The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 07, 1907, Image 1

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,$ $1 a Year
i in, Advaunce
Eight Pages
Home Print
RED CLOUD, X3DI31?ASKA, ,)UNR 7, 1007,
Splendid Program Arranged for the
Meeting to Begin Monday.
Tlu- annual session of the Webster
Comity Teachers' Institute will con
vene next Monday. An excellent
program lias been arranged, and a
most profitable week is anticipated.
Superintendent CJ. 11. Thomas vt
MeCook will conduct classes in his
tory, civics and reading: Superintend
ent K. It. Sherman of Columbus will
instruct in English and school man
agement; .Airs, llrindley of Columbus
have charge of the model classes j
a class in primary methods, and
and a class in p
(5. V. Argabright of Red Cloud will
conduct a class in drawing.
The following programs
week have been arranged:
for the
(Catholic Church.)
Mixed Quartet Misses Igou and ICon
ady, Messrs. Cotting and Sellnrs.
Address "The American Flag"
Senator K. .1. lturkett.
Mule Ounrtet Messrs. Cotting, Al
bright, Fulton and Albright.
(Congregational Church.)
Solo M iss Overman
Address Supt. 13. I!. Sherman
Male (Juartet Messrs. Holmes. Snapp,
Argabright and Seltars.
(Kighth (Jrade (Jraduating 13xercises,
U:;i() p. in.)
(Juartet Mabel Winfrey, Dora Pope,
Mildred Fulton, Nita Argabright.
Address Supt. (5. II. Thomas
Presentation of Diplomas Superin
tendent Nellie Caster.
Fifty-seven eighth grade pupils have
passed the eighth grade examination.
Miss Adeline 1'arquhur of district 8J
received the highest average, and is
entitled to the scholarship ottered by
Franklin Academy for the one receiv
ing t,liu highest grades in the exami
nation. The other graduates are as
District .1 .lean Laird.
District 8 Katie Fox.
District 10 Amanda Ohmstede.
District i:j Inez Itoner.
District 11 Susie Carey.
District If) Vera Law.
District 10 Leonard Rickard.
District 18 Heryl Parsons.
District :." Eurl Matlock and Dan
iel Fussier.
District 7 Anna McPartland.
District 'Jil Rosa Moody, Augustine
Lalley, Ruth Harnes, Dclbert Hunnell.
District .10 Alma II lines, May Fris
bie, Clara Nasser.
District :i:i- Keller Coplen, Elizabeth
District III Maude Harlow.
District .'III (leorge Isom.
District 10 Agnes Ruinbnugh, May
Thomas, I Jessie Thomas, Eddie Hu
batka. District 41 Hazel Armstrong, Ida
Armstrong, May .lames, Mabel .lames,
Hilda Kort.
District III Mack Arnold.
District rl Charles Arnold.
District 5S Hruce I'shelinun.
District ."ill Harry Uberg.Edith Hay.
District 00 Florence Cure and Fred
District 01 Martha. Cox, Nora (iuy.
District 0:.' Pearl McCallum, Mearl
McO'alluni, Myrtle McCallum.
District 7.1 Hazella Robertson.
District 77 OH va Peck, Tracy Hen
nett. District 82 Elmer Keisalt, Adeline
Farquhur, Vernu Scott, Elmer and
Dolphie Vaughan, Laura Whitmore,
Leslie Martin, Mabel Reisalt.-
District 81 Mark Fawcett, Joe Wen
zlnger, Mary Weuzingcr.
Here Is Relief for Women.
Mother dray, a nurse in New York,
discovered an aromatic, pleasant herb
cure for women's ills, called Australian
Leaf. It is the only certain monthly
regulator. Cures female weaknesses,
backache, kidney, bladder and urinary
troubles. At all druggists or by mall
fjcents. Sample free. Address-, The
X'Sther Gray Co., Ley Hoy, N. Y.-V
Council Meeting.
The council met Wednesday evening.
All members present.
A cement crossing was ordered laid
at the north intersection of Cedar and
Third avenues, and at the west inter
section of the same street as soon as
the walk is completed from the south.
The city engineer was instructed to
make estimates on all street crossings
and the city clerk ordered to advertise
for bids for such work.
Dr. Damerell and others asked for an
extension of the water mains in the
west part of town, but the council an
mcM that at the present time the
city was not n ooi.dit.oi.
to make an extension.
A motion by Wolfe, seconded by Me
Call, that the council contirm the ap-
Who Will Speak at the Calholic Church Next
Tuesday Evening.
pointment of Mr. Green as day engi
neer at the light plant was declared
out of order by the mayor.
On motion the council removed
Cloyd Cummings from the position of
day engineer at the water works and
appointed Mr. (.Jreen on thirty days'
trial, ut S 10 per month.
The following is the estimate of ex
penses for the ensuing year:
Ollicers' salaries S 1000
Streets and alleys 1000
Litigation ."00
Supplies and printing u'."0
Maintenance of waterworks.... S.VIO
I ntcrcst on water bonds 1000
I nterest on light bonds S00
.Judgment fund 1200
Incidentals .'00
Street lights 1200
Maintenance of light plant .100
The following claims were allowed:
.1. A. Tomlinson, expenses S '.'.70
A. W. McReynolds, surveying... I.1..10
.1. A. Tomlinson, street and water
commissioner 00.00
Chas. C.ilham, labor l'-'.OO
Carl Rirkner, labor 0.00
Win. Carter, labor 1.00
13. Ralph, labor 7.00
M. Frederickson. labor 2.00
Cloyd Cummiugs, engineer .18.s:i
Adjourned to meet tonight,
Mav Illst Estate of .lane Hoone,
deceased. Petition for appointment of
administration; set for hearing June
.lune 1th Estate of Thomas T. Fin
ney, deceased; report (lied, petition for
settlement, distribution and discharge,
order of hearing .lune 27.
.lune Estate of William Will
iams, deceased, hearing on final ac
count, account approved, decree of
.lune 1st State vs. Humphrey
Etherton, continuv to June 7.
Pineules for the khlneys strengthen
these organs andassist in druwinir
poison from the blood. Try'them for
rheuinutism, kidney, bladder trouble,
for lumbago and tired worn out feeiy
ing. They bring quick relief. Satis
faction guaranteed, Sold by Henry
Cook's Drug Store.
Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease,
a powder for swollen, tired liot,sniurt
ing feet, Sample sent free. Also frco
samples of the Foot-Ease Saitary Corn
Pad, a new invention. Address Allen
S. Olinstcad, Le Hoy, N. Y.
' t
Large Crowd of Visitors Enloy Good
Time at District Meeting.
Pink and green were the predomi
nating colors in Red Cloud yesterday,
in honor of the visiting Hebekahs
who came to attend the twentY-ninth
district meeting of the order in this
city. The early morning train brought
a big delegation of visitors from Ouide
Rock and a few from Superior, Nelson
Hardy and other points down the line.
No. 10 brought large delegations from
the west, as far as Republican City.
Most of the Franklin and lllvcrton
Rebekahs drove down.
When No. 1,1 pulled in from the east
in the evening about sixty members
of the order from Superior, Hardy
and Nelson alighted from the train,
and they said there would have been
more had it not been for the rain.
The band boys had arranged to
give a concert in the evening in honor
of the visitors, but the heavy rain in
the afternoon put the streets in such u
sloppy condition that they decided it
would be unwise to attempt it.
However, the Rebekahs had plenty
of their own work to keep them busy,
and the way they attended to it was
a lesson to their brother Odd Fellows.
The afternoon was devoted to rou
tine work, consisting of music, ad
dresses and drills by the visiting degree
In the evening following the open
ing exercises, the (luide Rock team
gave an exhibition drill which was
accomplished in their usual thorough
The initiatory work was put on by
the Superior degree team, and eigh
teen candidates were put through the
work. The Superior team showed
thorough training, and their new re
galia and uniforms made a fine show
ing. Mrs. Emma L. Talbot of Lincoln,
past state 'president of the Rebekahs,
gave u brief address and explained the
secret work of the degree.
This was followed by a banquet in
the large dining room of the Masonic
hall, after which the crowd adjourned
to Woodman hall, where they danced
until a late hour.
Bladen Lod&e Will Celebrate First Anni
versary Next Thursday.
The Hladen' Odd Fellows will hold a
picnic next Thursday, June 13, at the
fair grounds in that city, to celebrate
the first anniversary of its organiza
tion. This lodge was instituted a year
ago by the degree team from the de
gree team from the Red Cloud lodge,
with Paul Storey acting as grand mas
ter. At the picnic there will be ad
dresses by prominent Odd Follows,
among iheni II. U. Ilrown of Ileatrice,
P. D. (!. M. There will also be abase
ball game and other amusements, and
a big basket dinner. There will be
delegations from all over the county,
and if you want to have a good time
vou should not miss this 'blow-out."
Wins Gold Medal.
W. E. Hrowu of this city carried
a way first prize for the best exhibit
of .work displayed at the State Photog
raphers' Association held in Lincoln
last week. His work was entered in
class C, in which cities of 1500 inhabi
tants or less competed, but he was as
sured by many that had ho taken along
a duplicate exhibit and entered 't in
classes A and H he might have stood
an excellent chance of winning first
place with such competitors as Lin
coln, Omaha, etc. The prize was a
valuable medal, pure gold, and nutur-
ally makes its owner feel pretty proud
V the work he is turning out. The
display which won the prizo is now on
exhibition in Mr. Itrown's studio and
a glance will show that the disposal of
the prize was avoII merited". "We con
gratulate1 ojuyUrtist on the recognition
he has socured.VFranklin Sentinel.
"Peg" is -well known in lied Cloud,
where he worked las.1 summer for C.
A. Schultz, and we Also extend con-
gratulutious him.
Our Populist County Attorney Still car-
rles One of the Pasteboards.
Tuesday's Lincoln Star contains a1
list of the passes issued by the Hurl- '
ington railroad and in the list is the
. . ....
name of L. II. Hlackledge of Red,"' """u " " i- ik"
Cloud, our D.mulistieund antimonono-
listie county attorney, whom it was
stated last fall, by his supporters,
would surrender his pass if elected as
the county's legal representative.
Others in the long list are Judge
William (iiislin. former judge of this
district; W. C. Dorsey of Itloomlugton,
who is being boosted by the Franklin
county republicans for the nomination
for district Judge, and J. L. McPhcely
of Minden, another candidate for the
miiiiu high olllee. Judge llmiiur offo,'ml tl,cre wm,ia "ot 1,e u saloon
Kearney, the distinguised criminal
lawyer who Is now representing
Frank Parker, is another passholdcr.
Should either McPhcely or Dorsey
receive the nomination for district
judge, and be elected, the Hurlington ;
would undoubtedly exercise undue ,
inlluence on the administration f
justice in this district.
What we need in the district judge's
chair and in the olllee of county at
torney are men who are entirely free
from railroad inlluence.
Alvin P. Shirley of Mue Hill to
Uessie M. Johnson, of (Juide Rock.
Married Tuesday by Rev. Dexheiiuer.
Fred llaker and Anna L. Carr, both
of Hladen. Married June .1 by Judge
The above is the
Famous Ohio
Two-row Cultivator
It leads everything in the two-row Cultivator line.
First, it is narrow like a single-row Cultivator.
Second, you can take the outside shovels off and use it as &
You can turn at the end of the field much easier than with
the wide cultivators. There is no complicated hitch. There is,
but one tongue, therefore you can get your teams close together.
Thereuire many other good points, and the price is $40,
with 5 per ffent off for cash.
I have some great bargains in Road Wagons. They are
leather trimmed, spring back and spring cushions, for $30.
A leather quarter top Buggy, leather trimmed, spring bade
and spring cushion, for $45.
Come and let me show you the MOON BROS, plugless
buggy body. No plugs to come loose and fall out.
And I also have the latest in the ball-bearing buggy axle
No grease or oil to soil your clothes, and no trouble to take wheels
off. Is always ready.
The weather is getting warm now and you will need a
GASOLINE COOK STOVE, for the small sum of $2. Come
n and look them over.
mes Peterson
Rosemont Divine Arouses Ire of Booze
Mamins ticmem.
lll'v- K- 11. I'oxhctiner, pastor of tin
l'3vangelieal church at Koscinont, wiu.
in "'t I'loml Monday for the purp.r
..r in!.... ...i ......I.... .i...
mr saloon
license at tint
place. Mr. De.vheiiner said that be
fore he left Rosemont he was inform
ed that he would be treated to a coat
of tar and feathers if he tiled the re
monstrance, but he called the Mull.
He tells a pitiful tale of drunken litis
banilsabusing their wlvesand families,
and if what he says regarding tlic
condilion there can be proved, it "im
probable that Rosemont will go dry
If the Slocum law were strictly en-
the county.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for ut postolllco at Red Cloud, Nob.
for the wook ending Juno (5, 1007:
Clark, Ilnrry H Sehini, Mrs Fred
.bimuiiooKor, ll d Ulis.jos u
Tritlljugor, Lou
Thoso will be sent to the (load lot lev
ollico Juno 20, 1007, if not culled fc-a
before. Whon culling for nbovo ploasf
miy "advertised."
T. C. IIackkk, PoHtmiistov.
If you sutler from bloating, belcliiugv
sour stomach, Indigestion or Dyspep
sia, take a Ring's Dyspepsia Tablet
after each meal, and overcome the
disagreeable trouble. It will improve
the appetite, and aid digestion. Sold
by Henry Cook's Drug Store.