The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 10, 1907, Image 7

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    jjt.wm mint
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"yNV '
Tribute to
Phonograph n pi
j greatly coveted It.
v chance of saving
i lie staked what lit-
I' .1 loft on ono piny and
. risk lie liinl run gave '
-lit tliat lie iiit the gam-
'.' I mid all.
liven John Philip Sousn, Jir i;ir,ii i. nlm.istrr, ho no -f f-i
Phonographs, has bcrn loicrd to rrcniz-- thr Pnonor.ipn a .1 foi
midablc competitor. I he two-strp king sas that people will no
longer go to concerts if they can have music in their own homes so
easily and so cheaply as they can with .the Phonograph. This is an
unwilling tribute, but it is nevertheless a tribute. The man who has
a Phonograph has a concert in his own house, liven a king could not
have more. At our store you can hear them any time.
The Victor Gramaphone.
The Victor Junior $14.20
The Victor Z 2 1 .20
The Victor No. 1 26.20
The Victor No. 2 34-20
The Victor No. 3 14.23
The Victor No. 4 54.20
The Victor No. 5 64.20
The Victor No. 6 104.20
1 mm Mm
I Vicron y J J J lv
"His Mscry Voice"
The above pi0 ices include 12 -in. records with each machine
The Edison Phonograph.
The Edison Gem Phonograph $10.00
The Edison Standard Phonograph 20.00
The Edison Home Phonograph 30.00
The Edison Triumph Phonogcaph 50.00
Records, 35c each; $4.20 per dozen.
Compare these prices with anyone's, and
remember we save yon t lie freight.
(Si I
Newhouse Brothers,
Jewelers and Opticians.
Burlington Watch Inspectors.
In a Communication to New York La-1
bor Union Chief Executive Incloses
Paragraph From Note Written to
Attorney General a Year Ago.
New York, May G. In a letter read (
before the Centrnl Federated union,
President Roosevelt states that if evi-.
dtneo U submitted to him .showing
that there has been a miscarriage of
Justice for or against Moer and Hay-(
wood, awaiting trial at Hoke, Ida.,
charged with the murder of former i
Governor Steunenberg, he will bring ,
such evidence to the attention of the
attorney general, for such action, If
any. as it may be in the power of tho
lederal authorities to take. I
The communication was the formal
reply of the president to tho union
committee which lecently called on
the president nnd requested him to
tot forth In goneinl his attitude toward
the accused men and spec Ideally why
lie had referred to Moyer and Hay
wood as "undesirable citizens."
Tho president's letter follows:
"My near Mr. Henry When you. in
company with Messrs. Coakley and
Drown, called upon me I read you tho
letter I had wiltten to tho attorney
general on March L'o. 19CIS. At your
request 1 gladly send you tho follow
ing extract' from the letter:
"'Our duty Is (If it should ever
happen that wo had any power In tho
matter) to sec that exact Justice Is
dono those men. There must bo no
condonation of lawlessness on our
part, e'von If the lawlessness takes tho
form or an effort to avenge the
wrongs committed by Oio lawlessness
of others. Tho sole question as re
gards Haywood and Mo.or must bo
tho question whether or not thoy can
bo shown to be guilty of this particu
lar act and their legal rights, must ho
nH cnrel'ully safeguarded as those of
any other man. It Is alleged that
thoy were extradited from Colorado in
n manner that nmounted to a betrayal
of their legal rights. I should like to
have tho district attorney of Colorado,
nnd, If necessary, tho district attorney
of Idaho, give mo such Information as
they can on this point. I should like
to "get from the district attorney of
Idaho any information that ho can
obtain as to whether or not there has
been the slightest disposition shown
by the authorities In Idnho to act to
ward these men In an unfair or im
proper manner, or to deny them their
legal rights.
" 'On tho other hand I should like
to know whether there is any symp
tom of a miscarriage of justice in
their favor. The Intemperate violence
with which the socialistic or labor pa
pers, like that of Debs and, 1 am sorry
to say, some labor organizations, havo
Insisted without any knowledge of tho
facts- upon treating these men as mar
tyrs to tho cause of labor has unques
tionably resulted in tremendous pres
sure being brought to bear upon tho
authorities of Idaho to discharge or
acquit them, whether guilty or Inno
cent. So far as the unions are anx
ious only to see that exact justice is
done these men; that they are given
their full legal lights and not con
demned unless proved guilty of thi3
specific act, they are entitled to tho
cordial co-operation of nil just and
inir-mindod r Itizens. So far as by any
action, or by murderous and tioason
able language, swh as that quoted
above from Debs and others, they
tend to bring pressure to b"fir upon
the state authorities and Hie eouits,
to obstruct the course of justice and
to render It dlillcult to convict tho
men If sullty. Is without stint to ho
condemned, and anything that the fed
i ei al authorities can do. in either event,
I to fnither the cause of justice, is to
he done.'
1 "In rcsponso to your question, it is,
, I trust, needless for me to say that
I If at any time you or any one else can
I submit to me nny evidence showing
' that there has been a miscarriage of
' Justice for or .against Messrs. Moyer
! or Haywood, which you believe It is In
my power to remedy, I will at onoo
, bring such evidence to the attention
I of the attorney general to have him
I give t the fullest consideration and to
take thereon such action, if any. there
may bo in tho power of tho federal
authorities to talte."
' Secretary of HortlculturalSoclety Be
lieves Some of the Buds Survive.
Des Moines, May. C Notwithstand
ing the succession of freezes since the
f I ult has been in blossom, Wesley
fircone, secretary of the State Horti
cultural society, believes that there is
a little ft nit left. Tills is bused on
the fact Hint similar freezes in 11)01
failed to 1:111 all the fruit. Secretary
Oriole said that all tho freezes and
snows of April did less damage than
tho cold weather of Saturday morning.
I It wns 20 degrees above at Des
Moines. 21 at Albia,fJS at Carroll, 21
at Hoone, IS at Iowa Kails and 2(1 at
Marshalltown. He believes that there
will not be more than enough cherries
( for the birds, but there will bo a lit
tle more apples and other fruit. After
all the cold weather Mr. Gieene was
able to find a lew blossoms that were
still alive.
Bill Confers Little Sclf-Governmcnt
Upon Ireland, but Unionists Regard
It as Step Toward Home Rule.
Redmond Leads In Fight. 1
I.oulou, May 8. The Irish council
hill, tho object of which Is to provide
for the establishment and functions
of an administrative council nt Dub
Uu, was Introduced in tho house of
commons by tho chief socrotnry for
Ireland, Mr. Hirroll, before an audi
ence which crowded every corner of
the noiue. ,
The measure confers 1 It t lo solfgor
eminent upon Ireland, merely giving
to tho council the control of the eight
departments now managed b. govern
ment boards. Tho council Is to be ap
pointed by tho crown and while tho
lord lieutenant of Ireland Is given
power to nullify Its measures, Un
crown retains contiol of ilvo of the
eight depart incuts, Including the con
stabulary. The control of this branch
always has been u thorn In the Uosli
of tho Irish people. i
Tills hallway measure Is wholly
pleasing to no political party. Tho
unionists regard It as a stop toward
homo rule. They object to giving
Ireland the management of ninny de
partments of local affairs while tho
Irish members of commons retain tho
right to legislate In similar affairs for
Hnglund and Scotlnud. Thoy oritlclsu
also tho plan of government as com
plicated and cumbersome. The rad
icals are disappointed that the meas
ure falls so short of actual home rule.
The Irish leaders, however, are
maintaining a diplomatic attitude until
they have time to study the provisions
of the bill and learn the sentiment
of tho people. I
A nationalist convention will bo
lifrld in Dublin soon to decide upon tho
Irish party policy. The ltihorllcs will
support the measure, because thoy arc
all home rulers.
The bill passed its Ilrst reading by
ill. votes to 121.
Alter tho bill had been presented
and explained by Mr. Hirroll it was
ridiculed by A. J. Halfour on behalf
of the opposition.
.I.)hn 13. Hoduioud then delivered n
brilliant speech, giving a dlgnlilod and
forceful exposition of Ireland's claims
for complete home rule.
. -
The Bluo Jay.
There Is it belief current among the
negroes In the south that the blue jay
visits the Infernal regions every Fri
day. This belief varies somewhat 111
different parts of the south. For In
stance, In South Carolina It Is sup
posed to bo carrying sticks for the
devil's tires, while In Mississippi and
Louisiana the bird is supposed lo re
port to bis satunle majesty the status
of his affairs on earth. New YOrk
Ttoisiifc Have Kidney
Trouble and'Neygr Suspect it
How To Flint Out.
Kill a bottle or coin nioiigltus with yvtir
water and let it stand twenty-four hours ;
tlingiiidicatcsaii unhealthy con
dilioti of the kid
neys; if it stains
your linen it is
evidence of kid
nev ttouldo ; too
frequent desire
to pass it or pain
in the- buck i
also convincing ptoof that the kidnoyo
nnd bladder ore out of older.
Wlint To l)o.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kiliuot's
Swamp-Root, the jjrosit kidney loiuedy,
fulfills ovorv wish in curing rheumatism,
pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder
and cverv ,ait of the miliary passage.
It corrects inability to hold water
nnd scalding pain in' passing it, .or bud
effects following use of liquor, wine or
beer, and ovct conies unpleasant ne
cessity of being compelled lo go often
during the dav, and to get up many
times dining tiie night. The mild and
the extraordinary effect of Swnnip-Root
is soon tealicd. It stands the highest
for its woiideiful cutcs of the most dis
ttessiug cases. If vou need a medicine
you should have the bcl. Sold by drug
gists in fifty-cent and one dollar sizes.
Vou mar have a sample bottle and n
book that tells all
about it, botlisoiil fice
by Uinil. Addicss Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Hing-
Maiulon, N. Y. When
writing mention this
make nuv mistake, but iciiieiiiber this
name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, ami
the address. Uingliamtoii, N. Y.
Ilomeof Swamp-Hoot,
paper and don't
in every style. Ca
tering to parties and
dances a specialty.
Fresh Bread, Pies,
Cakes, Candy and
The Bon Ton
W. S. BBNSE, Praprlcfr.
Injures Sheriff In Fight.
Albla, Ia May 2. Alter a hunt last
ing thirty-six hours, Frank Hnlston,
who Is charged with having assaulted
his sister, was captured after ho had
seriously hurt Sheriff W. H. Grillln.
When discovered Italston slashed the
shot iff with a razor, severing a lnrge
artery in ids left nrm. He was caught
by others of the posse.
Tho Incident That Cured the Great
I Pnganini of Gambling.
When Mcolo l'ngaiilii! was only flf
tren yt-nrs or age, it Is said, ho loft his
father's hoiwe and plunged into a reck
less life of dissipation and gambling.
At times bis Icmm-s at the gaining, table
even compelled hint to part with IiIk
i violin. This occurred .it Leghorn,
where he was billed for' ft concert. A
resident French merchant nnd ama
teur M. Llvron, hearing of his dilem
ma, loaned hlni a .loopli (Iiiarnerlus.
When I'aganlni went to return It after
the concert the eiithudastlc Frenchman
1 exclaimed. ".Never shall my hands pro
fane tho Instrument which yours havo
touched!" and presented the violin to
the virtuoso. This became Paganlnrs
, favorite violin and Is the one he left
j to the city of Cenoa, where ft Is exhlb
' Hod in tho municipal palace. The
threatened loss of this Instrument
cured him of gambling. According to
raganlnl himself, his moans had been
reduced at the gamliu: table to a few
francs, and he felt it he would bo
I obliged to accept a standing offer for
1 his much prized fitumjicrlus,. inside, to
Ho Probably Spoke.
"I say, Mr. Johnston," said little
Tommy, "are you fond of speaking?"
"Not very, Tommy," replied Mr.
Johnston, with a smile,
"You don't speak much';"
"'.Veil, ii -d n great deal."
"I th :! so," uald little Tommy,
"beeans i heard Sister Agues say -to
niauniia tuday that she had been wait
ing six mouths for you to speak."
Do You
Meat? .
When you two hungry r.nd
want Homothig nice in tho
meat line, drop into my
market. We hare tho nicest
kind of
and moats, fish, and game
in season. We think, nnd
almost know, that we can
pleaso you. Givo us u
Koon Bros.,
Successors to
Vii.aiviifcaaiiUfciaiiiUni(vJ(iiin"Vi(viiiiiiJii(Uii(ivivt i UUuiUiiiMiiUMbviu.ufciJiai';
Do you know that it will pay YOU, as
well as US, to buy your Building Ma
torinl and Goal at ourynrds? Not only
that our prices avekaoi: lower, or at
lonat us low, as thoso of our competit
ors, bill, because wo tnko especial euro
of mid protect nil can bo classed as
It M ( U L A It 0 U S T OMBRS.
Coal. Lumber.
City Dray and Express Line.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
Residence 188.
Offie U9