The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 21, 1907, Image 5

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Robert Dow of Nuponcc was in Ued
Cloud Tuesday.
,' A. II. Ilyrun was down from Itlooiu-
i ngton Tuesday.
Jerome Wright was over from He
liron tli is wi'ulc.
Marion Ncal was up from lluido
Rock Wednesday.
Mrs. C. S. l'almor went to Inavale
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Thos. Penman, of Denver, was
in the city Tuesday.
Well improved ;i(j acres of land for
sale cheap. A. H. Sollars.
151 ack or white loug-wristed gloves,
SI. GO per pnir. F. Ncwhouse.
Allen Tulleys was down from
Naponee the first of the week.
Fred Gund and George Koehler
were down from lllue Hill Tuesday.
.1. II. Uuehenau and wife are visit
ing with his mother, Mrs. T,0. Hacker.
Miss Ethel Moore of Lincoln is
visiting her sister Mrs. Charles Cra
bill. llertha Palmer went to Inavale yes
terday to spend Sunday with her bro
ther Roy.
"Dr. Thomas has removed his dentai
parlors to the rooms, over Cot ting's
drug store.
For Kent 0 room house, in north
cast part of town. Apply at house.
Marion Neal.
Cris Zeiss has been laid up with a
bad attack of lumbago, but is able to
be about again.
John Harvy of Inavale leaves to
day for Chicago, where he will take
medical treatment.
Miss Mabel Potter ofWilcox, is a
uest at the home of her uncle, G. W.
Hutchinson, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Walker started
for Chase county last evening to take a
4i look at their real estate.
II. E. Hinkins of Itiverton was in
lied Cloud the first of the week on his
way to Indiana for a visit.
Lyman Essig returned from Kansas
City Tuesday morning, where he had
been with two cais of cattle.
Miss Ethel Donnelly returned to her
home in Lincoln Sunday after a pleas
ant visit with T. C. Hacker and wife.
Miss Ethyline Thurmond returned
to her home at Hastings Tuesday, after
ix short visit with her friend, Mrs.
Frank Peterson.
Fred Maurer, the pension attorney
advises us that Charles C. McConkey
has received an increase of pension to
24.00 per month.
Rev. and Miss Shiveley of Naponee
were in lied Cloud Tuesday on their
way to the state Sunday school con
vention at Hastings.
Dr. E. A. Thomas has moved his
dental parlors to the front room over
Cotting's drug store. This will give
him much better light.
Miss Helle Spanogle left yesterday
for Nowata, I. T., in company with
her uncle and aunt who have' been
visiting here this week.
Mrs. D. C. Jenkins and children of
Heatriceare expectedto bo in the city
soon for an extended visit with Mrs.
Jenkins' mother, Mrs. Cummings.
W. J. Vance and Wade Koontz of
Inavale were in town Tuesday morn
ing on their way home from Kansas
ity, where they had been with stock.
Mrs. James Uurden entertained a
number of her lady friends Wednes
day evening in honor of her thirty
eighth birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whltaker of
"Stratton, Neb., are the parents of a
glal baby, born last Monday. Grand
pa Hosmer is recovering.
Rev. A. A. Cressraau will go to Mc
4ook next Tuesday to give an address
at the 2.r)th anniversary of the Congre
gational church of that place.
Mrs. E. Uoyd Smith and baby re
turned from Lincoln Thursday, ac
companied by Miss Cora Mudra, who
will visit hero for awhile.
M. IJ. Corner has sold the fair store
to David Morrison, and the business
is now in charge of Misses Hattie,
Delia and Mabel Morrison.
Dave and Jake Salzman returned
Sunday from a trip to Norton, Kan.,
where the former attended tho dedi
cation of the new Odd Fellows hall.
Mrs. Lira Garbcr went to Ileatrice
Saturday to attend the wedding of Miss
Charlotte Smith, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. S. C. Smith who formerly lived
Miss Elizabeth Marker, ex-County
.Superintendent, who has been teach-
ing at Nebraska City the past year.was
visiting friends here the last of tl e
.John Wall, brother of .1. K. Wall,
arrived here Wednesday from Nevada,
la. He was aecompied by his grand
son, Clay Colliding, who will live with
his uncle .Tames.
Mr. and Mrs. S, 1$. Chiggett, who
have been visiting at the home of
their daughter, Mr. Dr. O. A. Nelson,
left Tuesday morning for their home
in Kirwin, Kan.
Misses Irene Miner, Mattie and
Clara Abel, Hattie Morrison, Mrs.
Will Auld and Mrs. .lames Mitchell
went to McCook Tuesday oveniug to
attend a meeting of the P. E. O's.
Three train loads of cattle, consist
ing of ninety-nine cars, passed
through lied Cloud Sunday. The ship
ments from Ued Cloud were: Lyman
Essig, 2 cars cattle; It. C. Cutter, 1 car
hogs; Coon & Weesner, 2 cars hogs.
Fire broke out in one of the upper
rooms of the comity poorhouse Tues
day, but Superintendent Coplen got
into the room with a bucket of water
and extinguished It before any serious
damage was done. The lire was smart
ed by a three-year-old child playing
with matches.
The Citizens Concert Hand has been
engaged to give a concert every even
ing during the Chautauqua. Mr. Holll
day certainly is sparing no expense to
make the summer Chautauqua a sue
ceis. Wilson Latta, son of W. S. Latta,
came near drowing in Crooked Creek,
Monday afternoon, while swimming
in a pool just east of town. One of
his companions fortunately noticed
him just in time to pull him out.
Mrs. 0. C. Hell and Mrs. F. J. King
cr gave a baby party Thursday after
noon, in honor of the first birthday
of De Ette Helle Smith, of lied Cloud.
Fourteen babies and their mammas
enjoyed the afternoon. State Journal.
D. 11. Whltaker, son David and
daughter Kate went to Stratton, Neb.,
the first of the week, the latter to
visit with her brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whltaker, and
the two former to look at some land
with a view to purchasing.
A i . ,
ew Spanogle aim daughters,
fe ! ljl n 1 fhiatl iii - I Vll
and Mr. and Mrs. Will Yeager of Yea
gertown, Pa., stopped oft" in Ued
Cloud Monday on their way home
from a trip to California. Mr Spano-
gle is a brother of D. IJ. Spanogle and
Mr. and Mrs. Yeager are his nephew
and niece.
County Superintendent Nellie West
Caster has been engaged as one of
the instructors at the Alma Junior
Normal for the next six weeks. The
office will be open and in charge of an
assistant during her absence, and she
will be home every Saturday.
In bur account of the institute last
week we got pretty badly mixed on
the Thursday night program. It was
Special Low Price on
in large lots.
Good Canned Corn,
80c doz. Cans
Strawberries Every .Day.
All tho Phonos
in in i i i i in i mm milium iiiinm n mniuiiiii mi urn
Superintendent Sherman of Columbus'
who delivered the address. No such'
D't'son as "Sunt. Dnldsou" was on'
the program at any time.
No greater mistake can be made
than to consider lightly the evidence
oTdlsease in your system. Don't take
desperate chances on ordinary medi
cines. I'i.e llollister's Rocky Moun
tain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets.
C. L. Cutting.
Man .an Pile Remedy comes put up
in a collapsible tube with a no..le.
Easj to apply right where soreness
and Inllaminatlou exists, It relieves
at once blind bleeding, Itching or
protruding piles. Guaranteed. Price
noc. Get it today. Sold by Henry
Cook's Drug Store.
You can't tell a woman's age after
she takes Holltsters Mountain Tea.
Her complexion is fine. She Is round,
plump, and handsome; In fact she Is
young again. 3.1 cents, Tea or Tablets.
C. L. Cutting.
The bites and stings of insects, tan,
sunburn, cuts, burns and bruises are
relieved at once with Pincsalve Carbo
Ibed. Acts like a poultice, and draws
out iullammation. Try It. Price 2.1c.
Sold by Henry Cook's Drug Store.
The medicine that sets the whole
The remedy on which all doctors
The prescription all your friends are
taking is
Hollislers llockv Mountain Tea. C.
L. Cutting.
Summer coughs and colds yield at
once to Uees Laxative Cough Syrup.
Contains honey and tar but no opiates.
Children like it. Pleasant to take.
Us laxative qualities recommend it to
mothers. Hoarseness, coughs, croup
yield quickly. Sold by Henry Cook's
Drug Store.
Pineules for the kidneys strengthen
these organs and assist in drawing
poison from the blood. Try them for
rheumatism, kidney, bladder trouble,
for lumbago and tired worn out feel
ing. They bring quick relief. Satis
faction guaranteed. Sold by Henry
Cook's Drug Store.
Roy Hale has opened an automobile
garage north of the Holland house on
Elm street. He has three automobiles
for rent, and will do all kinds of re
pairing. Hoy has become an expert at
gasoline engine repairing, and has
had considerable success In making
unruly antos come to time.
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of Miss Clara Grace Skjelvor
and Mr. Fred W. Lambrecht, which
will occur at 0 o'clock next Wednes
day evening at the home of the bride's
father, Mr. Otto Skjelvcr, north of
The following prominent citizens
from Rosemont and vicinity were In
Red Cloud Tuesday on business.
Simon von Uoenlng, Jacob Schmidt,
II. Stumpenhorst, II. II an f eld, Mike
ltargmann, Henry Wright, Fred Ger
lach, II. II. Allen, Henry Thewes,
Joseph Venslnger, Fred Uuck and It.
D. MclJeth.
About fifty people went from this
city to Hustings this week to attend
the state Sunday school convention.
Inavale sent twenty, and enough more
went from other points in the county
to swell the delegation to more than
a hundred. The large delegation is
the result of the efforts of Secretary
Dletrick of this city.
The ice cream social given for tho
band boys at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Miner last Friday evening
was a great success and the boys net
ted about $ 15. In spite of the high
wind tho boys gave some splendid
music and everybody had a good time.
When County Commissioner Chaplin
got about three miles from home
Monday morning, on his way to lied
Cloud, one of his ponies began cutting
up and tried to make kindling wood
of tho buggy. Jeff held onto the
lines, however, expecting every min
ute to go sailing skyward. When the
pony finally quited down Jeff found
that tho tongue and circle were broken,
and he had to go back home for a new
Rev. A. A. Crcssman will preach
upon the following themes next Sun
day at tho Congregational church:
Morning "Tho hardening of Phar
aoh's heart." Evening "Tho boy
and his Suroundlng." This will bo a
practlcrl talk to boys, young men and
parenrs. Tho subject will bo illus
trated by three largo free hand draw
ing by Chicago Artists. A cordial
invitation extended to all.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Blguaturo of
r w v
I High Garde j
We supply our trade with
furnishings of a high grade. We
make it our business to secure
the latest and best products from
the best makers. f We show
exclusive and choice ideas. The
man who buys a Tie or Shirt
here will have an exclusive pat
tern. We invite your in
spection of our recent arrivals of
Spring and Summer Furnish
ings. Come see the new things
The exclusive things
The handsome things.
It will do you good and we
will be pleased to show you.
The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
3 1 5 Webster St. Red Cloud, Nebraska
lUM -Irlmifljlil
villi HBrnSvlill UEfl
Not a Solitary kick Registered BcTerc
the Equalization Beard.
That the people of this county nro
satisfied with "Uncle Dick'
Turner as county assessor was demon
strated last week when tho county
I commissioners met as a board of
' equalization and finally adjourned
1 without having had a single assess
ment brought before it for equaliza
tion. We doubt if another assessor
in the state can show such a record.
Of course Mr. Turner was careful in
selecting his deputies, and they gave
him perfect assistance except in one
case where there was a slight bobble
over the rural telephone assessment,
but this was adjested by the county
nssessor without its going bofore the
board. It is matter of sincere regret
on our part that the statute does not
permit tho assessor to serve more than
one term, so that we could continue
Calumet makes
light, digestible
wholesome food.!
Only one heap
ing teaspoonful
is needed for one
quart of flourJ
Mr. Turner in office. In all of h's
decisions in regard to assessments ho
has been sustained by the state board,
and his reports have been used as
models for the board to hold up be
foro tho eyes of other county assessors
as worthy of emulation. "Unclo
Dick" has made a record of which tho
people of the county, as well as him,
self, have a right to be proud.
Rofildonco: First door south of
Kod Cloud Mill, 101 South Wobstor
Can bo foundjntjhomo ovory fore
noon. TormBroasonable.