The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 17, 1907, Image 8

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    f I,
United Wapn Shows !
The Famous Elslun Equine Paradox, consisting of 16 beautiful
Shetland Ponies, all well trained.
The Wcbsters, Aerialists and Gymnasts;
The Hardon Family, Eccentric Comedians;
Arthur Burson, America's Foremost Equilibrist,
And any number of Leapcrs, Jugglers, Comedians,
Aerialists, Contottionisls and the Funny Clowns
Two grand and Complete Performances, afternoon at 2, evening at 8
Grand Free Street Parade at 1 :30.
Red Cloud, Saturday May 25
fleuisy (totes prom Neighboring Touins
(From tho Messenger)
Mrs. C. O. Slmiror died lit hor liomo
north of town Thursday night, ut the
ago of '2'2.
Fred Winslow is up from Cannon,
Oklahoma, visiting his parents. Fred
is still in tho banking business, pros-!
porous and happy. j
tiio united mates mail sack tlirown
from No. V on tho night of tho :10th 1
was htolen and was found Monday I
near the standpipo, cut opon and tho
con touts riddd of nearly o.verythlng
(From tho Review.)
Littlo Fred Slaby had his faco badly
hcaldod by steam.
Evangelist Layllold is expected hero
noxt week to hold union nieotings
Ho comes woll recommended.
Tho fore part of tho week Frank
Koohn got his foot mashed by getting
it tangled up witli tho wheels of tho
rear coach on No. 15 in tho yards at
lied Cloud.
t'leorgo tinos, who left a week ago
for Dillings, Mont., to soo his father,
who was reported dangerously ill, re
turned Saturday evening and brought
his father with him.
(From tho Entorpriso)
Illadoii will colobrato tho Fourth.
Carl Horriott lotumod from Nolson
Monday evening, where he has boon at !
tho bedside of his mother, who is seri
ously ill.
At tho mooting of tho town board
hold Tuesday, May 7, the application
of Eli t'ollotto for a license to sell liq
uor was granted.
Tho Webster County Fair Associa
tion will give $l2?.ri in speed prizos.
Tho dates for the fair are September
21-27. The association has also doub
led tho premiums for exhibits of !iv
htock, fuim and home products,
(From tho News Letter.)
W. D. Hull is back from California.
Goorgo S. l'arkor had tho misfor
tuuo Monday to lose his lino 1-year-old
black mare, which ho valued at f27)0.
The band boys have socured tho
promise of Slo per mouth for their
Saturday concerts during tho sum.
A cement walk is being put down in
front of the block occupied by tho res
idences of Win. Klrkpatrick and Win.
Agent Cussoll had an addition to
his herd of Shot laud ponies Tuesday
and it didn't com by freight or ex
press olthor. Tho stork brought it.
I Win. Sawyer drovo over to Cowles
Wednesday with Ins house moving out
lit Ho did not go over to move tho
county seat, however. Mr. Sawyer is
one of times who beliovo that the court
I house is all right whore it is. Ho could
move it, though, if it became neces
(From the Sentinel.)
Tho school board decided Monday
evening to hold no commencement ex
ercises this year.
Mr. Cromwell, t'ho lessee of tho
Coukling ranch, cut off sovoral of his
toes with an ax, while chopping wood
ono day this week.
Mrs. W. II. Byorly returned Tuesday
morning from Greeley county, Kansas.
She says that on thoI'.Oth of April they
had the worst blizzard that sho had
over seen.
Tho town boaul has been having old
straw, etc., hauled out and spread over
tho road near tho fair ground, whoro
it is sandy, with good result s. Tho
straw works down into the sand and
mokes tho road much harder.
(From tho Loader.)
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. O. W
Sunday, a boy.
Howard Simpson is homo from Kan
sas City, where ho has boen taking a
course in dentistry.
.-nig. iicriuu, wuo mm noon serving
ing in tho army, has returned to Uluo
Hill to remain for tho summer.
The city council has granted saloon
licenses for the ensuing year to Onno
Goes, K. L. Scluumm and Distler ,v
Miss Dora Kruger, daughter of Fred
Kruger, was thrown from a buggy last
Saturday evening and sustained a bro
ken ankle.
Miss Martha Martin, who underwent
I an operation in a hospital at. Kainits
" City several weeks ago, has reeoveied
sulllciently to return homo.
The .school board has not as yet so
cured anyone to take tho pliiou of
Prof. Moritz, who has resigned tone
copt tho stiporintondoncy of tho Red
Cloud schools.
l From the Advocate.)
Win. Pearson, who has been attend
ing medical college at Omaha, arrived,
home Saturday night.
Uorimrd MoNony, referee in tho
Merger case, was up from lied Cloud
yestorday taking testimony.
Dr. Watson of this place has a gin
seng garden in Michigan that he and
a friend Iiavo been tending for three
years. Ho now values it at more than
Last Sunday Win. Dunn lost out of
his pocket a money ba,; containing
$100. It was found by Knymond Rey
nolds and Dudo Koolmol, who return
ed it to him.
(From tho Argus )
Ott Thompson and Will Cain left
Thursday for Colorado, driving over
L. M. Linton is in tho oust buying
automobiles, and will shortly start an
automobile barn.
Mrs. Walter Oyler returned Friday
from Topokn, where sho has been tak
ing treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom OlIilF have gone ,
to Mexico, for tho benefit of Mrs.
Ollifl's hoalth.
Marion Coffey was taken down Sat
urday with what was called smallpox
in a very mild form.
Harry Flood, who has been on tho
sick list for sovoral weeks, was opera
ted upon Saturday for appendicitis.
Mrs. S. S. Lake received a messago
Thursday noon that her mother was
dangerously sick at Waterloo, la Sho
left that evening for hor bedside.
Manan Pile Remedy put up Incon
venient collapsible tubes with noz.fe
attachment so that the remedy may be
applied at the very seat of the trou
ble, thus relieving almost instantly
bleeding, itching or protruding piles.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money, re
funded. .Sold by Henry Cook's drug
E resting Itoms Gathered
Dur County Reporters
Carrol Noble wont to Kansas City
Walter Noblo purchased a new two
seated carriage last week.
Fay Arnoson shipped two car loads
of fat cattle to Kansas City.
Wheat is not looking as woll as
usual. Oats aro very backward.
Listing corn is progressing finely,
tho soil boing in good condition.
A number are tiyiug to have a Sab
bath school reorganized at No !.
Mrs. Lou Wondorly, who has boon
suffering from a fall, is getting hotter.
Mr. and Mrs. Wosly Womer visited
at tho homo of G. N. Hlankeiibnnker
Will Shidler was in Guide Rock
Eugeno Hmorton visited Alva Mef
ford Sunday.
Jesse Mell'ord took a trip to Esbon
Friday morning.
Mr. Miller and family were guests
of tiio Shidler family Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hampton and Miss
Lillian Jonos visited Mr. and Mrs.
Shippmau Sunday evening.
We wore mistaken about Mr. Keddou
going away with a show. A disap
pointment occurred which changed
his mind.
Grant Shidler bought a now riding
lister and ho tried it on some voiy
rough ground. Ho had not gotten
very far until ho found it had not had
very much training It throw him oil'
three times, and after tho third time
he took it back and told the dealer ho
wanted to exchange it for ono that had
been broken to ride.
Kesideuee: First door south of
lied Cloud .Mill, 101 South Webster
Can be found at homo every fore
noon. Terms reasonable.
A frlond of thn homo
A Too of tho Truut
Compiles with tho Pura Food Laws
of all States.
Way tho Great Italian Painter
Once Qottled a Bill.
Uaphnol, the g-cat Italian painter
whose celebrated Hlbllcal pictures are
worth fabulous sums of money, was
not a rich man when young. lie en
countered some of the vicissitudes of
life, like many auothoi genius. Once
when traveling he put up at an Inn
and remained there unable to get away
through lack of fluids to settle his
bill. The landlord grew suspicious
that such was the case, and Ills re
quests for a settlement grew more and
more pressing. Finally young Itaphael
In desperation resorted to the follow
ing device:
He carefully painted upon a table
top In his room a number of gold coins.
and, placing the table In a certain light
that gave a startling effect, he packed
his few belongings and summoned his
"There." ho exclaimed, with a lord
ly wave of his hand toward the table,
"Is enough to settle my bill and more.
Now kindly show the way to the door.''
The innkeeper, with many smiles and
bows, ushered his guest out and then
hastened back to gather up his gold.
Ills rag" and consternation when he
discovered the fraud knew no bounds
until a wealthy KuglMi traveler, recog
nizing the value of the art put hi the
work, gladly paid him f."0 for. the ta
Tho Way Uncle Sam's Officials Treat
Spurious Money.
Sometimes it doesn't pay to be con
scientious." said the man who hud a
scruple, but Inst It. "One tiny I found
a half dollar In my pocket -I don't
know how It got there which didn't
have 'sterling' written on If. Said I
to myself philosophically: Tncle Sam
Is a scrupulous fellow. He doesn't llko
bad money in particular. So he has
established a subtreasury where he ex
changes bad money for good money.'
I don't know why I thought this. I
suppose I must have read It some
where. When I had finished speaking. I
found myself looking Into the weather
beaten fare of Washington on the
steps of tho subtreasury. So I enter
ed. Hchlnd a cage I found a clerk.
"Here is a half dollar I think Is bad.
Please give me a good one for it." I
said meekly. The clerk took the coin,
carefully placed it on a die and
brought a mallet down on It with a
resounding blow. Then he tossed the
coin hack to me and continued to
count pennies. I looked at my coin
and swore then and there I would
never be soM'onselentlous again. The
face of Hbei ty was battered into a big
"C," which plainly meant counterfeit.
New York Thiios.
Will Makers' Whims.
The late T. Itevnu, one time M. 1'.
for (iravosond, who directed In his will
that his ImhI.v should be cremated and
"the ash residue ground to powder
and again burned and dissipated in the
air." Is one of many men (and womeni
who have made equally remarkable
arranu'cments for the disposal of their
mortal remains. An angler who died
recently directed that his ashes should
be carried In a bait can and scattered
from a boat over the surface of his fa
vorite stream. Mrs. Ernie Erle-Drax
directed that her body should be em
balmed and placed in a glass paneled
collln, for the reception of which a
circular mausoleum with stained glass
dome was to be built, while at his own
wish the body of one of the Lords
Newborough, after twelve months' in
terment, was exhumed and reburled
In Hurdsey Island, the reputed resting
place of 20,000 saints. Washington Ga
zette. A Dramatic Child.
When my son was two or three years
old he was seated hi his high chair at
the table eating corn batter cakes and
molasses, of which he was fond. Aft
er eating as many cakes as were good
for him he was told he could have no
more. Heaving a great slab, he took
the plate hi both hands and Hiked all
the molasses off. Then, looking stead
ily at the plate as he held It up before
him. he said seriously, "I ain't got no
more use for you." ami threw It back
oer his head to the Moor, where It
broke to pit s.-chlcago Tribune.
Russian Jurymen.
The most iuercillble stoiie-i have been
told of Husslau jurymen. Thus the
foreman of a Jury declared he would
not send a poor fellow to prison be
cause It happened to be his (the Jury
man's) birthday. Another jury hud
agreed upon a verdict of guilty when
the church bells began to ring. They
revised their verdict because a holi
day had begun. A burglar was allowed
to go free because the man whom he
had robbed had refused to lend him
money. This In the opinion or the Jury
was a direct incentive to crime.
Minister's Wife (to her husband)
Will you help me to put the drawing
room carpet down today, dear? The
room is beautifully clean. Minister
(vexutlously) Ah, well, I suppose I
will have to. Wife Anil don't forget.
John, dear, while you are doing it that
you aro u minister of tho gospel. Lon
don Tlt-lllts.
get good
None of that "fresh roasted loose
by the pound " store stuff from
nobody knows where, full of dust,
atmosphere and soiled hands, but
the real old, genuine egg and sugar
coated Arbuckles' ARIOSA
Coffee, which the folks keep in
the original package and grind ia
the kitchen.
That's Coffee I
" rTTHII llllHMi
Complies with all rcduirrmtnli tf the Nalioiul Pure
Pood Uw, Guarantee No. 20ft. f.ll at WaihJnaton.
Real Estate Transfers.
For the week ending Tuesday,
May II, furnished by the Fort Ab
stractCo.. L. M. Fort, Manager.
Charles W Kaley to Laura A
Whitaker, net 22-2-1I, wd ...$
Helen K Francis to Wilhclm Hus
king. n2 sw 2 1-!). wd
Peter Nelson to Wilhclm Hus
king, swl Hi-l-51, wd
Wilhclm II Husking to Wilhclm
Husking. w2 set .VIM), wd
Charles .1 1'latt to .lames l Han
sen, pt net '.'-I-II. wd
Alphan W Choat to Theodore
Schutt. set 1 1-Mi. wd sooo
Adelbert Uieck to Herman II
Trebold. net :2-l-12. wd
Wilhclm Husking to Wilhclm II
Husking, uw I H'.'-Mi, wd
Waldo F Crowcll to Ij A Glebe.
et al. lot 7 sec D. lot :t sec 10-1-
H. ami lot .1 blk s Vante'.s add
to Guide Hock, wd
L A Glebe to John S Kindsoher.
same, qod
1'atrick (Jilroy to (Jilroy.
c2 set and c2 net iS-'i-l'l. wd..
1H ll
S(l II
.'I m
.lames Current to Oscar I Mud-
grcn. lot 1 blk II Hlatlcn. wd l!oii
Albeit McCoy to I- II l-'eis. lot 1.1
blk IT Itladcn. wd
John W McCoy to Albert Me-
'oy. same, wd
Kli.ahcth Sanson to John Street,
lots i;i and II blk II. Smith
.Moore's add to l!ed Cloud, wd i:;n
Clarence H ICizer to Warren V
Heal, lots l. -.' and :s. blk :.
UadcliiV'sadd to Itcd Clou.l.wd
Hubert Garrison to Waldo F
Crowcll. iinilv half lot II. blk
li. Vance's add to G H. wd....
Frank Win-Ian to Joseph Lukor.
lots 7 and s. hlk :i. Spence'.s Vd
add to HIadeii, wd
Frank Kotinck to Mary Kotinck.
swl l-l-Dwd
( !l
Total 01201
Mortgages tiled. SI 2000.
Mortgages released, S.V.170.
Two days' treatment free. Uing'
Dyspepsia Tablets for impaired inges
tion, impure breath, perfect assimila
tion of food, increased appetite. Do
not fail to avail yourself of the above
offer. Sold by llcnrv Cook.
Notice of Application for .Saloon License.
Notli't' Is IiitiIj cIvimi Unit lli'iirj Thfwuti Iias
lilcil In i lt Hillcc nt tlu county Ut ik or A'ul.
Mi'rCinnit. Nclirnikii, this l.Mh day uf Mm
A.I) limT. Ills tii'tlllon -Imiert In the reiiiirol
manlier of ro-ictciit f rcetiotileis of Oak Ocelc
precinct. Web-lei email) Nebraska. irajllin
fnr a nilooii license to he uninieil I) me hoiinl
ot coniiiihsiniiers' of sniil cniintv. iniiliorllm;
tlic sale uf malt. silrlunis anil vinous 1 jiioi s on
lot eleen (ID. Inofk luehe ii:i). In lliu town of
Itoseniniit, Welisler count), Nebraska, for n
jierloil ot one ear Imm ami after .inlv I. Hire.
lleniliiK of mid itiiliciitioii will be lield at liie
niectliiK ol'tlie boaul of county conimlM-loneri,
lo be liclil on TneMlay. .lime I. ltHIT. or ut the
llrst nieetniK thereafter
liin.ij.'il I.m: Di-.toin, I'oiuity Clerk-
Just Received, a Car of
- -AT
You can save money by
taking 500 pounds of him.
ftj yi Back to the farm I
AlW That's where you
, ,a .. w - .. ... . - . - Ti'.)-fartd.)nrri 1M1 nW-rn.iYirnrrVi - - --"- -a -..