wutuuiJiuujmMPurnai'i. ft ') v i 13he CHIEF REO CLOUD, NEB. PUBLISHED KVKRY Fi.IOAY. T uU't il lii the riMinlIU'P m iim! Cluixl. 'fb -(riiiiil ' Myitrr Pawl C. Pruitrch Gkokok Nkwhochk Kditur Mamgr "MAY 1 WILL BE USHERED IN WITHOUT SERIOUS STRIKES, WORKERS IN PROSPEROUS STATE Wage Earners Busy at Higher Pay Than Ever Before Secretary of Citizens' Industrial Association Says Outlook Was Never So Promising. Cnlea'go. April 2-1. Iir tlio first fcruiu In years May J will ho ushered In without any serious disturbance In t.ho IticliiBtrltil world. This peaceful condition applies not only to Chicago, but to the Inn-go cities throughout the oiintry, according to .lames A. Kmory, wecrotury of tlio Citizens' Industrial association, who is in Chicago. "There is hardly a cloud on the In dustrial horizon unywhero," said Mr. Emory. "Wages are higher than nt any time In tho history of tlio coun try, and in most of tho country ttio relations between the employer and employe aro harmonious. Through re- J ports from our different associations, i am kept In touch with Industrial af fairs In every part or the count ry, aii'l 1 have never seen tho outlook as promising. In nearly ovory Instance where working contracts have been renewed, wage Increases have been granted, so that May 1 this year will not only bring fewer strikes, but also higher wages than ever before." SWILL APPEALjraWASHINGTON Government Will Be Asked to Mediate in Rio Grande Dispute. Dnnver, Colo., April 21.-The United States government will be asked , to mediate between the Denver and Rio Grande railroad and its trainmen In an 1 irort to bring ubout a settlement of tho differences existing over the scale question. L. 10. Sheppard, assistant grand chief of the Order of Hallway Conductors, and W. T. Nownian, third Aico president of the llrotherhood of Uallroad Trainmen, held a final con fi renew with tho officials of the Rio Grande road and notified them that tho trainmen had rejected almost unanimously tho offer of the com pany's management of an Increase averaging Il.til! per cent, and nothing 1 ss than the Chicago scale would bo acceptable to tho Itio Giaude men. They wire told that this could not bo granlo'l and wero notified that tho road would appeal to Washington. The representatives of the trainmen icspondod that as a concession to tho public they would withhold further ac tion until Washington could be heard from, hut that only mediation and not arbitration would be consented to. They also declared that a strike would be declared unless word came that the national government was willing to extend Its good offices, and that very soon. Ninety-one per cent of the conductors voted to reject tho com pany's offer and !" per cent of tho other trainmen did likewise. WRECKS DUE TO BAD STEEL RAILS iUHllli of the olllcer who made the arrest, Latent Flaw Causes Them to Break lcg , gt Mm.y.H ll0H,,itnl. Hoboluti. Under Impact of Fast Train. 1 unconscious from, wounds thought to ' Chicago. April 2 1.-Dad steel rails be solt-lnilletod. It Is thought his In are causing many 01' the disastrous juries will prove fatal, wrecks 011 American railways, accord-1 Mieeding lroni gashes In his throat ing 10 a sHHi'im-iii. mum.- nt Dwuii.' hi , tin most prominent operating officials in te United States, who are In Chi cago attending the spring meeting of the American Hallway association. Aided by c'y-iiilcnl experts and metal-lurgl.-.ts, u committee composed of op erating officials has been making an Investigation of this matter and have come to the conclusion that an ox- t ceedlngly dangerous percentage of tho steel rails manufactured today have j n latent Haw, which causes them to snap and break under the Impact ot a fast train. ' Among tho roports which have been prepared for presentation to the moot ing of tho association today Is one by tho committee on "Standard Hall and Wheel Sections." This report will recommend that a committee be ap pointed to take up the question of bet ter steel rails with the American man-, ufnuuivrs in an endeavor to Improve, tho quality of material. 1 ... A ......1 1... ......... ,P ' MANGLED BODYJOUND ON TRACK Gambler Supposed to Have Dcen Mur deied by His Victims. Pittsburg, Kan., April 21. A man gled body found on tho, Kansas City Southern trucks near .Nelson, a coal camp elKht miles north of Pittsburg, has boon partially identified as that of John Mitchell, a gambler of St. Jo seph. Two local gamblers, who wero not certain in their Identification, be causo of tho mutilation of tho body, ay that Mltcholl's mode of operation was to drop Into railroad construction camps disguised as a tramp, Inveigle tho workmen Into gambling and win their money. It Is supposed thnt Mitchell was murdered by his victims at tho mining camp and his body thrown on tho track to bo cut up by trains. MRS. LAWSON SHELDON DEAD Mother of Governor of Nebraska Pass es Away at Her Home at Nchawka. Lincoln, April 21. Mrs. Uiwson Sholdon, mother of Governor George L. Sholdon, died at her homo at No hawka last evening. Sho was seventy three years old. Sho has been 111 with pneumonia for throe weeks. Much of tho time Governor Sheldon baa buen at her bedside. NO VACATON FOR THAW Four Centers of Distress Report Worso Conditions Than Formely. Shanghai. April 20. Tho following are extracts from the reports Just re ceived from four famine centers: Yawoml Famine Is growing worse. Children In great numbers are dying. S.ichlon Almost out of supplies. Need largo amounts Immediately to continue tho relief commenced. Slng-Klang-Pu Many dying. Must decrease relief work unless larger rhlpments of supplies are received. Luklawlctse The whole country Is In the deepest distress. Ket'ugoes who went south hoping to find relief are returning empty ha uled. fhere are processions of people with wheelbnr rows, transporting their doors, tables, beds and cupboards to market, to bo sold for almost nothing. Hundreds of women and children uro seen In the Holds, scratching out roots and scanty blades of grass. Hundreds of trees have been stripped of their bark from tho roots to the tips or the high est brnnches, for use as food. The majority of the population is living on wild roots, which Is causing disease. CHINESE FAMINE REPORTS Generally Believed that Slayer of White Will Spend Summer In Jail. Now York, April 20. No movement to attempt to secure tho release of 1 Harry K. Thaw on ball has been made and none Is likely for sonic time. Dan O'Reilly and Clifford W. Hart ridge, tho two lawyers still In his em ploy, say that no immediate steps will be taken regarding bull. That Thaw and the members of hlft family are resigned to the fact that Thaw must spend another summer In the Tombs Is apparently Indicated by the departure from the city of nearly every member of the family. Mrs. William Thaw, tho mother, and the Countess of Yarmouth are now in Pittsburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Thaw have sailed for Europe. Of all the family that gathered about tho slayer of Stanford White dm tug his fight fiir freedom recently, only his wife, Mrs. Evelyn Thaw, re mains at tho Hotel Loraino. She vis its tho prisoner dally and declares she will continue so to do is long as ho is in jail. DISGRACED, HE TRIES TO DIE Wealthy Philadclphlan Prefers Death to Trial on Double Charge. New York. April 20. Menedlct Gim bel, a wealthy Philadelphia merchant. who was arrested in this city on the double charge of exerting luipioper intliKiice over Ivor Clark, a sixteen-year-old boy, and attempted bribery and severed arteries In both wrists, Gimbel was found In a room which lie had engaged tho night before at the Palace hotel, In lloboUcn. Gluibol had been released from tho Tombs under $i;,oOi) bonds, lie then went to Ho- bokeu and registered at tho Palace hotel N. J. as Wilson Heldgo of Trenton, Mrs. Donald McLean Re-elected. Washington. April 2i. The princi pal feature of the session of the con tinental congress of the national so ciety of the Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution was tho announce ment of the result of the vote for offi cers for the ensuing two years. Mrs. Donald Mcl.can of New York, presi dent ueneral. was re-elected by a huge niajotlty and the administration ticket vvsn elected with her. Famine in Russia. London, April 20. Willing from tho Russian famine district. Dr. Konnarri, sent by the Society of Friends to In vestigate conditions, draws an ap palling picture or the suffering, Ho says: "This is tlio worst famine Rus- cln lin Iniriwii. "n less than .0.IH10.- 000 people cannot live without aid to sco another harvest." I J'ILL j. RHODE I ' .ND Vv, . ., Il Lr tlatui;; WILL MAL bvi ONE CLNATOi. Republicans Fall lo Agree on a Can dictate anj jj.iH ...iG.-n Adjoin. u at End of iij..ty-i-liat Ballot icn out Any Cnoicc. Providence, April 24. Until Janu ary next Jthodo island will have but 0110 United States senator as tho re Mill of the failure of tne Republicans In the legislature to ugreo on a candi date. The Joint session adjourned at the end of the eighty-first ballot, which showed that tho deadlock was still complete. Final ballot: Colonel It. It. I. Goddard (Dem.), Providence, 40; Colonel Saniuol Pomeroy Colt (Hep.), Bristol, 39; George Peabody Wetmoro (Hep.), Newport, 30. Tho contest wn tho most pro tracted and stubbornly fought In tho political history of the Btatc. Twenty five ballots wero taken at yesterday's session, none showing any particular change In tho line-up. TAFT HASJUSY TIME Secretary Resumes His Duties at the War Department. Washington, April 24. Secretary Taft resumed his routine duties at tho war department. Tho fact that It was cabinet day made It nocesEary for him to cut short tho time allowed to call ers and to liostpono until a more con venient moment tho consultations ho desired to have with General Boll, chief of staff, and tlio other officials. It is doubtful If, In his Washington experience, the secretary has had to deal with more newspaper men than ho saw during tho day. Thoy wero mainly desirous to learn just what the secretary Intended to do In answer to tho challenge which Senator Forakor had Issued In regard lo tho contest In Ohio. Mr. Taft frankly told his news paper callers that ho was under the disadvantage of a considerable ab sence from the country, with only scanty news of tho Important political events that had occurred. Ho did not fed, under tho circumstances, that it was proper Tor him to make any kind of a statement ns to his political opinions. and plans. harrimanIoIijiithks stand Denies Giving Permission to Any Newspaper to Publish Letter. New York, April 24. Edward H. Hariiman was the principal witness at the final hearing in the case ot Frank W. Hill, Mr. Harrlnian's former secretary, who Is charged with having sold for publication the now famous Utter by Mr. Harrlnian to Sidney Webster. The publication of tho let tor drew a heated reply from the piesldcnt, In which the statements ot Mr. Harrlnian were characterized as untrue, it Is charged that Hill sold a copy of the letter which he tran scribed from his original shorthand notes. Magistrate Wahlo announced after the hearing that he would glvo his decision on May 1. Mr. Harrlnian de nied that ho ever gave permission to any newspaper to publish tho letter. On tho other hand, he said that when ho learned the letter was In tho pos session or the New York World he tiled, without success, to prevent its publication. FOR EDUCATION OF NEGROES Philadelphia Woman Gives $1,000,COO I for Rudimentary Schools in South. Philadelphia. April 24. A gift ol 1 l.uiiii.uno for th' establishment of a f'ind tor rudimentary schools for I southern negroes was announced here. j Tho donor is Miss Anna T. Jeans, 'a Quakeress of this city. Hooker T. Washington, head of the Tuskegcc 1 Institute, and Hollis llurke I'rlssoll, president of the Hampton normal and Industrial Institute, aro named ns trus tees of the fund, but neither of the IiihtUutlons they represent will share in the gilt. The income or the $l,t)iiO 000 Is to ho used for the sole purpose of assisting In the "southern I'nlted States community, country and rural schools for tho great class of negroes to whom the small rural and commu nity schools aro alone available." DISASTERS IN PHILIPPINES Town of lloilo, Capital of Panay, To tally Destroyed by Fire. Manila, April 20. Tho town of llotlo was totally destroyed by (Ire and 20, Otio people rendered homeless. Roports have buen received from South Luzon of a sovero earthquake in the town of Nuuvii Cacoras, capital of the province of Atihos Cnnuuinen, : and also at N'ayabas, In tho province of Tnynlms, in northern Luzon. Tho 1 destruction of buildings Is reported, t so tar there Is no mention or any loss of lire. S OF NKMIASKA. coin Motorman Badly Injured. , v pril 1:0. G. W. Hobinson, .univn on the Lincoln Parle car line, received serious In- .n a co.lis.on between his car .. L'ntcn Pa 1. ic lrcight train. wiio mi&se .ie r was on tho car ..0 miraculously escaped injury. Nr .rnska Wheat in Good Condition. L ..n, April 20. Tho L'ndiuo Grain f....1..ny hns compile, a report 01 tlio (.o. .....on of the growing wheat In No- in.. ...a from inquiries It recently sent .. to J87 bankers In tho stnto. The . ,.ort Is regarded as very favorable. hi ..nswer to tho question, "Are there ; ny green bugs in your vicinity?" five tinkers answered yes and 182 no. To Test Veto of Kearney Appropriation w.iicoln, April 23. The legality of Gov ci nor Sheldon's veto of tho $80, ,ue appropriation by tne legislature for :ne bitito normal school of Kearney vv.ll uo tested In tho supremo cour' J i..t in behalf of the school will be ;.. a .odny, the ground being that tho t. .ie limit hail expired before tho gov ernor announced his disapproval of tho bill. Lincoln Saloons Reopen. Lincoln, April 19. Saloonkeepers ot Lincoln scored a victory last evening, Wiien tho supremo court rendered an op.nlon In oftcct that licenses granted last April under tho old city charter do not expire until May 1 next, when tho now municipal year begins under the present chnrtcr. Tho "drought" which has existed in Lincoln for a week, was broken last night, when tho forty-one saloons reopened. EISHOP B.ONACUM TURNED DOWN Rome Refuses to Furnish Testimony to Nebraska Courts In His Case. Lincoln, April 22. Dispatches from Home indicate that Bishop Ronacum had received a slight reverse, tho con gregation of the propoganda refusing to Intervene In tho case. Father Mur phy hns boon In a ton-year legal tilt with Donncuin and Is In possession of tho church property at Seward, from which Honacum sought to eject him. Recent pleadings of Ronacum for im mediate possession liavo been dis missed, Murphy having won a slight advantage. RATES FIXED MAY SEVENTH. Railway Commission Serves Notice to that Effect on Railroads. Lincoln, April 22. Tho state rail way commission will make a schedule of rates for all rallioads In Ncbi-nika on May 7. A circular vjas sent out b.v tho commission to all tho railroads notifying them of this fact and calling their attention to tho law, which re quires roads to llle their schedules of rates with the commission. This has riot been done, but the circular calls attention to the penalty provided for .a failure to do this. IN HANDS OF RECEIVER. J. C. O. Morse Takes Charge of Uncle Sam Oil Company. Kansas City, April 24. J. C. O. Morse, the receiver of tho Uncle Sam Oil company, took charge of the affairs at the company's general olllces In Kansas City, Kan. After milking an investigation of tho details of tho business here, which probably will re quire several days, Mr. Morse will in spect tlio company's property in south ern Kansas and Indian territory. Tillman Asks Show of Hands. Northampton, Mass., April 21. Just ! before the conclusion ot his lecture in tho Academy of Music, Senator , Uonjumln R. Tillman -of South Caro line asked for a show of hands from thoM who believed the negro was not the equal of the white man. There was no response. He thou asked for a similar vote who believed in the su premacy of the whites, and a few hands wero raised. Mr. TUlmnn con cluded by attacking those piesent for their failure to respond to his re quest. SUNSET MAQAZIRE beautifully illuttiatcd,good itorits and article! about California and all the far West. TOWN AND COUNTnY JOURNAL a monthly publication devoted to the farming infcretU of the Wert. $1.50 a year $0.50 year ROAD OF A THOUSAND WONDERS a book of 75 pages, containing 120 colored photograph of picturesque spots in California and Oregon. Total . . , $0.75 $2.75 $1.50 All f. or Cut out this advertisement and send with $1.50 lo SUNSET MAGAZINE JAMES FLOOD BLDC.. SAN FRANCISCO I HEADERS SN Bad Breath. A well-known physician, who undoubtedly knows, declares that bad breath lias broken off more matches than bad temper. lucre aro anient lovers who must sometimes wish t h o 1 r sweethearts presented sweeter mouths to be kissed. Good teeth cannot prevent bad breath when the stomach is disordered. Tho best cure for bad breath is a cleansing out of tho body by use of Lane's Family Medicine the tonic laxative. This is a herb medicine, sold In 25c. and 50c. packages by drug gists and it Is saving more doctor s bills than any other medicine has over saved. It cures liendache, backache, indigestion, constipation and skin diseases. Farms Thai Grow "No. I HARD" WHEAT (Sixly-thrco Pounds to tho Bushol) are sittmtcd in the Canadian West, where Homesteads of 1G0 acres can be obtained FREE by every settler will ing and able to comply with the Homestead Regu lations. During the present year a large portion of New Wheat-Growing Territory has been made accessible to markets by the railway construction thnt has been pushed forward so vigor ously by the three great Kuilvvny Companies. Grain growing, mixed farming and dairying are the great specialties. For literature and Information udUress Superintendent of Immigration Ottawa, Canada or the following Authorized Canadian Government Accnt, W. V. IIKNNETT SOI JSew York l.lfr ftulldlnff OiiiiiIim, !Sb. Mention tliU paper. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. A tiTono sending n iUrloli unci ilpcrliitlon mnj quickly ascertain our opinion frco nhclticr'ni tiiTi'iitioii la prntinlily p'iti'ntiitl. Cotmnuulra-tlonsHtrictlyi-o.iiiiirntiMt. HANDBOOK 011 I'm emu out free, olilot nuolioy lor eocurmt,' patimu. l'.itcntH taken throimli Munn A Co. recelvt tlcctal notice, without clinruc, la tlio Scientific BMican. A Imnitcnnipljr IlliintrntPil wppkljr. freest cir culation f imy M-ieiiMUo Journal. Terms, 13 a yonr: four nioutk, 11. tioM byull nowsdpalpro. MUNN &Co.3G'Broad"a New York Ilrancl) Ufllco. tr!5 V St., Wnshluuton, I). O. I HAVE Six Companies Soo policies represent ing over $2,000,000 in surance in Webster county. Now is the time to get in the Band Wagon. Insurance and Notary. Telephones: ( otinlry, No. .10; Bell, No. 118. m INSl&ANCE against Fire, Lightning, Cy clones and Windstorms, soo JNO. H. STAMSER, agent for tho Farmers Union Insur ance Co., Lincoln, Neb,, tho best in surance company iutho sl,te. Dade's Little Liver Pills thoroughly clean the system, good for lazy liver, makes clear complexions, bright eye.- and happy thoughts. Hold by Henry Cook's drug store. To Mothers in This Town , Children who are delicate, feveris'li and cross will get Immediate relief from Mother (Iray's Sweet I'ovvders for children, Ti.ry cleanse the htoiu aeli, act 011 the liver, making a sickly child strong and healthy. A certain cure for worms. Sold by all druggists, U'.le. Sample free. Allen S. Olmstead, LeKoy, N. V. fill I k t na m . lE J ,- &m&T&mw&mmMwm$ii'x; UUirtAW, srussressssc JfSXSBtSSX ttfS3&nE fciltft1iW)ttWtMMftttWfet wa0MgSiOTwm.t