, M446--tfr-6--t-r LC ALETTES Thk Chiki' is 81 a yoiir. Mrs. Fountain is visiting in Superior. Mrs. Rogart is visting in Moulder, Oilo. Dr. K. A.' Thomas, Dentist, Damorell block. For Sale -'I'hiee good brood mares. V,'. V. Heal 21 Mrs. Oscar Hughes went to Hastings Wednesday. K T. MtlMintoek left Wednesday for Momer. Mieli. fie ii 1'. Hanks was down from Cathcr ton precinct Monday. C. II. Miner took six ears of cattle le Kansas City Monday. Ask .John (!rans how he likes the iirw eooks ftoin St. Joe. .1. I) (Vans w:is in St. .loe the first the week on a business trip. . 1.. Cotting has a neat flashlight irn in front of his drug store. Coscoo Weesner and Vail Vox made a trip to Lebanon last Sunday. .Jay I'ope is acting as county judge in the aliMMiee of Judge Hdson. Mr. and Mrs. John McCune were lown from Mludcu Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Coulsou of Walnut (Jre.ek were in Ueil Cloud yesterday. Ncwhouve llros. have just received a row line of mantel and alarm clocks. Alfalfa seed for sale by W. II. Rosen- cran.s, at IMatt's lumber yard. IStf Joe Itlair was shaking hands with .ttt'd Cloud friends the tirst of the week. Mrs. J. M. Carnahan of Riverton tvhs shopping in Red Cloud Wednes day. A band of strolling "dago" musicians Wircoursed music on the streets Thurs day. Mrs, II. J. Wehrley of Littleton, Col., is visiting with her sister, Mrs. S. W. Foe. Mr. and Mrs. John O. Potter returned Tuesday evening from a visit in Lin coln. Mrs. Elizabeth Uunchcy and Mrs. .st arlcey have returned to Sheridan, Vfyo. Frank Ziejieek of McCook is the new -engineer on the switch engine at this point. s A.H. Carpenter went outto Imperial 'Tne.sday evening with a party of land - 'tkerb. J. W. Auld went to Hastidgs Tues day night to attend a meeting of hankers. Read the new serial story, "A Maker of History," which is begun in this issue. , See the clown and the trick mule with the V. W. Hall parade at Hed Cloud May 25. Don't fail to see the sixteen Shetland ponies with the V. W. Hall Shows at lied Cloud, May 2ft. Mrs. J. K. llrown and mother left yesterday morning for the hitter's home in York, Neb. Sherwood Albright of Norton, Kan., nas in town the tirst of the week on Jiis way home from Lincoln. Henry Thewes has filed an applica tion with the county clerk for a permit to run a saloon at Roseinont. Mrs. J. S. (iilham and Miss Cora Tul leys went to Naponee Saturday Vi visit Mr. and Mrs. Ed Oillard. I). II. Whitaker and I). L. llroat are in Fremont this week attending the state encampment of the li. A. U. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Abel of Hebron pent Sunday in Red ('loud with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1). M. Abel. Wanted I'M rst cook and dining room l.oy or girl at the lion M'on bakery ;md restaurant. W. S. Reuse, Prop. Mis, Frank Henderson and two children, of Fort Collins, Col., are visiting with her brother. Homer Mor gan. So far as tin' weather is any indica tion, tin winter Chautauqua cour.se might as well have been begun this week. Andrew Knutson, who was severely injured by being kicked by a colt a few weeks ago, was over from Kansas Monday. Mrs. Anna Tiilliws returned M'liurs- V. W. Hall's United Wagon Shows, which showed here two years ago, are billed to appear again next Satur day, May 25. Whenever you get hungry drop into Will Latta's short order house, just north of Spokelleld's. Everything new and up to date. Wo donM. want our farmer friends to think Unit we had forgotten about the hitchracks, for we are still very much interested in them. Mrs. J. T. Robinson, who has been visiting at the homes of A. It. Sellars ami .loe r-ogol, has returned to nor home in Moulder, Colo. Will Wolfe, Henry (iilham. SherilV Hedge anil Frank llulVer went to Omaha Monday morning to attend the A. (). D. W. Urand lodge. I'M it or ICarl Spenei of Hidden was in Red Cloud Monday morning on his way home from Franklin, where hi' ac companied a party of friends. F. Xeivhouse went to Hastings Sat urday noon, and from their went on to Fremont to attend the annual encamp ment of the Nebraska (!. A. R. William L. Lambert anil Miss llelle Martin, both of Riverton, were married Wednesday by Rev. A. A. Cressiuan, pastor of the Congregational church. All the arrangements are about completed for the removal of the stock of the Mitchell Jewelry Co. into the room with C. L. Cutting's drug store. Of all the fruits there are in the land. MMmt grow on bush or tree, 1 would give up the choicest ones For llollister's Rocky Mountain M'ea. C. L. Cotting. Not the biggest, but the best lift cent circus in the country will exhibit at Red Cloud Saturday, May 25, afternoon and evening. Admission, 25 and 3ft cents. For Sale Ten thoroughbred Here ford bulls, 2 years old, good color t well marked. Will sell reasonable. 1 mile cast of Riverton. Mrs. J. M. Car nahan. He in town early circus day to see the parade and witness the perform ance. Guaranteed to give satisfaction. The F. W. Hall Shows, at Red Cloud May 25. The contract for drawing the plans and supervising the construction of the new First Ward school building has been let to J. II Craddock, a Lincoln architect. Vine Salve Carbolizcd acts like a poultice; highly antiseptic, extensively used for Eczema, chapped hands and lips, cuts, burns. Sold by Henry Cook's drug store. Superintendent llyrum of Lincoln arriued in Red Cloud last evening in his private car and left again this morning. We did not learn the object of his visit. Ilnrrp Michaels left yesterday morn ing for a visit at his old home in Elk hart, Ind., and nearby points. This is his first trip to the old homo in twenty three years. The W. K. C. and G. A. R. cordially invite the public to attend the memor ial exercises at the opera house Sunday, May 20. Also the Decoration day ex ercises May .'10. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Zeiss returned Monday morning from Colorado, where they went for the benefit of Mrs. Zeiss' health. The altitude was too high for her, however, and they returned home. Mrs. Sanson has sold her residence property in the east part of town and will remove to llcatrice, where she will make her home with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rife. A car of sacked oil meal in the Ilurl iugtou freight yards caught fire Wed nesday afternoon. Charles Ether ton discovered it in time Ui extinguish it before any considerable damage was done. Mrs. O. W. Heard, wire of the now switchman in yards here, is expected to arrive from McCook today or tomor row. They will occupy the Tony Clark residence, in the south end of town. Dr. E. A. Thomas will leave Mon day to attend the meeting of the State Dental Society in Lincoln. Mrs. MMioinas will visit friends in the east ern part of the state during his ab sence. . Win. l'arkes, Si., returned homo Monday evening from an extended visit in Des Moines and Council HluJVs, linking its home in the court house park. If the dogs can be kept iiwaj from the little pets there will soon be quite a colony of them. I Artists have no trouble in securing models. The famous beauties have discarded corsets and have become models in face and form since taking llollister's Rocky Mountain M'ea. .'15 cents, tea or tablets. C. L. Cotting. C. T. Mowers, superintendent of the Sunday school at the state peniten tiary at Lincoln, stopped oft' in Red (Moud Sunday. He made a splendid i talk to the Sunday school of the. Congregational church in the morning. The deal whereby V. It. Fulton ami his brother Willis, of Riverton. were to take charge of the MeFarlaiul grocery Wednesday has fallen through. I It is understood the Fulton brothers will start another grocery store in Red , Cloud. Miss Folsburv, who was last week elected principal of the Red Cloud high ' school, has declined the position, she having been elected to another school ' principalship the day before the Red Cloud board took action on her iippli-J cation. Mrs. Sarah Waggoner of Fort Madi son. la., and Mrs. Leon Lemaire of Miirlington. la., are visiting at the homeof their brother, E. I Overman. M'hev were called here by the serious illness of their mother, Mrs. Martha Overman. A. C. Slaby has sold his hotel busi ness at Riverton and will ret urn to Red (Moud to live as soon as he can get a house. M'he hotel business was a pav ing investment, hut ho was unable to secure sufficient help and was compel led to give it up. Sparks from an engine set fire to the roof of the Miirlington roundhouse M'uesday afternoon and burned quite a hole in it before it was extinguished. M'he fire department was called out and assisted the railroad boys in put ting out the Humes. It's too bad to see people who go from day to day suffering from phys-, ical weakness when llollister's Rocky Mountain Tea would make them well. M'he greatest tonic known. lift cents, tea or tablets. C. L. Cotting. MMie Junior Whist Club entertained the Seniors at Potter's hall Wednesday evening. Cards were played until 10 o'clock, when a luncheon was served, following which the guests and enter tainers indulged in dancing until a late hour. All report a good time. It is held by the Supreme Court that it is not prejudicial for either jurors or witnesses to taste liquors introduced in evidence to ascertain if they are in toxicating. Now look out for a grand rush to get on the jury when r there are cases of illegal liquor selling to be tried. It is really amusing to see the number of people in Red Cloud who have a superstitious fear of the hypno tist who was giving exhibitions at the opera house. Small boys hide out as if they feared Old Nick himself was after them, and some grown people are equally as badly scared. A certain lady in Red Cloud who has always been noted for her extreme piety has evidently had her faith shak en of late. Monday evening, while hugging the base burner, she turned to her husband and seriously tusked this question: "Henry, do you really be lieve the devil makes the weather?" Miss Kal mirth of New York city, who has been visiting her cousin, Dr. J. W. Moranville, for the past few days, left M'uesday for a visit with her parents at Dodge City, Kan., where she has been called to look after her extensive land interests. She expects to return to Red Cloud in the near future. It is rumored that there is soon to be an important change in the manner of running trains on the west end of this division. It is said that No. 15 will run through to Denver, and that No. 10, instead of being made up at Oxford, will run through from Denver. Some changes in the time card are also contemplated. 3 I 5 Webster Don't forget the Numb "WV? Spring Hats We've a Hal that was made for YOU as truly "as it you were measured for it a Hal exactly suited to your build and the contour of your face. From the staid, sedate shaped to the snappy extremes, there's there's not a Hat but bears the stamp of style and newness. HATS AT $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, to $5 J We have exclusive Hats. You can't buy them in any olher store in town. I Men's and Young Men's Spring Suits in all the new models and shades. See our Shoe and Shirt Line before buying ThelCowden-Kaley Clothing Co. ALWAYS RELIABLE 3 1 5 Webster St. Red Cloud, Nebraska Mrs. Mary Arncson returned from Walnut creek this morning. She has been company for her son's wife, Mrs. V. L. Ameson, while her husband went to Kansas City with two carloads of fat cattle. She also visited her daugh ter, Mrs. John Sutton, and Mrs. Frank Mlankeubaker. Will vou attend the State Sunday Convention at Hastings, June 18, 10, 20? Every Sunday school is entitled to one delegate for every 100 scholars or fraction thereof. Every pastor and superintendent are ex-olllco members. Webster county voted as its county convention to send 100 delegates. He sure your school is represented. District Clerk Oeorge Hutchison has received word that the state has been rcdistrictcd and and that hereafter Webster county's insane patients will I be sent to the asylum at Hasting. M'he last legislature did away with i the practice of confining only the in curables in that institution, and it is now open to patients of all degree. Why is it that people will insist on bringing crying babies to church, to disturb the entire Sonic mothers, when drunk man walks up to you and "swats" you on the jaw sufficiently hard to fracture it, all you need to do is to learn where your assailant got his "booze" then sue the saloon keeper or his bondsmen, A letter from Fred Spence, who is now connected with the Hitchcock County Abstract Company, atU'renton, Neb., says their office building was destroyed by fire on Wednesday even ing of last week. Fortunately the books and papess were savcdaml the company now has Its offices comfort ably located in the court house. A remarkable circumstance in connection with the fire was that Fred was 'sleep ing within a half a block of the burn ing building, yet ho knew nothing of the fire until the next morning. As (isolation of the street sprinkling problem, City Clerk Fort suggests that it would bo a good a good idea for the city to buy the sprinkling outfit and a team, and hire a man by the month to do the work. M'hcn when the team was uotjboing used on the sprinkler it could be used on street work. M'o cover the cost, let"un oc- congregation'.' i cupation tax be levied upon the mm- they see that chants. M'his would compel all mer- will make no ell'ort and sit serenely through the service, regardless of the I .Ml. ...1., f...l i( Hut Im 1 ii tw.i. of flu Mini. S. M. Newmeyer has sold the plant rregation. or tins liiiiile Rock News Letter to their babies aie disturbing the meet- chants to pay alike, and not let the ing, will take their children outdoors I burden fall upon a few, as has" always until thev become (inlet, but others been the case heretofore. day morning from an extended visit la., and Lincoln, Neb. lie was ac with her daughter, Mrs. Ed Oillard, in eoinpanied home by his cousin, 'Miss Naponee. Mrs. Liz.le Fox returned to her lioine in M'able Rock this morning after a visit with her mother, Mrs. Will jirkes, Jr. W. C. Cox went up to Friend, Nehr., 1he first of the week, where he has the contract for wiring for the new electric light plant. Harry Vaughn of the Signal, and will remove to another location in the northern part of the state. Wo believe this to be a wise move on the part of Mr. Newmeyer, as the newspaper busi ness was as badly overdone in Ouide Rock us it is in Red Cloud. Laura M'isslngUm. If you like i good story one that is of the "hair-raising" kind, and which will hold your attention from start to finish read "A Maker of History," which is begun in this issue. It is intensely interesting. There has been an increase in the ' family of squirrels which has been ' CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought &&&!& Boars tho Signature" Judge and Mrs. I. W. Edson left Monday morning for a trip east which will undoubtedly prove an enjoyable one. During their absence they will visit the Jamestown exposition. M'hev will also attend the national Haptist convention at Washington, I). C, as well as the general Maptistconvcntion, to both of which meetings they are j delegates representing the state of Nebraska. M'he Supreme Court of the State of Nebraska has recently handed down a decision in which it is held that a saloon keeper is liable for damages in flicted by a person who becomes intox icated iu his saloon. Therefore, if a Frank Ziejieek, engineer of tho switch engine, had a narrow escape Wednesday afternoon. He ran the engine up to tho water tank to take water, and was standing ou'the tender of the enginu in order to lower the feed pipe from the tank. iVhon ho lowered tho pipe he failed to "get in the clear" quick enough and' tho powerful stream of water struck him to tho ground. Ho was so badly stunned he could not get up, and the water was pouring dowu4upou him at a rate that bid fair to drown him, when Raymond I'almer saw his pre dicament and went to his assistance. Dade's Little Liver Pills thoroughly clean'tho system, good for la.y livers, makes clear complexions, bright eyes and happy thoughts. Sold by Ilenry Cook's drug store.