The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 21, 1907, Image 1

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Eight Pages I
Home Print I
$1 a Year
in Advance
Insanity Trial in District Court
Again Postponed.
Frank Barker, the Webster county
murderer, whose reprieve frcm execu
tion for the crime of which he was
convicted expired last Satirday, and
who was to have been tried before a
jury in the court of District J udgc E.
J'. Holmes next Tuesday on his alleged
Insanity, was yesterday afternoon
granted another lease of life. On mo-
lion of his counsel, F, G. Ilamer of
Kearney, Marker was granted a con
tinuance of two weeks, the date for
the trial being set for July 8. The
order for continuance was signed by
Judge Holmes shortly before 5 o'clock
over the vigorously presented object
Ions of the attorney general, voiced by
his assistant, Grant Martin.
The reasons presented for the con
tinuance were submitted to the court
in an affidavit by Judge Ilamer. For
the most part, the allegations set out
that on account of the practice of coun
sel, it will be Impossible for him to
present his case at the time originally
set for the hearing in such manner as
will be fair to his client. Duties in
connectionwith the trial of other al
leged murderers he says will call him
to the western part of the state with
in a few days. In addition to these
facts he declares that the evidence he
wishes to present to the jury to show
the lnsanltyof Barkcr,will necessitate
a trip by him to Red Cloud and other
portions of Webster county, and that
he ought to devote at least ten days
to his preparation of the case before
having to present it to the jury. State
Red Cloud 9. Guide Rock 5.
The Red Cloud base ball team went
down to Guide Rock Wednesday and
trimmed the Guide Rock aggregation
to the tune of 0 to 5. Cloyd dimming
did the umpiring, and he received
more than his share of the roasting.
County Clerk Lee De Tour kept track
of the runs, but the hits were so num
erous that he had to give up trying to
count them. The Red Cloud boys
outhatted the Guide Rock push, and
out-fielded them, playing a fast game
with the exception of the third and
last innings. Don Bayllss, who played
at short for Guide Rock, is the only
real ball player with that aggrega
tion. The way he swatted the ball was
ji caution to "Doc" Nelson, who was
doing the twirling for Red Cloud. The
Guide Rock boys do not know how to
take defeat gracefully. Aside from
the roasts which the umpire got, he
was also handed some clods by the
the hoodlum ulement. The e ditor of
this paper, in company with Boyd
Smith and Cloyd Cummings, drove in
from the grounds and when about half
way to town a gang of hoodlums
along the road opuned up with clods,
all of the occupants of the buggy re
ceiving "bumps" from kids. Such a
thing could not have happened in Red
Cloud", where the boys are all young
Auto Livery and Repairing.
The increasing demand in Red
Cloud for firstcluss automobile ser
vice has lead us to open an Automo
bile Livery and repair shop and we
are now ready to wait on the needs
of the public in proper style. If you
want to make a pleasure drive see us.
We have three splendid cars always
" at your service. Traveling men's
business especially solicited.
We also repair gasoline engines and
bicycles. Our prices aro right and
all work is guaranteed to be satisfact
orily done. Your orders will bo great
ly appreciated.
The Red Cloud Automobile Co.
Roy Hale, Mgr.
Garage North of Holland House.
Phones Shop SS3, olllco 01, residence
. ,
If you suffer from bloating, belching,
sour stomach, Indigestion or Dyspep
sia, take a Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet
a'fcr each meal, and overcome the
tu vreeable trouble. It will improve
the appetite, and did digestion. Sold
by Henry Coofc's Drug Store,
At the Opera House June 25th.
Under the auspices of the M. E. Sun
day School.
Mrs. Ilepner,
Ladies Trio Miss Kenady,
( Miss Wert.
Piano solo
"Galse Arabesque," Lack
Mrs: Oscar Hughes
"Where the Birds Sing" Stewart
Piano solo
"Polato brlllanl" T. Bohm
Miss Gertrude Blackledgc
"Abide with Me" Shelley
Male quartet
Nightengale Song," Nevin
Piano solo
Bern ice Potter Selected
Vocal duet
"Silent Night" Geo. Nevin
Mrs. E. Ileopncr, Miss Jessie "Wert
"I Promise Thee," De Koven
Saxaphone quartet Selected
"Fear not Ye O, Israel, (sacred).. Huch
Piano solo
Miss Vera Crablll Selected
"Birds In Dreamland Sleep".. White
"Dawn," Guy D. Handleot
"Ashes of Roses," Jewell
Piano solo
"Whispering Wind,". ... Wallciihanpt
Miss Grace Grice
" Acada," De Koven I
Piano solo I
"Impromtu Op 29" Chopin
Miss Irene Miner .
"Bedtime Song" Nevin
Miss Helen Overman .Soloist
Mrs. Oscar Hughes, I Apnnn-mrmict
Miss MaryDamereli f Accomponlsb
Tickets on sale Saturday, June 22d, at
(Jotting's Drug store.
Admission 25 and 35 cents.
Ed Cook Married.
A very quite wedding took place on
Thursday, June 0th in Reggs. The
parties were II. E. Cook of Okmulgee
and Miss Willa Wills of Mounds. Mr.
Cook is one of Okmulgee's most prom
inent business men and his bride is
well kuown in this city, having visit
ed here several times and wns the
guest of Mrs. Wright Thornburg a
few days before the wedding took
took place. Mr. Cooks bride is one of
the society bells of Mounds and has
many accomplishments. Mr. and Mrs.
Cook will go to house keeping soon in
Okmulgee and will be at home tc their
host of friends after July the first.
Okmulgee (I. T.) Chieftain.
The groom Is well knowtn in this
city, being the son of Dr and Mrs.
Henry Cook, and has a host of friends
who extend congratulations.
Rosemont Gets Saloon.
The county commissioners metTues
day afternoon to consider the matter
pf the application of Henry Tliewes to
run a saloon at Rosemont. A remon
stance against granting the License
had been filed by Rev. Dexheimer,
and a large delegation came down to
ntest the remonstrance, but as the
preacher did not put in an appcareuce
and there being no witnesses to back
up the remonstrance, and as there
was plenty of evidence for the otl cr
side, the board grantek the license.
Rev. Dexheimer gave no explanation
of his failure to push the remon
strance. Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at postoflleo nt Red Cloud, Neb.
for tho week onding Juno ill, 1007:
Carter Harry fid ell Julius
Hansell T A Roe John O
Turney Mrs Alma Williams II T
Thoso will bo sent to the dead letter
ofiino July 4, 10o7, if not called for
before. When calling for above please
say "advertised."
T. C. Haokkk, Postmaster.
Net Ice to Bidders.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed
bids will bo received at the olllce of
the county clerk at Red Cloud, Neb.
up to 12 o'clock uoon July 10, 1007,
for the building of a side walk 0 feet
wide on the west side of Court House
square. Such a Walk must bo con
structed to comply with elty ordi
nance. Board reserves the right to
reject any or all bids.
Li:e Dk Tou.
1 Wedding Bells. I
M O w
Charley Sehultz, Red Cloud's hand
some and only photographer, sneaked
away to ltladen Wednesday, where he
was married to Miss Ksther Peterson
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peter
son. Wo have had suspicions for some
time that there was something doing
in that direction, but Charley is so se
cretive that he allowed no one to guess
the exact date of his breaking into the
sacred Itenedlctlne circle. We extend
congratulations to both the bride and
groom, for a better mated couple never
got tied up in this or any othercounty.
Mr. Ren McFarland, the popular
young groceryman, and Miss Vera Ren
tier were married Wednesday evening
at 7 o'clock, Rev. A. A. Cressman per
forming the ceremony. Miss Renner
e.ime here a short time ago from Co
lumbus ()., and has made her home
with Mr. and Mrs L. M. Steward, and
during her brief residence here she has
made many friends. The friends of the
happy couple did not forget them, and
when they took the evening train for
J010 w? were handed all kinds of
ld bl,ocs' ,nce aml ih VHlinl f ",,ew"H
We extend congratulations to Mr. Mc
Farland upon his introduction into the
ranks of the Benedicts,
Teachers Resolve.
We, a committee of the Webster
county teachers, in annual institv to
assembled, hereby draft the foiling:
Resolved, First That we appreciate
the work done for the teachers by
Mrs. Castor, our worthy county sup
erintendent by engaging such talent
ed instructors and lecturers for this
institute; also, that the efforts put
forth by her for the best interests of
the schools of Webster county demand
that she be re-elected superintendent
of said county.
Second That we highly commend the
work of Mrs. Brindley as instructor in
primary methods, with her model
1 class, the teachers having been great
ly bcniflted by her work; and also, we
extend our thanks to Miss Sherman
for scouring the model class.
Third That the teachers as a whole
have been greatly enthused by the
efforts of Supt. Sherman and Thomas
for our instruction in their respect
ive classes, and that we will go to
the schools of the county with more
definite aims and higher ideals than
Fourth That the work of Mr.
Argabrlght In music and drawing has
been instructive and entertaining to
Fifth That we shall strive to be
come the ideal of new woman as
characterized by Senator Burkett 'n
his excellent lecture, and Norseman
as pictured by Supt. Sherman in his
instructive address, both of which we
consider to be ideals worthy of enter
tainment. Sixth That we feel more than
grateful to those who assisted in the
musical part of the entertainments.
Seventh That we heartily thank
the school board for the use of the
building, the janitor for his elllcicnt
service, the Catholic and Congrega
tional people for the use of their
churches for the evening lectures and
the eight grade graduating exercises.
W. J. Swisiiiui,
Visa Dickkiisox,
lltll.Ni: FlUUiUHON,
Moved and seconded that the reso
lutions be adopted and printed in the
Red Cloud papers.
To the Public.
As the successors to John Grifi'eth
wo would respectfully ask the parron
age of all his customers as well as tho
generat public. We will try to merit
your confidence by fair dealing a d
promp service. We will keep In stock
a good assortment of goods and cater
to the wants of the purchasing public,
Fulton' Gkookhv Co.
Will Be the Bluest Thin That
Happened In Red Cloud'
S. M. Holllday, manager of the sum
mer Chautauqua, has been In Red
Cloud for the past week getting out
abvertislng matter and making other
necessary arrangements for the big
series of entertainments. People
generally do not realize the magnitude.
of the undertaking. Some imagine
that a Chautauqua assembly Is like a
street fair with a lot of "Cheap John1'
attractions accompanied by street
fakirs and the like.
The assembly to be held In Red
Cloud beginning July fit) and contin
uing to August 7 will give two pro
grams daily of as refined entertain
ment as you will see or hear at any
of the larger Chautauquas. The pro
grams include lectures by some of the
most noted lecturers in the United
States, such as Nat hrigham, Gear
hart, Senator Fred T. Dubois of Idaho,
Lorenzo Zwlckcy, Rev. Sam Small
and others of epual talent. There
will be splendid concerts by vocalists
of renown, and the famous ICiltles
band will also give two entertain
ments, which alone will be worth the
price of a season ticket for the entire
course. '1 lie Lltizens Concert Hand of
. Red c,mul ,ms A t()
concert every evening before tit
regular program begins.
The people have become tired of
street fairs, with their attendant
games of graft, and the Chautauqua
will give them something of real
merit upon which to spend their spare
change. We would advise everyone
Gasoline Stoves
A 2burner Gasoline Stove
and others at prices ranging as
high as $36.00
who has not already done so to pur
chase a ticket for the entire series of
twenty entertainments, and in tills
way they will save considerable
money. It is almost certain that if
you attend one entertainment you
will want to attend all. A season
ticket costs but $!.', or an average of
10 cents per entertainment. If you do
not attend more than four entertain
ments you will have your money's
worth, with the privilege of attending
sixteen more entertainments If you feel
Rcnl Estate Transfers.
the week ending Tuesday,
June 18, furnished by the Fort
straetCo., L. II. Fort, Manager.
Leopold Raum to Catherine Gar
bcr, lot 18, bile 0, Red Cloud
wd 8
Catherine A. Gurber to Alice A,
Myers, same, wd
Robert B. Fulton to Maud M.
Fulton, !) swl 'J8, nU sel tl-l-
William R. Snyder to Mary K.
Simpson, lot B, bile II, R. H wd
State of Nebraska to Philip Fass
ler, w2 sel and set sel 10-4-11,
Lyman Sowl to Win Rostock, lots
ftand ji, blk 'JI, Blue Hill, wd.
J Fred Delahoy to Lyman Sowl,
, same, wd
i It I) Norwood to Joseph .ednik,
Jr., lots land 21 blk 4 Sweczy's
add to Blue Hill, wd 1180
Total 10010
M-rtgages filed, S:i8tl0.
Mortgages released, 85500