WIIIWCW7?jrt7T5sitTOaJliWMlka.jlwij,rt-j- W.w 4n JVC s..u rs i ? w j, v .! J BF' imrmJ.'J, Vt.tMH LHJBIWl'MtlKH III miiami I A Gooc Hair-Food Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im proved formula, is a genuine hair-food. It feeds, nourishes, builds up, strengthens, invigor ates. The hair grows more rapidly, keeps soft and smooth, and all dandruff disappears. Aid nature a little. Give your hair a good hair-food. Doa no! change the color of the half. a Formula with caoh bottls Show It to your doctor tiers Aik him about It, then do ai heiaya You need not hesitate about using this new Hair Vigorfromanyfcarofitschang ing the color of your hair. The new Ayer's Hair Vigor prevents premature grayness, but does not change the color of the hair even to the slightest degree. Mado by the J. 0. Ayer Co., Lowell, !! Reformed Spelling (HI the ollis boy on a rimy da). 0 blame the rums It makes mu sour 1 wlsht it wouhlcut rnne no moat why dont it ratio always at nitu and liotstopVaims in broad dayllte. I like to see the fodders scoot and see the ball hit oti the Snoot but i. dont eair for mud and slosh this weather is a Iriu I) Kisi)' Kx The Children's dn ti'Uc". lit Congregational church last Sunday were very enjoyable. In the morning the pastor, Hov. A. A. Cressman, delivered a sermon espeeially adapted to the I'lillilicii. In tli i .. mi . ehureli wns ciowilt il In lu-at the gram given by (hi Smuln m Ii children. Tliecluuuh ns hiiiidsou ly deeotated with roses mid pot i plants for the neciishni. and ti.e lilt tots gave their songs and u citations a maunei' highly, ploiisiuy to the hn. audience. There weie thirty n numbers on the piognnn ami inch was a rare treat. Ittalces lots of work to train the lit He tol s fur ill entertainment, but lu n-snli-wortli the I'iliiriH nr- Few persons, probably, other than those engaged In the pursuit of sci ence, are aware that the Muck sea presents nn Interest of Its own to the zoologist and the geologist shared by no other part of tho ocean at the pres ent day. Throughout tho greater part of the ocean the bottom in the dwelling place of n number of creatures whose busi ness It Is to consume the bodies of the members of the surface fauna which after denth sink to the bottom. In the Mack sea, however, says the Field, ow ing to special geological events, such scavengers are totally wanting over the greater part of tho bottom, eo that the carcasses of the creatures which fall from above are loft to decompose, which they speedily do nt the com paratively high temperature of the water. By their decomposition two soluble compounds, carbonate of nmmonla nnd milphuretod hydrogen, nro developed In enormous quantities, while no free lime, except such as Is Introduced from the Mediterranean, Is left. Tho vol ume of sulphurated hydrogen Is so great ns to poison the water from the grentest depth (1,227 fathoms) to within nbout a hundred fathoms of tho Biirfnco to such a degree that life, ex cept for a few bacteria, Is absolutely Impossible. Tho circumstance has a double Interest-first, that it Is absolutely unique nt tho piesont day, and, secondly, that it seems to offer nn nlnlost exact paral lel to the state of affairs that existed at tho inconceivably remote epoch when the oldest, known sedimentary rocks were laid down as mud on tho ancient sea bottom. '' Pat Was Surprised. Two Irishmen got tho contract to clean n well. Pat tied a rope around his middle, and MIUo lowered him Into tho well. When Tat was through cleaning, Mike began to hoist him up, but when he was halfway up ho called to his companion in tho well: "Ilculd on u mlimlt, Pat, till I spit on me hands," and let go of the rope. Naturally Pnt descended again a little too rapidly for comfort. When Mike realized his blunder, ho run to the well and culled down: "Pat, Pat, are yo dead?" And his partner replied: "No, yo brainless spalpeen; Oi'm not dead, begorry, but Ol'm spachless wld uurprlso at ye." Judgo's Llbrury. IMITATION ANTIQUES THE WAY CABINETMAKERS CAN COPY ANCIENT FURNITURE. Sober, ho Is one of the most inter .. . . .... ... i esung men l Know, unroriunntciy no is sober only three days n week. When I ask him tho reason ho merely says ho doesn't know. Yesterday when I walked Into tho laboratory at tho back of his little vlllago shop ho was a Hand of Hopo epitomized. "There's something you'll like," ho said, Indicating a small bureau, old Spanish mahogany within, new snttu wood veneer so far unpolished with out. Tho veneer was Inlaid with ebony lines mid kingwood bands. The accu racy of the Jointing was wonderful, tho finish perfect. "You must como In again when I'vo stained nnd polished It," ho went on, "and then you'll think It one of tho best Queen Anno pieces extant." "Don't your customers ever find you out?" I asked. "Lord, no, sir! When you've pulled seventeenth century furniture to pieces all your llfo'uud learned tho tilings tho tenons nnd mortises and the finish tell you, It's easy enough to get tho right effect Tho public hasn't any Judg ment, nnd, for tiiat matter, many of tho London dealers aren't much bet ter." "But this veneer so very new," I hazarded. "Ah, wait until you see It toned down nnd the drawers fitted with a set of old Boule handles and scutcheons I'vo got by mo and a few little dents ham mered hero nnd there, especially about the feet, where they got kicked. You'll not know it then. See that lit tle black knot I've left on the face of tho third drawer? That knot would take In all Wardour street." lie Is always frank with me nbout his fakes, lie seems to take a pride in being nblo to deceive n trained eyo nnd a satisfaction lu explaining his dexterity. I left the bureau and began examin ing a hoary looking oak settle gray with ago. "Looks ancient, doesn't It?" he ob served. "Looks!" I wondered. "Surely It's genuine?" Ho shook his head with a wise old smile. "It's as genuine ns dilute nitric acid can make it. Oh, you needn't go by the panels. They're purposely warped with hot nmmonla. Tho sun nnd rain do tho rest bleach It, you know." "But tho carving?" I argued. "It's almost effaced In places." "It would bo after half an hour with a snnd blnst, a little thing of my own contrlvnnce. The worm holes I make with a very fine punch. Beginners use shot, but that's n clumsy way. Of course the timbers It's made of are old. They arc bits of a Charles I. table mostly. Tho hinges nro ordinary trade copies that have loin In tho wet nil summer nnd got nicely rusted, and If you were to draw tho screws that hold them you'd find they were rusty, too. nnd had no points. Those I llled oft and then hammered the heads a bit." "I didn't know you treated metal as well as timber," I admitted. "Sometimes. See that llrebnck?" I went to the corner Indicated nnd flcrutuTk!ed-thoflrebnck. A"s far as I could tell, It was a beautiful specimen of hammer work bitten and worn by over two centuries of use, as its date, 10S7, seemed to show. "I bought a dozen of thoso of differ ent dates from n man who makes them. They'ro only cast, but after they've lmd a bonfire over them in my yard for n week or two they get soft nnd look right enough, don't they?" I admitted that they did, flinching a bit, though, nt tho adjective ho used. "There's a regular trade between tho manufacturers of faked antiques nnd tho country dealers moro than with tho London ones. Why? Well, the manufacturers havo discovered that people go into tho country districts now hunting for antiques. They think tho things they pick up there must bo genuine. Tho simple countryman In spires confidence Thoro's nothing hardly that can't bo imitated," he went on. "It's merely a question of time and skill, of course and It's only by nccldent, or talking ns I'm doing, that tho fact's discovered. But when a man knows ho can tako in nn expert It's difficult for him to keep it to himself that Is, If he's got a sense of humor. Do you think that Syrian gold work they had at tho Louvro would havo been known as n forgery if somebody hadn't tnlked? No, Indeed! There's china, now. Peoplo always think It's nbovo suspicion, but you Just look nt thoso two china cows on tho shelf there. One's genulno old Stafford. Tho other Isu't. Can you tell tho differ ence?" I used a pocket magnifying glass this time, but nt tho end of several minutes I enmo to tho conclusion that I they wero identical and snld so. I "I gave ono and nine for tho imita tion one, but I can't tell which now," he admitted. "And the selling price?" I inquired. "Six guineas each. Ono of them's worth that. After nil, It doesn't really mntter, for there's no dlffcrenco be tween them Intrinsically." London Mall. FOUGHT IN A FOG. A Duel In Which Noither Principal Could Geo the Other. The most laughable duel ever "fought" in France was that which took placo in November, 1878, nt Plessls-Plquet between Messrs. Gnmbetta nnd Do Fourtou. Some heated words had pnsscd be tween the two distinguished gentlemen in the chamber of deputies, for which, according to their Ideas of honor, noth ing could ntoue except n duel. Tho men met therefore ou the field at tended by their seconds and the sur geons. A look over tho field was enough to convince nny ono present thnt thero would bo no occasion for the doctors' services. A thick November fog hung over the scene so thick, indeed, that one could hardly see his hand beforo his face. The nrrnngements for tho duel required that it should bo fought nt thirty-five paces. Nor was tho fog the only circum stance that tended to plncc the com batants out of sight of eacli other. On the way to the field M. de Fourtou is reported to have said: "M. Gambottn has but ono eyo, and I nm shortsighted, so tho gnnio will be nbout even." It, was, of course, rendered still moro "even" by tiio fog. Neither man could Hoe the other, and tho solo danger was to the seconds nnd tho doctors. Almost mlrnculously the two bullets thnt were exchanged missed the per sons In nttondnnce. Everybody's hon or wns satisfied and the whole party went home. Gambetta said that tho affair was as near to being n skirmish in tho dark as nnytlilng he over saw. Phllodelphla Ledger. THE NEGRITOS. Odd Marriago Ceremony of These Barbarous Little People. Belonging ns they do to the lowest typo of civilization as yet discovered, the Negritos of Malaysia and their ways are well wortli studying. Simple, primitive, barbarous little people, their customs nre those of prehistoric man. They havo no fixed homo or settle ments, but nre wnnderors over their mountainous Islands, sleeping under a banana leaf, living on herbs and ber ries nnd game. Their marriage ceremony is n unique Btirvivnl of enrly life. Tho suitor and n few companions dnnce nbout the shelter of the desired girl. There is n curious resemblance between the dnnccs of the prospective bridegroom and those of ninny of the game birds of our woodlnnd. Finally the girl, ac companied by her mother, starts to ward the dwelling of the young men. They frequently stop, squatting In the trail while the ardent suitor nnd his companions continue their entreating nnd bewitching dnnces, winding round nnd round tho girl. Preseuts nre gen erally demanded nnd must be given before the reluctant bride will pro ceed. Finally tho women nrrlvo near a steep bamboo platform. A wild shout pierces the air, and the bride groom, like a frenzied animal, tears through the Negritos assembled at tho base of the platform, snatches tho bride In his nrms and flics up the In cline with his mate, where they sit during tho wedding feast New York Herald. The 8mell of tho Dawn. Of all hours of the day thero Is none like tho early morning for downright good odors the morning beforo eat ing. Fresh from sleep and unclogged with food a man's senses cut like knives. Tho wholo world comes in upon him. A still morning is best, for the mists and the moisture seem to re tain the odors which they havo dis tilled through the night. Upon a breezy morning ono is likely 'to get n single predominant odor, ns of clover when the wind blows across a bayfield or of apple blossoms when tho wind comes through the orchard, but upon a perfectly still morning it is wonderful how the odors nrrnngo themselves in upright strata, bo that ono walking pnsses through them as front room to room In n marvelous templo of. fra grance American Magazine. A Powerful Indorsement. Mnny years ago there was consider able illness in Hnrrlsburg, which was nttrlbuted to tho waters of tho Susque hanna river, then the source of tho city supply. Ono of the members of tho legislature for that year, upon his re turn to his constituents, was Inter viewed concerning tho plugue. Ho soon settled tho question. "Upon my soul, gentlemen," ho declared, "tho re port of tho foulness of tho water was a slander on tho city of Hnrrlsburg. I nbsolutcly know tho water to bo per fectly healthful, for during tho session I drnnk tho water on two different oc casions, and I nover experienced nny ill effect whatever." Pittsburg Press. Musio and Method., Tho sane, healthy way to study tho piano Is to npply one's thought direct ly to tho work lnld out methodically by tho teacher for a certain length of time every day. That length of tlmo de pends entirely npon tho future thnt tho student may deckle upon. If ho or sho take up music ns n profession, four hours dally should bo given to Btudy; If as an amateur, two hours aro enough. la both caBos tho division of jfcUa,-aiait5i,-auafiL'tfjri!!'.-?'-'.. ?-'. 7-r'-'''''''''rr'.'or..i- ST Get Ready to to to to $ $ FOR WARM to f Porto Ricans, $ 1 to to to to to JJJ Take a look at our to ela . . ta n m to & to li JT to JML v to AHBlil to iSfiwWKk, to wmlmSmSK h llii! m (fit - mr fix n jj cciiiu lu yj. ue giau 10 snow you. ft . fc I Paul Storey, aS.r I Him, y Arbuckles ARIOSA comes in one pound packages f only, sealed for your protection to insure your getting the genuine old- 0 fashioned Arbuckles ARIOSA Coffee everytime. Be real angry if they send you a substitute, which is not as good and may in time ruin your digestion and nerves. Compile, with all requirement of the National Pure Food Law, Guarantee No. 204 1 . died at Watiangton. A friend of the hom) A foe of the Trust Calumet Baking Powdei Compile with the Pure Food Laws of all tatas. j jjp rf W m WEATHER 1 hi to Probably be hot j5 later. You can get to the best selection My now and be ready to Ml r- j... .. iui warm uuys. The Straw Hat line is very attract ive this season. Panamas $5.00 to $7.50 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to $3 Sailors, 50c to $2.50 j to to line of Soft Shirts, $ ii L i .. fix Here Is Relief for Women. Mother Gray, a nurse in Now York, discovered an aromatic, pleasant herb cure for women's ills, called Australian Leaf. It is the only certain monthly regulntor. Cures female weaknesses, backache, kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. At all druggists or by mail no cents. Sample free. Address, Tho Mother Gray Co., Ley Hoy, N. Y. Saunders Brothers RED CLOUD, - NEBR. Canon City, Sunnyside, and Genuine Nigger Head Maitland COAL You may bo particular or what some call "oranky," but OUR dOAL will ploaso you. Our coal is clean and we doliver promptly. Boll Tol. GO. Rural Tel. 71 Mercer's Barber Shop Basement of Potter Block. Massaging a Specialty W Hfc -V A i)' 4 k 'V