The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 19, 1907, Image 8

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i flemsy jfotes from
(From the Citizen.)
MoIho Uoulior has traded his livory
fctablu and business to K. O. Borgman
for a piece of land.
P. II. Gilmorp, who mot ho suddon
n doaUt in Council Bluffs last week,
was buried at his old homo in Tobias
Air. and Mrs. II. W. Bock, who wora
called to Edgar Tuesday by tho death
of Mis. Beck's mother, roturnod home
yostorday evening. Docoasud waa 1)0
yours of age in February.
Mr. and Mrs. Jus. Murphy, living
outh of C'ampboll, while returning
from C'ampboll Saturday two wooks
ugo, met with n serious accident. Tho
horses took fright and ran a win,
throwing Mr. and Mrs. Murphy out,
nnd wrecking tho buggy. Mrs. Mur
phy was qui to horiously injured and
is not yot ablo to bo about.
(From the Advocate.)
Died, April 8, 1907, Myron Wood,
ngod 7-1 years, 7 months and 3 days,
from an attack or pneumonia.
Tho young child of Mr. and Mrs.
Goo. Henn, ovor south of tho rlvor,
Mod yostorday and was burlqd today.
Mrs. Dr. Watson was quito seriously
burned ono day this week whilo start
ing a flro in tho stovo with korosono
J. D. MoFarlaud, formorly road mas
ter of tho B. it M., was trying to trado
for a location and busiuoss in Frank
lin this wcok, but failed.
A goodly number of peoplo wont
out to tho comotory last Tuesday and
put in tho day in cleaning tip tho
rubbish, trimming tho trees and burn
ing old grass.
(From tho Review.)
Lonnio Johnson is confined to his
bed with pneumonia.
Base ball spirit is vigorously dis
played this spring by tho young men
of this place.
Leslio Lambert has been .sent to
Republican City by the Burlington as
section foreman.
Niime Richardson of Red Cloud
spent Tuesday with Isaac Shophord
son of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Shophordson
took an auto rido to Red Cloud Tues
day afternoon with Mr. Frank Peter
(From the Sentinel.)
Karl Spenco has purchased tho
Bladon Enterprise from his undo and
will lcavo this week to take chargo of
its publication.
WinnioLcnsuro Hayos, tho wife of
Cleave Hayes and grand daughter of
Myron Wood, yielded up her lifo Tues
day at Republican City. Sho had been
a mother for two wooks.
Ira Bhokes has resigned from his
position as foreman of tho section
here and will move with his family to
California. Mr. Backus has a wealthy
aunt there who has always taken u
deep interest in him and it is at her
request that ho leaves us.
(From the Argus.)
Davo Kendle startod last week for.
California. He wont at this time on'
account oT 1 lie death of a relative of
Mrs Kondle. I
Mr. and Mrs. Heneiy tJreen, whose
homo is about ten miles south of
Lohanon, celebrated their flftioth
wedding anniversary Tuesday.
Walker Uuehanan, who now resides
at Smith Center, was sorlouslv hurt
tho latter part of last week. As wo
hoar it, ho had started to cross thoj
Htroot when ho was knocked down by
a lad, who was riding a horso at a fast
pace, breaking somo of his ribs and
othorwiso injuring him. .
Mr. Book, a fanner living a fow inilos
south of town, was badly injured by a
bull Friday. Tho animal kunekod tho
old gentleman down, when ho grabbed
tho ring in its noso, this perhaps pre
vontod it from killing him with its
head. As it was, tho animal usod its
feot. pawing him in tho breast, bruis
ing him in bad shape.
Little Harold Vandorvort narrowly
escaped serious hurt Monday. Tho
Neighboring Touins j
hypnotist had ju-t completed his L II Mlaekledge, Refere to Char
blindfold rido through tho streets and lose' diuid, nc 11-3-11, Ref.
tho team was being taken back to the deed, ....
barn. There was the u-ual crowd and Louis Sabln et al to W R Ryker,
the little follow among tho number. J pt sw :t-l-tt, qed
Ho was knocked down and tho car
rlugo passed over his foot. Ho was
quite badly bruised but no bones
wero broken.
Frank Klncaid is building a now
Frank Coulson was serving on tho
jury this week.
John Sutton purchased a now car
riage at Inavalo a fow days ago.
IT. S. Holcomb spout Sabbath in Red
Cloud with his sister, Mrs. Arueson.
Mr. Fnrnham foil from kin buggy a
fow days ago, and dislocated his.shoul.
G. N. Blankonbakor took throo initios
to Bod Cloud Monday, which ho sold
for 1550.
Real Estate Transfers.
For the week ending Tuesday,
April 0, furnished by the Fort Ab
stract Co., L. II. Fort, Manager.
Oscar R Royce to II C Colburn,
lots 1 to 5, bllt 21, Cowles, wd.S 1 15
Mary E Simpson to Derm Bose,
set lil-3-10, wd 5000
Joseph II Thomas to Mary E
Simpson, same, wd
A brum Newton to Robert II
Newton, n2 n2 swt 28-2-12, wd
Win II HolYiiian to Fred I lorn -berger,
ptuwl 18-1-11, wd....
Charles W Kaley to darrott M
Tuuison, net '-M-l-12, wd
Melissa C Ilagan to T W Har
rington, o2 nwl 10-2-lt, wd....
William hclntltz to Louis Kort.
lots 1 1 and 15, blk 7, Rohtvr's
add to B II, wd 1800
lean A Penman to Frank Smith,
lot 3, blk 25, Red Cloud, wd..
E W Fowler to Hannah .1 Crow,
lots 11 and 15, blk 11, tinkle
Rock, wd
Charles C McConkey to John N
1 350
Havel, lots 4, 5 and 0, blk 2,
Red Cloud, wd
Linda Arnold to Otto Miller, sol
2-3-10, wd
State of Nebraska to Charles .1
Smith, s2 swl 3-151-10, wd
O W White to W A ISarcus. lots
1) and 10, blk 5, Roluvr's add
to IMue Hill, wd
railed States to dertrude Ban
sen, net 2 1-3-12, patent
Victor I'avilku to Frank- .1 1'av
ilka, c2 lot 7,blk 10. Bladen, wd
O I) Hedge. Klierin", to It Mo
Neny. lots 1 to 0 and 11 to 21,
blk 1. diilliford's add to Red
Cloud, sheriff's deed
Bernard MeN'eny to Wm Roats.
same, wd
Eilert itargmanu to Chits Frey.
c2 ne and net set 25-1-10, wd..
Lincoln Land Co to Clans Rose,
lot 3 blk 2 and lot 13 blk 13,
Roseinont, wd
Wm Kort et al to Blue Hill vil
lage, west pt lot 2 Rohrei's
add to Blue Hill, wd
Romulus Chevalier to Arthur
(jiiiutcu. lots 3 and t. blk 5.
First add to Itladen, wd ....
Arthur (juintcn to Mary C Che
valier, same, wd
Chris llierhaus to Bert and Fred
Kile, lot I. blk in. Bladen, wd
Homer W Sherwood to Mary .1
Abel, lots 3 and t. blk 22. Red
Cloud, wd
I .MM)
William l Peek to Henry Loeb
stick. n2sel l-J-ti.wd
A K Haas to Hans Oye Jr. n2
M. 1 s-4.i. wd
Mary E Simpson to Eueltd Mar-
tin, lot :i. blk It. II II. wd....
iron i
Total 4
Mortgages Hied. SlT.U'.tH.H).
Mortgages released. SI. 02". 70.
Transfers fur the week ending April
1. C Mickney to l.uther ISuhx.lot
A frlond of tho homi
A foe of the Truat
Compiles with tha Purs Food Laws
of all Stolen.
11!, Hilt 11, I mi vale, wd
Luther 0 Ruby to H C Wordon,
lots 8, t), 10,11, 12, Itllc 2, Wil
liam's add 1 Rod Cloud, wd..
0 II Itiohardson to Mrs. A .1
dross, lots 17. 18, Itllc 11, Smith
it Moore's add to Rod Cloud,
Fred Kick to Peter Morten, lots
5, 5, Blk 8, Rohrer's add to
Blue Hill, wd 300
John Bark ley to Hugh dulliford
lots 8 to -18, Blk 2, Harbor's 2
add to Red Cloud, qed 200,
Lyra C Harbor to Hugh W dulli
ford, lots 13 to 21, Blk 7, Har
bor's 1st add to Red Eloud, qed 105
W lleedt to Harm Rose, lots 1,3,1
Blk -!, Busehow's add to Blue
Hill, wd 1100
Harm Rose to W lleedt, lots;?, 8,
Tyler's sub div to Blue Hill, wd 1300
St 0,1 05
Mortgages filed, 81 1010.
Mortgages released, 815570.
fixfmrSaxaStffbiGlmSfb ImSuuloOTfaaiatJfaSiUlb-
Deaths and Funerals.
Mrs. L. F. King, formerly Carrie
Applegate, was born in Owen county
Indiana, May 28, 1872, and died April
10, 1007. She moved with her parents,
J. M. Applegate and wife, to dibbon,
Neb., in 1870. where she united with
the M. E. Church at an early age.
Jan. 17, l'.K) I, she was married to L. C.
King of Rod Cloud, Neb., where she
resided at the time of her death. To
this union three children were born,
all of whom are still living. Sho
leaves a loving husband, father,
mother, three sisters and three broth
ers. She lived an earnest Christian
life to the end. Funeral servieis were
held at the Ash Creeh M. E. Church
at II a. in.. Friday, April 12. conduct
ed by Rev. Hummel, assisted by N.
Waggoner. Interment in the Waggon
er Cemetery.
A Pioneer Passes Away.
Charles Mitnger. one of the pioneers
of Webster county, died last Saturday.
April 13. of extreme old age, at the
home of his daughter. Mrs. Sauford
Fox, in this city. Funeral serviues
were held Sunday, conducted by Rev.
(1. W. Hummel.
Charley M linger was born in New
York May 21. 1 823. being 81 years III
months and S days of age at the time
of his death. In IS52 he crossed- the
plains to California, where he remain
ed four years, returning east by way
of the Isthmus of Panama. On Dee
ember 0, 185(5, he was uiarriedto LytHa
Fitch. To this union one child was
birn, Mrs. Lydia F. Hammond, who
now resides at Los Angels, Cal. On
March 27, 1 850, he was married to
Matilda M. Smith, three children being
born to this union, one of whom died
in childhood. The other two are Mrs.
Martha M. Fox of tills city and L. C.
Munger of Carfiehl township.
Mr. Munger enlisted in the I'nion
army August 0, 1802, and served until
the close of the lebelliou. being mus
tered out at Raleigh, N. ('..August 13.
I Slfi. After the war he returned to
New York, where he remained for a
short time and then removed to Wis
consin, where he lived one year, then
removed to Missouri, where he lived
for four years. In IS72 he
came to
... , , , . .
Webster county and took n homestead
in wli-il k .mvi' Ci..-il.l.l (..vvnOitn on
111 u 11.11 is now tiailleld ioMisnil. on
which he lived untill October. 100
. - . . ,
when lie came to Heil ( loud to iniiile
1,1. i. .!). i,i .i. .i.i..,. n......w
nis noun wiin nis (languid, inn ens-
ed is survived "hv three children si
gniiiiiciiuiiri'ii sum one grcui-griiiiii-
i -i i m i i, i
child. Mr. Munger was well known
and was highly esteemed by everxone
" '
I who knew him. and his death will he
regretted by all.
Sylvnnus Campbell.
S. .1. ( amphell, one ot the pioneers
, ., . . .. i- i i. i i ..i
of this .section, died Wednesday at the
home of his irranildau"iiter. Mrs. Koll.
ilium in ins. laiiiui.iiiiiui. .ui.s. ituii.
in (Jartield township, l-'uneral serv-
,, , , ,, , l , . 1 1
ices were held 'I hursday. conducted by
Elder E. C. Davis of Hebron.
Svlv.-iiui.-s .1. fiutmhcll was horn in
..,' ,.. . .!, , , ., , , 1W11
Athciiscounty. Ohio, .Inly 10. 1S22.
holm? si vo-ic ( iiiiinlhs-iiiul I ihiv of
DLitig si .i inouiiis nun i uii.v oi
i age when he died. In 1SI2 he ivtis
, ... , .. ,, , ., ... I.ydiii Drake. Seven eliil-
ihvn were horn to them, six sons and
,( nun win imiiii in iiiiiii. .sia sun-.
a (laughter. The eldest son, llenjainin.
I ..... . ... .
'resides in I'utnam county, .Missouri.
unil thu viniiurnst Svlvauus in l.ane
anil me .ouugi si, nanus, in i,uu
county, Kansas. The other two httr
i , . ,. . , , .
i vivtng sons. I), and .lonas .1.. are resi
d.-iits of this eoinitv In Irt.'iil the
ouus oi nits ionium, in in.ii) inn
deceased with ills family moved to
,, . . ,,, . ,, . .,
l'litnaui county. Missouri, living there
until 1S74 when thev moved tn Jewell
uuiii 1SH, vvnen im, mono ui.uvviii
county, Kansas, where he lived until
about three years ago.
Besides his children, deceased liml
.,.,l.(,r.t..w,......wi, !i,i,...., .....i ti. i)... : ., '
lv"v""'' -......-....... ....... ...... ij-o. ,
great-grandchildren, all but nine of
whom are living.
CarilS 0? TliankS.
we desire to thank the neighbors
and friends who so kindly assisted us
during Hie wickness and death of our
Mas. S. Fox.
"Pineules" (uou-aleoholic) made from
resin from our pine forests, used for
hundreds of years for Bladder and
Kidney diseases. Medicine for thirty
days, 81. duaranteed to give satisfac
tion or money refunded. det our
guarantee coupon from Henry Cook's
drug stort
Mvstlc Cure for lthrutnntlsm mid Neurnlcln
rmllcnlly car- h In t to.'! din. Hh ncllon uion
the cynem Ih rcninrknhlo mid mjstcrlouw. II
remove at once the ciius-c and thcdlsciitio Ini
inedlatclr disappears. The Hint docu crently
hen- lilt). 71 rents and II. Sold by 11. K.Outcfc,
drtiKKlHt. lied Cloud.
You get a heaping
pound of the pure
old-fashioned Ar
buckles' ARIOSA
Coflee, that took
care of the nerves and digestion
of your grandparents, and has
been the leading coffee of the
world for 37 years.
You'll never have to quit
drinking Arbuckles.
Don't let any man switch you
over to coffee that pays him big
profits at the expense of your
heart, stomach and nerves.
Compllei with all rrnuirrments if the Nstionil Pure
Food Law, Guarantee No. 2041, filed at Wailiinglon.
Just Received, a Car of
You can save money by
taking 500 pounds of him.
Courthouse Bond Proposition.
It uns moved liy CoinmisHloucr H. (i. Shu-jit
1(11(1 SL'COIllR'll !)' rulllllllh-IOIIlT I. .1. (.1111)11111
that the following preniuble. resolution tuul
1 oilier nc iiiiniut'ii:
nr. l'P IM'.MKMIiKltKl) thiitntim mljoiirni-d
I inecllimof the mniliii .liimiiiiy. HM7 m'Ioii of
..,,.,,, , f
i-oinity, Nelm1M.11. held til the couit liniii-e in
il. e i li of ited Cloud in sild county this null
tur t ui hi iivi i" w. .... ..
dn nl .Mnrcli. IDOi, ilir Mild board belnu duly
coi'nened and in session for the transaction of
(1, imI,,vs ti,ni mlulit properly come beforo It.
and there belnu present . Ulchard, chairman.
j and W It Aiidirson. T. .1. chnplln, .1. (. Over
i man and n. o. "siiwjer. i oiiiiiiissioui-rs. nun
i no lour, couiliv u-ra. mho imuiiu ui-niu ii-.umii
j Jy AVAeiied Aiul called to order for the moo
, "tb.u of buslnesssajdresoluilon was ; presented:
I u-iiviil iw onili-r lln) laws of ttie slate of N
t .. ... . . i.i i ...i ....i.... ... ..i...
btaska. it ihthedut of the boatd ot count
commissioners or Mini coiiiii) in pruviuu a saje
and hullable courtli- use and other neccssar
bulldliu:i foi said couni. and to provide suit
iihin oiiw-os fortlic several county olllcets. 'and
coiirtriioiiiMiinl ollhe" for the accoininodatlon
of the sewtnl courts of ncord In said county,
ami lire oroof vaults and safes for tliomife ktei
,"' Mi,Penuiitvieeords. and
' vVimisAn. the present ciiiinliou'e of Webster
ralIt1Ji. fc ltll i,i frHtnt tMiltilliiK ntut wholly in
nilllclent and lnadeiUiitu to accotmnoilate the
several otllcers of until county, and the vaults
tewu are not tire proof and are Inadequate In
slc aud construction mid nll'ord no protection
to (lie records of said county stored therein in
ease of lire, thereby emlHiiiterlni; the title to the
I real cslale in snld count) nnd oilier valuable
rKttK ntil property ot the snld couutv and thu
c tleus inereoi. iiuu,
, ... M-tUloa has been presented to
thlshoanl iurputtluc to be Mistied by a larue
iiuinber. lo wit- over sisi o' tlie IckiiI voters of
pj county, nskhu; Unit piovlolun bo ninde for u
MilintiU'coiirilioiim and count) otllcen. und the
Jniaril deeuilns the same to he necessary and
' proper loboilono at ihlHtline
i Thercfoie. ho It iesoled by the board of
,.M,tj i-unnnlssioneis of Webster county. Nc
brasUii. in regular seUiu as aforesaid
H.lill,-Illir,iinllH0 ,.,,, i, ,ni( county
- on ilil null da) of March. Ho7. thnt a speclHl
uli'i lion bound it hereby Is cal'cd and ordered
- M,, iiomd to be held In said county of Web
sten.i tho various voting prceinciH inereot on
,, umiKinv or April. Ibirt. for the purposo of
Mihinlulim'iim! to submit to tlm IckiiI vuiern
of mid couutv the propcsltlon which in et out
fiV in thu following form of notlr which In
madu n imrl of thlh order and resolution, vhich
M ' tm0 wm ,, ,.,.,.H8liry to carry out
la order to enable wald hoard to provide a null-
Itftifffl5!!il W&m u?H3
KrirJiUJfvVv illvttlfiyfiii a)
MS, (onrihtnifu for mid county, nnd miltnble
olllccs. rooniNHiiil vntiltH for thcnccomuiodatUB
of the conriH ofrctord, thu eouiih ollices- and
county record
8iild propiHthui is to vote for the ltmure of
tim bonds of mid county In thu Mini of seTonty dollars (!;r.H0) for Hie iuirtoo
of obtalnlm fund to purchase I lie inntcrlnlH
Hint labor mill construct mid courthouse nt tli
Ci HI i t eat of v.i 1.1 rountv of W. b.lir: Mil a
authorized hv Article I of chapter 18 or the row
tilled statute of Ni'IimrLii. I'mr, unil i utilrnl.ii
ly Mi-tlotiHSKi. .'(!. '7 nnd 28 thereof:
'wKJ:''J'tl Vot,r o W(bfUr Co"niV A
Jxitlro Ik hereby kIvck tlmtntiifperlnl t-lrrtlou
to he held In mid count) of Wctmier mi
'lucwlny. Uik With iIhj of April. 1007. Ihero wilt
tic Hiltjiiiltt'-d to the h-Riil voiem of Mild ronntr
for their iieneptiiuro or rejecilon the followlnir
propiiKltleii. tow It !
hlmll Hie lionrd of county conunlHstoiiers of
Welder eoimly. si-hrnhKH. for nnd In helmlf of
mid eoutity, Ihvne the hondi of Biild romiiy In
the mini of cuvuiit) live thiiiiMiiid iloTintK ($7ft I (JO)
of the dcnomlimilon ol olio ti oni-iind ilollHrn
(il.(KO)ench. for the pur o of piireliiiHliiR
itinterlnl for nnd tinlldliiK. eoiintrnelliar. f iimi-ta
ItiKnnil cMnplttliiK n courthou'e hnildlnt; for
Mild fomi'.v In the elty of tied Clonil, thu eoimty
feat of mid county, on the present eonrthoiei'
Kimre therein, nil the i-ohik thereof not lo ex
m-d the mint of povcnt.i live thoiiKinid dollnrH
(l7f.noii)! ttie entire ninoiint of tho proceedx of
f-Mld tmiiilh totio pujiible toheiirer nt the offleir
of the trenxurcr of the Mule of N'olirunln nt 1 tn
coin. Netiriickii, nt the explrntlon of in eiif.
from the (Into thereof, tint to he iniide redeem
nhle nt the option or fiild eotiniy of WcbMcr at
nnv time ufter the dnle of the Issiiitm-e of thu
Mime, In the Mim of one thoiiminil dollum
(tl.txO) or iiny muhlphi thereof, pujiihlo on th?
Ilrel dn)Hof Jiinnitry or .Inly In eiieh jenr. And
nnld hoiitlft to ilruw 4 percent Inturcht per niinun
from thednleot Ihiiiiiicc of the Miinie. tiinbe
tenil-nntitinlly on the llrntdny of .luminry x
.Inly of each yenr. which Iniurcft pnymewt-.
kIihII he eTldeneed tiy Interest i-onpoiiNexeeuH-il
Hint ntinehed lomild bond jmyuhlt to bearer hi
the Bald triiiMirer'u olllee of the stule of Ni-bri
kit. Knell of Mild bnndh nnd Interest conpoiin bv
bedaleil.tniy llrnt. !Uo7. The mid IioikIh to ft
negotiated nt n inn not km tlinn their par vnltiu
und to be Bold only In the uinoiintH necen-orv in.
the tluien net-did for the coiiMruttlnti of'th
ftld conrihoiinebnlldlnK. nnd the interot a u
Immir thereon which may be matured nt dale or
taleare to be clipped therefrom to that paid
bond will draw IniercM oidy from date nf hale
And fhnll nnld bonrd of county commli'flonf rn
of the t aid county of Webster or melt ollleern of
talil county nr nmy tie churned by law with lli.
duty of levylnt? tuxen of mid catinty for lliy
t'lQclivliiK, la addition to nil other taxed levied
orcan-ed to bo levied annually upon all tnxahl
liroperty la Mid county, nu amount of txe-
cutlielenitopay the Inu-reht on mid boudo in
the inme iiinlurcH
Aud fhnll the bonrd of county rointnlKtlonc-
of laid county or Mich other olhrcru nf may t
churned liy luw with the duty of levyliiK the tux
en of aalil county for the time beliiK. lew. vr
enure to be levied. In addition to all other tnxi-i,
In the yenr UK7 nnd eneh year thereafter, n tax
upon nil the taxable property In mid count,'
Hitllclcnt to pxy not let-h than ten per cent nor
mure than twenty per cent of the principal of
(aid bonds nnnnally for the period of ten unt.
or until u sulllclcnt nmouut Ih raised to pav cat-!
And be It further rcmlved. Hint the vote c.r
mid proioltlou nholl tie by ballot In the follow
ing form, to-wit;
To vote for ttie Ihfuiiiicc of eventy five thou
and dollnrH ($7.r.Uft))f bondh of WeliHler eoiiiil
NebriiKba for bulldliiK nnd tiniidiluK n com''.
Iioiim bulldliiK nnd for the levy of a tux on n .
taxable properti In Raid couuiyto pay the Inter
ct and prli climl of the mid houdn tnirfiiunt t
the resolution nnd notice of IIiIh election:
Hake nerofs tlniH (X) within the Kimure opp-.
pm-lle the wontv "ror the bondh and tax '
To vote iiKnlm-t the Ijmiiiiici: of M-ciit liu
thou-iaiid dollnra (f7-i.i(Hij of bomlH of Wt-bMc
couutv. NehiaxUa, foi building und tltili-hluk' i
eourthout-e bulldliiM. and HKnliot the lew of
Ihx Millii lent lo pay the In Iciest and prl'urlpa
of mid boud piirMinnt to the rci-oliiUon anl
notice of this eUctlun:
Mt-ken crotv thiiH () within the Mpmre op
polite the w ords .nnin-t the bondv and tax ' '
for the bonilH and nix (
Afilnst the IioikIh ami tax ( .
The mid ballots to be pri. pared, procured and
delivered to the proper election oilier n r
iiilred bv law by thecount) clerk of mid cuiiutj.
at the time and hi iIim iiiauuet leiiulted by nu'v
and Mibt-lniitla 1 tiie -ame as In other eat-e- .
and the voles on Mild protioitlou tobureeeiied
counted and the icturuv thereof made and cut
i)sed by the oIIIclt."' and person in the couutv
and In the lorm and manner ieiulred b Iii-a
aud Hib-tnutlall) the mine iim N reiiulred i-
Kcueral ch-etloiih. And the Mild iouut clerk
further orderid to procure and dt liver to ih
irocr election cllkei-Uie tiet-ChMiry poll book
und other inate'liilsniid applies neeesmr) fc
the submission of the miiu irupoKitlou necori'.
inp to tne loreuouu; umiihuihi hi the micii.i
rleetlon called af aforeMild.iuul that notice of
this Mild proposition resolution aud cleciiun b
Kiven by piiblishlnt: the rorecolus' resolutln
und notice ut this order In the Wcbutcr Count
Artsuh nnd (lie Ited l loud t'uu.r. 1ikI new -iirtperrt
published In and of ccnernl i-Irctilatlo'.
In Mild county of Wtlnter for nt least four i
eonsecutUe weeks prior to said Tutnlay. Aprl.
;ith. IWiT. nnd postliiK upat ench place of voting
ilurluir the dii election a cop of Mild resolnlln,.
notice and order
The poll' of which mid election shall bo opt-:-nt
the liour of 8 'clock In the forenoon inni
continue ocn until 0 o'clock In the iifternoc:
of the yalil tiny.
On the iUcMinn. fhnll the resolution pnH nmb
be adopted, the vole was as IoIIow-h:
Aje, Itlchnrd, Sawyer, Anderson. Chnplln arul
No, none.
Thereupon the mine wns adopted and ordort-1
to be nmde of record.
Atteht: UKK Dt.TOl'It. W. ItlCHAHI).
Cotiiity Clerk. Chulimnu.
H. 1. SAWYElt,
(SKA I.) Coinmlssloiier.
Application for License.
Notlre Ih hereby Klven that a petition Muncit
by thirty or more resident freeholders of th
sJeeond ward of the elty of Ited Cloud, NetiniF
kn. bait been tiled with the clt clerk of sair!
city of Ited loud. pniinr thai a license be
' uriiuled i-y the city council of siild city ti
miiiilm -j - .' wiiiivii wi -Mn j 4
I clmrli W. Ilusheo lor the snbi of mall. hplrltutM
I anil vinous lb puns on hit one d). blnok ono (1.
wiiitimiH' ml.tiiion (ntliuditv ol Ited Uloud. N
bninka. That ncllon will he taken on said poll
Hon br the mnyoi unit i Ity council on tho W
uay oi .-nay. tni7. or in uio urbi mcemiK ot iho
council thereafter,
I, II Kour. City Clerk.
Patul nt Ited Cloud. NebniRka
of Marili, ItKiT.
tills VMh dai
Application for License.
Notice Ih hereby Riven that a pelltlou sinned
tiv thirty or more lesldcnt fieelioldcra of the
I'lrst wnrd of thocitv of Ited Cloud. Nebraska
linn ticen lllcil nilli die city clerk of Mild cltv of
Ited Cloud pruyiiiK that a license be Knotted tiy
thu ell) council ol snld city to .loliii I'olnickj
for the snleof mall silrltou and vIiioiib
Hours on lot live (f), block tlilrty-one (Ml) of the
original town, nuiv city, of Ited Cloud. Nehrns
kn. That action will bo taken on snld petition
liy the mayor and city council on the 1st dny of
.liny. HOT, or nl the first meeting of the counci:
1. II. 1'OuT. City Clerk.
Dated ut lied Cloud. Nebrnskn, thin It It dny or
April, 10(i7.
Application for License.
Notice ls horeby ulven that u petition Muncit
by thirty or more resident freeholders of the
second wnrd of the city of Ited Cloud, Ncbrnn
kn. has been tiled w itli the city clerk of mid cIit
of Ited Cloud, pinvtiiK that a license bo granted
bv thu city council of said city to 1". It, Mand
vlllo for the sale of mult, splrltotiH and vlnnti.
llquorx on lot three (11), block ono (It, William'
addition to the clt) of Ited cloud. Nehnuka
That action will be tiikeu on thu said petltloa
liy the urn) or and city council on tho 1st day of
.liny. ll7, or nt the llrt meeting of tho council
L. H. l-'OHT. City Clerk.
Dated nt Ited Cloud, Nebrnskn. this :M day of
April. IW7.
, f
mfr's.ibxer-m"r aaaoiw.'mw."9qW
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