V I ?44 3$43443&&tCXC-trt-r LOCALETTES Tiik f'uir.K is SI ii year. Paul Storey wont to Hladcu yostor- tiny. I)r. E. A. Thomas, Dentist, Dameroll block. Mrs. Del A hoi returned to Hebron Monday. Art Wolcott was down from luavalc Tuesday. For Sale Three rood brood mares. V. V. Ileal. 21 A. M. Walter- was down from Hlue 1 1 11 1 Saturday. Marion Neal was up from Guiuo Uncle Tuesday. C. II. Miner rctun.cd from Kansas ity. Wednesday. Well improved :il.j aeres of land for ale cheap. A. It. Sellars. Miss Francos Ncshilt of Inava'e. pont Sunday in lied Cloud. There will be an See cream social at the l)a morel 1 block tonight. Oscar Hurrotighs inailo his usual trip to Franklin last Sunday. W. W. Wright and wife returned to Hebron Wednesday morning. Jake ltoiglo left on Monday for a trip to the .Jamestown exposition. Mr. and Mrs. .1. F. Ilassingor wore over from North Itranch Saturday. Harry Kneels of Fairbury visito.d with his parents the lirst of the week. Miss Gortiido Ford left Thursday morning for a visit in Ilutlcr county. Two hundred cars of cattle went -:iNt over the Hurlington last Sunday. Mrs. Will l'arkes, .Jr., left Wednes day for an extended visit in Faducah, Ky. Miss Zephyr Cressman is home from a visit with her brother ut Oglosby, III. Mrs. Joseph Saladen is not improv ing and it is feared she can not get well. Hoy Wcidenhamor of McCook was the guest of Miss Cora Tulleys Sat urday. O. C. Hell of Lincoln spent Wednes day with his daughter, Mrs. Hoyd isinith. Clayton Hrown left Wednesday morning for a trip to Tecumseh and Friend. Mrs. .1. It. Mercer returned Monday from a several weeks' visit in Arapahoe. Don't forget the eireus tomorrow. It is not a big one, but what there is of it is good. Senator E. J. Uurkett is lulled to address the teachers institute in this city on .June 11. The union memorial services will 4)0 held at the opera house Sunday morning at 10:30. Uncle George Houcnin is reported jis being very ill and there is little hope of his recovery. George Overing went west Thurs day morning on business for Overing I'.ros.' marble works. Itev. A. A. Cressman will preach a memorial sermon at Indian Creek next Sunday at 3 p. in. The school board met Monday evening and ordered the advertising of the bonds for sale. Miss Winnie Sherman will teach in the primary department of the Hold redge schools next year. Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Claggett of Kirwin, Kan., are visiting with their daughter, Mrs. O. A. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Mark MeConkey, liv- ing near Uowles, are the parents of 4i girl baby born last Friday. F. Newhouse returned Saturday 'from Fremont, where ho attended the .state encampment of the G. A. It. S F. Spokesfleld has so far recover ed from his recent attack of pneumon ia as to be able to be on the street. Wanted First cook and dining room boy or girl at the Hon Ton bakery and restaurant. W. S. Hense, Prop. In another place In today's paper will be found the program for the highs chool commencement exercises. One of C. M. Smith's livery teams ran away this morning. No damage the bridge contractor, is sick with diphtheria. A. A. Ford, who is farming the Win. Crabill place, loft Wednesday morn ing for Wallace, Kan., to look for a now location. Work has been begun on Fred Mandevlllo's now residence, north east corner of Second avenue and Walnut street. Whenever you got hungry drop into Will Latin's short order house, just north of Spokoliold's. Everything now and up to date. George Clapp of Hloomlngtou was in town Saturday on his way homo from the state encampment of the (5. A. It. at Fremont Mrs. Lizzie Hughes and baby re turned to their home in Filloy, Nob.. Tuesday, after a long visit at the home of A. Koats. A cluster of incandescent lights has boon hung at the corner of Webster and Fourth avenue to furnish lights for the band concerts. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. House left Tuos day morning for Tecumseh, in response to a telegram announcing the death of Mrs. House's father. The new pump at the waterworks is now working, and there is now no trouble in tilling the standpipe. as there is plenty of water Itev. ('. E. Taggart of Litchllold. Mich., formerly pastor of the Congre gational church in this city, is visiting at the homo of C. Ii. Cutting. Mrs. F. M. Nelson, son Monte and daughter Altricc, arrived from Lcuura, Nob., Wednesday morning for a visit with her son, Dr. (). A. Nelson. Mrs. Frame of Kansas City will arrive Sunday for a visit at the homo of . J. (). Caldwell. She is on her way home from a trip to the l'acitle coast. The district meeting of the Itebekah degree will be held in Hod Cloud June , and the local lodge is make- ing great preparations for the event. All the churches and the public are requested to meet at the opera house at 10:.10 a. m. on Memorial Sunday. Uy order of the 0. A. It. committee. Of all the fruits there are In the land, That grow on bush or tree, I would give up the choicest ones For Ilollister's Itocky Mountain Tea. C. L. Cotting. Commissioner Tomlinson sprinkled Webster street with the lire hose Tuesday afternoon, for which the merchants along the street were very grateful. Mrs. W. S. Latta left on Monday morning for Haveloek In response to a telegram announcing the death of her father, which occurred at that place on Sunday. John Mart, of Seward, who had charge of the construction of the elec tric light plant in this city, was In Ited Cloud the first of the week greet ing his friends. Elsewhere in today's paper we pub lish an explanation of the working of the new free high school law. It will pay the patrons of the country schools to read it carefully. Dr. E. A. Thomas, Dr. J. S. Emigh and Dr. N. II. Morrison are in Lincoln this week attending the meeting of the State Dental Society, of which the latter is president. George Scott returned from Alma Sunday, where he went to see about the contract for wiring for the electric plant. He is not iuro vr lether he will return to Alma or not. Evertoi Foe went to McCook Mon day evenii g, ha having been appoint ed night ticket agent at that place. We are sorry to lose his cheery count enance from our midst. Next Thursday is Decoration day, but there will be very few flowers to lay upon the graves. The music for the occasion, however, will be the best we have had in years. At its last meeting Faith Itebekah lodge elected the following olllcers: Mrs. Ida Cummlngs, N. G.; Miss Clara McMillan, V. (.; Viola Ward, secre tary; O. C. Teal, treasurer. Itev. A. A. Cressman will preach the baccalaureate sermon to the graduating class of the Ited Cloud high school, at the Congregational church next Sunday evening. There are three cases of diphtheria in the family of Charles Etherton, who done save the breaking of a double-, resides tn the old Catholic eliureli tr(,0i building. The house has been qua- . ' in ii 4 itwtil (i tul ft l. flwiiifflit. 4 1u i tii fiz twi The ladies of the Congregational "' ' V "" "h"" ,, " " church will hold their regular month- at mi)o3 school house Sunday after noon ( I o'clock ) Ho on time if ,ou want a seat. Overing Hros. have two tine samples of Norway oiuerahl-poarl granite tombstones. The stones wore shipped from Norway to Scotland, when they wore polished, and from there shipped to Hod Cloud. Sons and daughters of the pioneers, associate your names with a great beginning join The I'nion Class of Hod Cloud, Nebraska, and lot us write one page at least in the history of the United States. The Union Class had a real good time at the Huslness College last Fri day evening and decided to meet there again next Friday night at :i::tO o'clock sharp. Come and make your self at home with us. The members of the Union Class are requested to moot at the Husinoss College next Friday evening at 8 o'clock in order to dispose of some business matter, before the regular time of our me dig. The bites and stings of insects, tan, sunburn, cuts, burns and bruises are relieved at once with I'inesalve Carbo li.ed. Acts like a poultice, and draws out inllammalion. Try it. Price 2.c. Sold by Henry Cook's Drug Store. Artists have no trouble in securing models. 1 lie tiuuous uoaiiiies nave discarded corsets and have become models in face and form since taking ilollister's Itocky Mountain Tea. .'!. cents, tea or tablets. ('. L. Cotting. Hcadaohcaud constipation disappear when Dados Little Liver I'illsaro used. They keep the system clean, the stom ach sweet. Taken occasionally they keep you well. They are for the en tire family. Sold by Henry Cook's Drug Store. Hoy Oatman and Frank Peterson arrived from Omaha Sunday afternoon with the former's new "Crimson Hum bler" automobile. It is the finest machine so far brought to Red Cloud, and, in color, is a good match for the new band uniforms. Nelson Uurg and John May, from up near Campbell, were in Ited Cloud Tuesday morning on their way home from St. Joe, where they have been with cattle. Mr. Uurg says that things look as dry in the eastern part of the state as they do here. At its meeting held last Friday evening Charity Lodge No. Tilt, A. F. Sc A. M., elected the following olllcers: John C. Myers, master; Flavins Grice, senior warden; W. H. Saunders, junior warden; George Haylor, secretary; Win. l'arkes, treasurer. Charley Crabill is making some im provements in the residence property which he owns at the southwest corner of Seward street and Fourth avenue. Whenever we see a young man making these kind of prepara tions we begin to get suspicious. Mel Sherman thinks that someone has sinister designs against him. When he went outdoors Monday morning he found a stick of dynamite lying in front of his home. It was capped and ready for exploding. He did not report the matter to the police. Elsewhere in today's paper will be found the programme of the class day and commencement exercises of the Ited Cloud high school, to be held at the opera house Tuesday and Wed nesday evening, May 128 und 20. There are fourteen graduates, nine girls and five boys. Over fifty young people were pre sent at the Business College last Fri day evening (among those were mar ried folks, baldheaded persons, etc., JWW VrV' ff,rSirfSfyjnfj To The 'vvrv'vA'"'vV Old Sold lers We extend you a cordial invitation to make our store your headquarters on Deco ration Day. The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. ALWAYS RELIABLE 3 1 5 Webster St. Red Cloud, Nebraska This week's stock shipments, so far as reported, are: Sunday: Miner but "young" just the same.) That's ly market atGrilVeth's store next Sat urday. Mrs. J. G. Van l'ilsen has returned to her home In Pella, la., after a visit with her daughter, Mrs. E. J. Over ing, Jr. danger of the disease spreading. Charley Crabill returned from Lin coln Tuesday evening, accompanied by Mrs. Maggie Vaill, a life-long friend of his grandmother, Mrs. L. II. ltust, who will visit hero for awhile. Ail uui iasiiioucu Dummy suuooi right, ye older folks, stand back of a good movement ready to give a help ing hand. Summer coughs and colds yield at once to Hees Laxative Cough Syrup. Contains honey and tar but no opiates. Children like it. Pleasant to take. Its laxative qualities recommend it to mothers. Hoarseness, coughs, croup yield quickly. Sold by Henry Cook's Drug Store. Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Crelghton of this city and Mrs. Fred Ound of Hlue Hill leave next Sunday on a trip which will include a tour of many of the larger eastern cities in this country, and then a visit to England and Scot land. On the return trip they will Hros., (5 cars cattle to Kansas City; II. C. Cutter, 1 cars hogs to St. Joe; Coon ,t Weesner, 1 car hogs to St. Joe. Wednesday: II. C Cutter, 4 cars hogs to St. Joe; James Mcintosh, .'J cars cattle to St." Joe; Coon & Weesner, 1 car to St. Joe. There was no band concert last Friday evening owing to u misunder standing in regard to the lights. However, the council at its meetings Friday night passed a resolution ordering that the lights bu turned on for the band concerts Friday evening. Th new uniforms have arrived and the boys will wear them tonight for the first time. C. W. Kaley left for Lincoln this morning, where he will join his sis ters, Mrs. Anna Cather and Miss Hessie Kaley, and together ttiey will start on a long trip which will include several European countries. They will first visit In Indiana and Ohio for a while, and will sail for Europe on June 18. They expect to be ubsent about five months. While the new time card has not yet been received, it is said that train No. 14 will arrive here from the west sometime between 8 and 0 o'clock at night, instead of 2 a. in., and No. 13 will arrive about 11 a. in. Nos. 15 and 10 will run on about there present schedlues, though they will run through to and from Denver Instead of being made up at Oxford. A rare opportunity to double your value to your home and to your home community by attending the State the opera house. Sunday school promptly at 12 in. The Juniors and V. I. S. C. E. will meet at their usual time. The baccalaureate sermon by Itev. A. A. Cressman in the evening at 8 o'clock. Special music by the Con gregational choir. Hundreds of people yearly go through painful operations needlessly because they never tried Man Zan Pile Itemedy. It is put up in such a form that it can be applied right where the trouble lies. It relieves the pain and inflammation. It is for any form of piles. Trice Suets. Sold by Henry Cook s Drug Store. Now that the hitchrack problem has been settled, let's look around and seo If we can not Hud a vacant room, con veniently located, that we can fix up for a "rest room" where the farmers' wives, daughters and little children can go to rest and "clean up" when in town, and where they can have a comfortable place to wait for their husbands and fathers after the day's trading is done with. . Oscar Hurroughs, superintendent of the light and .water plant, owns a splendid team of work horses which, he says the city can use for the feed ing. Why not accept his offer and use the team on the sprinkler? When not in use on this work the team could be put at other work on thu streets, and in case of fire we would always have a team ready to haul tho fire apparatus. What do you think of the scheme? A committee from the Commercial Club, consisting of F. W. Co when, 1). W. Turnure and W. H. Saunders, snend several weeks In Canada. Mr. Guild will accompany tho party part Sunday School Convention at Hastings circulated a subscription paper among wtiyt j Juno 18, 1!), 20. A special train is be-j the merchants Tuesday morning to CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought It is reported that Miss Georgia, ' rally. A shaking of the dry bones, the little daughter of George Clauson, a real lot loose and oxpress yourself Boars tho Signa'turo of m& intr iilanned to run from Oxford though Ited Cloud and Hlue Hill. Send In your name to the chairman of committee at Ited Cloud, if you desire to go. Haul S. Dietrich, chairman committee, There will bo no preaching service at tho Congregational church next Sunday morning In order that all may may attend tho memorial service at secure money to secure money to erect a series of hitchracks for the use of the farmers who come hero to trade. Enough money was secured to build the long-needed racks and the work was bfcgun yesterday. The racks aro being built along tho south side of Fifth avenue between Webster and Cedar, and on the east sido of Cedar betweeu Fourth and Fifth. -&.t- r. r .w .