The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 19, 1907, Image 5

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19--4-44--44C-tt-f-C'tt-S-t-Cr I an the coucruto foundation hardens
t I suluclontlv to sunnort, it. v
A beautiful line of up-to-date sash
pins at Novyhousc Rros.
J. It. Crozior wus down from Still
nator the first of the weclc.
You will do well to lake your eggs
itnd butter to Turnure Hros.
Mrs. lohu Myers will go to Rlootii
ington this CTcning for u visit.
AUimi Till leys and Franz Rcudcl
were down fiom Naponce Sunday.
Alfalfa seed for sale by V. II. Roi.oii
erans, at Piatt's lumber yard. I'.'tf
Mr. and Mrs. .1. W ratten were down
from ISliiden Monday on legal business.
Mr. and Mrs. V. S. 1 1 all and Dr.
Ploohler were down from llladcn Mon-".jr.
The Uaes are coming, Hurrah! Hur
rkh! Dr. E. A. Thomaw, Dentist, Daniorcll
Mrs. AnnaTulleys went to Naponce
Ha inlay.
Wanted Eggs ami butter at Tur-
rnre Hros.
I''ull line of ladies' muslin underwear
it F. Nevrhouse's.
Charles Arnold was down from
Mue Hill Saturday.
ToinAuldwas down from Lincoln
the first of the week.
Will Hunt has aeeepted a position
in MorccrV. tonsorial palor.
The jury in the district court was
excused for the term. Wednesday even-
' Lucicu White, of Mercer's barber
whop, h taking in the sights in Colo
rado. Joshua Kushton wan over from
North ltranch on legal business this
John Foster and daughters, Eva and
lilanch, were in Hastings the first of
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross of Nim City, Neb.,
visited at the home of John Rarkley
xhis week.
John O. Yeiser, the Omaha attorney,
-was in Red Cloud on legal business
this week.
Millinery New lot of pattern,. street
a.nd trimmed hats just received at
Yiirnure Tiros.
Guy llradbrook is laid up with an
attack which it is feared may develop
into pneumonia.
The largest and best line of new
rcss goods tit Turnure ISros. Rest
Tallies over offered.
Ralph Foe and wife are rejoicing
riTcr the arrival of a baby boy at their
home last Saturday.
Mrs. A. Clark returned Saturday
evening to her home in Orleans after
isiting relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Knit, and Child
ren have moved to Reaver City, where
they will live on a farm.
Pete Moats, the barber, left the first
of the week for Grafton, Neb., where
he has purchased a shop.
Miss Ressie Marsh of Oram! Island the guest of her sister, Mr.
James Atuiok, this week.
The Raes guarantee satisfaction o"
rotund the price of admission. Get,
our reserved seats at once.
Mrs. Charles Thompson is in Illi
nois, where she was called by the
serious' illness of her father. "
A. M. Walters, A. I). Ranney and
.Jacob Goll of Rlue Hill were in at
tendance upon court this week.
Mrs. J. H. Roggess left on Thursday
lor a months visit with her parents
jn the eastern past of the state.
Rruco Frame and Fritz Merten of
Blue Hill were visiting friends in
Red Cloud the first of thu week.
Good music, singing and dancing in
addition to the regular play each even
ing. The Rues Co. all next week.
Frank Peterson took 0. C. Teel,
Editor Tait and F. W. Cowden to
Guide Rock in his auto Wednesday.
' Newhousc Rros.' electric clock is
again in working order and is set
everyday at 4 o'clock from Washing
ton, 1). C.
Mr. and Mrs. Casio and daughter
Laura of Reatrice are guests at the
koine of Air. Casio's nephew, E, Fit.,
this week.
Thomas IF. Quiggle, who wasserving
n the jury this week, returned to his
duties as postmaster at Rosemont
Whenever you get hungry drop into
Will Latta's short order house, just
north of Spokefiold's. Everything new
and up to date.
The new pump Iioubo at the water
-rrorks is ready for the ue w pump as soon
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rutherford of
Republican City were in Red Cloud
Tuesday. Mr. Rutherford was form
erly night operator here.
Willis A. Carpenter has been ap
pointed postmaster at Inavale to suc
ceed his father, S. 11. Carpenter, who
resigned because of ill health.
The State Journal says that former
Secretary of State Galusha is an ap
plicant for the appointment of the
new olllce of state, accountant.
Car of pure Red River Early Ohio
potatoes for seed. If you want good
potatoes and a good yield, plant good
seed. For sale at Turnure Rros.
Charles Gurney shipped three ear
loads of cattle Sunday and three Wed
nesday. He says he will have four
more loads ready by net Sunday.
llaBaaaar'' aaaaaaaV
The l!ae children are the olevcrc.'t
child actors, singers ami dancers on
the American stage. Dont fail to see
them with The Raes Co. next week.
The evangelistic meetings being con
ducted at the M. E. church by l!ev.
Rarrett are largely attended and great
interest is being taken in the work.
George It. McCrary returned Tues
day morning from an extended west
ern trip. He looks as if he had bren
spending most of his time in the open
Sacred Heart, the fine new Catholic
church, was consecrated last Sunday.
Father Fitzgerald, the priest in charge
was assisted by Father Mulaley of
We don't like to seem to be too in
sistent, but where are those hithracks
the merchants were going to provide
for the convenience of their rura
Elder E. C. Davis, pastor of the
Christian church at Hebron, eume to
Red Cloud yesterday for the purpose
of conducting the funeral of Grandpa
Pine Salve Carbolizcd acts like a
poultice; highly antiseptic, extensively
used for Eczema, chapped hands and
lips, cuts, burns. Sold by Henry Cook's
drug store.
All members of the W. R. C. are re
quested to be in attendance at the
next meeting April 20. A lively con
test is anticipated in which the corps
will take sides.
L. Sherman, whose home is just
south of the Red Cloud mill, has enter
ed the field as an auctioneer. Mr.
Sherman has had considerable exper
ience in this line.
Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will
meet eye, ear, noseand throat patients
and those needing glasscs"propcrly
fitted, at Dr. DamereU's otllce, Tues
day April 2.'l.
The band boys have made arrange
ments for hntdinga big fair and carni
val at Woodman hall, May 1 to t in
clusive. Full details of the ull'air will
be announced later.
Elegant costumes, special scenery,
gorgeous stage settings and special
ties between tlie actv. are combined in
The Raes Excellent Co. at the opera
house till next week.
John Everson, a genial attorney
from Alma, was in Red Cloud on busi
ness this week. Mr. Evci-mmi will en
ter the race for tlte fusion nomination
for district judge this fall.
John J. Garber came down from
Omaha the first of the week and will
probably remain here. While he has a
good position there he would much
prefer to remain in Wed Cloud.
The famous Crosset Shoes, for men.
Irving Drew shoes and oxfords for
ladies and misses. Also complete line
of llamilton-Rrown shoes for every
body. For sale at Turnure ISros.
Louis Sndcrhcrg, formerly I of this
city, now of McCook, is slowly recov
ering from a severe attack of pneu
monia, lie has been sick for over two
months, but is now able to sit up.
Dr. J. W. Moranville, who recently
recovered from n severe attack of
pneumonia. sulTercd a relapse Monday
and is again confined to his home, his
condition being considered serious.
Every woman appreciates a beauti
ful complexion, so much desired by
men. Such complexions come to all
who use llolister's Rocky Mountain
Tea. 35 cents, Teu or Tablets. C. L.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hughes, who
have been residing in Hastings for
some time, have returned to Red Cloud
and Mr. Hughes will liave a run as
conductor on a dining car out of this
We never could understand why
musicians choose classical selections '
for their numbers on programs, but
we are beginning to believe that, it is
because if they make a mistake no one
will be the wiser.
Vaclav ' and Frank Pavelka, from '
near Rladcn, on Monday filed their
declarations of intention to become
citizens of the United States. The
Rohemians always make good citizens
wherever they go.
The sale of fourteen more season
tickets will insure the Chautauqua
course for Red Cloud. Prof. Dietrich
has charge of the preliminary arrange
ments, and orders for tickets should
be addressed to him.
Thousands have pronounced Hollis
ter's Rocky Mountain Tea the great
est healing power on earth
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The Quid Dresser is juslTas
particular about tlie cut of his Suit
as tlie ultra Fashionable Kellow.
While radical changes in styles
ilo not appeal to him, he insists
upon all the little variations that
each season introduces. His Coat
and Vest must be of the correct
length and the lapels of the latest
widt and depth; and the Trousers
neither too wide nor too narrow;
but just right.
This is the store for these con
servative and refined dressers. Our
eyes are always focused on the
new features as fast as they tcome
3 lbs large Prunes 250
4 ioc cans Lye O25C
9 bars Quaker Soap. . . 25c
3 qts. Onion Sets 25c
7 lbs Buckwheat FlourC25c
4 boxes Egg-O-See... 25c
All tho Phonos
A choice variety of conservative models in every kind of
Suiting black, blues, many shades of grays, browns and all
sorts of neat mixtures.
$5.50, $10.00, $12.00,
$15.00 to $25.00
Remember that wc count it a pleasure to show'thc man who
drops in "just for a look."
The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
-1 It.. r ! Ol rT 1 1 o . r
Clothiers, Matters, r urnishcrs, onoes, 1 runKs ana ouu ases
First Door North of Post Office, Red Cloud, Nebraska
and clear as crystal. With thu new
pump and plenty of water wo are safe
for a few months.
Mrs. Nellie TIssington and little
Dorris Cheatham of Des Moines, Iowa,
When arrived Wednesday morning font visit
medical science fnils, it succeeds. wlth their cousin, William Parkes, Sr.
Makes you well and keeps you well. Mr. Parkes had never beforeseen cither
n: cents, Tea or Tablets. C. h. Cotting. ()f his visitors. Little Miss Cheatham
Ralph Van Cleef was visiting with but recently arrived in this country
friends and relatives in Wilber and from England with her parents, who
elsewhere. Ralph suffered a peculiar have located at Des Moines,
accident the lirst of the week by which i 'j'ju! following little item, taken from
one of his fingernails was torn oil', ' ul0 jOS Angeles (Cal.) Examiner, gives
and as a consequence he is unable to ,lM interesting bit of information con
wield a razor. I cerning our former townsman, ".lack"
Thirty-six years ago today, April 10, Walsh: "J. H. Walsh, national or
1871, the first election wus hed in ganizer of the Industrial Workers of
Webster county. Of the forty-five the World, just from (ioldliold, will
men who voted at tho election there lecture today at !i:;t() p. in., at Rur
are now living and near Red Cloud but bank hall. Subject, " Labor Troubles
four men A. Roats, .lohn Tomlinson, at (loldnold."'
Ed Kellogg and I). HuiTelbower. pr, M. M. Wachter of Long Islund,
Rert Uarlier came down the first of Kui., is spending a few days in the
the week from Omaha, where he made this week. Dr. Wachter, while
an attempt to get on the Omaha West- a very young looking man, wears the
em League team. He says he signed 1m"1s f tl,u Confederate Veteran's As
n rcsrerve contract and has been Hociation, he having served in the
"farmed out" to the Pacific Coast Lea- southern army when but a very small
gue, and will probably go to San Fran- ly- The ,loctor a,KO Kerve(1 with thc
t,jSCOt I United States army in tho Philippines
I as a surgeon. Ho is also a man of ex-
Noxt Tuesday night, weather per- ccnt5omii literary ability, being a re-
mltting, the Citizens' band will give f,,,!, contributor to some of tho best
the first of the regular summei series ellHteni magazines.
of band concerts on tho streets. These , . .. . , wiA U'ininn,c
jjasii niiiuruuy wu n uimma, ti
Will Not Superintend thc Red Cloud
Schools Next Year.
The school board held a meeting
Monday night at which teachers were
elected for next year. Tho salary of
the .superintendent was raised from
81,000 to SI, 100, and (J. W. Dudley was
re-elected to the position. Since tho
meeting, however, Mr. Dudley has
filed notice with the hoard that he
will not accept. We are not informed
as to Mr. Dudley's reason;;for declin
ing, and hope that he may be induced
to reconsider his action. He has done
splendid work here, bringing order out
of chaos, and we will be sorry to see
him leave. Following are the teach
ers for next year so far as chosen:
Miss Rothwcll of Garrison, jprincipal
of high school.
Mrs. Saylor, assistant principal.
Grade teachers Miss M. K. Tubbsof
Peru, fifth and sixth;; Miss Mabel
Reckwith, third and fourth; Miss Per
kins, first and second; Miss Sherman,
First ward Miss ViolalWard, fifth
and sixth; Miss Alice Coombs, third
and fourth; Miss Jennie Joy, first and
The positions of superintendent,
principal of tho First ward, a teacher
for the seventh and eighth grades of
that ward arc to be filled.
weekly concerts will be given rcgu
larly throughout thc summer, and are
what tho citizens will got in return for
putting up funds to help tho boys.
leaving town in an intoxicated condi
tion, fired several shots from a revol
ver. Thc marshal followed him near
ly three miles into the country. Ho
Mr. Rao deposits 3.r0 in tlie local was cracked on the head with the
bank as a guarantee for The Raes' marshal's cane and was brought back
Excellent Co. This amount to be used to jail and fined 820. Quito a number
to refund the admission paid to all of guesses have been made since, some
who are dissatisfied with tho perform- as to tho amount of jurisdiction tho
anee. See them at the opera house marshal has. Some say maybo ho is a
all next week. Prices 15-25-:i5. Ladies u. S. Marshal, others say ho may bo
free Monday night under tho usual acting under some new law which has
conditions. just been enacted. Riverton Review.
Tho test filter put in at tho intake
from Crooked creek is working in fine M fr a'c'
shape. Tho water passes through a Good pralrlu hiiy in stack on section
four foot bed of solid gravel and rock, 30, town 3, range 12; is good, bright,
and then through four feet of char- draw hay. Phono or write to C. F.
coal. The water comas though pure Cather, Red Cloud, Nob.
Your money refunded if after, usiug
three-fourths () of a tube of ManZan
you are dissatisfied. Return tho bal
ance of thc tube to your druggist, and
your money will bo cheerfully return
ed. Take advantage of this offer. Sold
by Henry Cook's drug store.
for Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Slgnaturo of