The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 12, 1907, Image 5

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Oliarley Fort is in town today.
Dr. 15. A. Thomas, Dentist, Datnerell
Willie ltusliuu is visiting in Hol
lredge. Hon. Charles Pcssc is home from
Wanted -Kggs and butter at Tur
in re Pros. I
Poonc Saunders is visiting with rcla-
tires at Pcdfoni, Mo. J
.1 im and Matt Doyle went to St. .lot
i ri.tcrday witli .stock.
Yon will do well to take your eggs,
and butler to Turnure Pros.
It is expeeled the new eity directory
n-ill he out in about ten days.
Hiss May Iladell returned Saturday
from a short visit in Hastings.
Fruit trees of all kinds for sale by
A. (!. Ureeu, at the brick barn.
Mrs. Caster and Mrs. West returned
from Naponee Tuesday morning.
Alfalfa seed for sale by V. II. llonen-c-nns,
at Piatt's lumber yard. 12tf
Doug Gather came in from Wyoming
this weelc for a visit with his parents.
John (5. Potter will go to Lincoln
tomorrow for a visit with relatives.
Dr. Nelson of Norton, Kan., visited
this week with his brother. Dr. ). A.
Mrs. Tom Ashton of Wray. Col.,
arrived Tuesday for a visit with friends
and relatives.
W. .1. Williams was over from Wo
ier Thursday, laying in a supply of
(house) paint.
Millinery New lot of pattern, street
aid trimmed hats just received at
Turnure llros.
Regular examination for teachers
will be held next Friday and Saturday,
April l'J and 20.
The largest and best line of new
dress goods at Turnure llros. llest
ralues ever offered.
The jury in the Thaw trial had not
rendered a verdict up to last night,
and a disagreement is looked for.
The Citizens' band on Monday even
ing gave the order for their new uni
forms. They will be a bright red.
Studebaker and Finkenbinder are
making a cement block that is a tine
Imitation of Colorado red sandstone.
Mrs. A. .1 Dietrich and baby left
this morning for Alton, 111., where she
will join her husband, who has a po
sition there.
Whenever you get hungry drop into
Will Latta's short order house, just
north of Spokefleld's. Everything new
And up to date.
The Degree of Honor will meet next
Tuesday evening. All members are
urged to bo present. Hnlcrtainmcnt
after the meeting. '
All Rebekahs are requested to be
present at the meeting Thursday
night. Degree work and other busi
ness of importance.
There will be a joint committee
meeting of the (J. A. It. and Relief
trps Tuesday evening, April 10, at
the home of C. C. McConkey.
Car of pure Red Itiver Farly Ohio
potatoes for seed. If you want good
potatoes and a good yield, plant good
ced. For sale at Turnure Pros.
Wanted .10 head of cattle to pas
ture, 10 cents per month. Albert
fV'right, 3 miles west and G north of
.ted Cloud. apr 12
Newhouse Pros, have just received a
andsotno new line of bracelets of the
latest patterns, as well as a full line of
ihe fatuous "Swastika" pattern jewelry.
Former County Attorney Walters,
William and Fred Kruger, Frank C.
Jusehow and J. P. Cottier were down
from Plue Hill yesterday on business.
There are many tonics in the land,
As by the papers you can see;-
tint none of then can equal
llollister's Kocky Mountain Tea.
C. L. Cotting.
The second floor of Starke Pros' big
am at Amboy gave way the of
the week, owing to being too heavily
loaded with grain. Fortunately the
live stock was all out of the basement
at the time, else the loss would have
eun more serious. As it is, it will
require, the expenditure of several
hundred dollars to repair the damage.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will
meet eye, ear, noseaud throat patients
and those needing glasses properly
lilted, at Dr. Damerell's olllce, Tues
day April 2:1.
While we believe the spirit of econ
omy shown by those in charge of the
electric light plant is commendable,
we wottld like to see the lights turned
on before dark.
"The fllrl From Chill" did not draw
a vety large audience at the opera
house Monday evening, and those who
did not attend have cause to congratu
late themselves.
Charley lvcslcr's dog ".lack" suffered
a broken leg Friday evening. The
dog was taken to a surgeon, who set
the broken limb and he is now on a
fair way to recovery.
Mae Fulton was over from Walnut
Creek Wednesday. Mr. Fulton does
not favor the court hwitse bond propo
sition at present, but we hope to
convince hint of the error of his way.
H very woman appreciates a beauti
ful complexion, so much desired by
men. Such complexions come to all
who use. Pollster's Kocky Mountain
Tea. lift cents, Tea or Tablets. C. L.
Dr. and Mrs. K. A. Thomas and
children went to Franklin Monday
evening. The doctor returned home
Tuesday morning, Mrs. Thomas and
the children remaining for a visit
with relatives.
Dr. II. 10. Asher, formerly of this
eity, has accepted tin appointment as
one of the goverinent cattle inspectors
and is located at Las Vegas, N. M. lie
will not return to practice his profes
sion in this county.
About the only opposition to the
court house proposition in this neck-o-woods
comes from "Cap" llouchin,
the old time exponenent of everything
that has the word "anti" prefixed to
it. "Cap" always was a "knocker."
Thousands have pronounced llollis
ter's Uocky Mountain Tea the great
est healing power on earth. When
medical science fails, it succeeds.
Makes you well and keeps you well.
35 cents, Tea or Tablets. C. L. Cotting.
The new million-gallon a day pump
for the city water works arrived Mon
day, and was hauled up to the plant
Tuesday. The repairs for the old
pump have also arrived, and we will
soon be prepared for any emergency.
Over at Smith Center the merchants
have raised a fund of S.'too for the pur
pose of building hitchraeks for the ac
commodation of the farmer.s. Will
Ued Cloud let itself be outdone by any
such two-for-a-nickel .layhawker
The Woodmen had a big banquet
and entertainment at their hall last
night. Music was furnished by the
Citizens' Cornet band, addresses were
delivered by Mayor-elect Caldwell, I3d
Overing and Judge Hdson; Paul S.
Dietrick recited, Misses (iriffeth and
I toss sang, and Miss Marie Ross gave
a piano solo. A general good time is
reported by all who attended.
3 lbs large Prunes 250
4 i oc cans Lye 25c
9 bars Quaker Soap. . . 25c
3 qts. Onion Sets 25c
7 lbs Buckwheat Flourl25c
4 boxes Egg-O-See... 25c
All tho Phonos
The ladies.of the M. F. church of
Iuavale will hold their annual apron
and suubonnet sale in Hunter's hall,
April 17, afternoon and evening. Ten
cents admittance will be charged in
the evening. Refreshments and enter
tainment free.
S. M. Holladay of Indiauola, la., is
in Red Cloud this week arranging the
preliminaries for a ten days' Chautau
qua to be held in Red Cloud the latter
part of .Inly and the tlrst of August,
and is meeting with considerable en
couragement from our eitiens.
Cards have been received in Reil
Cloud announcing the approaching
marriage of Miss Margery Stover and
Mr. Willian dagger, which will occur
on the 'Jllli. Miss Stover is well
known here, having visited frequently
at the home of Mrs. Anna 'Pulleys.
(loveruor Sheldon yesterday vetoed
appropriation bills to the amount of
SUfiO.000, and his pruning knife is still
sharp. Among the appropriations cut
out were those for Alaska-Vukou-Pnei-lie
exhibit, the Sno.ODO wolf scalp
bounty grab and others that looked
The street commissioner has been
subjected to a great deal of annoyance
by the mysterious disapearance of the
original blue print of the city water
works system, .lust what has become
of it no one seems to know. There
was also another chart of Ihe system
which hung in the firemen's hall, but I
this also has disapearcd. Does any
one know the location of either chart'.'
Allen McCoy and Henry dress return-'
ed Sunday from a trip to Culberton
and other western points. Mr. McCoy
has rather pooropinionof the slipshod
methods of farming in vogue in that f
locality. Much of last year's corn crop
has not been picked, and he says the
farmers out there drill wheat without s
plowing or disking the ground. How- f
ever, he says the land is much better j f
than he ex pected to see.
Street Commissioner Tomlinson, by ' J
request of the city council, is figuring
up what it will cost to pipe the water
from the springs on the Maurer place
to the water plant. There is a move
ment on foot among some of our
molded men to lluauee the proposed
undertaking and there is a possibility
that before another year rolls around
Red Cloud will have a bountiful sup
ply of pure spring water.
The district meeting of the Frater
nal Aid Association, for the tenth dis
trict, was held in Red Cloud yester
day. The delegates present were Mrs.
Carnaham and Mrs. Williams of River
ton, (). F. Southmau and C. Peale of
(rand Island, Joe Fogel and H. II.
Newhouse of Red Cloud. Mr. South
man was elected delegate to the. grand
lodge meeting a,t Lawrence, Ran. 10.
II. Newhouse was elected alternate.
The high .school baseball team went
down to Superior this morning for a '
game. They were accompanied by a
large crowd of high school "rooters."
The boys are not very hopeful of win
ning, as they have no grounds at home
on which to practice. However, they
expect to make Superior play ball.
Thu team is made up as follows:
Smelser, catcher; Ferguson, pitcher:
Phares, shortstop; Hedge, first; Hall,
second; Johnston, third; P. Robinson,
Milligau and M. Sherwood, outfield
er.s; Williams, substitute.
John Coon Hangs Himself Wednesday
Yesterday evening's Lincoln Star
contains the following dispatch, no
word of which was received here:
The police received word from Rose
mont, Neb., this morning that John
Coon, of that place, committed suicide
last night by hanging himself. Two
of his daughters live in Lincoln and
the police were requested to notify
them of the occurrence. The message
was received at 1):5() and five minutes
later both of tho daughters had been
found, Miss Dolly Coon, a waitress at
the Palace Dining hall, and Miss Klsic
Coon, an employe of the (Slobe Laun
dry company. Poth girls left this
morning for Rosetnont., Tho police
received no particulars in regard to
the alleged suicide and the daughters
volunteered no information.
Webster County's Greatest Need.
Pladeu Enterprise.
Now that elections are over let us
get down to business and take up the
next item of importance. We have '
reference to the court house bond ques
tion which comes up on thu last day
of this mouth. We favor having a
nuw court house because we want a
safe repository for our papers, our
deeds, our mortgages and our titles.
The present building is nothing but
a fire trap and important papers which '
are used every day are placed or rather
piled on shelves in a building J which
t-Av ,rv,vvw'',''vV'A'vvw'vv,
A RE you yelling Boys' Clothing
quality and stylo ? Arc you, fr
is it doubtful ?
There's no use trying lo convince yourself that
you can buy as good clothing anywhere else as we
handle; it's useless to try to save money over the
prices we ask. To assume thar you get the service
or satisfaction from "cheaper" clothing is to argue
that right is not might, that merit has not power, that
value docs not.
Boys' Suits, $1.50 to $6
Young Men's Suits, $3.50 to $18
Men's Suits, $5 to $25
The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.
Clothiers, Halters, Furnishers, Shoes, Trunks and Suit Cases
First Door North of Post Office, Red Cloud, Nebraska i
would burn like tender. Should a fire
get started in that building it would
cost property owners thousands and
thousands of dollars to get any thing
like a title again.
If a person owns a home worth not
more than 8500 and should his title
be destroyed it would cost him at least I
. Sl.'O for a new title in the way of
ailldavits, court proceedings, attorney
hire and the like. We all believe in
insurance and we ought to provide, in
surance for our valuable papers and
the only way we can do that is to
V B tiWiitBBt rtr"TaC l A 1!lTlJffB J r T .rff "jTv tf lAjl i lff f MMVTfffT irrflPtPil TTi BHWPBHTFTTttMI
Who Is Conducting tne Meetings at the Methodist Church.
with the best
you, lor a lact t ur,
erect a suitable building fitted with
fire proof vaults. Of course we would
prefer to have those vaults in our own
town, but the law lixes the repository
at the county scat and in the county
seat it must be. We are not so much
concerned as to where it is placed an
we are that we have a safety vault.
We will havo a word to say about
the cost and taxes later on hut let us
not lose sight of the fact that right
now our papers are in danger. Let us
build a new court house and be on thu
safe side.
i t