The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 12, 1907, Image 4

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A Strong Tonic Without Alcohol
A Body Builder Without Alcohol
A Blood Purifier Without Alcohol
A Great Alterative Without Alcohol
A Doctor's Medicine Without Alcohol
Avcr's Sarsaparilia Without Alcohol
Wo publish our formula
W bftiiUh Alcohol
j from our moitlolnei
We urea you to
Aycr's Pills are liver pills. They act
directly on the liver, make more bile
secreted. This is why they are so valu
able in constipation, biliousness, dys
pepsia, sick-headache. Ask your doctor
if he knows a better laxative pill.
Mado by tho J. O. Ay or Co., Lowell, Mail.
Kstatc of Andrew Arnold, deceased.
Account of administratrix tiled. Pe
tition for allowance and authority to
pay note; order granting same.
Kstatc of Curl Oust, deceased. De
cree of probate of will. Carl II. Itudd
appointed executor.
Kstatc of .lames I. Mercer, deceased.
Account filed; petition for allowance
and distribution. Order of bearing
April 10.
Kstatu of Rudolf Uieek, deceased.
Account of executrix filed, petition f jr
allowance. Order of bearing April 17.
In reguardiansbipof Itachacl Kinney
aged and incompetent. Order of bear
ing April 18.
Kstntu of John Olson, deceased.
Petition and order appointing admin
istrator. Kstato of Daniel S.Coombs, deceased.
Degree of probate of will. Kiiuiui I.
Cuomb.s appointed executrix.
Kstatc of Harrison Ivailey, deceased.
Account allowed. Degree of distribu
tion and discbarge.
Kstatc of V. L. McMillan, deceased
Petition for accounting and citation.
Order of bearing April I'.).
Kstatc of Henjamin P. Miner, deceas
ed. Hearing and order on claims.
No claims tiled.
Kstatu of Henry McCormal, deceas
ed. Degree on final account and (lis
t ribution.
Kstatc of Andrew .1. Means, deceas
ed. Account of executor filed. Peti
tion for allowance and discbarge.
Order of bearing April :i().
Kstatc of Jerome Vance, deceased.
Petition for award of widow's selec
tion, and for monthly allowance.
Order granting same.
Kstatc of Henjamin P. Miner, deceas
ed. Account of administrator filed.
Petition and order of bearing May I.
Kstatc of John Olson, deceased.
Itond approved and filed. Appraiser's
warrant to K, .1. Peterson and 0. W.
Kstatc of Charles L. Winfrey, de
ceased. Petition for administration.
I mu hGm I
Mnfhiis Ml II
p.tJ KI n
ners in cooking may work with it
successfully. It makes home baking
easy, and makes nicer, better food
than the baker's. Nothing can be
substituted for it in making, quickly
and perfectly, delicate hot biscuit,
hot breads, muffins, cake and pastry.
Order of hearing April no.
Munscll vs. Doyle; continued.
Albright vh. Holmes; continued.
Hale vh. Nelson; dismissed.
Sorgorson vs. Mcintosh; dismissed.
Potior vs. Morrison; continued to 10.
Itladen Kntcrprlse.
A quite wedding took place Wed
nesday evening, at the home of Rev.
II. P. Parley. The contracting parties
were Pred I;. Spence, eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. (.'has. Spence, and Miss Klsle
HofVmau, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. II. HofVman. Uev. Parley pro
nounced tlu ceremony which united
them in wedlock. Congratulations are
extended by their many friends.
They expect to make their residence
at Trenton where Fred is employed
by the Hitchcock Co. Abstract Co.
Herman A. ICort and Itosa C. Ilart
tnunu, both of Kluc Hill. Married by
Uev. Itcucbner.
Albert T. Smith and Kinma Harris,
both of Red Cloud. Married by the
Rev. N. Waggoner.
Claude P. Con ley and Klizaboth Ren
kel, both of Inavale. Married by
Judge Kdsou.
Sonic Slight Chunks In llir. Old Laws
Conccrniml Open Season.
Following is a condensed outline of
the Nebraska game laws as amended
by the present legislature.
oim:x siiason.
Prairie chicken and grouse, Septem
ber in to November .'10.
Quail, November in to 30.
Ducks, geese, jack-snipes, etc.. Sept
emder in to April 10.
Trout, April 1 to September .10.
All other llsli, April 1 to November
To kill squirrels at any season.
To kill song or insectivorous birds.
To shoot upon the public highway.
To bunt upon the lands of another
without permission.
To hunt without license except in
the county of actual residence.
To ship game or fish from one point
to another within or without the state
unaccompanied by the owner.
I To pursue game in any manner dur
' ing closed season.
I To fish in any manner except with
hook and line.
To sell game in any manner or to
sell fish taken from public waters in
the state.
Manan Pile Remedy put up in con
venient collapsible tubes with nozzle
attachment so that the remedy may be
applied at the very seat of the trou
ble, thus relieving almost .instantly
bleeding, itching or protruding piles.
Satisfaction guaranteed ,or money re
funded. Sold by Henry Cook's drug
The famous Crosset Shoes, for men.
Irving Drew shoes and oxfords for
ladies and misses. Also complete line
of llamiltou-ltrowu shoes for every
body. For sale at Turnure Pros.
Baking Powdet
is so perfect in its make, so
simple in use, that begin
mtm mm.
4' In te5
You will do better work for
a cup cf fragrant tlcllcicus
ARIOSA Coffee and you
will vest bellcr afterwards.
Cuts your coffee bills about
in half.
Sold in one pound packages
only, sealed for your proteclion.
Loose coflec isn t Inc same
it may be dusty, dirty and bad
fr your stomach and nerves.!iu with all rcquiirirenls cf the National Pure
Feed Law, Gmratilce No. 234 1 . filed ol Waihington.
Deaths and Funerals, k
$ i
Mrs. L. . Hlni.
Mrs. Carrie King, wife of Iilcwcllyn
('. King, died at her home in Garfield
township Wednesday morning, from
quick consumption. Funeral services
were held at the family resibence this
morning at 11 o'clock.
Carrie Applegatewasbornat Gibbon,
Iluffnlo county, Nebraska, May 28,
1 872. She was married to Llewellyn
C. King .January 17, 1001. To this
union three children were born, one
son and two daughters, Ilesides her
husband and children, the deceased is
survived by her parents, three sisters
and two brothers Mrs. Prank Heuson
and Mrs. M. A. Mercer of Hed Cloud,
and Holden, Walter and Kthel Apple
gate, the last three residing with their
parents at Gibbon, Neb.
Mrs. Oscar Emlck,
Mrs. Oscar Kmick, aged JJS, died at
her home near Amboy Tuesday even
ing, after a brief illness. Funeral
services were hold yesterday.
Pauline Maggie Popp was born in
Kansas in May, 1870. The deceased is
survived by her husband and three
small children.
Hay for Sale.
Good piairie hay in stack on section
:i(l, town .'I, range 1U; is good, bright,
draw bay. Phone or write to C. F.
Catber, Hed Cloud, Neb.
Business College Notes
To-night Prof. Dietriek gives an en
tertainment in llladen.
Miss Grace Peterson and Carl Fitz
gerald are new students this week.
A new elass in Chartier shorthand
was organized this week.
We want to say that we are in favor
of a new court house and so are you.
Miss Frankie Ward and Miss Mabel
Kvans'are planning to take a review in
tho college soon.
Miss Anna Gilliam's basket supper
and entertainment was posponed Wed
nesday on account of tho death of Mrs.
The students of the normal class are
preparing for a part of the oxamina-',
lions which are hold next Friday and ,
Saturday at the courthouse. 1
Twelve of the college students, in-1
eluding Prof. Dietriek and wife, attend-'
ed the Webster county Sunday school
convention which was held at Inavale
last week.
Did you bear of that Chautauqua
move? That would be one of tho fin
est things Hed Cloud ever had. Put
your shoulder to the wheel and give
it a good push in the right direction.
Pine Salve Carbolized acts like a
poultice; highly antiseptic, extensively
used for Eczema, chapped hands and
lips, cuts, burns. Sold by Henry Cook's
drug store.
lice's Laxative Cough Syrup contain
taining Honey and Tar is especially
appropriate for children, no opiates or
poisons of any character, conforms to
the provisions of the National Pure
Food and Drug Law, .Juno 30, 10015.
For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It
expels Coughs and Colds by gently
moving tho bowels. Guaranteed. Sold
by Ueury Cook's drugstore.
1 he Strongest
ir x r n
j -w.w f .
Two pairs of Trousers with each Coat (fV
one Bloomer and one regular pair. JS
Every Suit guaranteed. Will stand the jg
hardest wear that tops, marbles, kites or (ji
anything but barbed wire makes. Prices JJ
$4.50 to $6.00 for the combination. 9
Ready for your inspection.
1 Paul Storey, cfc 1
No Longer an
Tho idea that lias become general that first elass building material
could no longer bo had is certainly knocked out, when you take a
look at the complete line of clear Soft Pino Finish and Siding
carried in stock by
Saunders Brothers
fif Itod Cloud, Nob. What is also pleasing to tho buyers of Lumber
and building material is the fact that their prices aro reasonable,
and they guarantee a SQUARE DEAL. Thoy also havo a nice
line of Oak, Hickory and Poplar Wagon Material. Seo their Shin
gles. Vou can not help but admire them.
Tho members of this enterprising firm, assisted by plenty of
oxcollont help, aro always glad and take pleasure in showing to the
public this nice stock.
For Sale
The east half of section
23 and the NW quarter
of section 23, township 2,
range 14, in Franklin Co.,
Nebraska, about 4 miles
northeast of Franklin.
Price $20 per acre, one
fourth cash down, bal
ance on long time in an
nual payments with in
terest at 6 per cent.
Apply to
George G. Clark,
Council Muffs,'!
CletnM-i and Uautltkf the htlr.
1'niiiKiItj b laiurlant growth.
Never Fil to Jteitore Ory
Hair to Its Youthful Color.
Guru rctlp dlKttrj tt htlr tilling.
t0cncltUOt DnirRltU
Barber Shop
Basement of
Potter Block.
a Specialty
Colorado 10.000 acres, rich,
black soil, smooth and Iovol. 3D
per aero.
Kansas'!1 quarters at from
?(5i)0. Good soil, level land. Terms
to suit.
Nebraska-City properties and
well improved farms at roasonablo
OHice of Co. Atty. L. H. Mack
lcdge, Hed Cloud, Nob. Phono 48.