The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 03, 1907, Image 5

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mi 4-4--tc-tettt.
It wrtifl a si tv lighter.
A. II. Keeney is in Denver.
"Well, if you can stand it, we can.
Dr. 13. A. Thomas, Dentist, Damcrell
Hugh Heal returned to Alliance
Charley Heinle was on the sick list
this week.
Tor Sale Three good brood umres.
IT. V. Deal. 21
.1. 13. Drown is reported to Ik a
little improved.
" Mr. and Airs. W. K. (leer .spent Sun
aliiy in Superior.
Kull line of ladies' muslin underwear
at I'. Nowhotise's.
lohti (Jrconhulgh was down from
i'owles Wednesday.
Miss Cora Tulleys spent Sunday and
Monday in Naponee.
Hwight Wilson returned Wednesday
from his western trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Marry Deal eatne down
from MeCook Tuesday.
1'rof. W. A. Drown is home from a
visit in Nueholls eoitnly.
Attorney MoNony was in Hlnoming
ton Tuesday on legal business.
Tliis cold snap has interfered great
ly with the laying of cement walks.
Mrs. Patterson of Campbell is visit.
ig with her brother, .1. W. Kinscl.
Newhouso Dros. have just received a
icw line of mantel and alarm clocks.
Alfalfa seed for sale by W. II. Uo.en
rnuis, at I'latt's lumber yard. liltf
Mrs. Will West and Mrs. .lohuson
were down from Naponee Wednesday.
Mrs. A. .1. Waskom and baby left
Monday for their home in Halsey, Neb.
Mrs. (1. A. Latin and daughter left
Monday evening for Dos Angeles,
.lohn 1 Delaney was down from
HI en wood, Neb., the lirst of the week.
Uudolph Kubick and wife were
down from Republican the lirst of the
Prof. Charles Holt, principal of the
Naponee schools, was in the city Sat
i day.
K. D. Smith was in Dladen Wednes
day on business for MeAlistcr's marble
A. T. Walker went to St. .Joseph
the lirst of the, week to buy cattle for
The .lunior Kndeavor society was
entertained at the home of Mrs. .1. W.
Harry fioble was in town again this
week on his way to his home in Port
Oobb, Olcln.
Mrs. Oscar Sears of Campbell is vis
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.
C. McConkcy.
Five train loads of cattle, consisting
of ','M ears, wenteastover the Darling
ton Wednesday.
Dave Clark left Tuesday morning
for California, where he luus several
brothers living.
Miss IMith McKcighan wont to
JSloomington Tuesday to do some
ftenographic work.
N. II. Morrison is in Omaha this
reek attending a meeting of the State
Dental Association.
Wanted At the Dostwiek hotel,
Hastings, Neb., two good dining room
iris. Oood wages.
Miss. A. Orella lloble of Ayr came
down from Hastings today to nurse
Mrs. Nate Illiugworth.
Miss Delia Morrison entertained a
number of her schoolmates at a "tafl'y
pull" Tuesday evening.
Miss Kessler, one of the instructors
in the Franklin academy, was a Ued
Cloud visitor last Saturday.
l-'red Gerlach came down from Klin
Creek precinct Wednesday to gloat
over the defeat of the bonds.
Does anyone know anything about
Hint new school house for which we
roted bonds a few weeks ago V
Mr. and Mrs. .T. A. McArthur will
celebrate the twentieth anniversary
of their wedding next Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Zeiss left Thurs
day morning for Colorado in the hope
f benefiting Mrs. Zeiss' health.
Miss Carrie Dayard of Lincoln, who
is at present teaching in the Franklin
schools, was in the city Saturday.
The interest in the meetings at the
llcthodist church still continues, and
largo audiences are attending nightly.
Mks. Will Durden of Campbell came
io Ued Cloud Wednesday to assist in
raring for her niece, Mrs. Nate Illiug
worth, who has been critically ill, but
is now reported somewhat better.
Five inches of s low on ilio 3rd day
of May, in southern Nebraska, beats
the recollections of the oldest inhabi
tant. A letter from Stewart Ityekor gives
the information that he is now cashier
in the U. P. restaurant at Uuwlins,
We are still of the opinion that a
few hitchraeks would be a conven
ience to tlie farmers who come here to
It is told on Mayor-elect Caldwell
that at the recent city election he
marked a sample ballot and attempted
to vote it.
Miss Minnie White left Tuesday for
her home in Comber, Canada, after an
extended visit at the homo of Willian
Dine township dc.servs a vote of
thanks from the people of Ued Cloud
for it loyalty to the new court house
Whenever you get hungry drop into
Will Datta's short order house, just
north of Spokelleld's. Hverything new
and up to date.
Miss Sim of Peru was in the city
Saturday. She has been engaged to
teach one of the lower grades in the
First ward school.
Herb Dudlow came down from Me
Cook Monday, lie is suffering with
blood poison in his left baud and will
be laid up for awhile.
(.'. C. MeConkey returned Thursday
from Hastings, where lie mm neen
called before the United States pen
sion examining board.
Miss (lulielma Deed, well known
here, has been elected to the position
of teacher of mathematics in the
Hastings high school.
W. II. Tuber's new bowling alleys
have been opened to the public. The
alleys are new, and everything about
the place is neat and clean.
Mrs. Dubeg and daughter left Tues
day evening for Koscmout, Colo.,
where her son-in-law, Dew Hobbs, has
started a cigar manufactory.
The pupils of the seventh grade of
the high school "played hookey" Wed
nesday. They will make up the time
by "staying in" an hour each evening.
Of all the fruits there are in the
That grow on bush or tree.
I would give up the choicest ones
For Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea.
C. D. Cotting.
There was no meeting of the city
council Wednesday night, owing to
the failure of a sullieient number of
tne members to appear to form a quorum.
Patrick (lilroy, one of the old settlers
west of Inavale, died Wednesday even
ing, after a long illness. We did not
learn any of the particulars about the
We understand that V. D. Fulton
anil his brother, from Kiverton, have
about completed arrangements for the
purchase of D. 13. MeParland's grocery
Pine Salve Carboll.ed acts like a
poultice; highly antiseptic, extensively
used for Mc.ema, chapped hands and
lips, cuts, burns. Sold by Henry Cook's
drug store.
Prof. Mitchell of Peru and Prof. Car
many of Diller, Neb., were in the city
Saturday looking over the Held with
a view to applying for thu superin
tendency here.
A couple of woodpeckers got up
early Wednesday morning and began
tearing down the old court house, but
when they heard the returns they
knocked o!T work.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hunter of Man
It a to are guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. D.
Smith. Mr. Hunter is a brother of
Mrs. Smith. They are on their way
to Lexington, Neb.
The young ladies who participated
in the club dances during the past
winter entertained their gentlemen
friends with a dance and banquet last
Wednesday evening.
As soon as the weather moderates
Studebaker fc Piukcuhludcr'.s cement
workers will go to Illue Hill, where
they have a large amount, of sidewalk
work contracted for.
.lames McDridc of Cowles was in
town Wednesday, and said that he
would immediately start out with a
petition to establish a sinking fund
for a new court house.
Dewey Itulledge won the gold watch
offered by the Dues to the boy who
sold the most muliiiee tickets, and
Miss Clara McMillan received the gold
ring awarded to the most popular
Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Sellars and sou
Koscoe, and Mrs. .1. T. Robinson ar
rived from Doulder. Col., this morn
ing to attend the funeral of Liuford
Sellars, which took place -this ifter
noou. Henry (Jross of Cowles and .John
Havel of this city have purchased
Marion Neal's pool hall. Mr. Neal
went up to the North Platte country
the first of the week with a view to
taking a homestead.
Two days' treatment free. Ring's
Dyspepsia Tablets for impaired diges
tion, impure breath, perfect assimila
tion of food, increased appetite. Do
not fail to avail yourself of the above
oll'er. Sold by Henry Cook.
Owing to ill health, S. l Spokestleld
has been compelled to retire from
business, and has sold his feed store
and tank line to L. A. llaskins, one of
our most prosperous retired fanners,
who took charge last Monday.
It's tot) bad to see people who go
from day to day suffering from phys
ical weakness when Hollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea would make them well.
The greatest tonic known. Ilfi cents,
tea or tablets. C. L. Cotting.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wethcrald of
Hebron are here to be at the bedside
of the hitter's parents, .Mr. and Mrs. S.
F. Spokestleld, who are both very ill.
3 1 5 WebsterDon't forget the Number
Spring Hats
mjv .a.5t V '"Asffr
v j;fw.'
UY '
3 lbs large Prunes 25c
4 ioc cans Lye 25c
9 burs Quaker Soap. . . 25c
3 qts. Onion Sets 25c
7 lbs Buckwheat Flour 25c
4 boxes Egg-O-See... 25c
All tho Phonos
We've a Mat thai was made for YOU as truly as it you
were measured for it a Hal exactly suited to your build and
the contour of your face.
J From the staid, sedate shaped lo the snappy extremes, there's
there's not a Hat bul bears the stamp of style and newness.
$1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, to $5
We have exclusive Hats. You can't buy them in any other
store in town.
J Men's and Young Men's Spring Suits in all the new models
and shades.
See our Shoe and Shirt Line before buying
The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
3 1 5 Webster St. Red Cloud, Nebraska
evidenced by tlie fact of his having
been retained there for six years.
MunZan Pile Uenicdy put up In con
venient collapsible tubes with no..le
attachment so that the remedy maybe
Mr. Spokestleld is slightly improved, ' applied at the very seat of the troll-
but Mrs. Spokestleld is gradually fail
ing. Mr. and Mrs. ,T. N. Pope have re
ceived word announcing the marriage
of their son, Albert Pope, to Miss
Mayme Anderson, The ceremony oc-
ble, thus relieving uliuot.t" instantly
bleeding, itching or protruding piles.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money re
funded. Sold by Henry Cook's drug
One Red Cloud mother took her
eurrcd at Waupaca, Wis., Wednesday, three-year-old son to the revival meet
April 21, at about the same time his lugs at the M. 13. church and heard the
cousin, Paul Tope, was married to evangelist talking about the alleged
.Miss (.lUtings in Superior.
Artists have no trouble
in securing
models. The famous beauties have
He proposed to his mother
"play church." When it
came time to sing, she asked him
hot place,
that thev
...1.... .1 1 1.1 .:.... 1 1 it. ..1.
discarded corsets and have become w,"lt u,u- '"" " " "u l--models
in face and form since taking ,,,ut'h si" ',k'm llu! moet,nB
" 1 1 !. .1.1 11.
HnlliUer's l'nekv Mountain Ten. :i.-, , " l' ' 'K"" -'
cents, tea or tablets. C. i. Cotting.
Oscar Burroughs, superintendent of
the electric light plant, was slightly
Tlu 1 tit iwl Itnvs' Carnival is nrnvlnir
quite a source of amusement for those hnnwA last S'-Umluy, while melting
who attend. There is a shooting gal- thu ert JoI,lts 5n hmm! P'P Ilt the
lery, a grab basket, a "fishing pond," , w,lor works- T,MJ P-P w,s 1,lhl "P
etc., and the shadowgraphs of well on II Pile of -tf wood and Mr.
known men and ladies of the city. ' l'-roughs threw a cup of oil upon the
The carnival ends tomorrow night. I ums. Tlie Haines followed the
stream to the cup and Oscar was slight
It is said that one of our prominent ly-burned about the face and hands,
business men marked his ballot in the
presence, of everybody in the polling I "Our Old Kentucky Home," at the
place, anil then made dire threats be- Prft ,lousc ''y evening, was a
cause the election judges refused to vry eJyW entertainment. The
accept it. He has probably learned 'P'ny carries a splendid band and
by this time that under the Australian "rclu-fctrn, as well as its own special
ballot law such a ballot is illegal. cenery. For a moment after the cur-
tain arose on the first act many in the
U. V. King of Hayes county, No- audience thoiitfht they were up against
braska, arrived Tuesday for a visit imotiler "Moonshiner's Daughter" but
with his sister, Mrs. Joe Herburger,
and other relatives. Mr. King was
one of the pioneers of this part of the
country, but left here about twenty
two years ago. He says the town
looks greatly improved since his last
visit, some twelve years ago.
At the meeting of the board of edu
cation Monday evening Prof. Morltz,
for six years superintendent of the
Illue Hill schools, was elected to thu
position of superintendent of the Ked
Clould schools. Prof. Morit. has been
very successful at Illue Hill, us is
the illusion was soon dispelled, and as
the play progressed everybody got in
terested and thoroughly enjoyed the
acting, tlie music and thu specialties.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Signature- of
It Is Difficult For a Fire to Burn In
tho Sunlight.
"Did you ever know that Hies don'ti
burn as well In sunlight as they do hi
the shade or at night?" asked my
friend, the man much given to hunting
and fishing. "Of course they don't:
Bconi to liecaiise of the greater light
from the sun, but 1 mean us an actual
fact they don't. I noticed this thing
when on a hunting trip up hi Muluo
first, and how It happened to attract!
my attention was that tho lire won
out, totally out, before tho sticks woro
entirely consumed. The wood was dry
and resinous, and there was no reason
why every particle of It shouldn't liava
burned. The guide told me he had no
ticed tho same sort of thing Innumer
able times when fires wore burning It
tho sunlight, and this started me on an
Investigation which proved In acttinl
practice that open fires not only don't!
burn so well when the sun's rays arc
shining on thorn and fall to threw ouU
as much heat by thormomotrlc tests,
but often are actually extinguished bjn
the sun If the rays are bright nnul
strong enough. Coal Urea are afTecleJ
just tho same as wood. Strange to say,
several scientists to whom I have np
poaled assorted that the. sun's rays
could have no effect whatever on ai
fire. Thoy do, however. I know thla
beyond nil shadow of doubt, and I
wonder what the reason Is. Other sci
entists say It's becauso the heat of tho
sun adds to tho consumption of oxygeur
of tho atmosphere which Is necessary
to n blaze and also produces carbon,,
which helps to extinguish the flro."'
New York Press.
No Uso For Them. I
"Come, Willie; get up!" said an In-.'
dulgeni father to his son tho other)
morning. "Koinember, the early btrdj
catches the worm."
"What do 1 care for worms?" repliedj
Willie. "Mother won't let mo go Ush
In" "
Still In Dangor. '
Wiggles I hear IJJenks has boen
very III. Is he out of danger yet?
Waggles Well, ho's convalescent, butj
he won't he out of danger until that
pretty nurse who has been taking caro
of him has gone nway.