The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 28, 1907, Image 1

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Eight Pages I
Home Print
f Subscription
$1 a Year
I in Adveunce
. '
The Primary Law.
From reports to date there seems to
be mi unusual number of
nspirants for the place now oc
cupied by Judge Adams, which will
enliven the times and cause a general
stampede for tlrst place in the race.
Under the old regime there was
never any certainty, while under the
primary there seems to be lesw, which
throws the whole question as to who Is
the coming man into a state of mysti
fication, such as has never before ex
isted In this or any other judicial dis
trict In the state.
Of course, such of the six counties
in the district will perhaps have a fa
vorite candidate, and will Insist upon
his nomination, while the electors gen
erally will take less interest than here
tofore, because of the abolishmeut of
the oldtime convention, when every
body was a big man because of the
votes he 'held in his pocket" ready to
be delivered to to the candidate and
his friends who could make the most
flattering promises and appeal to the
brotherly feelings of the man with the
Then there were cigars and beer and
highballs, which cut something of a
figure much as we dislike to make
concession while the political round
ers were on hand with their smiles,
their roorbacks and their budget of
'Mm intiflti1nti whn cnuld mnninulate
the wires, drag up from the slums tue
greatest number of unconscionable
nondescripts and hold them in line o$
his naked promises, was usually the
popular man. however much to the dis
trust of the better citizen.
Under the new system much of that
sort of tactics has been done away with
-while the "bum"' candidate has lost
his grip and the "good fellow"' who
could be induced to go back on his
friends for the consideration of a live
cent cigar or a bumper of beer, has
lost his job.
It has been rumored that the con
stitutionally of the primary law is
going to be tested in the supreme court,
-but as that seems to be rumor, pure
and simple, we would better get ready
for the primaries, study law as given
us by the legislature, and look well to
the interests of the people, now that
the politlan will tind time to look over
the past, and wonder what has hap
pened, Under the new system any man can
nnnouuee his candidacy and burden the
polls with his name, while a goodly
number have already offered them
selves as so many sacrifices upon the
niter of their beloved country.
The writer being without political
aspirations, and yet feeling that he
cannot act the part of a citizen with
out taking an interest in the political
situation, offers the above with the
hope that others may give an express
ion of thought along the same line.
As touching the qualifications of a
candidate for the judgeship, more anon,
since the question is one of vital Importance-
to the citizens, not of our
county alone, but of the six counties
embracing the district.
The mere fact that the would-be ean
ditlate has aspirations for so exalted a
position does not settle the more se
rious question us to avulllblllty.
.lolIN M. CllAKl'lN.
To the voters of the Tenth Judicial
I hereby announce myself a can
didate at the Primaries to be held
September :i, 1007, for the Republican
nomination for the otllce of Judge of
the 10th Judicial District of Nebraska,
comprising the counties of Webster,
Franklin. Harlan. .Adams, Kearney
and Phelps. ltespeotfully submitted,
K. I. Ovr.itM.w.
If you sutler from bloating, belching,
sour stomach, Indigestion or Dyspep
sla, take a Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet
ta 'ter each meal, and overcome the
' '' lgrccable trouble. It will Improve
Hhe appetite, and aid digestion. Sold
by Henry Cook's Drug Store.
E. I). Overman a Candidate.
The Chief is pleased to announce in '
this issue to the voters of the Tenth
.Judicial District of Nebraska, that K.
U. Overman of Red Cloud, will be a
a candidate for District Judge.
The Chief can heartily commend Mr.
Overman to the voters of the district j
for their favorable action at the prl- j
marles In September, knowing, as we
do, his worthiness and qualifications, j
For seventeen years he has been an
able and honorable practitioner enjoy- j
lug the full confidence of his clients
and an extensive practice such as few '
lawyers enjoy in this part oj the state.
Never clepeiulinirfor success on what is
id by lawyers as "sharp practice
. . , , , , , ..
llllli; 1UII .- -.. .i...
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a fine legal mind he has demonstrated :
., . , ., . ,i..:...i i
that he possesses the analytical and i
,,,.,., iii . ii.
judicial mind required by a man to fit
, . , ., ,, , ... . i. . . .. i
hiin for the high position of district
, , hi
iu dire
J .",,. , , , . . I
His splendid record us County Attor-
, ' , , . , . . ,
ney of this county for two terms du-,
. , . , A. . , ,, . . .,
ring which tunc he successfully con-
, A , ... ., ,, ..,
ducted some of the most important civil I
, . . .. . , i
am! criminal eases the county has ever ,
, , , , . ., , , ,, . ......
had, brought the people of this cbunty
,,. . . . ,.,,
to regard lnmasa lawyer of great skill
. , i ,
Wl UHII t .
";'.,. . .
ids in this county above sus-l
,, i i . i
a gentleman of highest char-
He stan
picion as a gen
acter. He is absolutely free from cor
poration Infiuencc. No man or set
of men or corporation of any kind on
cartli has any strings on him.
Auto Livery and Repairing.
The increasing demand in lied
Cloud for Hrstclass automobile ser -
vice has lead us to open an Antonio -
bile Livery and repair shop and we
are now ready to wait on the needs
of the public In proper style. If yon
want to make a pleasure drive sec us.
We have three splendid ears always
at your service. Traveling men's
business especially solicited.
.. iD. .uit.....,i,...c ,.ni
bicycles. Our prices are right and
all work is guaranteed to be satisfact -
orily done. Your orders will be great-
lv appreciated.
The Red Cloud Automobile Co.
Roy Hale, Mgr.
Oarage North of Holland House.
Phones Shop 233, otllce 04, residence
AskferAllens's Feet-Ease,
a powder for swollen, tired
ing feet. Sample sent free. Also free
samples of the Foot-Kase Saitary Corn-
Pad, a new invention. Address Allen
S. Olmstead, Le Roy, N. Y.
When you buy a Mower, buy a STANDARD, for the following reasons: You can line up
the cutter bar when it drops back or out of line. You can make the sections register in the
center of the guards. It has a cutter bar that never drops with the outer end, and the BEST
FOOT LIFT .that ever was made. I have them in 5, 6, 7 and 8 foot cut. Come and look
them over.
The "Rest Room" Is the Remedy.
The following article Is from Colliers
Weekly, and illustrates the conditions
in a country town so well that we print
it. A few ycarsago '.his paper agitated
the Rest Room idea, and although
quite a number became interested in
it, money was not forthcoming to make
It a success;
"Suppose you're a Kansas farmers' I
wife. You have driven into town for
Street Fair Day in the wilting heat of
the prairie summer your husband, the
three small children. Including the
baby under the big yellow umbrella
1 ! l , ,..,,. ,
ilitllil till IWlltLikL lltlhltiillilil ft II uniMltif
-4 .. n ki.t.1 - 1. ..... ..!i..a
,:,.,..., . . .
' lot, lunch eaten the man goes back to
,,.. I...1I.1,,,. ,...,. im ,.... L.4...,u
- v -- - - y
behind to mind the children. She
. , . . A . .
might go to the store to be sure, where
h " . .
shb would be in every ones way; well
' . v
meaning folks would give the children
candy until their little hands would
. , .. . A , . ,
stick to everything they touched, in-
. h, f '
eluding their mothers skirts, and there
would be nothing to do but to go out
. h
into tlie street and walk, and then re
.. .. ,, ., .
turn, and wait and wait. So all that
long afternoon she sits on the ground
" .
holding the baby m the little patch of
i shade. The sun beats down, clouds of
' dust envelop them, the children s faces
n i
become grimy; finally, at six o,clock,
the map returns and hitches up. They
watch the balloon ascension and start
home. Then what? Supper to get,
milk to strain and put away, dishes to
wash, chickens to shut up, calves to
feed and the tired babies to bathe and
1 soothe to sleep. The woman has looked
1 forward to this onting as a much need-
ed change: when she finally gets to bed
she is too tired to sleep. Her holiday
had been spent under a wagon on a
dirty vacant lot. The shade of the
trees of her own yard would have been
much pleasanter. "This," writes a
woman from Carbondale, Kims., is the
condition in the average town. There
J IU numerous places where the men
, nrt! welcomed where they can
j Pu"l " honr without a thought of
! UC'"K" ni be wny. Should not these
1 busy women have a place of their own
i where, when their shopping is done
they can take their babies and visit
1 ann rest and go home refreshed and
strengthened rather than utterly worn
out'.' Is this a case for the restless
plutocrat who wc urged recently to
build good roads, or should it be looked
after by township or county? And In
what way? Suggestions, particularly
! from women who have had similar
j experiences are solicited."
Items of Nows Found in The
Chief of Twenty Years Ago
This Week V
The new M. F. church on Ash creek,
five miles southeast of town, will be
dedicated Sunday. July 10.
The new I. O. O. F. hall Is rapidly
approaching completion.
A Mr. Perkins of Chicaio is here
this week figuring with our people in
regard to the establishment of a
,,.,. ., .
C. dust lost a fine mare 'lhursday
... . , .,.
night, valued at S1,.00.
The contract for the water works
system was let to the firm of Turner
& Smith of St. Louis, the consldera -
tion being S2.r, aar.. The plans were
drawn by John W. Neir.
Prof. Plcklnghas again been elected
to the prlnelpalshlp of the Red Cloud
The Red Cloud baseball team defeat
ed Smith Center by a score of 34 to a.
IT wenty years ago the Chief claimed
me capacity oi ine wens at tne water
plaut would be 500,000 gallons per
Jlarvey Merrill Is the happy man
this time Its a girl.
CJilnch bugs have made their appear-
mice on the south side and are reported
to be damaging the late corn.
Hon. C. Adams of Superior was en
gaged as the orator of the day for Red
Cloud's Fourth of July celebration.
Wedding Bells.
Last Wednesday evening at six
o'clock Miss Clara Grace Skjelvcrand
Fred W. Lambrcct were united iu mar
riage at the bride's home near UucVale.
A large number of guests were'ln at
tendance and a sumptuous wedding
banquet was served. These young
people are among the best in the coun
ty. The bride was a teacher in her
homo district the past year, and the ,
groom owns a fine farm iu that vicln
ly where he and his bride will Imme
diately go to housekeeping.
Webster County Stockmen In Knnsas
(From the Drovers' Telegram.)
F. J. Peterson of Inavalc Neb., mar
keted two carloads of short fed steers
James Mcintosh of Red Cloud Neb.,
a prominent farmer and feeder, came
in today to buy stockers.
II. W. Koentz of Red Cloud Xeb
! a prominent feeder, hud in two car-
; loads of cattle today.
"Kansas City gets about 1H per cent
of the live stock from the great feed-
in ,,0,t ln Nebraska where 1 am locu-
W remarked M. II. Farnuin of Inu-
vale Neb., who came down this inorn-
lug with several carloads of fed cattle.
'..,?,, fl , - , ,, , .
"When it e-Miies to furnishing fat cat-
i ,, i i. i .,
tie and hogs we are in It along the
j Republican river valley. The train
that I came down on this morning was
1 run in four sections, of i: cars to the
section. That is not bad for one day's
.shipment. All this string of fat cattle
j lin(l W cume right through the St.
'! Htock yards. There seems to be
veiT ew cattle on feed, but somehow
, we see trainloads of them pulling out
every few days for Kansas City. The
country is big, and with a carload or
Uvo herL. !m(l thure a ,,ir(re mubcr of
cattU, win ,H, p,dteil up ,vho WL.uther
wo U.e hV,If colllli not bo 1)eIlU,n if
made to order, and crops are doing the
I very best kind. Wo have had good
, ruh,s recently, and- farmers are busy
j Pawing corn, which so far is clean."
The Loft Wtflf.
"Ih thero any portion of the fowl you
prefer, major?" asked the hostess
"The left wing. If you please."
"The left wing?"
"Yes," retorted the major, gnzlng du
biously at the platter. "I believe It Is
always good military tactics to bring
the loft wing of a veteran corpa Into
notion."- London TIt-KltH.
Fancy Rico.
"I want some rice." said the haughty
lady. "You have It for sale, have you
"Sure. tnu'um," replied the grocer,
'Six C'jntB a pound or two pounds for".
"Oh, I must have the most oxppiHvar
kind. It's for n very funhlonahle wed
ding." Philadelphia Press.
What sort of truths do the majority
rally round? Truths that are decrepit
with age. When a truth is so old as
that, it's in a fair way to become a IIr.