The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 19, 1907, Image 4

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    Free from
Since May, 1906, Ayer's Sar
saparilla has been entirely free
from alcohol. If you arc in
noor health, weak, pale, nerv
ous, ask your doctor about tak
ing this non-alcoholic tonic and
alterative. If he has a better
medicine, take his. Get the best
always. This is our advice.
Wo publish our formulas
We bnnlnh alcohol
from our medicines
Wo urce you to
commit your
A sluggish liver means a coated tongue,
a bad breath, and constipated bowels.
The question is, "What is the best thing
to do under such circumstances ? " Ask
your doctor if this is not a good answer :
'Take laxative doses of Ayer's Pills."
Hado by tlto J. 0. Ayor Co., Lowoll, UasB.
. Ai.
Georftc NcCrary Has an Excltlnft Exper
ience In California.
The following clipping Ik from the
San I'odm (Onl.) Daily Times, and u
marginal note nays, "This is (Jcorge
A good story is lold on a young man
recently from tho Hast who has bci'ii
visiting friends in San I'edro the past
few weeks. One day last weelt ho
took a trip tip San (iitbriel to see the
country, and incidentally to get hold
of a few nice oranges to eat.
Ho walked about for a portion of
the day and finally came up on Un
let1 side of a large orange grove where
there was no one around. Hesitating
for a few moments he at last walked
Into the orchard whore the yellow
fruit was hanging in great qiiuntltes,
and picked a few to oat, strolling
along toward the other side as ho did
m. When lie at last emerged on the
opposite side it was with it satisfied
air and a full stomach, feeling that
for once he had had all the fine oran
ges that he wanted for nothing. As
he stepped out into the road he
glanced back and saw something there
that made his heart stop boating.
On a largo sign hanging in a tree
wore the words:
: Titc-ifASsints 1?i:v.hi: 1 :
: I'otso.v On ! :
something he had not
Was it possible that lu. of the donors, the Lord's Prayer and
After going over the
territory proposed to be
taken in, Judge Adams
this afternoon decided
in favor of the city in
the boundary extension
This means that
will be quite an
increase in the popula
tion of the city, as well
as in the taxable prop
erty. It also straight-
This was
thought of.
had partaken of a poisoned orange'.'
Ho remembered having oaten one
luscious one which ho picked up from
tho ground and which had the skin
pricked a little on one side. Already
he imagined ho could fool a pain in
tho middle of his stomach. He looked
around to see where the nearest town
was, and found to his joy that a ham
lot was but a few rods distant. Thith
er he hurried, hoping that a doctor's
sign might greet his eye. lly the
time he had reached it, though, he
found that ho was not very sick, so
ho sat down on the sidewalk to see if
he was going to be any worse. He
found after an hour's waiting that all
was well, but ho received sueh a scare
that he dreamed worse dreams than
tluHo of the Itarebit Fiend for several
niirhts after that, and now ho buys
his oranges.
Dedication of New Virginia Church. .
The dedication services of the New
Virginia Methoalst Episcopal church,
seven miles north of Inavalc, were
held last Saturday and Sunday ami
were the occasion of great rejoicing in
that community. Kor twenty years
the people have worshipped in tho
school house, and, summer and winter,
have maintained a Sunday school.
Two years ago they began a subscrip
tion to build a new church, and soon
had the building under way. They
were greatly delayed, however, on ac
count of illness in the carpenter's fam
ily. They finally succeeded in com
pleting tho building and were, ready
for dedication early in August of last
year. Unfortunately, on the Saturday
night before tho dedication the church
took fire and wits totally destroyed.
Thiswas a great blow, as tho building
was only partially insured. It was
with gloomy faces that the people
came back to the old school house the
next morning. Yet they were not
wholly discouraged, and soon had sub
scribed enough to replace the build
ing. Thus after two weary years of
sacrifice and waiting they have as nice
a little church as can be found any
where. The services began on Saturday aft
ernoon when Uev. A. V. Wilson, assist
ed by tho pastor, laid tho corner
stone. Uev. Wilson preached n. short
sermon from Phil. !!, IS, after which
thecornor stone, containing copies of
a number of the county papers, the
discipline, the names of the members,
the names of the trustees and names
N s The Strongest Ng
the church paperi., was placed in tho
wall. This stone, a beautiful granite
block-, was presented by Mr. Kd Me
Alister of Ked Cloud.
Uev. .1. W. Ktnbree of Superior
preached the dedicatory sermon Sun
day morning, taking for his text Kph.
ft, 27. Tho church was dedicated free
of debt. There was no begging for
There were services in tho af tornoan
and evening, at which former pastors
of the church presii'e. 1. The church
was filled to its utn o it capacity and
many were unable to gain admission.
The following ministers were present
and took part in the services: Uev.
Umbree, Rev. Touch, Rev. Priestley
and Kev. Wilson.
Suit m Boys I
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It Keeps the Feet Warm and Dry.
Ask today for Allen's 1'oot-h'ase, a
I powder. It cures chilblains, swollen,
I sweating, sore, aching, damp feet. At
all druggists and shoe stores, 'Jftc.
lice's Laxative Cough Syrup contain
,1 -.vrNrkValirin rf i tainiiiB" Honey and Tar is especially
ens tne corporation ie .0Iirhltl, for chlIllrc.n no oplltCh or
poisons of any character, conforms to
the provisions of the National Pure
Food and Drug Law, dune 110, 1000.
For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It
expels Coughs and Colds by gently
moving the bowels. Guaranteed. Sold
by Henry Cook's drug .store.
to the shape it should
be. Hurrah for Greater
Red Cloud!
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at postollleo at Rod Cloud, Neb.
for tln wook ending April 18, 1(K)7:
Camplin, U II Cox, Ralph C
' hampion, B W ('2) Grain, Mrs Ida V
Comfort, Mrs .7 T Goodin, .las
Horpolshoimor,E('2) Martin, Homer
Smith, (J F (2) Smith, W O (!1)
Thoso will hi' sent to t.ho dead letter
otl'ieo May 2, 1907, if not called foi
beforo. When culling for above plouse
say "advertised."
T. C. IIackkh. Postmaster.
Two pairs of Trousers with each Coat ifi
Bloomer and one regular pair. 2;
to Every Suit guaranteed,. Will stand the to
f hardest wear that tops, marbles, kites or (fi
anything but barbed wire makes. Prices $
to $4.50 to $6.00 for the combination, to
jf Ready for your inspection. ffV
I Paul Storey, &. I
ig-''g'g'g,g'g'g,'g''g'gS''!r;,'S'g''SS'' ''
The relief of Coughs and Colds
through laxative influence originated
with lteo's Laxative Cough Syrup, con
taining Honey and Tar, a cough syrup
containing no opiates or poisons, which
is extensively sold. Secure a bottle at
once, obtain a guarantee coupon and
if not fully satisfied with results, your
money will be refunded. Sold by
Henry Cook's drug store.
No Longer an
Baking Powder
jUsed in Millions of Homes.1
50 Years the Standard. A'
Pure, Cream of Tartar Pow-
der. Makes finest cake
and pastry, Light, flaky bis-,
cuit, delicious griddle cakes,
palatable and wholesome.
Note. Avoid baking powders made from
alum. They look like pure powders, and may
raise the cake, but no one can eat food
.mixed with alum without risk to health.
ManZan Pile Remedy put up in con
venient collapsible tubes with nozzle
attachment so that the remedy may be
applied at the very seat of the trou
ble, thus relieving almost instantly
bleeding, itching or protruding piles.
Satisfaction guaranteed .or money re
funded. Sold by Henry Cook's drug
Loss Falls Heavily on Nebraska Edu
cational Institutions.
Lincoln, April 12. Appropriation
bills of tho recent legislature aggre
gating $250,000 woro vetoed by Gov
ernor Sheldon. The loss falls heavily
on state educational Institutions, tho
Normal school at Kearney being de
prived of $85,000 and the school at
Peru and tho Institute for deaf and
dumb at Omaha smaller amountB. Tho
governor says the total appropriations
exceed the state's revenue.
Tho idea that has becom6 gonoral that first class building material
could no longer bo hnd is certainly knocked out, when you take a
look at the complete lino of clear Soft Pino Finish and Siding
carried in stock by
Saunders Brothers
of Ked Cloud, Neb. What is also pleasing to tho buyers of Lumber
and building material is tho fact that their prices aro reasonable,
and they guarantee a SQUARE DEAL. They also havo a nico
lino of Oak, Hickory and Poplar Wagon Material. Seo their Shin
gles. You can not help but adnuro them.
Tho members of this enterprising linn, nssistod by plenty of
excellent help, aro always glad and take pleasure in showing to the
public this nico stock.
Judge Post Finds Nebraska Associa
tion Is Not Contrary to Law.
Lincoln, April 13. .Tmlgo A. M.
Post, the roforeo appointed by tho No
braslci faiipreme court to take testi
mony on the alleged lumber trust,
made his report. He finds that tho
Nebraska Lumber Dealers associa
tion, as now maintained, is not con
trary to the state trust laws. The in
vestigation niado by tho refereo cov
frn,i :i norlod of sovoral months, In
which practically all tho lumbor deal-,
era of tno stato wore mauo uuiunuuum.
If tho supremo court sustains tho ref
eree, It means tho dismissal of tho
For Sale
The east half of section
23 and the NW quarter
of section 23, township 2,
range 14, in Franklin Co.,
Nebraska, about 4 miles
northeast of Franklin.
Price $20 per acre, one
fourth cash down, bal
ance on long time in an
nual payments with in
terest at 6 per cent.
Apply to
George G. Clark,
Council Bluffs,"! - - Iowa
Barber Shop
Basement of
Potter Block.
a Specialty
1 lSi?ia&f-!
Clrtmri ami bmutlflti Uie hIr.
l'romutct a luiurlaitt RTuwth.
Nover FlU to Iteitoro Ory
llntr to its Voutliful Color.
Cure mlp cllieatri U iiair tailing.
aic.andtUlUat DrugglitJ
Colorada 10.000 acres, rich,
black soil, smooth and lovol. $6
per aero.
Kansas 25 quarters at from
8C0O. Good soil, lovol land. Terms
to suit.
Nebraska City properties and
well improved farms at reasonable
Ollleo of Co. Atty. L. 11. Ulack
lcdge, Red Cloud, Nob. Phone 48.
.-em t -