The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 10, 1907, Image 4

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    winii iiwimmn
J on-alcoholic
If you think you need a tonic,
ask vour doctor. If you think
you need something for your
blood, ask your doctor. If you
think you would like to try
Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsapa
rilla. ask vour doctor. Con
sult him often. Keep in close
touch with him.
Wo imblluh our formulas
Wo ticnlah nlenliot
from our tuvillclnoo
V urge yon to
Ask your doctor to name some of the
rnlts of coistination. His lone list will
L"i; .i,l, clnW.liPnHflnliG. hillousncss. """ uircimiNumw
ivRncnsla. thin blood, bad skin. Then for a' that.-.I. A. Wright,
jr-f . . ..
ask him if lie wouia recommena your
tisinR Ayer's Pills.
JUdo by the J. C. Ajrer Co., Lowell, Mm.
witv Unit il ulinosb blod to death.
However, the veterinary arrived In
time to save the life of the horse,
which was one of the hest on Mr.
Smith's place.
(iocs Straight Through.
M. I. Inhiison shipped three ears of
eattle straight through to Chicago
Ihis week, starting Monday. Speak
1 lg of excursions, there's what is one.
Twenty-one years ago next .lunc, in
company of "Nume" llichard.son, "Mel"
Parker, and a special train of twenty
cars of fat cattle, we took an excursion
of this kind from lied Cloud to Chicago.
With a clear track straight through,
it was no poke easy trip. "Mel" and
"Xuiue," where are they',' The fates
dealt kindly with "Nume," we are
told, and he is still at Ited Cloud,
worth a quarter of a million dollars.
While "Mel" played hard luck and is
at Seattle, Washington, living in very
Immlilc circumstances, though a man
in Smith
Center Messenger.
Items of News Found In The
Chief of Twenty Years Aflo t
This Wooli y
C. W. Kaley has had his head sand
papered. Jud Hailoy, county clerk, will soon
occupy his new quarters.
Twenty ears of stock were shipped
from this point last Saturday.
I'M Parkes sold twenty acres of his
arm the other day at 8100 per acre.
Charley Iteigle and Nellie Kaley
were both poiswned by ivy and are laid
Willis Hounds, formerly of this city,
was arrested In Hastings the other
ilay, charged with absconding with
mortgaged property. ,
.lohn Fulton has moved his family to
Ked Cloud, where they will remain
while he goes to Arkansas to look
after his mining interests.
N. Phelps, whllo digging some dirt
out of a bank near the city, found a
centipede nearly five inches in length.
Or. Einigh has it preserved in alcohol.
Our member of the state board of
pharmacy, Dr. Henry Cook, reports
1200 applications acted upon at the
meeting at Grand Island last week.
There is talk of forming a company
to bore for natural gas In Red Cloud.
(There was already a "naturnl gas"
supply in Ked Cloud, and it is still
Will N. King, who started the Hel
met In this city two years ago, is
again in trouble. His oflico has been
closed up by a party who held a
chattel mortgage on it.
School Report.
Following is the report of the Red
Cloud public schools for the month
ending May :, 1007:
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Mayor J. 0. Caldwell and Alderman
McCall Sworn In.
The old city administration held its
last meeting Monday evening, at
which time the new olllcers were in
stalled. Councilman William Wolfe of
the First, ward will hold over, W. N.
Richardson, who was elected to suc
ceed, him failed to (nullify. The new
city administration is as follows:
Mayor .1. (. Caldwell.
Treasurer -.1. (). Ilutlcr.
Clerk 1,. II. Fort.
Couneilnien First ward, Hency
Diederleh and William Wolfe; Second
ward. Chas. Robinson and A. McCall.
The new council held an adjournal
meeting Tuesday morning at 7:.'1(). at
which time saloon licenses for the
ensuing year were granted to John
Polnicky, F. 11. Mandeville and 0. W.
Kddie Lanham and Miss Jennie
Oliva Holt, both of Campbell. Mar
ried by Judge I'Mson May Ith.
Jesse A. Hcdrick and Clara M. Pol
incky, both of Red Cloud. Married
by Judge I'Mson May (5.
John F. Waugh, of Republican City
and (iiinda Marie Ilermauson, of
5 -w - ; - --rs - -to . . . nv . u . j.i- 5 g. j '.
The relief of Coughs and Colds
through laxative inlluence originated
with Hoe's Laxative Cough Syrup, con
taining Honey and Tar, a cough syrup
containing no opiates or poisons, whieh
is extensively sold. Secure a bottle at
once, obtain a guarantee coupon, and
If not fully satisfied with results, your
money will be refunded. Sold by
Henry Cook's drug store.
Horse Cut In Wire.
While Hoyd Smith was disking,
Monday, on his farm north of town
his team ran away with disastrous
results. He was working a horse that
had just been broken, and one of the
lines became unchecked, and as he
went around to the heads of the horses
to fasten the line they became unman
ageable and ran away, making scrap
iron and kindling wood of the disk'.
The horses ran into a telephone pole
and were stopped, but not before one
of the horses was so badly cut in the
Real Estate Transfers.
For the week ending Tuesday,
April no, furnished by the Fort Ab
stract Co., Ij. II. Fort, Manager.
Arthur Wolcott to Dora Wilson,
lots 21, 22, 23 and 21, blk 9
Inavale, wd 12.r
Herman II Myers to Herman
Schmith n2 sw2 8-2-12 ,qnd 100
Chas U StetYento C II Potter lots
1 2 and II blk 1, pt lots 8 to
12 blk 1 Willians add It C wd. 1800
Hessie Lerora to Charley' F Guild
ne, lt-Il-U, qcd 100
Krlck () Hergman to Warren
Fairman ne 20-4. 12 wd 1800
Charles W Kaley to Ray F Reed
sw 20 ne :$l-2-ll wd n.ioo
Lewis C Wilson to W A Cum-
mlngs, lots II and 4 blk 4 Cow-
les wd 012.50
Oliver I) Hedge sheriff to Chas.
(! Peterson, lots 13 and 11, blk
I Kaley and Jackson add H C
wd 1.10
Oliver I) Hedge sheriff to David
L Grant, lots 4 and fl, blk 0
Garbers add to It C wd 200
Cory Chaflin to Hugo Schultz
lot 8, blk 3, Huehum add to
HH wd
Hee's Laxative Cough Syrup contain
tainlng Honey and Tar is especially
appropriate for children, no opiates or
poisons of any character, conforms to
the provisions of the National Pure
Food and Drug Law, June 30, 1000.
For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It
expels Coughs and Colds by gently
moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Sold
by Henry Cook's drug store.
ffi The St
? ft -M ii)
;Ji i. -v.v (n ,? 'I '.f.
fl C NNA?VN - , , T Mil J W
V5K! (w W -
ff. mMj ... 0fmmo fm
1 tfl'Ifl'M'l MfJM TilWJViViT&Tl '
n 2i
X (JLlil
Mortgages tiled SHIM.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at postotllco nt Rod Cloud, Nob.
for tliH week ending May J), 1907:
Kinuoy, I N Smith, W O
Those will be sent to tho dead letter
oflico May 215, 1907, if not called for
before. When calling for above please
Bay "advertised."
T. C. Hackkk, Postmaster.
Very Wrong.
Teacher If coal Is $5 per ton, how
many tons could you get for $2f0Y Dis
turbing Element Three tons. Teach
erThat's wrong. Disturbing Element
I know It Is, but they will do It Just
the same. Harvard Lampoon.
Tho Letter Went.
Mrs. Bliss Here Is a letter I want
you to post, dear. It is to my milliner,
countermanding an order for a hat
Mr. Bliss Here; take this piece of
cord and tic both my hands behind my
back, so that I won't forget It.
H Ever Ready.
The young mun spoke bitterly, "Do
you take me for a fool?"
"Oh, George," she said, "this Is bo
BUdden!" Memphis Journal.
Every man Is occasionally what he
ought to be perpetually. Dr. Johnson.
Complies with all requirements of the National Pure Food Law, Guarantee No. 204 1 , filed at Washington.
rv. '-N' - 7-vil g CSiC (Ll.iUll,i:.i 1' i! --- -rrv
VAX mM k. ' xxxv ' ri l'lii I - j G- i-3E v &'
"For over thirty years," wiites a
gentleman in Los Angeles, " I have
used Arbuckles Coffee. Many limes
my family has tried olhcr coffee only to
come back to our old reliable, unchange
able Arbucklcs.' No other coffee "has
this uniform never failing aroma, I care
not at what price. I have often wished
1 could tell you this." Many other
people have the same opinion.
Arbucklw' was the fittt toasted packaged
ceftce, and iu tales exceed all die cllictJ .-t
counTRYTHcsunsHiw:') urort
together. Tliat it costs you less is duo simply
to our coffee business being so much greater
than any competitors, ia fact, it is larger than the
next four largest firms ia the world combined.
We naturally can and actually do give better
coUce in ARIOSA than anyone cL t an give
for lbs price; Being the standard article it b
sold at ths narr"'vft njarfpnoTprofit.
Some grocers will try to sell
you instead loose coffee which the
roaster is ashamed to sell in a
. crjV
t,S ,-s. ijtr
&&&'& ! S0UD " SCAUED
Vrt' J o. MYROTCTJon
package bearing his name.
Don't lake it, neither the looks nor the price
indicate its cup quality. No matter wheie you
buy Arbucklcs' ARIOSA, or what you pay
for it, it's the same old uniform Arbucklcs
ARIOSA Coifcc.
If your grocer will not supply, write to
New Yock Ckj.
Two pairs of Trousers with each Coat $
Bloomer and one regular pair. 3;
(t) Rvprv Suit anaranfeprl. Will stanrl fk S
(f hardest wear that tops, marbles, kites or (fi VH
anything but barbed wire makes. Prices S
$4.50 to $6.00 for the combination.
rf reaay ror your inspection. ft
fi m
- w
Paul Storey, c.xr I
Red Cloud, Nebraska,
The eminent physician on chronic
diseases will visit our city
Wednesday, May 1 5,
aud will bo at the ROYAL HOTEL,
until 5 p. m., one dny ONLY,
Dr. Potterf,
president of the Boston Electro Medi
cal Institute, is making u tour of tho
Ho will give consultation, examina
tion, and all tho medicines necessary
to comploto a euro FREE. All parties
taking advantage of this oiler are re
quested to state to their fritnds the
result of tho treatment.
Cnroa DEAFNESS by an ontiroly
now procoBs.
Troats all cnrable cases of catarrh,
throat and lung diseases, eye and ear,
stomach, liver and kidneys, gravel,
rheumatism, paralysip, neuralgia, nrv
ousand heart dlseaso.epilopsy.Dright's
disease and disease of the blnddor and
femalo organs, blood and skin dis
eases. Liquor and tobacco habit, big nook,
stammering cured.
Piles, fistula and rupturo cured
without detention from business.
Eyes, nose and throat.
Glasses fitted, granulated lids, cata
racts, cross eyes straightened without
If you are improving under your
family physician do not take up our
valuable timo. Tho rich aud the poor
aro troatod alike. Idlers and curiosity
soekots will ploa&o stay away. Our
timo is valuable.
Jtomombor, NOT A PENNY will bo
charged for tho mediclno roqulrod to
make a euro of all thoso taking treat
mont this trip. Olllco hour, 0 a. m.
Positively, married ladies must be
accompanied by their nusbauds. Ho
mombor tho date, Wednesday, May 15,
at Royal hotel, Rod Cloud, Nob.
Sajndersl S
Canon City, Sunnyside,
and Genuine Nigger
Head Maitland
You may be particular or what
some call "cranky," but OUR
COAL will please you.
Our coal is clean and we deliver
Boll Tel. (50.
Rural Tel. 71
Barber Shop.
Basement of
Potter Block.
a Specialty
Colorado 10.000 acres, rich
Diacit sou, smooth and lovol. $15,
per acre.
Kansas -25 quarters at frotr
UtKHi. Uood soil, lovol land. Tormi
to suit.
Nebraska Gitv nronertini aiu1
well improved farms at roabouabld
Oihcu of Co. Attv. L. II. Mack
ledge, Red Cloud, Nob. Phono 48, j
i. -.
mi, iL&!mrrmrvri .'