i j Tribute Phonograph Even John Philip Sousa, the great bandmaster, who has no use for Phonographs, has been forced to recognize the Phonograph as a for midable competitor. The two-step king says that people will no longer go to concerts if they can have music in their own homes so easily and so cheaply as they can with the Phonograph. This is an unwilling tribute, but it is nevertheless a tribute. The'man who has a Phonograph has a concert in his own house, liven a king could not have more. At our store you can hear them any time. I I Victor s J f L i 'His Master's Voice' K&&.u..rT,urr The above prices include 12 8-in. records with each machine The Edison Phonograph. The Edison Gem Phonograph $10.00 jr A The Edison Standard Phonograph 20.00 ( 'inif 1 ne n.uison nome rnonograpn The Edison Triumph Phonograph Records, 35c each; $4.20 per dozen. ? Compare these prices with anyone s remember we save ' k lyewnouse Droiners9 . L Jewelers and Opticians. n 11 ft SEARCH FOR JOHN D. R0CKEFEL LER GOES MERRILY ON. SLEUTHS BESIEGE FOREST HILL Deputies Continue picketing Oil Mag nate's Suburban Home at Cleveland. Marshal Chandler Admitted to Prem ises, but Does Not Find Him. Cleveland, July 3. Forest Hill, the Miburban home of John D. Rockefeller jl. is bCHiugetl by United States Maisha! Frank M. Chandler and a corps of deputies reprehentlnK the depart luent ot justice. Up to this morning the efforts of federal ofllclals to serve the liiibpoena Issued from Jurist) I.niirils' court In Chicago on Mr. Hocketeller have been unsuccessful and Marshal Chandler and his deputies will con tinue picketing the Rockefeller estate. Access to the lodge was denied a deputy marshal and Marshal Chandler announced that he woul.i aak the de partment of Justice at Washington for further authority li the case, loiter ' lie was admitted to the !od;e and Su perintendent Jones of the Rockefeller estate, informed him that he and his deputies could have the freedom of I the place, a disclaimer being entered that the barring of the gate against the deputy marshal was meant ua'an ' affront to federal authority. Marshal Chandler would not say positively that lit believed John D. Rockefeller Is at Forest Hill, but he said he felt sure Hint the latter Is now within tho Juris-1 diction of the federal court of north ern Ohio. I BURNS HUSBAND TO DEATH Former Lover in Jail, Charged With Being an Accessory. Scranton, Pa,, July 3. Mrs. Klndra Ilowrste, nued eighteen years, Is In the county jail, charged with having burned her husband to death that she might be freo to marry her former lover, Ignat8 Hutro, who is also In anil, charged with being an accessory. Th .fiNice offlcinls say that Mrs. Howrste has confessed and given aU to the The Victor Gramaphone. The Victor The Victor The Victor The Victor The Victor The Victor The Victor The Victor you the freight. the details of the crime. All the par ties are Lithuanians. According to her confession, Hutro suggested that the do awny with her husband so that they could be married. Following Hutro's suggestion, the woman got her husband drunk, and when he was Btuefied In bed she went to the room with the kerosene lamp. She poured the oil from the lamp on the bed and then, she says, the lamp dropped on the bed, setting It aflre. At the sight of her husband roasting and squirm ing In the flnmlng bed she became hor ror stricken and rushed from the house, crying "Fire." Neighbors ex tinguished the flames and had Ilowrste sent to a hospital, where he died without regaining consciousness. COST OF KAUFMANN CASE Witnesses and Experts File Claims for Testimony Given During Trial. Sioux Falls, S. D July 3. The nharactor of the bills which have betyi Hied by some of the medical experts who were summoned to testify in be half of tho prosecution indicates that the recent trial In the state circuit court of Moody county on a change of veiufu from tho circuit court of Minne haha county of Mrs. Emma Kaufmaun of this city on the charge of having nun do red her young housemaid will prove quite expensive for the taxpay ers of Minnehaha county, who will nave to foot the hills. A bill for $525 already has been filed by Dr. II. B. Schofleld of Parkston. Dr. Frank E. Coulter of Omaha has filed a bill for fl,2."0, while Dr. Arthur Sweeney of St. Paul has filed a bill for a similar amount. Drs. Coulter and Sweeney were the principal medical experts who were piesent at tho trial and whose testimony strongly supported the cause of the prosecution. TO ACCOUNT F0R$300",000,000 Decision in United Verde Copper Mine Litigation. New York, July 3. The American says: I)y u decision of Judge Amend, in speclnl sessions of the supreme court, ex-Senator William A. Clark must account for all the dealings of tho United Verde Copper compnny, in volving a sum of more than $300,000, 000. The decision comes after eight N Junior $14.20 Z 21.20 No. 1 26.20 No. 2 34-20 No. 3 44.2 o No. 4 54.20 No. 5 64.20 No. 6 104.20 30.00 50.00 and Burlington Watch Inspectors, , yoars of litigation as the rftsult of a , Milt brought by George A. Treadwell i for the 'minority stockholders. The j United Verde mine la located at I Jerome, Ariz. MEN CAUGHTUNDER TRAIN i They Take Refuge Under Cars to Es-" cape Storm and Are Crushed. . Youngstown, O., July 3. Milton Stambaugh was killed and a dozen others Injured, some seriously, by be ing run over by a train of cars at the ' Ohio works of the Carnegie Steel com ' pany about noon. During a heavy rain rtorm the men took shelter under a I train of cars. A switching englno working In the yard backed Into the cars and tho gang was terribly crushed. i I Flreworkri Start Fire. Minneapolis, July 3. Spontaneous , combustion in the fireworks stock I supposed to have been the cause of a fire which gutted tho four-story build ing at 247-249 Nicollet avenue, occu pied by the hardware stock of V. K. Morrison. The loss Is $150,000, amply insured. NEWS OF NEBRASKA. Hoover Given Life Sentence. Falrbury Neb., June 29. Charles Hoover, a cripple, who five days ago was arrested, charged with beating to death James Ryan, a chance ac quaintance, in the district court pleaded guilty to murder and waB sen tenced to the penitentiary for life. Both men were strangers. Hoover suld he had no relatives. Shot by Unknown Assailant. South Omaha, July 2. Ftank Ca herer was shot and probably fatally wounded about midnight by an un known assailant, who fired n charge of buckshot Into tho unfortunate man, presumably from a window In tho second story of Morris Deagnn's sa loon. Caherer was sitting In tho beer garden below alone, drinking beer. Man Loses Life In Fire. Omnha, June 29. The body of a man was found In the ruins of the Martin flats. It was that of a man about thirty yearn of age and was laying hi the "debris near (lib north west corner of the building, whore tho fire Is supposed to have started and where the walls have fallen In. It was charred beyond recognition. Child Sees Father Killed. Rattle Crock, Neb., July 1. Jones Pllklns was killed here by the west bound pnsHcngor nt the rnllroad cross ing In the north part of town. Ho lived nrioHH tho track nnd wmi going homo to supper. Ho was Intoxicated nnd tried to cross Just before the en glno. The body was badly mutilated. Tho accident was witnessed by his nluo-yearold daughter, who was with him. Rlght.of-Way for Gulf Road. Stanton, Nob., July 1. A. A. Koai noy, right-of-way ngent for tho pro posed Yankton and Gulf railroad, is at home for a few days. Mr. Kearney says contracts for right-of-way are made ns far south as thu Oklahoma lino. Tho surveyors are to return shortly nnd go over the line, making minor changes In tho route, after which conducts will bo let for tho grading. Campion Back In Jail. Seward, Nob., July 1. William Campion, whom the supremo court holds unpardoned despite Governor Mickey's edict, returned to Soward nnd gave himself up to Sheriff Gillnu and Is now incarcerated In the county inll, whore he has spent the major patt of his time for the last three yearH. He has always protested his innocence. Nellie Sallmer, the wom an in the ense, has been married since. Drowns While Taking Bath. Neligh, Neb., July 1. The Elkhorn river claimed its annual victim at this place In the person of Ray O. Grooms of Arnold, Neb. Mr. Grooms, In com pany wrth R. I,. Hnrmnn, wont to tho liver for a swim nnd, not being ac quainted with the stream and unable to swim, got beyond his depth. Mr. Hnrman rendered all the assistance possible to help his compnnion to shore, but soon became exhausted and was compelled to give up. YOUNG RANCHMAN IS .DROWNED Thrown from Wagon With Wife and Children. Valentine, Neb.. July 1. L. N. Kline, tteventy-three years of age, who resid ed on a ranch near Kennedy, was killed In a runaway accident near his Home, by being tin own from a wagon, together with his wife and two chil dren. He was driving four horses, when a part of the lines be came unfastened, causing the horses to take fright. After miming some distance the team plunged into a fence, breaking the wagon tongue and throwing the occupants to the ground. Mrs. Kime nnd the children escaped uninjured aside from a few bruises, but Mi. Kline struck on his heud nnd lived about half an hour. GREAT NORTHERN FILES TARIFFS Complies With Nebraska Law Reduc ing Rates 15 Per Cent. Lincoln, July 3. Tariff sheets were filed by the Great Northern railroad In the office of the state railway com mission In compliance with tho law reducing rates 15 per cent on grain nnd grain pioducts, lumber and build ing material, coal, live stock, potatoes ami fruit. The roads which have not signified their acceptance of the law are the Union Pacific, St. Joseph and Gand Island, Missouri Pacific and Rock Island. Three of these have gone into the federal con it as a means of escaping the necessity of obedience to the act. The Hurllngton has not filed Its schedules, but has given assur ance that they will be In by the morn ing of July 5, when tho law takes effect. 4UivbliitivbvlikbbiUUkUiUUibbibtbvbbilitl(UiiUU(UibUitiikbUyU(vbUUliiktkaiU)i)ytii4( SAY, niSTER! Do you know that it will pay YOU, as well as US, to buy your Building Ma terial and Coal at ouryardsT Not only that our prioes average lower, or at least as low, as those of our competit ors, but because we take especial care of and protect all can be classed as REGULAR CUSTOMERS. PL ATT & Coat. City Dray and P. W. STUDKBATCER, PROP. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowell CITY AGENTS FOR ADAUS EXPRESS CO. Residence 188. Women as Weil as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble prcyB ujwn the mind, discouracsamllcsbcusambltioti; beauty, vigor ami cheerful VUSJ ness soon disappear when thekidncysnre out of oMcr or dis eased. Kidney trouble litis become "so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to lc hot u afllictcd with weak kidnevs. If the child urinates loonften, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if. when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afllictcd with bud-wotting, depend upon it, tliecattscof thedilH cully is kidney ttoublc, mid the lirst step' should bu "towards the treatment of these importaiitoigaus. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of tlie kidneys and bladder and not to a habit ns most people suppose. Women as well as men arc made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble-, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It tsuold by druggists, in lifty ccut mid one-dollar i si?e bottles. You inav have a sample bottle bv mail free, also a Homo of Rwamp-ftoot. pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferer cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Itiiighamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swmnp-Koot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Itiiighamton, N. Y., on every bottle. OYSTERS in every itylt. Ca tering to parties and iancei a specialty. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes, Candy and Cigars. The Bon Ton W. S. BENSB. Proprietor. Do You Eat Meat? When you nro hungry and want somothlg nice in tho meat lino, drop into my market. We hare the nicest kind of Homc-madm Smusmges and meats, fish, and gam in season. We think, and almost know, that we can please you. Give us a trial. Koon Bros., Successors to ROBINSON & BURDEN. FREES CO. Lumber. Express Line. ivi m z?m'rr- idli m B irTliJTi MiiPWK4ft r3ll TELEPHONES, Offic 119