t Hi i w A, ? W It 9 f 9a444-4g-ttt-t-C-C-tf-r 9 LOGALETTES z AlissHthel Kcnady is visiting in Re ntvice. Argabright bus u lot of piano boxes for sale. Allen Van Dyke returned from Den ver Sunday. Knink Itenson it. visiting relatives at Gibbon and MeCook. Mr. anil Mis. Vim Negley were down from Inavale Sunday. Miss Vernon Storey returned Sun day from Plattstnouth. Mrs. W. 1!. Ruby and daughter Helen are. visiting in Iteatriee. Don't buy a piano until you see Ar gabright, in Potter bloek. Misses Florence and Mertlia Potter vame in from Lincoln Tuesday. Will Mitebell left Tliursday for bis future botne in Los Angeles. Cal. There will be services at the Dpisco pal church the next two Sundays. Engineer Za.icek and wifearo spend ing the week in Oxford and MeCook. The Statu bank rooms have been nicely papered and painted this week, Mrs. A. McCall and daughter left "Tuesday for an extended visit in Penn sylvania. A. U. Kaley and family left Monday for an extended visit in Findlay and (tyrey, 0. Miss Jennie Cotting went to Denver this morning for a visit with Miss 11a y.el Potts. Mrs. Dave Dickey, Ivcturah and Pete left Tuesday for a visit with relatives in liladeu. Dr. K. A. Thomas now has his den tal parlors in the rooms over Cotting's drug store. Mrs. V. W. Studebalcer ami daughter Paquita are liome from an extended visitin Iowa. (Jeoree Corner, who formerly ran Tho Fair store, is now working for Nowhouso Rros. The government weather sharps say last month was the coolest .lune in .se.vcnty-tlve years. Mrs. Allen Heir and son of Chicago arc guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hadell. (iuide Hock defeated Cowles yester day , 10 to S. Superior defeated Ryion hi a fast game, I to 'J. Mrs. lieorge Clauson and daughter Georgia left Tuesday for Lebanon, Neb., tor a visit with relatives. t We request the ladies to read the nrtlclw on the "rest room" question, published in today's paper. Kx-Seeretary of State A. (lalusha was shaking hands with friends in Red Cloud the iirst of the week. Mr. and Mrs. .1. (5. (Jroody of Wash ington, Kan., visited this week with Air. and Mrs. W. A. Holmes. Nd Gillard came down from Naponoe Alonday, and on Tuesday went up to Hastings to take in the races. Yes, I can sell you an A. 15. Chase or n Packard piano. Nothing is too good for Argabright'.s studio tosell Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Mountford are rejoicing over a girl baby which ar rived at their home last Monday. Kx-Sherilf McArthur, John Wilson .and John Turner are among those who lost heavily by the big hailstorm. Mrs. Carl Jenkins of Beatrice ar rived Wednesday evening for a visit with her mothcr.Mrs. A. Cummings. Manager Dal Sheard has secured a -date, with the Rostwick team for a .game of base ball here next Tuesday. Mrs. E. H. Rlakledge and children leave today for a visit in Flannigan.Ill. Mr. Ulaokledgo will join them later. Mrs. James llyan, who has been vis iting with relatives in this vicinity, re turned to her home in Chadron Mon day. Mrs. J. F. Amick and Mrs, Neal Clancoy are visiting with their parents Mr. and Airs. AI. S. Marsh, in Grand Island. 15. U. Overman delivered the Fourth of July oration at Thompson's creek celebration, over in Franklin county, yesterday. Airs. C. S. Palmer and daughter Hoi tha left Sunday morning for Wray, Colo., to visit Airs. At. Finch and Miss Flo Palmer. Air. L. C. Rarndt left Alonday for Cowley, Wyo., where she will join her husband and sons who have been there about a year. Dick Moore and Cieorge Seal of Rtv erton came down to Red Cloud Tues day after the ball game at Inavale, in which the latter town lost to Hiverton W the score ,of 0 to t. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature, of W&&H A card from Airs. R. F. Raines, in Chicago, announces that the doctor is much improved and that they expect to return home soon. Mrs. Leigh Pope will arrive tomor row morning from Kansas City for her tirstviv.it with her parents-in-law. Air. and Mrs. (ieorge Pope. Airs. J. M.Chatlln and Airs Congress man Landis, of Delphi, Indiana, eon template spending hepteuiber in New Jersey visiting friends. For the benefit of all would-be can didates, we will state that it will cost them $." each to have their candidacy announced in this paper. Mrs. Walter Roby left Tuesday morn ing for Nelson, Nebraska, where her husband has gone into the furniture and undertaking business. A skyrocket came around the cor ner from Fourth avenue on to Webster street last night and broke a glass in Dr. Kmigh's otllee window. Mrs. (Ieorge Newhonse and children returned Alonday from Campbell. where they have been visiting with her pa rents, Air. and Airs. Wash Reed. Roy ISarber is carrying his arm in a sling as the result of mistaking a (lower pot" fot a giant lirecraeker. He didn't let loose of it quick enough. We heartily Indorse the Comnieieial Advertiser' scheme for a public drinking fountain at the corner of Fourth avenue and Webster street. A fine lot of registertd Yearling Hereford Hulls at fanners' prices. Farm three miles east of'Hladen, Neb. t',' R. N. Lkwis, Prop. Those who went down to ("Snide Rock yesterday report having a good time. The band boys are particularly well pleased with the way they were re ceived. Dr. Warrjek, tlie specialist, will meet eye, ear, nose and throat patients, and tlio.se needing glasses properly fitted, at Dr. Damerell's ollice, Tuesday, July 11). Kxamination free. yi Next Sunday morning the Congre gational church will celebrate the Com munion of the Lord's Supper, and re ceive several new members into full fel lowship with the church. F.d Jones was kicked by a horse late Saturday night, receiving a bad cut in the back of the head. Dr. Cook dress ed the wound Sunday morning and he is now getting along nicely. Some miscreant poisoned "Spott" Will Parkes' valuable fox terrior, Sat urday night. He was a present from Air. Parkes' son .Mark, and Uncle Hill thought a great deal of him. Ki Potter, brother-in-law of George Hutchison, came down from Wilcox Special Low Price on White Lily our in large lots. Good Canned Corn, 80c doz. Cans Strawberries Every Day. McFARLAND 75he GR.OCER All tho Phonos y mhmh F Neb.. Sunday, and was accompanied home on Monday by his daughter, who has been visiting here for several weeks, Airs. Paul Storey and daughter Hs ther left Monday for a visit in Nevada and California. Mr. Storey accompa nied them asfarastSrand Island. where they took the I'nion Pacific for the west. O. W. Pope has opened an invest meiit bank, and for the present will have his ofllce with Dr. J. S. Fniigh. lie will make a specialty of dealing in bonds, mortgages, etc. and will also make loans. The Red Cloud Automobile Co., Roy Hale, manager. Auto livery service, repairing gas engines, nutos mid bi cycles. Terms reasonable. Phones: Shop, 117; ollice, 01; residence. Ufi; country. Hi. .Mayor J. O. Caldwell has' purchased the old Valley House and will make extensive improvements in his coal and poultry yard. We also under stand that he intends going into the lumber business. Mrs. Walt Isoni and daughters of Hrush, Colo., were in Red Cloud Tues day on their way to visit friends and relatives near Hellaire, Kuns. Air. Rohrabaughmet them here and accom panied them to Hellaire. Governor George L. Sheldon has Issued his proclamation calling for the first primary election to be held in tills state on September It. He fore we get through with it we will wish we were back to the old convention sys tem. In our last Issue we neglected to mention that Attorney Saylor had re moved his ollice to the rooms in the Damerell block formerly occupied by Dr. K. A. Thomas. Dave Kaley has moved into the rooms vacated by Air. Saylor. It is hoped that before the season closes a band stand will be erected for the accommodation of the Citi.ens' Concert band. It is hard for them to do their best work when people crowd in on them so they hardly have elbow room. Mr. and All's. Clare Pope, of Forest City, Aln.. arrived Tuesday evening for a visit with the Pope Rros. Their two sons have been here for a couple of weeks. Clare lived at Hlue Hill in the early days and is well known to the older citizens. "Put" Fuller, the old time city mar shal of Riverton, died yesterday morn ii g at his home in that city. Funeral services were held this afternoon at 'J o'clock. Fuller was well known to all of the old timers in the surrounding country aud had a host of friends. The first meeting of the union meet ings in the court house square .will commence next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. L. A. Hussong, former pastor of the Christian churoh. will preach the sermon. The public is most cordially invited to these outdoor meet legs. Summer coughs and colds yield at once to Hees Laxative Cough Syrup. Contains honey and tar but no opiates. Children like it. Pleasant to take. Its laxative qualities recommend it to mothers. Hoarseness, coughs, croup yield quickly. Sold by Henry Cook's Drug Store. Rev. George Hummel reported that the hail Alonday evening cut down his line stand of corn and destroyed his melon crop, This will be disappoint ing news to those who have been in the habit of enjoying the toothsome melons that Air. Hummel distributes amwng his friends every year. Alondaj' evening's hail storm did con siderable damage to wheat and other crops west and south of Rpd Cloud. Among the sufferers were Claas Doose, whose wheat was hit hard; Alike Fin kenbinder, David Hefllebower, Pete Mcintosh and Anthony Shaefer. Out east of town John Galbroth lost his watermelon patch. There were fewer accidents j'estor day in this vicinity that there have been at any celebration in a good many years. In fact, wo have heard of no one who was badly hurt. S. AI. Alilligan moved out of his chair at home last evening just in time to escape be ing struck by a heavy skyrocket stick, but "a miss Is as good as a mile." So far there are no new develop ments in the matter of improving the road south to tho Kansas line. The Hurlington engineer has submitted his estimate of the cost of putting the road in first class condition, but so far no action has been taken in the matter. It is highly probable, how ever, that tho work will be taken up in the near future. Alan Zan Pile Remedy comes put up in a collapsible tube with a no..le. Easy to apply right where soreness Ht iiti.k riui WGciuiGr ojjtftiqib Do You Know II Is Warm ? And do you know we are prepared for warm weather by hav ing in our store all the Wearables that go to make life endurable for sweltering man and boykind. Ederhcimcr, Stein v maklrj Outing two-piece Suits, $5 to $15 Underwear Union, $1 to $1.50 Suit Underwear, two-piece, 25c to $1.00 Soft collar Shirts, 50c to 3.00 Golf Shirts, 50 cents to 1 .75 Fine Summer Hosiery, 1 0c to 50c Straw Hats, 1 0c to 2.50 Genuine Panamas, $5 and $6 Come to our store for your Summer Wearables UghtVeigltt Goods at Light Weight 'riees. The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. ALWAYS 3 1 5 Webster St. and inflammation exists. It relieves! at once, blind bleeding, itching or j protruding piles. Guaranteed. Price flOe. (Set it today. Sold by Henry Cooks Drug Store. Air. and Airs. AI. C. Sherman have re ceived from their laughtc Winnie a very interesting letter discriptive of her trip to California. She has fallen in love with the c.ouiitryiiud would like to stay there, but she is too useful as a teacher in this slate for us to allow her to remain out there, aud she will be back in time to take up her work at Holderdge this fall. Wednesday evening was the most peaceful "night before the Fourth" that Red Cloud has known in years. Everybody went to bed early so they could get up early and go to Guide Rock, where the big celebration in this part of the country was held. Over 300 tickets were sold to Guide Rock yesterday, morning, and half as many more went down In carriages. A youngson of John Alason.of Guide Rock, was seriously injured at that place yesterday, by tho explosion of in giant cracker. He was standing in the the middle of the street when some man on the sidewalk threw a lighted cannon cracker which struck on the boy's hat just as It exploded. The force of the explosion tore the brim from his liat,strippcd nearly all the hair I from the back of his head, and severely burned the back of his head aud neck. , Ho was taken to Pace's drug store, where his wounds were dressed. "Hi." Points, son of Air. and Airs. Atahlou Points of Walnut Creek, has returned here after a two month's so journ in Rawlins county, Kansas, where he owns one-half section of laud near the town of McDonald. He has many friends anil relatives in this com munity, who are considerably "swelled up" on account of the success of this enterprising, hustling young agricul turist. He has a crop of about 75 J acres of corn that he has been tending. He reports crops looking fine in his neighborhood at the time of his departure. rvvVvvV-r r;l ) & Co, .- RELIABLE Red Cloud, Nebraska L. SHERMAN, General Auctioneer RoMdenco: First door south of Red Cloud .Mill, 101 South Webster street. Can bo fouiulathotne every foro uoon. Terms reasonable. Fulton y Grocery Co. (Successors to John Grill'eth) DEALERS IN Staple and Fancy Groceries A full assortment of Seasonable Goods kept in Stock. Call and See Us. We will try to Please You. 425 Webster Street. Bell phono 103. Itnl. phono 1 JP - Y