The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 26, 1907, Image 5

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See Iho Hues tonight,
Dr. E. A. Thomas, Dentist, Damcrcll
See the piny tonight at th opera
A. It. Sclliirs went to ltouhler, Col.,
Ancil Cral)ill wont to Lincoln this
Guy llurkor was down from Inavale
Oliver Wright of Itladen is in the.
city today.
J)r. Danioroll went to Grand Island
A. A. Frame was down from Rlue
-4 1 i 1 1 yesterday.
S. A. Haymati was down from Grand
Island Sunday.
lames MoRrido was down from
Cnwles yesterday.
The oonnty commissioners were in
M-ssion this week.
Full line of ladies' muslin underwear
nt F. N'ewhonse's.
1). II. Kaley and I'. W. Cowden went
In Kansas City Sunday.
.1. S. Richardson of Sunrise. Wyo.,
is visiting here this week.
Mark I'arkes was down from Me
Cook the lirst of the week.
Oliver Ruuohoy arrived Monday from
Sheridan, Wyo., for a visit.
"Foxy Grandpa" at opera house Sat
urday night. Don't miss it.
W.'Ellinger of Campbell visited this
Tveek with his brother .lake.
A vote for the bonds is a vote to
protect, the title to vour land.
Mrs. llenrv MeCune went to Itladen
smulny to visit her son, John.
"lluster ltrown" matinee Saturday,
"2.10 p. ill. Admission 10 cunts.
I. E. Heitler of Cowles was a picas
jint caller the first of thu week.
Dr. Swaslander of Campbell was in
Hcd Cloud Sunday, en route east.
John MeCune, the Itladen clothier,
was a Red Cloud visitor Monday.
Mrs. A. l' Hartwell and son Don
-were down from Inavale Tuesday. ltros. have just received a
rw line of mantel and alarm clocks.
Alfalfa seed'for sale by W. II. Ito.icn
rrans. at Piatt's lumber yard. 12tf
l.eon Marsh of Grand Island is vis
iting with his sister. Mrs. .lames F.
A mie.k.
S. K. Spokcsfield is seriously ill at
his home, corner Third and Cedar
t loots.
Mr. and Mrs. Nate lllingworth are
(he parents of a baby girl, born Wed
nesday. County Commissioner Richard is suf
fering with a huge boil on the side of
his face.
L. C. Olmstede and daughter Hiiih
of Inavale were Red Cloud visitors
Hugh Ileal came in from Alliance,
Neb., this morning for a visit with
j datives.
Frank Ivuehn, who went to Idaho a
jear or so ago, is now located at Wood
Kiver, Nub.
Frank Nelson's new brick dwelling,
Second and Vine streets, is Hearing
Will Harper and doe Roy of Camp
null were Red Cloud visitors the first
of the week.
Mrs. Omer Doling of MeCook is vis
iting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
. It. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gillard of Naponee
tire the parents of a son, born Mon
day morning.
Miss Minnie A mack of the 1 Sell tele
phone otlice loft Sunday for a visit
in Albia, Iowa.
Harry Harlow will go to Kansas
City soon to take a position as an eleo
trical engineer.
Miss Stella Ducker has been engaged
to teach in the Superior high school
again this year.
At the home of Mrs. F. L. Smith
""The Union Class" was organized last
Friday evening.
Wanted At the. Rostwick hotel,
Hastings, Neb., two good dining rooni
yirls. Good wages.
Charles Jackson of Mat.imora, Ind.,
was the guest of Ed Aniaek and othur
friends here this week.
Mrs. Clara Shaffer, from near Akron,
Col., is visiting with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Peterson.
Judge and Mrs. I. W. Edson expect to
leave soon to the Jamestown Ex
position, at Norfolk, Va.
"Our Old Kentucky Home," a play
to build noble thoughts, at thu opera
house next Tuesday night.
Clarence Hurden of Campbell spent
Sunday with his brother Fred and
other relatives in Red Cloud.
E. S. Garber of Rcatriee stopped off
in Red Cloud Sunday. He was en
route to Holdredge, on business.
Miss Cora Tulloys of this otlice went
to Edgar Tuesday morning to act as
bridesmaid at the Stover-.l aggers wed
ding. J. E. ltrown, former deputy county
cleric, is very low with creeping par
alysis and there Is no hope of J his re
covery. Miss Mollic ltrown arrived Tuesday
from Kansas City to be at the bedside
of her brother, J. E. ltrown, who is
critically ill.
The carpenters have begun work on
Charley Schults new residence, on
Chestnut street between Fourth and
Fifth avenues.
Charley Robinson's new residence,
on Seward street between Seventh and
Eighth avenues, will soon be ready
for occupancy.
Whenever yon get hungry drop into
Will Latta's short order house, just
north of Spokelield's. Everything new
and up to date.
Mrs. Joe Saladeu returned from Chi
cago last Friday, somewhat improved
in health. While there she underwent
two operations.
Al Decker ami family have moved
from Cowles to the farm north of Nun
Kenton's place, two and a half miles
east of Red Cloud.
Quito a number of the business
nouses have, already had the numbers
placed upon the doors and windows.
Our number is 1-0.
Mrs. Harvey Starkey and Mrs. Eliz
abeth Runchey arrived Tuesday from
Sheridan, Wyoming, for a visit with
friends and relatives.
J. II. ltailcy's new residence at Fifth
and Chestnut streets is inclosed. When
completed it will be one of the finest
residences in the city.
Mrs. Frank Henson went to Gibbon
today. Mr. Henson will return to
Lnngmont, Col., where he is employed
on railroad bridge work.
Mrs. A. A. Pope, C. J. Pope, Fred
Temple, Hen McFarland and Roy Oat
man wejit to Superior Wednesday to
attend the Gittings-Pope nuptials.
Dr. J. W. Moranville has so far re
covered as to be able to walk down
town to his breakfast this morning
for the first time in several months.
"Our Old Kentucky Home" enthrals
the heart with its soul stirring melo
dies. It is a play you will enjoy. At
thu opera house next Tuesday night.
There are many tonics in the land,
As by the papers you can see;
Hut none of then can equal
llollister's Rocky Mount'tin Tea.
C. L. Cotting.
Snapp's orchestru is playing at the
opera house every night this week in
conjunction with the Raes Company.
3 lbs large Prunes 25c
4 ioc cans Lye 25c
9 bars Quaker Soap. . . 25c
3 qts. Onion Sets 25c
7 lbs Buckwheat Flour 25c
4 boxes Egg-O-See... 25c
All tho Phones
Their inusie is fine and worth going to
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Foarn of MeCook
spent Sunday with relatives in Red
Cloud and vicinity. Roy is now work
ing in tho Hurlington shops at Me
Cook. Near the north end of Elm street
there is an unsightly brush heap that
has occupied the center of the stree.t
for several weeks. It should be re
moved. Since Russell Shields took charge of
the Hlue Hill Leader there has been a
marked improvement in the appear
ance of the paper and the tonejof the
Harry Goble of Fort Cobb, Okla..
was shaking hands with friends the
first of the week. He will visit in
Holdredge and Kearney before return
ing home.
Pine Sah'o Carbolied nets like a
poultice; highly antiseptic, extensively
used for Ee.ema, chapped hands and ,
lips,, cuts, burns. Sold by Henry Cook's !
drug store.
Don't forgot the baud boys' carnival
at Woodman hall, the last four days
of next week. There will be all kinds
of fun and excitement, and plenty of
good inusie.
M. R. Rent ley came in Thursday
from Siloam Springs. Ark., oil a busi
ness and pleasure trip, lie looks as
though the climate of "old Arkausaw"
agreed with him.
At their meeting Monday night the
band boys decided to give their open
air concerts on Friday evenings in
stead of Tuesday evenings, as an
nounced last week.
The city council of Franklin has
made provision for a series of hitch
ing posts near the center business In
that town. Our bitching posts seem
as far away as ever.
Mrs. Nellie Tissington and Miss
Dorris Cheatham returned Monday to
their home in Dcs Moines, la., and
were accompanied by their cousin,
William I'arkes, Sr.
One of C. M. Smith's livery teams
ran away Wednesday, near thu river
bridge, and smashed the buggv. Joe
Saladen caught the horses and tied
them to a telephone pole. i
George N. Hawkins of Akron, Col.,
was in Red Cloud Sunday on his way
to his former home in Lebanon, Kan.
Mr. Hawkins is now in the law and
real estate business at Akron.
Miss Josephine Mizer left Saturday
morning for Ohicago, when' she will
study music and voice culture. .Miss
Mior has a splendid voice and we
predict a great future for her.
Mrs. Applegate, who came here to
attend the funeral of her daughter,
Mrs. Llewellyn King, returned to her .
home in Gibbon, Neb., yesterday, ae-1
companied by the King children. i
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rinehart of
Galllon, O., visited with G. W. Raker
and other relatives the first of the
week. They are on their way home
from spending the winter in Califor
nia. ,
Every woman appreciates a beauti
ful complexion, so much desired by
men. Such complexions come to all
who nsu Ilolister's Rocky Mountain
Tea. :i,1 cents, Tea or Tablets. C. L.
Last Sunday's stock shipments: I).
II. Kaley, live cars cattle; J. E. Jarboe,
one car cattle; Charles Gurney, five
cars cattle; James Mcintosh, one car
cattle; A. Roats, one car cattle; II. C.
Cutter, car hogs.
Rert Garber yesterday received his
transportation from the manager of
the San Francisco base ball team and
leaves tonight to join that aggrega
tion, to which he has been "farmed
out" by "Pa" Rourke of Omaha.
P. A. Martin of Minonk, 111.; John
M. Martin of Vancouver, Wash.; J. K.
Martin and T. L. Trowbridge, both of
Rlno Hill, came down from that vil-1
lago this morning on business. The
Martins are all sons of the late Jotham
Martin. 1
A rumor was current Monday morn
ing that Mike Donovan had again been
"touched," this time for 81400. There
was no foundation for the story other
than that either himself or somebody
else had disarranged tho "furniture" i
in his room. I
Tho management of thu state fair
has closed a contract with Charles. I.
Strobel of Toledo, O., acknowledged
to be the world's premier airship ma
nipulator, for making a series of daily
ilights on the fair grounds at Lincoln,
September '2 to 0.
Karl Spence, who attended business
college here last winter and worked
in the Argus ollice, has taken charge
of the Itladen Enterprise. lie is an
experienced printer and a hustler, and
will no doubt give the people of that
section of the county a good paper.
a.tOa "Xf fjruf?f'fmyjif
f i?i iWti
C (nulii 107
House e.l Kii prnlicimrf
A choice variety of
Suiting black, blues,
sorls of neat mixtures.
s ' s w. c.' i .
$5.50, $10.00, $12.00,
$15.00 to $25.00
Remember that we counl it a pleasnre to show the man who
drops in "just for a look."
The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
Clothiers, Hatters, Furnishers,
First Door North of Post
Two days' treatment free. Ring's
Dyspepsia Tablets for impaired diges
tion, impure breath, perfect assimila
tion of food, increased appetite. Do
not fail to avail yourself of the above
ofl'cr. Sold by Henry Cook.
Thousands have pronounced llollis
ter's Rocky Mountain Tea the great
est healing power on earth. When
medical science fails, it succeeds.
Makes you well and keeps you well.
:)5 cents, Tea or Tablets. C. L. Cotting.
Consumers of city water are notified
that the supply will be cut ofT Satur
day to allow making thu connections
with the new pump. Fill your tubs
and buckets tonight or early in the
morning. A standplpe full of water
will be held in reserve for use in case
of fire.
The Union Class will meet at the
Holsworth home, Fifth avenue and
Cherry street, one block west of the
Dunkard church, tonight. "Faith as
Essential to Success" will be thu sub
ject for discussion. Come and bring
your best friend and a few success
The now pump for the water plant
was lowered to its foundation Tues
day. When it was within about three
feet of the bottom one of the chains
gave way and the pump . fell with a
crash. Examination showed that it
was not damaged by the fall, and it
will be connected with the mains to
morrow. Rae's Excellent Company, which is
playing a week stand at the opera
house, is the best repertoire company
that has been here in years, and the
members are ladies and gentlemen.
The specialties and moving pictures
are good. The company deserves a
a better patronagu than it has thus
far received.
Any person attending the nuw three
act comedy-drama, "Our Old Kentucky
Home," and not being entirely satis
fled after seeing two acts, can have
their money refunded at thu box of
fice. If the show don't please you,
btep to the ofllce, bay so, und get your
The Quiet Dresser is just as
particular about the cut of his Suit
as the ultra Fashionable Fellow.
While radical changes in styles
do not appeal to him, he insists
upon all the little variations that
each season introduces. His Coat
and Vest must be of the correct
length and the lapels of the latest
widli and depth; and the Trousers
neither loo wide nor too narrow;
but just right.
This is the store for these con
servative and refined dressers. Our
eyes are always focused on the
new features as fast as they come
conservative models in every kind of
many shades of grays, browns and all
Shoes, Trunks and Suit Cases
Office, Red Cloud, Nebraska
money back. Wauiiiin Mooim:, Man
ager "Our Old Kentucky Home."
Don't be in a hurry when you buy a
piano. Look over the beautiful nevr
cases at Argabright's Studio and com
pare grades and prices. Nothing bet
ter has ever been shown in the city,
and terms and prices are made to suit
you. You know the place upstairs,
where street noises don't interfere
with the most delicate gradatiwns of
tone. "The tone is the thing."
Thu city directory gotten up by Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Wills has been printed
and delivered. It is replete with glar
ing blunders and is a very poor speci
men of thu printer's art. The book
contains from SUM) to 8300 worth of
advertising, a great deal of it coming
from pcoplu who do not patronize tho
nuwspapers. Tho promoters of tho
scheme probably cleaned up 8100 in
Red Cloud.
II. W. Egert of Minneapolis, Minn.,
was in Red Cloud this week. He is
looking for a location to go into the
milling business, and is negotiating
with R. It. Kiimmer with a view to
buying his mill or entering tho busi
ness as a partner. Mr. Egert went out
to Oxford, but is uxpected to return
hero tomorrow. A Mr. Green of Camp
boll is also negotiating for the pur
chase of the mill.
Right now would be a good time to
start a movement to provide a "rest
room," where farmers' wives, daugh
ters and little children can go and
rest and "clean up" when in town on
business. There are plenty of placen
where thu men can go to loaf and
enjoy themselves, but no provision t
made for the worn-out mother with
an armful of bundles and a lanful of
fretful "kids." Let's get busy.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Signature of