The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 14, 1907, Image 1

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Eight Pages
pi tx i ear
irv Advance
Home Print
Large Number tn Attendance and Profit
able Sessions Held.
The Webster County Teachers' Insti
tute litis been in session all this week,
and while the utteddunee was not as
large as hoped for it was fully up to
that of last year, seventy-two teaehers
lioiiij; enrolled. The sessions have
been very interesting and instructive,
tlie daily program being ehrried out as
announced last week.
On Tuesday evening t'nited States
Senator 10. .1. Hurkett addressed the
teachers at the new Catholic church,
which was crowded to its full capac
ity. Senator Hurkett was down on the
program to deliver a lecture on "The
American Flag," but improved the
program by giving his lecture on "The
New Woman and the Young Man" in
stead. Contrary to the usual custom
Senator Hurkett, instead of attempt
ing to tell the young folks how
t become successful in life
gave them an outline of the indices by
which one could tell a successful man
when ho saw him. It was not by the
amount of his riches or the cut of his
clothes that the successful man was
known, but by the positions of respect
and contidence which he held. The
Senator talked with great rapidity,
and his hearers nt times had ditlieulty
in keeping track of his remarks. The
audience was evidently well pleased
with the Senator's remarks and fre
quently showed their approval by
hearty applause.
The music for the entertainment was
particularly good. A mixed quartet,
composed of Misses Igou and Kenady,
Messrs. Cutting and Sellars, sang
"Forget Me Not" to the entire satis
faction of those present, and the clos
ing number, "A Carnival of Song,"
sung by the male quartet, composed of
Messrs. Cutting, Albright, Fulton and
Albright, was also rendered in their
usual artistic manner.
Another large crowd gathered at the
Congregational church last night to
hear Superintendent Davidson of Mc
Cook. This afternoon at the Congregational
church the eighth grade graduating
exercises were held. In addition to
the list of graduates published in this
paper last week, the following from
the Guide Hock school have been add
ed: Addie Ely. Wilma (Jay, Frances
Luthrop, Ernest Crow, lone Dicker
son, Nellie Crary. Hyron Vaughan,
Lloyd Cassell, lluth Simpson, Ilunrj'
Colvin, .lulia Vaughan. Ira Sides.
The program for this afternoon was
as follows:
l'iniio fcolo Inez Holier
Quartet "Jiniintn'
Mntiel Winfrey. Dora l'ope, Nltn
ArKtibrlKlit. Mildred l'liltnn.
Invocation Itev. A. A. Cressm a'i
Vocal nolo . . .... Ulen WnlLir
CIukh Addles. ..superintendent (i. II. Tlioniitb
Piano solo OrncoOilce
I'roenttitlon of I)liUniu-. . bnpt. Nellie Caster
i inrtet ... "I.ullnby"
Mabel Winfrey. Dora l'ope, Nlln
ArtfubrlKlit, -Mildred Fulton.
The following is a complete list of
of the teaehers enrolled, with their
pustotlice addresses:
Lulu Hughes. (Snide- Hock.
Fraukie Martin. (Snide Uoek.
Lillian Portenier, Guide Uoek.
Laura Harris. Ued Cloud.
Lena Heiiuunson. Uivertou.
Frances Ward. Ued Cloud.
1'earl I lines, lied Cloud.'
Alta Shottenkirk, Ithie Hill.
Addie !. Gross, Ued Cloud.
Visa Diekerson, Inavale.
Edith L. Diekerson, Inavale.
Viola Ward, Ued Cloud.
Mabel Da', Ued Cloud.
Klnnchc l'ope, Ued Cloud.
Mabel Tope, Ued Cloud. ' '
Grace Shute, Esbon, Kan.
Maggie Leonard, Uivertou.
Winifred Cooper, (Snide Koek.
Leota Vaughan, Guide Hock.
Irene Ferguson, Guide Hock.
Loin Hunter, Guide Hock.
Otha G. Cox, Guide Hock.
Etta Hciher, Ued Cloud.
Mubclle Evans, Ued Cloud.
Margaret Evans, Hed Cloud;
Lorn Weesner, Hed Cloud.
. y Weesner, Hed Cloud.
sWUiio Gllham, Hed Cloud.
ti. II. Thomas, Cowles,
Maey Spracher, Cowles.
Laura Hedge. Hed Cloud.
Velma McKimmey, Ued Cloud.
II. 1). Uieker, Ong. Neb.
Carrie Goble, Ued Cloud.
Mrs. Lela Thomas. Cowles-.
.losephine Gress, Cowles.
Mary Sheldon, Ued Cloud.
Hlanehe McCartney, Ued Cloud.
Eloyd Hunter. (Snide Uoek.
Mabel Thomas, Cowles.
Alice L. Coombs, Hed Cloud.
Stiekney Coombs. Ued Cloud.
Hubert E. Mohler. Ued Cloud.
Mary Mohler. Hed Cloud.
Edna Williams. Hed Cloud.
.Minnie E. Pause. Alma. Neb.
Jleda Peterson, Pied Cloud.
Anna Peterson, Ued Cloud.
Edith Muhler, Ued Cloud.
George Simpson, (Snide Hock.
Nora McCall, Inavale.
llattie Householder, Illation.
Frances Householder. Illaden.
Emily Walker, lllue Hill.
Lottie Doakin, Cowles.
Jessie Squires, Cowles.
Lloyd Hall, Cowles.
Mabel Howard, Hed Cloud.
.Jessie Laird, Lawrence. Neb.
Thos. C. Woods. Doniphan, Neb.
Winifred Sherman, Hed Cloud.
Edw. Taylor. Ued Cloud.
Ollie Ueeve, (Snide Hock.
Florence Kettner, Ued Cloud.
Cora Lockhart, Illaden.
Grace Peterson, Illaden.
W. I"). Edson, Hed Cloud.
Frances C. Nesbit, Inavale.
Ada Skjelver, Inavale.
C. Floyd Hester, Hurr Oak, Kan.
Anna L. Ferguson, Ued Cloud.
Anna Lalley. Lawrence. Neb.
Brief Statement of the Expenditures
for Plant and Fixtures.
There has been much speculation as
to what the new light plant actually
cost, and we have been frequently re
quested to publish the tigures. An
itemized statement would be too long
and tedious for the average reader,
but anyone who has the patience and
curiosity to do so may find out where
every dollar went to by checking up
the books and warrants in the city
clerk's ollice. The books are open to
The following is a statement of the
expenditures in the various depart
ments of the light plant, including a
few minor items which properly belong
to the water works system, though
not so shuwn on the books:
l'ole lines (including poles, in
sulators, wire, transformers,
cross-arms, lamps, etc.).....? 821S.7
Labor and freight 17."il.ll
Station and building 1540.00
Power apparatus (including
Engine boiler, etc.) 7185.01
' Motive power (including gen
erator, switchboard, etc.). . S57. 18
Sundries and general expense
(including some items for
water works) l()14.v!.'l
Total SS(iioi.a.-i
In addition to the foregoing there
was expended for labor and material
fur inside wiring, in stores and resi
dences, the sum of SOI'.'II.IS. This in
cludes about S 1000 worth of material
and Ilxtures on hand. As the expense
of inside wiring comes out of the
pockets of the consumers this item is
not included in the cost of the plant.
The Last Chance
I smill get to mention the greatest
state Sunday school convention Neb
raska has ever had before it is a re
ality. Next week, begining on Tues
day morning, the primary school will
be run and on Tuesday evening the
state convention proper will begin
witli our own Mr. Albright us presi
dent. From Webster county, about
100 delegates have expressed there
intentions of attending. We have not
heard from the special train, as yet, so
this regular train leaves Hed Cloud at
12 o'clock and is due at Hastings any
day during the week at :::i(), the fare
being the same as for special train.
Every one go, who can, as we will
never get such a chance again when
the convention will be so close.
Paul S. Diktiik-k,
Chairman of Committee.
Some Things About the Conditions nt
the City Plant.
Last summer and most of the fall
the water was dirty and unlit to drink,
and now it haseoinineneed again. Why
,is it? The people want to know how
long this is going to go on, and if it is
continued there will be stubborn re
sistance. And again, the people want
to know why the creek water is turned
in and the north well, which was re
cently cleaned out. allowed to go uu-
pumped. Who wants to drink polluted i
water when there is better water.'
Wednesday V Corn-Ad.
It has been said that when some
people die you have to remove their j
tongues to prevent them from continu
ing to talk. This is being demonstra
ted in Hed Cloud at the present t'ime.
There are a few "dead ones" in this
city who can not refrain from "knock-1
ing."no matter how llimsy the pretext.
The foregoing item in the Commercial '
Advertiser is a sample of the unfair .
criticism of the light and water de
partment that has been carried on for
the past few months.
Whoever is responsible for the fore
going article evidently has not taken
the trouble to investigate the true
state of affairs at the water works.
As a mater of fact the old pnmp has:
uecii repaired mm is in goon wonting
order, and on Monday last Jhe north
well was pumped dry. and all of the
water used on Tuesday was also pump
ed out of the north well.
Thursday of last week, when the
creek was so high that the water ran
into the boiler room at the light and
water plant, it ran into the lllter box
through the cracks, and, as there was
no cut oil' between the filter box and
the well, the muddy water could not
be prevented from running into the
south well, so that evening Engineer
Uobcrtson began pumping out of the
north well, and continued to do so
until Friday night.
On Friday practically all the muddy
water was pumped from the south
well and allowed to run back into the
creek. This was done three times,
until the water became clear, and then
pumping from the south well into the
standpipe was resumed. Of course, not
all of the mud was pumped out of the
well, and when the water ran in again
the water became somewhat roily, and
this condition will probably continue
until all of the muddy water is worked
out of the standpipe and mains.
As to the insinuation in Friday'sCom
Ad that those in charge of the plant
could have prevented the muddy water
running into the well,- Mr. Uurroughs
emphatically stated that the pipes
leading into the filter box from the
creek have not been opened since a
week ago last Tuesday. Mr. Uur
roughs says a repetition of this condi
tion can be prevented by putting in a
cut oil' or gate between the IJlter and
the well. Or, in lieu of that, Editor
Hosiner and someof the other expert
engineers might devise some means of
preventing Crooked creek rising and
over (lowing the lllter box.
Superintendent Hurroughs has been
the target for considerable unjust crit
icism, it naving been said that he did
not have the interests of the city at
hc'irt. At tins time the old pump
broke down and the city was so short
of water, it was said that Mr. Iluiv
roughs gave it out that he did not care
whutliurkor not there was water to put
out lires so long as he had water
enough to run the light plant; that he
was not going to let his reputation as
an electrician be injured by allowing
the li irht nlant to shut down. He de-
' nies that he made any such statement.
He contends that the water required
to keep the light plant running would
not have been enough to extinguish a
tire in a chicken coop. Mr. Hurroughs
says that, by the most liberal calcula
tion, the amount of extra water re
quired to keep the light plant running
for a day would not exceed 500 gal
lons, and possibly not more than :)50
Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, '
a powder for swollen, tired hot,smart
ing feet. Sample sent free. Also free
samples of the Foot-Ease Saltary Corn
Pad, a new invention. Address Allen
S. Olmstead, Le Hoy, N. Y.
Citizens of Rosr.mont Reply to Rev.
Mr. Dcxhclmer's Charftcs.
HuspMoxT, Ni:ii., .June 10.
Editor Chief. Hed Cloud, Neb.:
Dear Sir: In your issue of .June 7,
1007, under the heading "Preacher
Threatened," you state some things
very distasteful to the residents of
Hoseiuont This is not a town of
boo.e-tlgliters and wife-beaters, as
your article would lead one to believe.
We don't know the source of your in
formation, but wish to emphatically
deny the truth of the slurs given this
town in the article above mentioned.
Hespectfully yours,
O. F. Ormsby, F. II. Gcrluch,
Onus Hose, Gen. D. Ehlers.
II. Ueiners, A. W. Perrenaud,
C. Gestring, C. II. .Jackson,
II. Hanfeld, 0. D. Wright,
C. Erwin. . Aug. Ltimpmauu,
lohun Hose, S. v. Hocning,
Lainmert Hose, Win. II. Husking,
G. Hanfeld, .1. I. McWilliams.
II. ,1. Ituntje, H. II. Olmsted,
II. C. Wright, A. T. Krause.
It. II. Allen. Otto Kranse
It. D. Mclleth, Win. .lackson,
.1. A. MeKce, Frank Wright,
U. 11. Quigglc, W. A rends,
it. Cure. It. ltrauer,
Henry II. Meester, II. lloppeu,
A. Hublein, W. Husking,
Christ Hose, Fred Mngariu.
11. Stuiupenhorst, F. Schottler,
Dean Norris.
As to the merits of the controversy
the editor of this paper knows noth-
Gasoline Stoves
A 2burner Gasoline Stove
and others at prices ranging as
high as $36.00
ing. The article published last week
plainly stated that Key. Dexheinier.
pastor of tlte Evangelical church at
1 lioscmoiit, was our informant, and as
the matter contained in his statement .
largely concerned himself, we supposed
he knew what he was talking about.
He told us that upon more than one
occasion women had come to him and
told of their husbands coming home
drunk and abusing them. This is no
more a slur on Hoseiuont than , on
every other town where there are su
loons, for, sad to say, it is a condition
altogether too common. Whether the
j pastor was telling the truth or not is
a matter to be settled between him
self and the citizens of Huseiuont ul
the hearing on the apjilication fur a
saloon license for Hoseiuont, which
will come up before the board of coun
ty commissioners .some time next
Real Estate Transfers.
For the week ending Tuesday,
.lune 11, furnished by the Fort Ab
stracted., L. II. Fort. Manager.
Harry (!. Goble to Matilda Hark-
ley. lotO. blk L'8, It C, wd....S'.'T C
Lewis W Means, executor, to
.Martin It Corner, part swlswj
.'Hl-a-l 1 . ex deed 559
Lucy A Diekerson to Permllier
I) Wratten, lots 1 and ', blk 5.
Illaden. wd 30011
State of Nebraska to Oscar Em-
ick, n'i mvl IIO-L'-IO. deed.v... 5 flu
Mortgages tiled, SUKW.ilO.
Mortgages released, 1775.
Pay your subscription now.