtkn, during the eniilii; fUeiil year, to wit: PorotUceiM' Milftrli'b Moon r(i For Mteetsund nllejs . .. . itxw Ct) For eoa mid expense of hllj:ntlou ... fK) 00 For (tipplleH nnd printing 2a0 iK Forimiliiteimiiceof waterworks. 'j.vo u) Kor luteret onu liter bonrii woo (X) For lmerect ou electric Unlit bonds s 0 t)() For contingent mid Incldentnl expense Wl nil For Judgment fund UMM.0 I Formrect lltibts I'ahmO , For nmliiteimnce of electric llclit works mo iki Ttnl MIVi (HI The following It) u Miitrmcnt of the untlii? revenue of said for the hm (iscal jtar: Collections on the Kcnernl fund . ! 2AU '17 Collections on water fund . . . :);-, ;i Occupation tax collected .".) iVt From water levy fund Mill Hi From electric light luud and bonds . 31110 Mi Totnl f.'iiivti II Approved June 6tb, ltrnT .1. O. ('AUVBI.l., .Minor. Attest: L. II. FUKT, C'llj Clerk, iseal JII. Notice 01 Bond Sale. sealed proposals will he received lv I, (I. Fort, secretary of the school llotud. until Jul 1:1th. l'.HiT. at P.' .M.. for the niirclmsc of t'-fuW school lloinN nf the .sc-liool District of the I'llv of Heil clcfiid. Webster County. Nebraska voieil April ind. 1IH17. Itoudsare In den-iiiliiHtloti of MOO each, dated June H. l'.'OT. bearhiK 1". per cent per annum, maturing June 1st. lie;, nrnl optional nfter fi j ears. Ilouds hsued pnrnmnt to section tr.Crfi, robbey'i r.n:i Annotateil stm, utes of Nebraska. Bids must be. accompanied bv cerillled ilieckr for JWH). panblo 10 the C'lt Tieasurtr 'l'la Hoard reserves the right to reject tiny mid nil 1 bids. I Dated Juno 21st. 1107. Ited rioud. Nebraska. 1 Dlt It. F. 1IA INKs, President. ' L.11.KOHT, Secretin. Jims Just Received, a Car of FLOUR. AT PLUMB'S FLOUR and FEED STORE You can save money by taking 500 pounds of him. WM irinj& mm Most healthy, vigorrus men and women in the United States are raised on good, o!d fashionqd Arbuck!e3 ARIOSA Coffee. Never mind what the others drink, you want to be well. 'if " -"- UII. Say things to the man who tries to switch you from Arbuckles to coffee that pays him big profits at the expense of your stomach. fa Coropli with til requirement- of the Nidorul'uto Food Law. CuanmceNo. 204l,tldalWaihiaiitja. I K I i$wmm :riifii.?rii rdeT4 IWllJiaiVMIUFi. 111 BJbSJSspBu-i iaaa-iy 7"m v7 $ v i. va i m in