WHcmum njammnMa n urn urn LMiuijMiiMi.iiji.ijiUJuiju1aiH3a!rraErai5j jrtMgrWt fflffflCS ttltf RnSrBCTT CT 3K30K2 9 1K 8K5S SKI 1,1 W I $ i i V I , a tv y ik Trr,Tr-,irih MtJ ,0k rvra H-Kyr v i jrm. j jlta kJiLJi. OF HISTORY By E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM, Author of The Master Mummer." "A Prince of Sinners." "Mysterious Mr. Sabln," "Anna the Adventuress," Etc. &. Copyrlflht. 1005. 1000. by LITTLE. DUOWN, and COMPANY. CONTINUED. I "You must be rich enough to buy thulr lives then," Spencer answered gravely, "for If you do succeed in tempting nny one to betray tUe Inner happenings of that place on which the .seal of silence has been put you will hear of them In the morgue before a fortnight has passed." "They must take their risk," Dun combe said coldly. "1 am golm to stun" my pockets with money tonight, uikT"1 shall bid high. I shall leave word at the hotel where I am goln;r. If anything happens to me there well, 1 don't think the Cafe Montmartro will nourish afterward." "Dunoonibo." his friend said gravely, "nothing will happen to you at the Cafe Montmnrtro. Nothing ever does happen to any one there. You 'remem ber poor Ie LnursauV" "Quite well. He was stabbed by a girl In the Hue rigalle." "Ho was stabijcd In the Cafe Mont inartro, but his body was found In the Hue Pig.illo. Then there was the Vicomte do Sauvinac." "Ho was found dead In his study poisoned." "He was found there, yes, but the poison was given to him in the Cafe Montmartro, and It was there that ho died. I am behind the scenes In some of these matters, but I know enough to hold my tongue, or my London let ter wouldn't bo worth a pound a week. 1 ntn giving myself away to you now, Buncombe. I nm risking a position -which it has taken me twenty years to secure. I've got to tell you these tilings, and you uust do as I tell you. io back to London!" Duncombe laughed as lie rose to his feet. "Not though the vlcomte's fate Is to le mine tonight," lie answered. 'The worse hell this place Is the worse the row It must shelter. I should never 3iold my head up again If I sneaked off liome and left the girl In their hands. I don't see how you can even suggest .it." "Only because you can't do the least good," Spencer answered. "And, be sides, don't run away with a false Im pression. The place Is dangerous only for certain people. The authorities don't protect murderers or thieves ex cept under speciul circumstances. The vlcomte's murderer aud De Laursau's were brought to Justice. Only they keep the name of the place out of it always. Tourists in shoals visit It and Tlslt It In safety every evening. They pay fancy prices for what they have, bnt I think they get their money's worth. But for certain classes of peo plc it Is the decoy house of Europe. Foreign spies linvo babbled away their secrets there, and the greatest crimi nals of the world have whispered away their Uvea to some fair daughter of .Tu 1uh at those tables. I, who am behind the scenes, toll you these things, Dun combe." Duncombe smiled. "Tomorrow," he said, "you may add ainother victim to your chamber of horrors!" T CHAPTER VIII. HE amber wine fell In a little wavering stream from his up raised glass on to the tablo cloth below. He leaned back In Ills chair and gazed at his three guests with a fatuous smile. The girl Ju blue, with the daezllngly fair hair and wonderful complexion, steadied his hand and exchanged a meaning look with tfye man who sat opposite, fiuroly the poor fool was ready for too plucking? But mndamo, who sat be side her, frowned upon them both. She had seen things which had puzzled her. She signed to them to wait. She leaned over and 'flashed her great black eye upon him. "Monsieur enjoys himself like this every night In Paris?" A soft, a very seductive, voice. The women who envied her success com pared It to tho purring of a cat Men as a rule found no fault with It, espe cially those who heard It for the first time. Duncombe sot down his glass, now almost empty. Ho looked from tho stalu on tho tablecloth Into Uic eyes of madiune, and again she thought ' Ihom very unlike the oyes of a drunken man. ' "Why not? It's the ono city In tho world to enjoy oneself In. Half past 4, and here we are as Jolly as any thing. Chucked out of everywhere In London at half past 12. 'Time, gen tlemen, please!' And out go the lights. Jove, I wonder what they'd think of this at tho Continental! Lefs-lefs have another bottle." The. fait hajr.ed girl Flossie to Jier friends, Mile. Mermllllon until you had been lutroduecd--whlspered In his ear. lie shook his head vaguely. She bad her arm round his neck. lie removed It wejitlv. "We'll have another here first any how," he declared. "HI. garcon! King the bell, there's a good chap, monsieur dash It. I've forgotten your name! No. don't move. I'll do It myself." Ho rose and staggered toward tho door. "The bell Isn't that way, monsieur." mndamo exclaimed. "It is to tho right. Louis, quick!" M. Louis sprang to his feet. There was a tjueer grating little sound, fol lowed by a sharp click. Duncombe had swung round and faced them. Ho had turned the key In the door and was calmly pocketing it. M. Louis did not move. The hand which held that small, shining revolver was certainly not tho hand of a drunk- cu num. Tliey all three looked at lilin in won der uuidame. M. Louis and Mile. Flos sie. The dark eyebrows of mndamo almost met. and her eyes were full of the promise of evil things. M. Louis, cowering back from that steadily pointed revolver, was white with the inherited cowardice of the degenerate. Flossie, who had drunk more wine than any of them, was trying to look as though It were a Joke. Duncombe, with his disordered evening clothes, his stained shirt front and errant tie, wns master of the situation. He came aud stood a few feet away from them. His blundering French accent and slow choice of words had departed, lie spoke to them without hesitation, aud his French was almost us good an their own. "I want you to keep your places," he said, "and listen to me for n few min utes. I can assure you I am neither mad nor drunk. I have a few ques tions to ask you, and If your answers arc satisfactory you may yet And my acquaintance as profitable as though I had been tho pigeon I seemed. Keep your seat, M. lo Baron!" M. Louis, who had half risen, sat down again hastily. They all watched him from their places arouud the ta ble. It was madame whom he ad dressed more directly madame, with the Jet black hair and golden earrings, the pale cheeks and scarlet lips. "I Invited you Into n private room here," he said, "because what I have to say to you three Is between our selves nlone. You enme, I presume, because It promised to be profitable. All that I want from you Is Informa tion, and for that I am willing to pay." M. Louis interposed. He stroked his little black mustache with a much be ringed band. With the other he gestic ulated. "Monsieur talks reasonably," he de clared, "but why all Mils mystery? Why this feigned druukouness? Why tho show of arms? If we can help monsieur, It Is an affair of pleasure, and If he chooses to mako a present to these ladles In return, why, no doubt they will be charmed. Me, I presume, he has no Intention to Insult. Permit me, monsieur." He drew a card from a small gold case and presented It to Duncombe, who accepted It, with a little bow. "I invited you Into a private room here," he continued. "If I can aid you in "any way I am entirely at your serv ice, but I require first of all that In addressing us you recognize my posi tion as a French nobleman, who amus es himself In this place as you, "mbn nleur, also do, and also that you unlock that door." Duncombe smiled quietly. "Monsieur le Baron," ho said, "I think that we are very well as we nro secure from Interruption. I have sent others hero on this same mission, and they did not succeed. Both of these ladles, I believer have been ap proached for the Information I desire, and they have thought well to with hold It. I have Bet my heart upon success this time, and I wish to securo at lease the opportunity of being heard." M. Louis shrugged his shoulders. "There are secrets," he murmured; "affairs of honor" Duucomho Interrupted him. "M. Louis," he mild, "I am not so young as I look, and I havo lived lu Paris. I know that this cafo for all Its outward smartness bears perhaps tho worst reputation In Europe. I havo heard of you thrco many times the "Trinity from Hell, they call you sometimes, I think. You see, I know whore I am and the risk I run. Even this little room has Its secrets a mur der or two, I believe, and other things Our May Bargains j ii,i if i (mm- White Goods. India Linons, from .8 1-3 to 30c yd Barred Dimities, from 10 to 20c yd Barred Nainsooks, from 10 to 20c yd Dotted Swiss, from 15 to 25c yd Embroidered Swiss, at 30c yd Lace striped Swiss, from 12A to 30c yd Silks. Japanese Silk, 27 inches wide 50c yd La Siren Silk, 27 inches wide 60c yd Black Taffeta. 36 in., guaranteed. . .$1 to $1.25 Black Peau de Soie, 36 in., guaranteed. . .$1.50 Crocheted Silk Hoods, each 50c Crocheted Baby Jackets, each $1.00 Laces and Embroideries. Valenciennes Laces in all widths, with insertion to match, from 2c to 25c yard. Oriental Laces and bands to match, from 15c to 50c yard. Embroidery from 3c to 55c yard. Come in ami look our line over before buying and will save you money. Hosiery Burson Fashioned Stockings I Ladies' Lace Hose, at 15 to 50c. Children's Hose, lace or 1x1 knit, 10 to 25c, in white, tan or black. Infants' Hose, from 10c to 25c, in lace or lisle thread, in white, tan or black. The famous Burson Hosiery, 15c to 35c, all black, or black with white foot. KkJmJmJmJttttmiJfIPm 40Hfcuiw MT mmmmmWHvnidHiilm tUSm)Uf Wvffose thifii KitlthM hffloufo Ceam 6Ufi Rm, No Stockings can be made with truer lines and shape, and yet there is not a seam in them from toe to top. As perectty fash ioned shaped as the best foreign hose, but Without Ma I i I the seams, which .arc always present in the imported stockings. ou need not pay for the work of sew- nit Cut nm m story ing up those seams that hurl, as there are no seams in the Burson. Knit in perfect shape shaped perfectly in the knitting. They keep that shape from machine to rag bag. Best in Quality and Comfort.No Higher in Priced Ladies9 and Children9 s Gauze Knit Underwear Infants' long sleeve Vests 15 to 30c Ladies' long sleeve Vests 25c Ladies' long sleeve Union Suits 60c Infants' Vests.without sleeves 7c Children's Vests and Pants, ea. . 15 to 25c Ladies' Vests and Pants, each.. 10 to 50c Children's Union Suits 50c Ladies' Union Suits 25c to $1 it This month's Butter ick Patterns mm m ml V V are life ana loc none metier. HP lip Corsets. Batiste Girdles, at 25 to 50c Batiste Girdles, with hose supporters, at 50c Batiste Corsets, with hose supporters, at 75c Corsets (like cut), with long hips, and two sets hose supporters ..$1 and $1.35 Guarantee wit ft every American Beauty Corset. Muslin Underwear. Cornet Covers, laoe trimmed, at 25o Corsat Covors, embroidered insertion and hemstitched ruUle 40o Corsot Covors, with 4 inch ombroidory and ribbon beading 6O0 Corset Covors, with C rows lace insertion and top ilnishod with laco beading $1.00 Skirt with two rows of 2-inch insertion aud -1-inch lace 1.15 Skirt with 8-iuch flounce 1.75 And u host of otliors which we havo not spaco to mention. Come ia and wo will show thorn to you. No trouble to show goods. AMERICAN BEAUTY Stylo 73G Kalamaioo Corset Co., Maker; I M WHOUSE, Red Hood, Mr. T MVV mtamtMMmtmmmrmm' - mtm mmmgmmmmmwmr J I I w (Continued on Paj rilx.)