The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 26, 1907, Image 7

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WC,41 si
liven John Pif mmi li.itulni.istcr, wh has no use for
Phonograph. ' hi tec nmz" the Phonograph as a for
midable comp' In o-stc kinu says that people will no
longer go to emu i s n n an have music in their own homes so
easily and so hcipl i v cm with the Phonograph. This is an
unwilling tnbutr, In.i it i-. 'nevertheless a tribute. The man who has
a Phonograph has a conceit in his own house. Even a king could not
have more. At our store ou can hear them any time.
The Victor Gramaphone.
I Victor jyr' 1 f i
"His Mnsterfc Voice'
flt.U. PAT.U'T.
The Victor Junior $14.20
The Victor Z 2 1 .20
The Victor No. 1 26.20
The Victor No. 2 34.20
The Victor No. 3 44.2 o
The Victor No. 4 54.20
The Victor No. 5 64.20
The Victor No. 6 104.20
The above prices include 12 S-in. records with each machine
The Edison Phonograph.
The Edison Gem Phonograph $10.00
The Edison Standard Phonograph .... 20.00
The Edison Home Phonograph 30.00
The Edison Triumph Phonograph 50.00
Records, 35c each; 54.20 per dozen.
Compare these prices with anyone V, and
remember we save yon the freight.
1 Newhouse Brothers,
1 Jewelers and Opticians. Burlington Watch Inspectors.
K t
Says That They, Not He, Are Trying
to Influence Justice and Condemns
What He Terms Their Flagrant
Impropriety in the Case.
Washington, April 21. In a lettcv
addressed to Honoris .laxon of Chicago,
chairman oi the Cool; county Moyer
Haywood conference, inatlo public here,
President Roosevelt replied to tho
crlticlsmw oi liis recent letter, in whicn
ho referred to Moyer and Haywood, ot
fielnls of the Western Federation of
Minors, charged with Implication in
tho murder ot former Governor Steun
enherg of undesirable, citizens.
The president says ho regrets any
lKdy of men whould so far forget their
duty to their country, as by tho lorma
tion of societies or in other ways, to en
deavor to Iniluenco jus-tice and toei-'u
coint or jury; that they, not he. are
trying to inlluonco Justice and he con
demns what he calls tlieli ilagrant ini
, propriety in the matter. He says that
ho indicated no opinion as to the guilt
of tho Steunenhtrg murder, hut that
K It was a simple absurdity to suppose
vthat because a man is on trial ho is
lroo from criticism as to his manner of
life. He said he might as well be ac
cused of trying to Iniluenco tho suits
against Harrlman, some of whoso
friends had nleo criticised him. Ho
said that Moyer nnd Haywood stand
f.s representatives of those who habit
ually f-npear as guilty of Incitement to
or apology for bloodshed and violence.
He added that he was piofoundiy
Indifforeut to tho condemnation of
him for his criticisms of the undesir
able types of citizens, regardless of
tho power of either labor or capital.
President's Letter to Jaxon.
The president's letter follows:
"Doar Sir I havo received your let
tor of tho 18th Inst., in which you en
close tho draft of tho formal letter
which 1b to follow. I havo been noti
fied that seveial delegations bearing
similar requests are on tho way hith
er. In the letter you, on behalf oi the
Cook county Moyor-Haywood confer
ence, protest against certain language
I used In a lecont letter which you
assert to be designed to Iniluenco the
course of justlco in the case of tho
trial for murder of Messrs. Moyer and
Haywood. I entirely agree with you
that it is Improper to ondeavor to in
fluence tho course of justice, whether
by threats or in any similar innnncr
For this reason, I havo regretted most
deeply the action of such organiza
tions as your own in undertaking to
accomplish this very result in tho very
, case of which you speak. For Instance,
your letter Is bended: 'Cook County
Moyor-lIaywood-I'ettibono Conference,'
with the headlines: "Death cannot,
will not unit shall not claim our
brothers.' This shows that you and
your associates aro not demanding a
fair trinl, or working for a fair trial,
hut innounclng In advance that the
verdict shall only be one way and
that you will not tolerate any other
verd'et. Such action is Ilagrant in Its
Impropriety and 1 Join heartily In con
detuning it.
Not Free from Criticism.
'Hut it is a simple absurdity to sup
pose that because any man Is on trial
for a given offense theiefore he is to
bo freed tronunll criticisms on his gen
eral conduct and manner of lite. In my
letter to which you object I referred to
r. ceitaln prominent financiei, Mr. Hur
rinicn, on the one hand and to Messrs.
Moyer, Haywood and Dobs on the oth
er as being equally undesirable citi
zens. It is as foolish to assert that this
was designed to influence the trial of
Moyer and Haywood us to assert that
it was designed Jo influence the suits
that -havo been brought against Mr.
Hairiman. I neither expressed nor in
dicated any opinion as to whether
Messrs. Moyer and Haywood were
guilty of tho murder of Governor
Steunenbetg. If they aro guilty, they
ceuainly ought to be punished. If
they are not guilty they certainly
Wight not to be punished.
"Hut no possible outcome either of
the trial or tho suits can affect my
judgment as to tho undeslrablllty of
the type of cltirzenshlp of those whom
I mentioned. Messrs. Moyer, Hay
wood and Debs stand as the repre
sentatives of those men who havo
done as much to discredit tho labor
movement as the worst speculative
financiers or most unscrupulous em
ployers of labor and debauchers of
legislators hae done to discredit hon
est capitalist's and fair-dealing busi
ness men.
Preachers of Violence.
"They stand as the representatives
of these men, who by their public ut
terance and manifestos, and by tho
utterances of the papers they control
or inspire and by the words and deeds
of those associated with or subordinat
ed to them, habitually appear as
guilty of Incitement or apology for
h'oodshed or violence. If this does
uoj constitute undesiiahlo eitlzonshifl
then there can never lie any undesir
able citizens. The men whom I de
nounced represent the men who have
abandoned that legitimate movement
tor tho uplifting of labor, with which
I havo the most hearty sympathy;
they have adopted practices which
cut them off from those who lead this
legitimate movement. In every way
I shall support the law-abiding and up
light representatives of labor and In
no way can I better support them than
by drawing the sharpest possible lino
between them on the or-" Hand anil on
the- o'her hand those preachers of vlo
lence who aro themselves tho worst
foes of t!ij honest laborlngmon.
"I.i i me repeat my deep regret that
any body '. men should so tar lorgct
thei" duty to their country as to en
deavor by tho formation of societies
and in o'her ways to iniluenco tho
course of Jus-tice in this matter. 1 have
received many such letleis as yours.
Accompanying them were newspaper
clippings announcing demonstrations,
parades and mass meeting designed to
bhow that the representatives of la
bor, without regard to the tai Is, de
mand the acquittal of Messrs. Moyer
and Haywood. Such meetings can, of
course, lie designed only to coerce
court or jury In rendering a verdict
and they, Iherofoie, deserve all the
condemnation which you In your letter
say should bo awarded to those who
endeavor improperly to iniluenco tho
course of Justice.
Are Undesirable Citizens.
"You would, of courso bo entirely
within your rights If you announced
that you thought Messrs. Moyer and
Haywood woro desirable citizens,
though in such case I should take
I rank Issue with you and say that
wholly without regard to whether or
not they aro guilty of the crime for .
which they aro now being tried, repre
sent as thoroughly as undesirable typo I
or citizenship as can bo found in this
country, a typo which In the letter to j
which you so unroasonainy iaio excep
tions, I showed not to lie con lined to
any one class, but to exist among
srni" representatives of great capital
ists as well as among sonic repre
sentatives of wagoworkois.
"In that letter 1 condemned both
types. Certain roprofeenfr.lloa of tho
gieat capitalists, In turn, condemned
me for Including Mr. Harrlman in my
condemnation of Messrs. Moyer and
Hnywood. Certain of tho representa
tive: of labor, In their turn, con
demned mo because I Included
Messrs. Moyer and Hnywood as unde
sirable citizens together with Mr. liar
rimau. 1 am as profoundly Indifferent
to the condemnation In one case as
In tho other, t challenge as a right
the suppoit of all gqod Americans,
whether wage earners- or capitalists,
whatever their occupation or creed,
or In whatever portion of tho country
they live when I condemn both types
cf bad citizenship which 1 have held
up to reprohntlon. It seems to me a
mark of utter Insincerity to fall thus
to condemn both and to apologize for
either robs the man thus to apologist"
of tho right to condemn any wrong
doing In any man, rich or poor, In pub
lic or private life.
"You pay ou ask for a 'square deal'
for .Messrs. Moyer and Haywood. So
do I. When 1 sny square deal, I
mean a square deal to every one. It
is equally a violation of the policy of
the square deal for a 'apitnllst to pro
test against the denunciation of a
capitalist who Is guilty of wrongdoing
and for a labor leader to protest
UKiil'ist tin denunciation of a laborer
who has hoeiLgullty of wrongdoing. I J
stand for equal Justice to both and so
far as in my power lies 1 bhnll uphold
Justice w lie! her the mini accused of
guilt has behind him the wealthiest '
corporations, tho greatest aggregation
ot riches in the country or whether
he has behind him tin most influential
labor ornanlr.ntlou In the country." i
Salvador Rejects Demands and Open
War May Result.
Salvador. Apill L 1. The go eminent
of Nic magna bus demanded satlsliic
tion from tho government of Sahudor
for us part in the recent war between
Nicaragua and Honduras, as well nj
the tree interchange lie. ween the two
countries of their respective products.'
Salvador, though rejecting the do-,
mauds, is ready to make with Nlca
liigeii a treaty of pence and friendship
that doe.s not wound the dignity or in
jure the interests of either paity. I
There Is n possibility that open war
may result from Salvador's rctuul or
that the president of Nicaragua will
lend his aid to tho numerous c-ne niles
ol the president of Salvador.
Instructions weio Issued by the
I'cunsyivnuhi rallioad to conductors
and detectives to watch lor a band of
alleged piofessional gamblers who am
said to be working on the fast tiains
between New YoiTc and Chicago.
Refused Writ of Habeas Corpus In
District Court at Lincoln.
Lincoln. April 20. W. G. Clark,
mnnager of a Chicago theater and ho
tel, was rehised In tho district court
a writ of habeas corpus, asking that
he might get possession of ills two
minor sons, now in the custody of an
aunt in 'Lincoln. Clnrk, who was once
a Presbyterian minister, separated
lroni his wife when tho children wuro
HiU. tlio sons being given to tho
w; When Mrs. Clink was on her
i.ia'lil.'d she gave the two boys to
he i -Mir in Lincoln. This sister and
lie i hu-hnnd resisted Clink's claims.
feHJ a
rjj S3j
j ai'
V T k
hi t.n iiiiiiiv. if
i Kilmer's S
I Root, the grcii
L ney, liver and
iWwffijTxHK; ?3Trrll
ufirMiiii tkj umnvo
Homo of Bwamp-Hoot.
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who rends the news
papers is sure to know of the wonderful
cuies made ny Dr.
Kilmer's SwnmtH
ureal knl-
tid blad-
- eler rettiL'clv.
! If II I lli l'rpnt turil.
icul triumph of the
liiuclcciitu century ;
discovered after years
of scientific research
by Dr. Kilmer, the
eminent kidney and
bladder specialist, and is wonderfully
successful in promptly curing IiuiicIkicU,
uric ncitl, catarrh of the madder and
Hright's Disease, which is the worst
form of kiiluev double
Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have
kidnev, liver or bladder trouble it will be
found" just the icmcily you need. It has
been tested in so many ways, in hospital
work ami in private practice, nnd Inn
proved so successful iu every case that a
special airaitgcincnt has been made by
which nil readers of this paper, who have
not alreadv tried it, may have n sample
bottle scut free by mail, also a look tell
ing mote about Suuiup-Uoot.nnd how to
findout if von have kidney or bladder trou
ble. When w riling inetuioii leaning iius
generous offer in this paper and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer
& Co., lliughamtoii, i
N. V. The icjjtilaii
fifty-ceut ami onc
clollar size lxiltlcs are
sold by all good druggists. Don't make
any mistake, but remember the name,
Swamp-Knot, Dr Kilmer's Swamp-ltoot.
nnd the address, Iliiighaniton, N. Y., on
every bottle.
in every style. Ca
tering to parties and
dances a specialty.
Fresh Bread, Pies,
Cakes, Candy and
The Bon Ton
W. 5. BENSE. Proprietor.
Do You
Meat ?
When .vou nvo hungry utio
want somethig nice in the
meat line, drop into my
market. Wo have tho nicest
kind of
anil moots, fish, nnd game
in season. We think, and
almost know, that wo can
please you. Give usa
Koon Bros.,
Successors to
Do you know that it will pay YOU, as
well as US, to buy your Building Ma
torial and Coal at ouryards? Not only
that our pi'icos average lower, or at
least, us low, as those of our competit
ors, lint wo take especial care
of anil protect all can ho elassoil as
R B O U L A R 0 U S T O M E R S .
t s
s G-
City Dray and Express Line.
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
Residence 188.
Offie U9