The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 17, 1907, Image 2

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    1 I
Inter ! tha roitomcA at Red Cloud, Keb ,
m Second Glut Malttr.
Pawl 0. Phaijm
Qiii Kewioobr
Charter of People's Ice, Storage and
Fuel Company Revoked for Violat
ing Missouri Anti-TruBt Law De
fendants Assessed Costs of Trial.
Kansas City, May 15. Walter A.
Powell, Judge of the circuit court at
Independence, Mo., lined the following
named companies, recently found
guilty of maintaining a trust to regu
late tlio production and price of Jce
at Kaunas City: People's Ice, Storago
und Fuel company, $15,000; Central
Ice company ?8,000; Kansas City
liiuwci'ioH company, $5,000; Vnndor-wlyco-Lynds
Ice company, $4,500.
Uesido being fined the charter of
the People's Ice, Storago and Fuel
company was revoked and the con
cern prohibited from doing business In
the state. This Is one of the largest
companies in the city. The Inst named
three companies were ordered to quit
furnishing Ico to the People's com
pany, and the Pcople'H company was
restrained from receiving' any more
ice from them In fulfillment, of exist
ing contracts. The costs of the trial
were assessed equally upon the four
defendants. If the Ceuttal, Kansas
City and Vandcrslyce-Lynds compan
ies fall to pay their lines and other
wise comply with the orders of tho
court within fifteen days their chart
ers are also to bo forfeited.
In urging the court to assess heavy
punishment, Prosecutor Klmbrell said
the punishment should not only be for
past offenses, but should also bo a
warning to these and other companies
in tho future. In view of the largo
0 mount or profits that, he asserted,
the People's company had Illegally
taken from the public during the ex
istence of the trust, ho urged that
that company be lined $25,000. Tho
People's company, argued Mr. Klm
brell, -"could pay a line of $25,000
every year and continue to do bus!-,
iioss without feeling the loss. This
company can never do business legal
ly. It was conceived In sin and born
in iniquity."
Worst Day of Violence Since First
Clash In 'Frisco Labor War.
San Francisco, May 15. This was
the worst day or violence In the street
tar strike since the Turk street bat
tle. Stones (lew on Mission street,
from Fifth to Twenty-fourth, a dis
tance of about three miles. Though
nearly 100 policemen, few of them
mounted, wero Btatloned along Mis
aion street, violence was not prevented
mid comparatively few arrests wero
made. Several passengers were as
saulted by tho crowds, numerous
fctrlke breakers wero struck, panes of
glass wero smashed and persons
alighting from cars were chased, and
In some instances knocked down and
Mayor Schmltr. and tho committee
of fifty spent the day in persistent ef
Jort to formulate some definite plan
that will make for Industrial peace
and the restoration of normal commer
cial activity, but without success.
Governor (Illicit decided to make
his headquarters in this city Indefi
nitely for the purpose or giving tho
Bltuatlon his personal observation.
Steam Shovel Workers Demand $300
d- mm,
Panama, May 15. Tho strike of
tho steam shovel workers, which bo-
HUH .mJiiiui. , nu "ii-u in-HumuiiiK diiu
I 1 1 1..... 1 .i,.rv
per inontli Instead of their present I
biliary of $210, continuus. Only eight
bteani shovels nio at work.
"(filritwkl riri 1l fl lu tllk lit t it rtrtrrl.
neer, is endeavoring to replace tho " "t "1S'''! tfi palace, lhe mis
fetiikers with mechanics now om- tna of the robes, carrlng a Iiuko
)loyed In tho shops, and it Is reported ' Rllv,,i' '. "In wlll(l1 wna 1'MB u,
tlmt he has sent a cnblemam to Jack- ily born royal baby, accompanied
Vllliflivi viui'iiimni viiv vtiii viij-,1- i
son Smith the member of the canai
ton hill n, ne mcniiiii 01 uio canai
commission n charge of labor, to con-
tract for engineers In tho United
Tho steam shovelers on strlko will
go over to Colon and It is reported
that they' have chartered a German
tramp steamer to convey them north.
Sixty Firemen Overcome by Smoke.
New York. May 15. Sixty firemen
building, at 3-o Bionihn. More
than a score or the men were taken
to hospitals, where sixteen or them
remain. The flro originated In tho
sub-basenwiit, which j.vas filled with
desks packed in excelsior, oil and car
bon paper. These throw off great
clouds of choking smoke, which made
It Impossible for the men to roach
the scat of tho flro.
Kansas Crop Conditions Improving.
Topeka, May 15. F. D. Cobum, sec
retary of the state board or agricul
ture, Is receiving many letters rrom
men throughout the wheat holt or
Kansas saying that the condition of
the wheat is improved compared with
tho llrflt of the month, when Mr. Co
burn Issued his spring crop report.
Fire in Indiana Village,
Marlon, Ind May IS. Information
reached here that the village or Corey
ville. south or here, was swept by
fire, causing a loss of $75,000. Several
buildings wero destroyed. No loss of
Hie Is reported. It Is believed the
fire was Htartcd by Incendiaries.
T?flY TQ TOY Oil1 P A TN
ic nnoM ax MAnmn.
Twenty-One Guns Fired and Royal ,
Standard Raised-King Pardons I
Thousands of Prisoners, Including
Eight Persons Condemned to Death. t00 acres, less than the area of winter
Madrid, May ll.-Tho dtiect male hC!tt reported as harvested last year,
succession to tho throne or Spain was TT,T1irr, -.,, ,T,,Tv ,,,r.
assured by the birth or a son toiEWS OF NEBRASKA.
Queen Victoria. The news thrilled tho
country, and tho happy event Is be- ' Horse
ing celebrated from Gibraltar to ho i4.-Georgo W.
Pyrenees. Queen Victoria and her ; W 'a ianner resl(11 Clbt of
son are both doing well. . ; Tnrat was ,,cI0d , lhe head by
The hurried departure of royal mes
scngers from tho palace at 10 a. in. to ,
summon courtiers and the members of
tho diplomatic corps gave tho first In
dication that the birth was Imminent.
The usual gathering outsldo the pal
ace was soon swelled by Immense
throngs, who watched the brilliantly
uniformed personages drive up to tho
royal residence.
The crowd awaited In suspense un-
til nearly 1 o'clock, when the thunder
of the first cannon shot signified that
tho royal accouchement was over.
Tho reports wore counted anxiously ;
until the fifteenth, and 'then it com-
plete silence ensued. Tho seconds i
appeared as hours until the sixteenth
shot boomed and the continuation un-
til twenty one Inhumed thu public
that the royal child was a son. The
HlMienth rcnoit brought lorlh a ring-
lg cheer and at the saino time the
oal standaid was hoisted over tho
palace The people danced with Joy
anil embraced each outlier, shouting'
' "1 fill i- llvn lhr l.hi;"'" "l.iiiiir llvo till!
' - n o
' ,,,,,,im'"
Court Ceremonies Observed.
In the meanwhile the solemn cere
ninny of presentation was being car
''K Alfom-.i and I'remler Maura.
' . . nilllM.iinilli1(ir ,vllul0
"PP'uiui 111 1110 aim -c iiiiiiiik r, iiliu
t""" ''""tiers Im.l assembled.
I MM111 t-niiii, ninwnrail full
M'lio viiiUM' ninniii'cli n linen roil full
or joy as the premier, raising the
diapery which coveied the Infant on
the silver tiny, said: "Gentlemen, it
is a prince."
Tho solemn dignitaries theiPiipon
forgot nil etiquette and choeied both
the king and the queen.
ne VV;S rraina
co,R,aUl,ntonB ,,RUI, , como ,n
King Alfonso telegiaphed the good
V '
?'aseJ5L saiw
.v:.3&r -& &
Jmx ..17
fm:w J2T
f SM'.H
v . .nH'iKWm i
Ml O
( i f.HiV
I l 0 '
Decrees wpic Issued ordering a na-' proprlntion providing lor their pay
tlonnl holiday throughout Spain lor n,eL"
today, tomorrow and Monday. I ,-,,nfc,,eu - i ie-r
The cabinet later presented to King FA,L T0 FURNISH FREE LIST
Alfonso for his signature decrees Nebraska Railroads Not Obeying Law
muiHn.'i i ink i jiu line oi nun prcsump-
tivo from Prince Charles of Bourbon
to tho now born prince. It has been
decided that the baptism shall occur
Tuesday noon. In court circles it is
desired to name tho baby Carlos, but
the matter of his appellation has not
yet been definitely decided.
King Alfonso, In honor of the event,
decreed the pnrdon of thousands of
prisoners. Including eight poisons who
weto condemned to death.
Nine Points Over Ten-Year Mean '
Shown for Grain In May. I
Washington, May 11. Tho olllclal
crop report. Issued by the department
of agriculture, covering the period up
to May 1, 1907, was as follows: Win
ter wheat, condition 82.0; area remain
ing under cultivation 2S,1.J2,000 acres;
winter rye, condition 88; meadow
mowing lands, 8.1.0; spring pastures,
(condition 79.0; spring ploughing, eon-
templnlccl. 71.5; spring planting. 47
1 W t,-'Ilt nctually done up to May 1.
Tho area of winter wheat remain-
ing In cultivation on May 1 Is 11.2 per
tont. or al,n,,t 3.33.nn acres ess
tlmn Mio nrrn rnnnrtml ns Mown Inst.
than the area reported as sown last
fall, and 5 ner cent, or about 1.408.-
Snow In Vcstcrn Nebraska.
Alliance, Nob., May 14. The mer
cury dropped to below freezing. A
light rain turned to snow and covered
tho ground. Snow has fallen as far
west as Edgemont.
Nebraska Couple Murdered.
Tekiuimh Neb.. Mav 14. Walter F.
Co,inle aml wifo Wero murdered at
tho,r ,,omo on a farm tweive miles
northwcsl of Decatur. Hert Phillips,
thu hire(, man canil0t be fomul ami
a muo wa8 lukon from tho batn
Bolt of Lightning Kills.
Crofton, Neb., May 1 1. Mrs. Ger
trude Keith, traveling with Dr. Frank
lin'? Medicine company, was instant
ly killed by lightning at the home of
D. C. Laird. Mrs. Laird was paralyzQd
by the holt. Tho Keith's home is at
Norfolk, Neb.
Ncbraslcan Is Wed in Jail.
Evansville, Ind.. May 13. August
Michnick, a wealthy fanner and nier
client of Courtland, Neb., was mar
ried in the county jail hero to Garnet
Lancaster. The bride Is under nrrest
by the federal officers, charged with
conducting an international take mar
riage bureau.
Farmer Is Burned to Death.
Walino, Neb., May 1!!. Wenoel
Slmodynies. a wealthy fanner resid
ing about four miles north of Wahoo,
was burned to death In his home. The
'csldenco was burned to the ground
i and his charred body tound In the
; ruins. He was at home alone at the
time or tin tire, which Is supposed to
hae started from a defective Hue.
Woman Burned to
Red Cloud, Neb., May 111. Mrs. Tilt
tan, an ng"d woman living a few miles
In the sountry northwest of this place.
was burned to death. She was burn
ing coin husks In a draw not far from
the house when her clothing caught
fire anil before assistance could reach
her she was so badly burned that
death lollowed a few hours later.
Russians Guests of Bryan.
Lincoln, May V,. M. Aladdin and
M. Tc huykovhlsy, foimer leaders ol the
(iioup of Toll party in the lower
hoiifee of the Husslan pailiament, will
be the guests of Wlliam Jennings
liryan Iji Lincoln a pait of the pies
cut weelc. They will aulve Wednes
day, accord i
Mr. Hryau. a
day, accord in to advice.-, lecejvecl ny
nd will speak at tho Unl-
erslty of Nebiaska.
Sllvertliorne a Suicide.
Kearney. Xeh., May 1 L It. A. Sil
ver! borne, a Los Angeles business
man, committed suicide here by shoot
ing hlnisell in tho temple. With his
aged mother, he was visiting at tho
home of a cousin, Fred Nyo. Mr.
Nye says Sllverthorne was In appar
ent good henllh and spirits, but hail
" '' ' Mmuest.e 1. ,..w. ..-.. .
In a separation Irom his wilo and a
,,Ivk ,,,,.,.,,,,, .,.,,.,,..
dlMsiou ot the p.opcit.
- -
told him of domestic trouble, resulting
No Warrants for Wolf Bounties,
- Wahoo, Xb , May UL Nine coyotes
weie kllleil south of Wahoo last week
i'l claims for bounty filed with the
comity clerk. Upon Inquiry the conn
ty clerk received the following notice
fnnn the stale auditor: "Relative to
tno payment 01 noiiniy on woivi-h. u
dho to advlso-you that this depa,,
agallb:l this fund, as theio Is no ap-
Regarding Names of Passholders.
Lincoln, May 11. Chairman Win-
n "f l'I(' sln, railway commission
w"u TllI,t '" iniirooiiH were noi oney-
Ing the law tcqttlrlng the names of
persons to whom passes had been is
sued. The Jaw jjiovides that the com
mission be furnished each month the
nam's of all passholders, whether the
passes be annuals or trip transporta
tion The toads thus far have report
ed only such transportation as was
supplied in the month of April. Chair
man Wlnnett told General Agent Mc-
Ginness or tho Northwestern that his
icpoit was not satisfactory, and other
roads were equally deficient. Street
car companies were notified to fur
nish their free list.
Such Is Report of Omaha, Milwaukee
and Chicago Men Who Made Trip.
Omaha, May 14. Forty grain men
of Onuilin. Milwaukee and Chicago
have returned rrom their excursion
through the wheat fields of Nebraska
and Kansas, where they went last Sat
urday Tor personal Inspection of crop
conditions. Tho exclusion wns under
tho direction of N. P. Updike or the
Updike Grain company, who said:
"Our party made a thorough inspec
tion or the fields in southern and
northern Kansas and arter a vole
taken on the train it was the consen-.
mis of opinion that the winter wheat
crop In the counties visited In Kan-'
sns would not be more than 53 per
cent or the aveiage crop. The wheat
has been badly damaged by green
bugs and dry and cold Weather, and if
rain is not had soon the crop may not
be more than 23 per cent."
Green bugs were snld to be in every field In southern Nebrnska,
having come from the Kansas fields,
but had inflicted no damage.
Mrs. George Wilson of Vesta, Neb., J
Covered With Burning Gasoline.
Tecumseh, Neb., May 15. Mrs. Wil I
son. wire of George Wilson, was fatal-1
ly burned at the family home in Vesta.
She died at 3 a. in. A can of gaso ,
line, which wns back of tho kitchen
stove, bocnino heated and exploded
throwing the burning oil over her
She ran Into the yard, where her bus
band put out tho fire with a few
buckets of water. Mrs. Wilson was
the daughter or Lew Kaley of Wiley '
and was about twenty-eight years of
II... l....-.1.n...l les n l,lA)iill(l1lt fll !
Lone Talesman Qualifies In Haywood
Trial at Boise.
Uolse, Ida., May 14. Only a frag
ment of the day was given over to
actual work in the Ha.vwood trial and
the lone step torwaid was the quali
fication of a single talesman, who
seems marked for peremptory dial
lenge later. The rest of the time went
to tho talesmen of the special venire
and the reasons that made It Impossi
ble for them to serve 1 lie state at this
time Judge Wood, called the case
and at once gave attention to the 1U0
men summoned by Sheriff Hodgln In
the special venire Issued on Thuisday
last. The couit asked those who had
special excuses to offer to come for
ward, and up surged a little mob of
thirty-five. Seven of them were sick
and five of them were the husbands of
sick wives. Some presented crisp look
ing certificates from doctors, others of
fered their quaking bodies as visible
evidence, the lest pleaded earnestly.
Twentv-four of the pleaders weio ex
cused and the other eleven returned
to the panel either temporarily or per
manently leaving the total at seventy
six. Corey Weds Mios Gilman.
New York, May 1 L William Ellis
Corey, president or the United States
Steei comporotloii. and Mabelle E.
Gilman were niaiiled at the Hotel
Gotham this morning at 1:21.
beautifully illutialed,gooclttonVf
and atiiclei about CalJoinia
and all die far Wcit.
a monthly publication devoted
to the farming ialeretU oi the
a year
a year
a book of 75 pages, contailiine
120 colored phologriphi of $0.75
picturesque ipoW in CaUornia
and Oregon. 40 7r
Total . . . $Z.3
All for. ...... . $1.50
Cut out this advertisement
and send with $1.50 to
Kemps Balsam
Will stop any coiifln Hint
can be stopped by any
medicine and cure counUs
that cannot be cured by any
olbcr medicine.
It Is always the bc&t
cough cure. You cannot
nllord to take chances on
any other hind.
cou(hst colds, bronchitis,
grip, asthma and consump
tion In first stajjes.
It does not contain alco
hol, opium, morphine, or
any other narcotic, poison
ous or harmful drug.
New Wheat Lands
in ih. Canadian West
5nnn additional
,UUU miles of
railway this year
have opened up a
largely increased
territory to thepro
grebsive farmers of
western Canada,
and the frtwern
mentof the Domin
ion continues to
give one hundred and sixty
acres free to every settler.
The Country Has
No Superior
Coal, wood and water In
abundance: churches and
schools convenient; mar
kets easy of access; taxes
low; climate the best in the
Northern temperate zone.
Grain-growing, mixed funn
ing and dairying arc the
great specialties.
For literature and Information
address the
Sopcrlntrndont of Immigration
Ottawa, Canada,
or the following: nuthorl7cd
Canadian Government Aucnt,
801 New York I.iro Hullilln
Oltiuliu, cb.
Trade Marks
Alljilur (.iTiiiiniH iicnvii iiiiiiu tiv-kui'imii fiii.j
quickly iisrort.iln our opinion fret) whether nn
Invention Is prohnlily lHtcnlnlilo. Communion
tloiiHBirlctlyoonihloiiiliil. HANDBOOK on I'atiute.
putfroo. C)lii'it iiL'Miry fur kucnrini; Pntcnta.
l'litutitfl tuicon tliroimli Jlnnn & Co. rccelvt
rprriat notice, without charKO, liitlio
Scientific flmcrkMn.
A handiomi'ly llliintrntnd wookly. I.rccst clr
dilution it any Hclouiltln journal. TcrniR. 13 u.
jronr: four montlit), f I. Sold byull nowmlonlcrK.
MUNN & Co.36,B",adway- New York
Braucb Office. U3j K bt., Wnshlnnton. I). C.
AB.vA.i.k .fimllnfi n a). aIaIi ilA.nlntlnn wi
Six Companies
800 policies represent
ing over $2,000,000 in
surance in Webster
county. Now is the
time to get in the
Band Wagon.
Insurance and Notary.
Telephones: Country, Xo. EG;
BU, No. 08.
For iftj&iiDANrr:
I against Firo. Lightning, Cy-
j clones and Windstorms, seo
I agent for tho Farmers Union Inanr
1 anco Co., Lincoln, Nob., tho best in
I suvance company intlie s-'to.
Morton L. Hill, of I.etJiinon Inil.. mj-s; "Mj
iTlfo Imd Inlliinuimtorv HlicnmntlMn in every
luusulo und joint; nor Milferiiu,' whr terrible
ami her bmly und faco were hwoIIimi nlmost tie
yond recoKiiliInu: hiul been In bed six w oeks
mid hud clglit !iylclnns, bat rpcclved no
bent'dt until nho tried tho My8tlc euro for
Rhuiimntlsm. It curu Immediate relict and
bhe whs ablo to wiiiit aliout In threo iIrvb. 1 am
I mire It Hived her life." Sold by Ii. 'K. Orlco.
lice's Laxative Cough Syrup contain
taining Honey ami Tar is especially
appropriate for children, mi opiates or
poihons of any character, conforms to
the provisions of tho National Pure
Food and Drug Law, .lunu :), num.
For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It
expels Coughs and Colds by gently
moving the bowels, (iuaranteed. Sold
1 by Henry Cook'b drug store.
,iZZWiX&&&aMw- - "?