The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 14, 1907, Image 8

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lion i Duy Luiiu w
Without getting one of Teel's Perfedt Abstracts of Titles. The oldest and mosT: reliable set of Abstract
books in Webfter County. $ 1 0,000 Bond filed and approved. Represents six of the best Insurance
companies doing business in the slate.
OFFICE In Ovcring Block.
TWO PHONES-Bell 98, Farmers 36.
Jleuisy Notes From
(From tho Messenger)
Hugh Qraliiuu, twenty-two year old
bou of Prank Graham, of Logan town
ship, was declared insane last Satur
day and was taken to the asylum at
Topoku Sunday, by Sheriff Helfon
Btino. Tho night boforo his being
takon into custody ho hnd got up
about two o'clock in tho morning and
climbed to tho top of tho barn. When
askod by tho ollloials why ho had done
this ho stated that ho needed tho
CSeo. Vinsonhalor, aged eighty-seven
years, and an old '7'2 settlor of Smith
county, died at his homo south of
llcllniro last evening.
Cale J onus bought a matched spun
of Arabian drivers from Will Cham-
bets last Friday, giving up SIM to got
(From the Times.)
Sam Ellis purchased tho old Wol
don farm, adjoining Lebanon on tho
east, Monday. This is one of tho best
tracts of laud in this country, contain
ing sixty one acros, and Mr. Ellis paid
$100 per acre for it.
Wo saw our first six wheel buggy
Tuesday. It is said that you can turn
around a salt barrel and hub it all tho
way around.
Last Saturday Mrs. Margaret Smith
was coming to town with hor son and
the seat on which sho was sitting
broke and sho foil out backwards
lighting on her shoulders and back.
Sho was considerably bruised on tho
neck and shoulders.
Chas. MoMurray and (Jeo. Linton
left Sunday morning for Lansing,
Mich., whero they wiil go into an auto
mobile factory and learn all of tho
liner points about automobiles.
L. M. Linton brought in somo wheat
tins morning from his hundred aud
sixty live aero Held north of town
which measures thirty inches high.
Mr. Linton thinks this wheat will
make fifteen to twenty bushels pet
(From tho Citicn.)
Dolor ltoulior purchased an auto
mobile while in Omaha last week.
Wilfrid Roulior and Ford Glebe bo
came involved in an altercation Mon
day evening, as a result of which eaoh
was permitted to contributo $." and
costs of collection into tho public
school fund.
Mr. aud Mrs. Louis Kumke, who aro
making their homo with their son
Hermann Kumko, wore given a cele
bration Sunday, ,luuo 2, In honor of
their golden wedding.
Tho Firemen's dance Wednesday
evening was tho greatest event of the
sort over pulled off in tho city, and
will remain a bright spot iu tho mem
ory of thoso who participated.
(From the Advocate.)
Col. Holmes of tho Tribune last
Thursday got into a scrap with ono of
his presses, and camo out socond best
with tho bones of one of his toes bro
ken. Miss Anna Walrath, who has been
ho ill at Hastings, is recovering very
The Salina & Northwestern railroad
filed a copy of their "blue priut" sur-
v-i La
neighboring Tomns
vey through this county with the
county clerk this morning.
Aaron Olson, who lives west of town
died Tuesday night and was buried on
Loander Miller is building a work
shop on his farm, which will bo used
by Ids son, Louis, who graduated from
tho Agricultural college this spring.
Louis learned blacksmithiug and all
kinds of carpenter work, and can now
do anything that is needed on the
(From tho Leader.)
At the meeting of tho school
Thursday night of last week,
W. II.
Manifold, of Fullorton, Nob., was em-
pioyea ty uie school board as super-
intiindent of our schools for tho onsu-
mg year.
K. W. returned Tuesday
from a couple of week absence in
Edgar and Nelson where ho sold a
couple of cars of potatoes.
T. T. Tobin, John Baker, Harry
Challln and Robert Zlmmermanu
went down to Omaha Tuesday with
three cars of cattle bolonging to tho
former two.
Geo. Adams received a message
Wednesday morning that his oldest
brother, Win. Adams, had died at
Meeker, Okla.
(From the Sentinel.)
Six more Mexicans camo iu
15 Thursday evening to work
B. & M. section. Boss Gilbert
them in tow aud steered them to
hotel ou the sido track.
II. Whltmoro received a letter this
week from Ethan Allen telling him of
tho operation on his eyes in tho Metho
dist hospital at Omaha. His old com
rades will be glad to know that he is
getting along nicoly though it is too
early yet to know what effect the
operation will have.
A youthful burglary was detected
Wednesday aud the two culjH'its land
ed in tho city jail whero they had a
nights lodging with undisturbed soli
tud in which to reflect upon their
conduct. Tho boys wore Charlie
Muck low aud Homer Wilcox, charged
with broaking into tho car whero tho
Mexican section hands live and steal
ing various articles, including money.
Thoywero disposed of yesterday in
police court by being fined ?." each
aud costs.
(From the Review.)
Tho direct cause for tho operation
on Miss Ertna Fulton last week was
a blackberry seed which had lodged
in tho appendix. Tho operation was
successful and Miss Erma is recover
ing rapidly.
Throe and three-fourths inches of
water fell during the rain storm yes
terday which causod Thompson crook
to fill up.
Rev. Samuel Williams died Tuesday
afternoon as tho result of a paralytio
stroko received on tho night of May
G. W. Clino, a former resident of
this vicinity died at his home iu
Strang Nob., Tuosday morning about
nine o'clock as tho result of a kick
from a horse.
Dr. Myers drove ono of his horses
lvhiii itiviiii; on kgcii esuug s
1 JJ
to the ball game Wednesday and tied
it to tho wire fence. Tho horso got
frightouod at -omothing aud ran
trhrough tho wire fence cutting an
artery near ono of its front feet. The
doctor tied tho artery and tho horse
will recover.
Interesting Items Gathered
by Our County Reporters
Plenty of rain now.
Some of tho corn is washed
J. R. Crozier and wife were
in Rod
Cloud Tuesday.
A number of Stillwater people at
tended qtiarterty conference at CowUs
M. E. church Saturday afternoon.
On account of tho threatening
weather and tho bad condition of tho
roads the Children's day exercises
which wore to have boon hold Sunday
night wore postponod until Suuday
night, Juno 10.
Mrs. Mamie Greonhalgh Laooy is
visiting hor brothers, J. H. aud Rob
ert Greonhalgh, aud families.
A. Harlin and family of Douglas,
Nob., are visiting at Rufo Douthit's.
Mr. Harlin is hero to look after his
landed iuterests. Ho owns two farms
tho old Middloton place, east of
Eckloy church, and ono near Guide
Rock, known as tho Crary place.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Crozier attended
quarterly meeting services at Mt.
Hope last Sunday.
Presiding Elder N. A. Martin of
Hastings was at Eckloy church Sun
day night aud spoke to tho crowd that
had assomblod to hear the children.
Julia Vaughan and Nollio Christy
of Guide Rock spent Sunday at the
home of J. K. Crozier.
John Sheporson wont to Omaha last
Ed Wheatou, ono of tho popular
clerks at Hayes' store, is ou tho slok
O. S. Dunbar, formoly of this place,
but now of Superior, was visiting his
brother John a few days last week.
Ray Ely and Dick Crlssman started
for sunny California last Monday.
Mr. Garrison and George Crow aro
having a comont sidowalk put down in
front of their residonces.
Loo Do- Tour, our popular county
clork, was shaking hands with lti.s
many friends horo last Sunday.
Mr. Moore is having a woven wire
fonco put aroundS his residence Ho
is using somo of Lambert A: Minor's
content posts, which aro just tho tiling
for fence posts.
Russell Vaughan and Ernest Hayes
aro expected homo this wook from
Grand Island whore they have boon
attending college tho past winter.
Percy Lathrop spent a row days last
week visiting his parents, llo return
od last Monday to Crete, Nob., whore
ho is employed on"a bridgo gang.
Everybody Is busy fixing up their
homos, getting ready for tho Fourth.
Guldo Rock Is ono of tho nicest
little towns iu tho State. Aside from
having an ideal location it also has
plouty of trees, blue grass lawns and
ovory vacant lot has alfalfa which
makos Guide Rook look migjtty nlco.
If you suffer from bloating, belchlnir.
t sour stomach, Indigestion or Dyspop-
sia, take a King's Dyspepsia Tablet
after each meal, and overcome tho
disagreeable trouble. It will improve
tho appetite, and aid digestion. Sold
by Henry Cook's Drug- Store.
i ' L t,
Red Cloudn
Items of News Found in The
Chief of Twenty Years Ago
This Week 1 V V
W. N. Hiuhardson shipped 10 cars of
hogs to Chicago this week.
Work has been begun on the erect
ion of the electric light works.
The Knights of Labor will hold
their state meeting in Red Cloud July
(Jilford it Waller have started a
cheese factory at Cowles, in tho old
rink building.
Frank Quig-ley has been appointed
route agent on tho H. it M. between
Pacific Junction and MeCook.
W. L. Tulleys of Chillieothe. O.,
brother of I. W. and J. A. 'Pulleys,
was in Red Cloud for a few days.
Councilman Cather introduced an
ordinance prohibiting-the opening of
baber .shops on Sunday, which was
The county supervisors have let the
contract for the new bridge across the
Republican to the Missouri Valley
Bridge Company for Sl', 000.
During the session of tho board of
supervisors as a board of equalization,
an altercation occurred between Sup
ervisors Reese B. Tompson aiuHteorge
I. Cather. Cather wanted to take ','5
per cent from the assessment of the
balance of tho county and add it to the
assessment of Red Cloud. Thompson
.suggested that the whole of the as
sessment of Catherton precinct be
taken off and added to Red Cloud.
Cather called Tompson a fool, and the
latter replied with a swat on Cather's
cheek. No bloodshed resulted.
Explosion Shatters One of Largest
Plants In Western Nebraska.
Heaver City, N'eb., June 10. The
flouring mill at Wilsonvllle, one of
the largest In western Nebraska, was
completely wrecked by a terrific ex
plosion. Lewis Foley, engineer, was
instantly killed and Frank Armstrong,
head miller, was severely bruised.
Foley was llteuftlly blown to pieces.
William Tttiiey, conductor on Bur
lington train No. ITS), witnessed tho
explosion as his train was pulling out
from Wilson vlllo station. Ho stated
to a reporter at Beaver City that it
looked to him as though tho mill was
lifted Into tho air as by a dynamite
explosion ami lie could see the mill
operators thrown Into tho air. Tho
mill Is the property of George Zttalauf
of Stamford.
i Child Labor Statute. Prevents Boy,
Only Support, from Working.
Omaha, Juno 8. Working In a
. South Omaha packing house for $1 a
, day, Frank Metzger, a llfteen-year-ohl
' boy, has been tho sole support of a
mother and six small children. Tho
child labor law now Interferes with
! tho situation, and the packing com-
i pany has announced that ho can no
longer bo permitted to hold his job.
Tho doctrine of the farm Is merely
this, that every man ought to Htand In
primary relations with tho work of tho
world; ought to ilo It himself and not
to Buffer tho accident of his having a
purse In his pocket, or IiIb having been
ired to some dishonorable or Injurious
craft, to sever him from thoso duties
and for this reason, that lalor is (lod'a
education; that ho only Is a alncero
learner, ho only can become master
who learns the secret of labor and who
by real cunning extorts from nature itn
scepter. Emerson.
Pineules are for the kidneys and
Bladder. They bring quick relief w
backache, rheumatism, lumbago, tired
worn out feeling. They produce nat
ural action of the kidneys in filtering
waste matter out of the blood. W
days treatment SI. Money refunded
if Pineules are not satisfactory. Scld
by Henry Cook's Drug Store.
m frlond of th hom
A foe of the Trust
Compiles with the Pure Food Lawa.
oi an aiaiei
Annual Estimate of Expenses and RenorL
of Revenues Received.
The following Is the annual Estimate of ex
penses of the probable luuomit of money ncces
mry for nil purposes to be raised in the City of
lletl Cloud, Nebraska, during the eimulng llseal
year, to-wit:
For officers' salaries ItUOfl 0t
For streets and ullejs 1000 00
For cost and expenses of litigation ... S00 0O-
For supplies nnd printing 2ft0 0)
For mnliiteniitirc of water works. .. ivo eC-
For Interest ou 'water bonds 1000
For interest on electric light bonds SCO 00-
For contingent and Incidental expenses W) 00'
For Judgment fund 1210 00
For street Unlit iao k
For maintenance of electric light works 600 0i
Total fKiKO Ci
J The following Is a statement of the entire
I revenue of said for the past fiscal year:
1 Collections on the general fund 200.: QZ
I Collections ou water fund : 37,TT M
Occupation tax collected sat 5-
From water levy fund U3t fli
From eleotric light fund aud bonds ... aliu rn
Total Know u
Approved JuueSth, llxiT.
.1. O. CAI.DWKI.L, Mavor.
Attest : L. II. FOUT. City Clerk,
l'enl Julys
Notice of Bond Sale,
Sealed proposals will be received by , rr
Port, Secretary of the School Hoard, until .lutic
80th, 11X17, nt Vi SI., for tho purchase of fcflOO
School Hands of the School District of the City
of lteil Cloud. Webster County. Nebraska, votec?
April 2nd. 1K)7. llonds are in denomination of'
im) each, dated June 1st, 1007. bearing !' per
cent per milium, maturing .June 1st, 1W7, and
optional after 5 years. Ilonds issued purmmut
to section ll'J,VJ, Cobbey's lout Annotated Stat
titcs of Nebraska.
Illds must be accompanied bv certified client
for J.'iOO. payable to the City' Treasurer The
llonnt reserves the right to reject any and all
Dated Slay 22ml. 1007. Ited Cloud, Nebraska
, ,.,... ."' HAlNKs.rrcMdenu
I., II. FOHT, secretin)-. jmiH
Morton L. lllll. of Lebanon. Ind.. says; "Ms
wlfo had IntlHininatorr Khuuinailsm Iu over?
muscle and Joint, nor suirerlng whs tcrriblo
and Iter body aud face wero swollen almost be
yond recognition: had been In bed six woeku
and had eight physicians, but received no
benefit until she tried tho Sljstlc euro for
Ilhoumatisin. It gavo Immediate relief and
shu was utile to walk about In three davs. i am
sure It kaved her life." Sold by H. "k. Orice
Druggist. Ked Cloud. ' co'
Just Received, a Car of
You can save money-by
taking 5oo pounds of hti.
. anio rn L,
r. tan" ! wsh,"-
'tWWMr' TJV '