mn fWMT.)imiiwiwwiH'Wiwiw.yTy .AfMMT " 1i.AiJ.iI.!... . .JtVIJ.'4Mfc : St-.- rA-,'- Don't Buy Land or Loan Money on Real Estate Without getting one of Teel's Perfedt Abstracts of Titles. The' oldest and most reliable set of Abstract books in Webster County. $ 1 0,000 Bond - filed and approved. Represents six of the best Insurance companies doing business in the state. LOANS MADE OFFICE-In Ovcring Block. TWO PHONES-Bcll 98, Farmers 36. vbitbk(bvktfailbibbUktbtktkxbvfabUivbVUrlibvi(kbUbUibk4(tfa4tbttUti& 3 Jieaisy flotes From 9 GATHKKIiD fKUM 1 GATHERED FROM BLADEN (From tho Entorpriso) On Suuduy Robert Miller while at tending to his horses was kicked by one of them, sustaining a broken log. Drs. Kehler of this pltico, and Pox of lioseland,woro called immediately and set tho fractured member and Mr. Mil ler is improving as well as can be ox peoted under their care. Mrs. Miller is also bedridden. This week tho Boll central telephone which has boon occupying a portion of ,7. P. Kropp's general merchandise store, was removed to the restaurant uf P. W. Peis, and now when you want to bpoak to the Bell central girl you'll have to talk to Prod. Glenn Phelps is up from Rod Cloud this week putting on the finishing (ouches to the new resideucoof George ! Munson. north of town. I Seven cars of livestock were shipped , to St. Joo this week from here. Stock- man Ruihr shipped three cars Sunday and two Tuesday morning, and John McCallom two Tuesday moruiug. Tho Methodist church is noariug i completion. It is now ready for tho paper and painting which will bo done boon. On Monday Drs. Art, of Hastings and Swatslandor of Campbell perform ed un operation on Miss Ellon Stuart for appendicitis. Mm. S. V. Ungate returned from Beaverton, Oregon Sunday morning, where she has been visiting homefolks the past six or eight weeks and Sam now wears a smile that won't come oif. Sho was accompanied home by Bort Jlooken and will remain here some time. Mrs. H. Wlddershelm of Cottage Grove Ore., also came in that morning and will visit relatives and friends some weeks. Bladon will celebrate the Glorious Fourth. STILLWATER An abundance of rain now. A great deal of alfalfa cut last wook got a wot ting. Farmers are putting up the the same between showers. Freda Kniggo In staying with her cousin Mrs. Allen, who Is reported to bo very 111. C.H. Vance, who attended the State Sunday School convention at Hastings last wook reported a very pleasant time. Mr. Holmes, an old ireutlouian ofCurr county, is visiting his nephew, William Peak and family and attended church at Eckloy, Sunday. Thos. Darnel of Lincoln who was to hpoak at Eckloy church on Saturday evening, but was uuablo to reach horo on account of tho rain, came out Sun. day and spoke In the afternoon. Owing to tho short notice not a very lame crowd was present, but all who hnnnl him wore well repaid for coming. At tho close of tho meeting an anti-saloon league wns organized with oighteon membors, and tho following oillcors were electod: K. 11. Vunco pros., J, R. (Voider vice-pros., J. II. (jroenhaugh sec, Wm. Crozier treas. FRANKLIN (I'Vom tho Sentinel.) Wc acknowledge a ploasantcall from C. L, dotting of Hod Cloud, a member of tho board of trustees of tho Frank llu academy. Mt. Cotting loft us a prospectus of tho Rod Cloud Chautau qua assembly which convenes in that o. c; & Neighboring Tomns I UUK HAUnAINOiU) I OUR EXCHANGES city July 29-August 7, containing an nouncements of eighteen numbers which constitute thair program. This is tho first year Red Cloud has attemp ted a Chautauqua and they are natur ally much interested in the outcome. W. W. White, the basso who is to take Dun Punk's placo in the Euph onium Quartet, arrived Tuesday morn ing from Chicago. A sovero mishap caused by a fright ened team seriously injured several former Franklin people at Canon City Colo., this week, namely: Mr. and Mrs E. O. Morgan, Myrick Joukam, wife and two children and J. S. Morgan, wife and two children Their carryall was overturned, old Mr. E. O. Morgan being severely injured about the thigh, Mr. Joukam getting three ribs broken, his daughter a collar bone and leg, and u11 to others bad bruises. Luckily no lives were lost. RIVERTON (From tho Review.) W. P. Fulton was up from Red Cloud Sunday. He reports a One bus iness at his store. Shepherdson & Son, with a force of workmen, have nearly completed the washout on their mill race, which was a bad one. Tho recent high water broke the main in the water system that crosses the crook on Lincoln street. The citizens of Riverton met Thursday evening at the Law ofilce to make preparations for a celebration at this place. Full details of the meeting will appear in next issue. Derwood Jamas, youngest sou of John James, was kicked by one of his rathor's horses while in town last Sat urday, but as near as can bo learned there was no sorious damage done. CAMPBELL (From the Citizen.) .Mr. and Mrs. Gaudoreault gavo a re ception Friday evening at thoir home in honor of their son Archie and his bride, which was attondod by a goodly number of invited guests. H. Soeck was u passenger to Omaha on Monday, whore ho will visit tiio hos pital, taking a minor position. Dolor Koulior wont to Iloldrodge Saturday to meet and make the ac quaintance of his new automobile' a 20 horso power Maxwell. Wm. Rutt, Honry Liber and Rev. Curl Storzor departed Tuesday for Sot ler Canada, to spond two or throe weeks looking over the British domaiu for snaps. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Derraand daugh ter Katlo returned Saturday evening from Madison Wis., whoro they were called it couple of weeks ago by tho death of a relative. Mr. Derra suysjthat ho had a ticket good for 30 days, but ho couldn't stand the climate and came back. SUPERIOR (From tho Express.) Miss Ducker, who is one of tho corps of Superior teachers, passed through horo Friday on hot- way from lied Cloud to Lincoln, whore sho teachos classics in tho summer school'. Alox Hun tor, who has boen very sick for several wooks, Is now thought to bo out of danger and on tho road to recovery. ON OITY Arthur Blazer came homo Tuesday from Topoka where lie has been work ing in the Santa Fe shops. Archie Shambaugh is homo from the Weslyan University at Lincoln whoro ho graduated last week with A. D. at tached to his name. LEBANON. (From tho Argus.) The band boys have received their contract for four days at Lincoln Park. They were down there last year and must have made good. Lebanon's water system is comple ted and the stand pipe full. In fact the pump kept going for twenty min utes aftor it was full. All the lire plugs have been tried and found to be be in working order. Mrs. W. H. Rogers received word last week from California to tho ofioct that her father was sick with no hopes of his recovery- He has already lived many years beyond tho alotted life of man, passing his hundred and flrstmilo stone last January. George Shook started for southern Texas Tuesday morning. He has some farm lands down there which is in creasing in value very fast. A deal was closed Monday whereby R. A. Nichols buys the jewelry stock of Skaggs & Martin. This change will give Nichols the only jewelry establish meut in the city. BLOOMINGTON (From the Advocate) J. M. Barber has now 400 acres of new sod planted to corn. Tho roport that the Salinn &. North western had begun grading at Salina is a mjstake. Tom Clow of Frankliu, who was so nearly killed by a horse is recovering rapidly. It was thought at the time that he was done for. Lee Ault of Naponee, has gone to Excelsior Springs. Mo., In hopes that tho chauge will benefit his health. Some petty thieving is reported around town. One day recoutly we heard one of our citizens say that his collar had boeu raided and that he was able to llnd tho tracks of two persons who had eutorod the cellar. Prof Charles S. Mohrman, who will have charge of our school next year was in town lastSaturday, while on his way to Alma whoro ho is teaching in the Junior Normal. Ho looks as though ho would prove a success in any school, BLUE HILL. (From tho Leader.) Albert Andorsou. who Is working at tho depot, and Everett Riggins, an em ployeo of tho Chicago Lumber Co., conio near gotting drowned while swimming in the Blue last Sunday. In company with 11 number of other bo)s from town they wont into the water, and young Andorsou. who was uuablo to swim got into deep water. Riggins wout to his rescue and as ho is not a good swimmer he soon found himself holploss and only for assistance from tho others, both boys would havo un doubtedly drowned. Work has been commenced on tho reservoir for tho waterworks system. Walter Scott disposod of his harbor shop Wednesday to S0I111 Stumpon dorst and gavo immediate possession. MOLLISTER'B Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Duty Medloino for Easy People. Brings Qojdea Health and Renewed Vigor. A apeclflo for Constipation, Indigestion, Live 8d Kidney Troubles. Pimpled. Fx:unn, Impure ood, Bad Drenth, RIiiRfflsh Bowels, Heftduche, sad Unckurhe. It's Rocky Mountain Ten In Uo Wt form, 35 centH a box. Genuine made by olustbr Dni'a Company, Madison, wla. PROPERTIES I I JLaMsatk ) Red Cloud, Nebraska THE BLIND OF CAIRO. To Be Found Everywhere In the Shops and on the Streets. The first thing that impresses the stranger in Cairo is the number of blind men, women and children to be found everywhere in the shops aiul on the streets. Ophthalmia is very preva lent throughout Egypt. Because of su perstition concerning "tho evil eye" the native mothers of the middle or the lower class do not wash the eyes of their babies at all. Watching the files buzzing unheeded around and upon these blind children, a stranger hastens to buy a fly whisk. These are for sale everywhere and are quite at tractive with their ornaments of fancy beads and palm leaf fiber. Blind beg gars greet one at every corner. Even In the high class Egyptian families there are many blind. The lower classes of Egyptians are given much to hasheesh that Is, the lower classes In the large cities and, although it is against the law to sell It, one will have the hasheesh places pointed out, and the men who smoke the drug are seeu everywhere. They are distinguished by the peculiar appearance of their eyes, which become red, swollen and baggy underneath, and by the peculiar color of the skin, which resembles somewhat the skin of a Chinese opium smoker. Harriet Qulmby In Leslie's Weekly. A LOST CONTRACT. The Little Thing That May 8ometimes Prevent a 8ale. A pen once lost me an order. I had Just worked up the executive of a large coucern Into a desire to buy. I had my contract form lying on his desk with my linger on the dotted line. Ho reached over toward his pen rack, took off a pen and plunged It into the Ink well. lie turned to me with a frown on his face the well was empty. I was ready with' a fountain pen. The pen was uncapped. I handed It to him. lie started to write. The Ink would not flow. I took It and shook it. Again he made the attempt, with no result. "I will get one," he said. So he stepped Into the otl2r room. Evidently some one stopped him with a question, for h did not come back for three minutes. Thou he stood at his desk. He looked down ut tho contract. "I believe I had better think thin matter over again," he said. And all the talk I put up could not budge him. I had lost a sale because my fountain IMJii was empty. Now. one of my regu lar morning duties, week in and week out, Just aH regular as my shave and my cheeking over of calls to be made and the making out of my expense ac count, Is filling my fountain pen. James N. Bowen In System. A Great Polyglot. Solomon Caesar Malon habitually conversed with his children In Latin, but 011 his deathbed, when Solomon, his son, began to recite a psalm in the familiar Vulgate of his youth, tho dy ing man, scholar to the last, muttered, "Non Ita. non Ha! Ilebralce;" so the son repeated It In Hebrew. He could, for that matter, Just as well havo said It In Coptic or Chlncso, for to him all tongues came naturally. At eighteen ho could write hi thirteen languages, oriental and European, and among his published works we find translations from the Arabic, Terslan, Syrlac, Ethloplc, Hebrew, Coptic, Ar menian, Georgian, Mongol, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Greek, Russlau, "Welsh and Gothic. Ho Is said to havo learned to speak Armenian lluently In a fortnight, nnd he preached in Geor gian to n Georgian congregation In tho Cathedral of Kiitnis. Iondon Saturday Review. Traveling "For Health." "My doctor recommends Europe." "Going?" "Dunno yet My lawyer seems to think Canada will do." Loutsvlllo Courier-Journal. The confession of evil works Is tho beginning of good works. Augustine. I'ineulcs arc for the kidneys and Bladder. They bring quick relief to backache, rheumatism, lumbago, tired worn out feeling. They produce nat ural action of the kidneys in illteriug wiihtu matter out of the blood. ;ill days treatment SI. Money refunded if I'ineulcs are not satisfactory. Hold by Henry Cook's Drug Store. AnnuallEstlmateo? Expenses and RcjwrJ of Revenues Received. The following Is the annual Estimate of Ex peaces of tho probable amount of money iii-cph-nry for all purposes to be raised In the City of Hed Cloud, Nebraska, during the cunning fiscal year, to-wlt: For olIlcerB' fcalarles t-WOO 00 Forstrcets and alleys 1000 TO Forcost and expcnsCHof litigation MO 00 For supplies and printing iftO 00 For maintenance of water works 2500 00 For Interest onjwater bond 1000 00 For Interest on electric light boixlH R0 00 For contingent and incidental expenses Wl 00 For Judgment fund U'(0 00 For Mreet lights IU011 00 For maintenance of electric light work coo uo Total liairiO 0(1' The following Is a statement of the eutlte revenue of said for the past fiscal year: Collections on the general fund t 2102 07 Collections on water fund : 373.132: Occupation tax collected aicj-t (J From water levy fund 1131 92: From electric light fund and bonds.... 2011(1 S Total 3100l II. Approved .June ith, 1007. J. O. CALDWELL, Mayor. Attest: L. II. FORT. City Clerk. ISeal Julys Notice of Bond Sale. Sealed proposals will be received ty L If. Fort, Secretary of the School Hoard, until Julj 13th. 1007, at VJ M for tho purehaso of &T.XO School lionds or the School District of the City of Hed Cloud. WebMor County, Nebraska, voted' April 2nd, 10U7. Honds are In denomination of J500 each, dated June 1st, 1007. bearing 4 per cent per annum, maturing June 1st. 1027, unci optional after fi yearn. Honds Issued purbtmnr to section HUM), Cobbey'i 1JK3 Annotated Stat' utes of Nebraska. Bids must be accompanied by rertilled chert for f.VX). payable to the City Treasurer. The Hoard reserves the right to reject any and alb bids. Dated June 21st. 1007, Hed Cloud. Nebras'en. DH. H.F. RAINES, Pretlduuc. L. II. FORT, Secretary. Jun8 WFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM CURKD it' 3 DAYS. Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon. Ind.. aays; "Ml' wife bad Inflammatory Rheumatism In eerjr muecle and Joint; her suffering was tenable. aud her body and face were swollen almost be yond recognition: had been in bed lix wooktn aud had eight physicians, but recelred no benefit until she tried the Mystic Cur-j for Rheumatism. It gave immediate relict and sbe was able to walk about in three dars. 1 am. sure it saved her life." Sold by U. fl. Orlce. BrugglBt. Red Cloud. Just Received, a Car of FLOUR. AT PLUMB'S FLOUR and FEED STORE You can save money by taking 500 pounds of him. A frlonrl of tho noma t A fee of the Trust J Calumet Baking Powder Complies 2haj"'' Fooa Laws ft i If O i 4? ( NU8GET FiR SALLOW PEtfLI