tt v 9 A MAKER OF HISTORY By E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM, Author of "The Mister Mummer." "A Prince of Sinners," "Mysterious Mr. Snbin," "Anna the Adventuress." Etc. Copyrltfht. 1003. 1000. by LITTLE. DROWN, and COMPANY. .4 Our Big Bargains! CONTINUED. II Y CHAPTER XIII. Of have heard now," Dun- eoiiibo said Ilimlly, "thi' whole history of my wanderings. I fool like a niiiii who lias boon beating tlio nlr. who has boon at war with unseen and Irresistible forces. I never seemed to have a chance. In plain words, I have failed utterly!" The two men were sitting In a room Impossible of classification. It might have boon a study, smoking room or gun room. The walls were adorned with stags' heads and various trophies of the chase. There were guns ami ri fles in plenty In a rack by the chimney piece, a row of bookcases along the north wall, golf clubs, cricket bats and foils everywhere. A pile of logs ready for burning stood in the open grate, and magnificent rugs were spread about the lloor. Nowhere was there the slightest trace of a woman's pres ence, for Dunoombe laid no sisters, and his was entirely a bachelor household. Duncombo himself and Andrew Pel ham were seated In great easy chairs Jn front of the open window. It was his first line evening at home, and lie was drinking in great drafts of the fresh, pure air, fragrant with the per fume of roses and great clusters of wallflowers. Paris had seemed to 1dm like a great oven. All the time ho had been half stilled, and yet lie knew very well that at a word from Spencer lie would have returned there at an hour's notice. He knew, too. that the home which he had loved all his days could never be quite the same place to him again. Andrew roused himself from rather a prolonged silence. "You wore a brick to gb, George," ho said. "It Is more than any one else In i the world would have done for me." Duncombo laughed a little uneasily, lie knocked the ashes froni his pipe and refilled It slowly. "Andrew," he said, "I don't want to -seem a fraud. I daresay that I might Iiuvp gone for you alone, but I didn't." His friend smiled faintly. "Ah!" lie remarked. "I had forgotten It hasn't worn I tell you, Andrew, ' ing the thoughts of both of them. vour little infatuation. off yet, then?" "No, nor any signs of it," Dunoombe answered bluntly. "It's an odd posi tion for a matter of fact person like myself, isn't It? I've really tried to care for some of the girls about here. The place wants 4i mistress, and I'm the tenth baronet lu the direct line. One's got to think jibout these things, you know. I've, tried hard, and I've never even come near It." "It will wear off," Andrew said. "It is a very charming little fancy, a most delightful bit of sentiment, tJeorge, but with nothing behind it It can't last." "Perhaps not," Duncombo answered iuletly. "All that I know Is that it has .shown no signs of wearing off up to jiow. It was lu Paris exactly as It Is here. And I know very well that If I thought It would do her the least bit of good I would start back to Paris or to the end of the world tonight." "I must readjust my views of you, George," his friend said, with mild satire. "1 always looked upon you as fair game for the Norfolk dowagers with their broods of daughters, but I j aever contemplated your fixing your affections upon n little piece of paste board." "Hot! It Is the girl herself," Dun combo declared. "l$ have never aeon her." Duncombo shrugged his shoulders. He said 'nothing. What was the use? Never seen her! Had she not fouud lier way Into every beautiful place his life hud knowledge of? "If you had," Andrew murmured. "Ah, well, the picture Is like her! I remember when she was a child. Sho was always fascinating, always de lightful to watch." i Duncombo looked out upon the gar dens which he loved and sighed. "If only Spencer would send for mo to go back to Tarls," ho said, with a Blgll. Andrew turned his head. "You can imagine now," he said, ( "what I have been suffering. The do- ' sire for action sometimes Is almost maddening. 1 think that tho man who sits and waits has the hardest task." I They were silent for some time, smoking steadily. Then Duncombo re- rerted onco more to his wanderings, f "You fometrilibr tho story they told no at the caff, Andrew," ho said. "It was a lie, of course, but was Miss I'oyuton nn.vlhlng of an artist?" "To tho best of my belief," Andrew answered, "sho has never touched a .brush or pencil since sho left school," I Duncombo looked out into the gath ering twilight. "It is a devil's riddle, this!" he said slowly. "Why did she go to that place at all?" "tied only knows!" Andrew mur mured. Huneombo's teeth were hard set. A paper knife which he had caught up from the table snapped In his fingers. There was something in ids throat which nearly choked him. "Phyllis Poyntou," Andrew contin ued, "was as sweet and pure a woman as ever breathed. Sho must have loathed that place. She could only have gone there to seek for her brother or" "Or for whom?" "For those who knew where he was." Duncombo turned his head. "Andrew!" "Yes, old chap!" "Let me look at her photograph ngain." Andrew drew it from ills pocket and nassed It over. Duncombo studied it for several moments under the lamp light. "You are right, Andrew," lie said slowly. "For her the other things would' not bo possible. I wonder" His fingers clung to the photograph. He looked across at his friend. There was a slight flush In his face. He spoke nervously. "Andrew." he said, "I'm afraid it sounds a bit brutal, but this photo graph Is no use to you just now, Is It until your eyes get bettor. Will you lend It to me?" "I couldn't," Andrew answered quiet ly. "I can't see it now, of course, but I like to feel It in my pocket, and It will bo tho first thing I shall look at when the doctor lots me take off these beast ly glasses If over he does. Lntfi then -well, 1 like to feel I've got it. That's all!" They both smoked furiously for sev eral moments without looking at one another. Duncombo spoke first. "Andrew!" "Well." , "If she comes back, shall you ever ask her to marry you?" "I don't know, George. I'm poor, and I'm twelve years older than Fho Is. I don't know." There was another silence. Then the conversation drifted back once more to the one subject which was monopolist "I tell you what seems to me to be the most extraordinary part of the whole business," Duncombo said. "First, the brother disappears. Then, without a word to any one, the sister also rushes off to Paris and vanishes from the face of the earth after a se ries of extraordinary proceedings. One supposes naturally that If they have come to harm anywhere If there has been a crime there must have boon a motive. What Is It? You say that their banking account has been undis turbed?" "It was last week. I should hear If any checks wore presented." "Anil the boy's letter of credit even bus never been drawn upon!" "No; not since h" left Vienna." "Then the motive cannot be robbery. Thank heaven," Duucyjnbe added, with a little slniudo;'. "that It was the boy who went first." "Don't!" A great winged insect came buzzing Into the room. Duncombc struck vic iously at It with the palm of his hand. "Lord," he muttered, "what a fool I am! I've never been away from home before, Andrew, without longing to get back, and here I am just back from Paris In August, from turning night Into day, from living just the sort of life I hate, nud I'd give anything to bo going back there tomorrow. I'm a haunted man, Andrew. I got up last night simply because I couldn't sleep and walked down as far as the pad dock. I seemed to see her face in all the shadowy corners, to see her mov lug toward mo from among tho trees. And Pin not an imaginative persou, Andrew, and I've got no nerves. Look!" He held out his hand, strong and linn and brown. It was as steady as a rock. "I can't sleep," ho continued. "I can't rest. Is there witchcraft in this thing, Andrew?" Andrew Pelham laughed shortly. It was a laugh which had no kinship to mirth. "And I" lie said, "liavo seen her grow up. Wo wero boy and girl to gether. I stole apples for her. I have watched her grow from girlhood into womanhood. I have known flesh and blood, and you a cardboard imagOj. I, (Continued en Pafca Six.) lrfnKl l 111' fWfHJfBB I i 'III White Goods. India Linons, from S 1-3 to 30c yd Barred Dimities, from 10 to 20c yd Barred Nainsooks, from 10 to 20c yd Dotted Swiss, from 1 5 to 25c yd Kmbroidercd Swiss, at , 30c yd Lace striped Swiss, from 12A to 30c yd Silks. Japanese Silk, 27 inches wide 50c yd La Siren Silk, 27 inches wide 60c yd Black Taffeta, 36 in., guaranteed. . .$1 to $1.25 Black l'eau de Soie, 36 in., guaranteed. .,.$1.50 Crocheted Silk Hoods, each 50c Crocheted Baby Jackets, each 1.00 Laces and Embroideries. Valenciennes Laces in all widths, with insertion to match, from 2c to 25c yard. Oriental Laces and bands to match, from 15c to 50c yard. Embroidery from 3c to 55c yard. Come in and look our line over before buying and we will save yon money. Hosiery Burson Fashioned Stockings Ladies' Lace Hose, at 15 to 50c. 1" Children's Hose, lace or ix 1 knit, 10 to 25c, in white, tan or black. Infants' Hose, from 10c to 25c, in lace or lisle thread, in white, tan or black. The famous Burson Hosiery, 15c to 35c, all black, or black with white foot. .BBTlfryaW. HaBBMaW5fo bbbbb7.a SC mjf W? nVSmuHw IZeOMffo fGithm Wihoutu deem hfTOmUUU No Stockings can be made with truer 'lines and shape, .. and yet there is tjj not a scam in them from toe to top. CO As perfectly fash- 0 ioncd shaped as the best foreign 6Upu r. I mfm I B aH iHs I .M $ I LfflKaiH m hose, but Without the scams, which are always present in the imported stockings. Yott need not pay for the work of sew- ' c" w tha story ing up those scams that fiurl, as there are no scams in the Burson. Knit in perfect shape .shaped perfectly in the knitting. They keep that shape from machine to rag bag.. Best in Quality and Comfort.No Higher in Price Ladies9 and Children's Gauze Knit Underwear Infants' long sleeve Vests 15 to 30c Ladies' long sleeve Vests 25c Ladies' long sleeve Union Suits 60c Infants' Vests without sleeves 7c I ijS I ft Wm are Children's Vests and Pants, ea. . 15 to 25c Ladies' Vests and Pants, each.. 10 to 50c Children's Union Suits 50c Ladies' Union Suits 25c to $1 This month's Butter ick Patterns 10c and 15c none higher. lit Corsets. Batiste Girdles, at 25 to 50c Batiste Girdles, with hose supporters, at 50c Batiste Corsets, with hose supporters, at 75c Corsets (like cut), with long hips, and two sets hose supporters $1 and $1.35 Guarantee wit every American Beauty Corset. Muslin Underwear. Corsot Covors, laco trimmed, at 2oo Corset Covers, embroidorcd insertion and hemstitched rufilo . . . 40a Corsot Covors, with 1 inch embroidory and ribbon beading 6O0 Corsot Covers, with 0 rows laco insortion and top finished with laco bonding 11.00 Skirt with two rows of 2-inch insertion and 1-incli laco 1.10 Skirt with 8-inch fiounco J 75 And a host of others which wo havo not spaco to mention, ou , la and wo will Bhow them to you. No trouble to show goods. AMEfllCAN BEAUTY Style 73G Kalamazoo Corsot Co., Makers N1WMTTSI M fllnnri Mr Xl 11JJII11VUWU) VVV ViUUVL, "M1J I