The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 05, 1907, Image 8

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    Hall's ThorouglM Sale
nnd buHitiOBH to Oncnr LIikIktou. Mr. j llertliti M llrown to Viola E
Llnrigron also put olinaod tho resltloncol Muurer, hw! 23-11-1 t,vtl
of J. S. Mooro in tho north west part
of town and is to huvo possossion of
both proportions by tho mldrilo of tho
Thoroughbred Duroc Jerseys
Thoroughbred Poland-Chinas,
All bred to male whose brother took first prize at the Royal and
whose sire took first prize at the St. Louis Exposition.
1 0 Head of Thoroughbred Shorthorn Bulls,
from 12 to 18 montns old.
1 0 Head of Thoroughbred Cows and Heifers,
part with calves by their side. Also some Horses and Mules. Sale
to begin at I o'clock. Parties from a distance will be entertained at
hotel. All to be sold at BELLAIRE, KAN., April 20, 1907.
COL. JOHN BRENNAN, Auctioneer.
jieiasy Jlotes prom Neighboring Towns f
(From the Citizen.)
Tho druK storo of Mr. Hohlfold is
to bo iuorouHod by u 80-foot addition
in tho reur, brick for which is being
delivered this week.
Henry Gibbon, who has been at
tending school nt Ada, O., was forced
to leave his studies and come home,
by a bud attack of rheumatism.
X. Laporto has been discharged
from tho St. Joseph hospital at Omaha
and returned homo Monday with his
wifo. Ho is still quite woak but is
gaining rapidly.
Goo. Firkins, in tho Omaha hospital
was forced to undergo another opera
tion, Wodnosday, tho middle bone of
tho hand being removed as far back
as tho wrist, and tho llesh stripped
from tho palm.
Suh tilt.,
(From the Sentinel.)
Grandpa- Garrett, aged eighty-nine,
was very sick tho foro part of tho week
but is now considerable better.
Mrs. Hetts tho agod mother of jNowt
Betts, diodVodnesday night of ex
treme old age, sho having seen some
where near eighty summers.
J. N. Paxton, one of tho
settlors in this county, an old
stoador who located over in
(From the Advocate.)
Hoy Cadman will bo married next
Tuesday to Miss Ida A lieu, of Dan
bury. (JIiiib. Sohonneman and Miss Nora
Miller wore married tho tlrst of the
A. li. Uuiley had a mule kick him on
tho log ono day this week and it came
near putting him out of business.
One of tho mombers of tho present
board of trustees claims he has been
offored.monoy to resign. Wonder why.
J. 13. McGrow went to Gonova ono
day this week to attend tho funeral
of a relative, and while there was
taken ill.
kick. After a few kicks ho succeeded
in kicking tho dash board into ('nil's
faco, which caused him to loso hold of
tho linos, nft or which he was spilled
out on his head. Tho horso then pro-
ceeded to make kindling wood of the1
1S.1V IMS.
k. 1 Vy IN
(From tho Iloviow.)
W. O. Run kin received word Monday
of tho death of his father, who resided
in Indiana.
Mrs. Thomas. Lewis, a former resi
dent of Riverton, died recently at her
homo in Colorado.
Grandpa Ilartson, who has been
confined to his bedfor somo time, does
not improve as rapidly as would please
Wo tiro glad to report that Chas.
Whorton and Clarence Pugsley huvo
returned home from St. Joo safely
without either being run over or run
Molvin Pumroy mot with a serious
nccidont Sunday by falling oil' their
barn whilo playing. Ono rib was
broken and a sliver from a board ran
into his body.
Whilo driving on Fuller street lato
(From the F.xpivss.)
Chris Anderson left yesterday for
Denmark, called by tho illness of a
Sophia K., wifo of Charles .1. Coon,
died Sunday March -21th, 1!K)7, in
Aurora, Nebraska.
I. L. Kdsall expects to leave soon
for Boulder, to install his system of
alfalfa meal making in tho big mill.
Dr. L. II. lieck has been called to
Wicklitr, Kentucky, to settle the es
tate of a brother who died last summer.
(From tho lOntorpriso)
Frank Dority writes from Kearney
that ho lost a valuable driving horso
! that ho paid WOO for last week.
Mr Schouk, who h is boon very sick
tho past two wooks, is roportod much
J hotter and is ablo to get around oc
.Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Cramer of lied
Cloud, wore visiting at tho home of
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cowley Saturday
and Sunday.
Miss Nollio D. Hansen departed last
Monday morning for Chicago, whero
sho will visit friends a few days and
from there will go to her homo in
Flint, Michigan.
county on tho Middlo Boavor in 18711,
died last Sunday.
John Ludlow arrived this morning
from Arkansas, bringing his fair
Indian brido with him. Mrs. Ludlow
is a very nico appearing woman and
neighbor John is to bo congratulated.
Carson Hildroth received his auto
mobile Tuesday and though the dray
man did not deliver it till nearly noon,
it was uupackod and spinning along
tho streets before the afternoon was
Carrie King to L L Dellart, v2
net 33-1-10, wd
C F (hind to William
lots 21 and 22, hlk U,
add to 11 II, wd
Harm Hose to ('has L Fuhvider.
lot ft hlk 2, Tyler's 2ntl-ilw to
H II, wd
Gertrude Hardwickto .1 L Whoa-
ton, lots 0 and 10, bile 21, Red
Cloud, wd
Henry ICocker, trustee, to Knnsus
City Land' Co., lots t) and 10,
blk 1, llohrer's add to 11. II.
Lincoln Land Co. to Joseph A.
Denton, lots 4 and ft, blk 1,
First add to Hladen, wd
Harriet.) Howe to Geo W Hummel
part h2 nv4 13-1-1 1, deed ....
Lethaud II Thorite to James C
Anderson, part nwl 18-t-ll,.
Leonard I) Hose to C V (hind,
lot ft blk 13, Itosemont, wd....
Robert II Qnigglt' to C V Gund.
lot 0. blk 13, Uosemont, wd..
Lincoln Laud Co. toll. ILtJtiigglc
lots 1, U and II, blk 13, Itose
mont, wd
Charles 'J' Fly to Lewis W Kly,
se part blWs, Talbot's add to
Guide lloclc, wd
W .1 Harris to Oscar T Kvans. pt
lot ft. Huberts' add to Guide
.1. H. iSrt'cnhalgh to .1 I! and II IC
llrubaker. nwl 2.VM0. wd....
.1 II llrubaker to Harry K ISnt-
baker. s2 nwl, and pt s2 n2 nw
J3-2-IO, wd
Harry K llrubaker to J 11 Urn
baker n2 nwl, part .s2 n'i nwl.
2,'I-2-10. wd 1 Slid
Ilenj !: Negly ft ul Nellie II.
Ni'ivhouse, lots 0. 7, 8. It, and
10, blk 7, Red Cloud, wd
Nellie II Newhouse to T (i liar
wood, lots 0 and 10. blk 7,
lied Cloud, wd
Kd H Turner to Ida Kyekelhahn.
lots 1, '.' and 3, blk 3, 11 II
( 1
J no lliekard to school district No
10, part set 3l-'J-'..wd
Mortgages filed, SlO'.tftO.
Mortgages released, S17,
A now telephone lino going up in
Mrs. C. A. Waldo has in a new lino
of millinery.
Mr. Irons is having his town build
ing repainted.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Latlo left Wed
nesday morning for Dolphos, Kan.
Glenn Olmsted and family will oc
cupy tho houso in which Bert llol
drodge is now living.
Grandpa and Grandma Holdredge
have rented their placo to Bert Hol
dredge and will visit with rolatives
during the summer.
Friday evening, a dog ran out
grabbed Carl Clow's horso by tho nose, ' in town this week,
which caused the horse to run and , J. II. Current sold
Homo changes have been going on
during which time
his furniture store
Real Estate Transfers.
For the week ending Tuesday,
April 2 , furnished by the Fort Ab
stract Co., L. II. Fort.. Manager.
John O. Jones to John Harvey,
n2 nw 22-2-12. wd S2 100
First Nat. Hank I!. II. to llosella
Arndt, se 3-3-10, wd 3C.00
L. K. Spenee to Chas. Speniv,
lot 10, blk 7 Bladen wd 2100
State of Neb to Chas. S. Norris
s2 swl 13-2-10 wd .100
Geo W Hiihchrook to Swan L
Luiistedt, n2 swl and s2 nwl
11-2-0. wd O.'.no
Complies with all requirements of the National Pure Food Law, Guarantee No. 204 1 , filed at Washington.
wmm.mkKW, llaw w.v jr .Taw-ur to
' I .j ft IXjjFr- Si ( i i i A Ls, CBt rv a&
m v V" 1 I i i- 9 1 Jl w JFfTI lJV..'. VcyK
w - i j v y - r m r . . -viff mj i. i "-- vr
i' , .i -!i Nfrwfw ) ?s ;
t -" 1 J A 1 v s'r hum.
vmtes about mi -& nw,
u..;' s t
An old soldier
ARIOS A Coffee: "Your coffee
is the best and richest coffee I ever
drank since I left the service, from
'61 until I received your coffee
yesterday." A soldier knows coffee
by the taste, and the way it makc3 him
feel, and would sooner go without
his bread than without his coffee.
Aibuckles' ARIOSA wao the first
roasted, packaged coffee, packaged for
protection of consumers, roasted
and the pores of each berry sealed with
a coating of fresh eggs and pure sugar,
to hold the goodness in and make the
coffee settle clear and quickly. Better
than "fresh roast." Warming a
little develops the flavor and makes the
grinding easy. Our enormous coffee
business, exceeding ths next four largest
firms in the world together, reduces our
average cost per pound, and enables ui
to give ,ou better coffee for your
money than you can buy in any other
way. There arc more packages of
ARIOSA sold in the United States
than all the other Coffee packages
If your grocer will not supply, write to
Nw YmIc C17.
I fit)
Mjstlp Cure for HIiemuntlHii nml NeiirnllH
rmllctilly cim h In 1 to.'lriii). Its union upuii
the tyMi'iii In lonmrknlilc nml rnvHlcriuus. It
removL-k nt once the cmif-e mill tliu dlseiiKU iin -tiicilliituly
dlMippciuK. The tiri (Ium- roiiilv
l)0ii lltn, 75 renic kihI il. rinlil by U. K.(.;iik k.
(IniKlHt. ltcil cluiul.
Just Received, a Car of
can save money by
500 pounds of him.
able cotmhoiife for tnlil county, itnd tultniilit
offlrc, roomnnti(l vaultB forihcnccoDimodnUoii
of thecouriH of rciord, the county oIDccm hnd
county record h.
HhIiJ iiropoKlllon Is to vote for the iMtmnrr of
Ibe botidp of kbIiI rouiitv In tho until of seventy
five tliotiMtiil dollnrs (ITft.miO) for the nirD(ii
of nbtnlnliiK fundx (o purrbno tlip niiitcrluU
and liibor nml construct sild ronrtlioiic at Ue
county cnt of Bld county of Wnbclcr: all m
nuthorlrcd by article I of chapter 18 of the mm
tilled KtntuloH of Nrbrnnln, j!Kift anil particular
ly hCctlosar, Sil. 27 and 2H thereof:
To lite Ltijul Voters of Webtr County, Ni
h otlcc In hereby given tlmt nt a opcrlnl clcrtlon
lo be held In raid couutv of Wchmrr n
'IucMlay, the ,Mth dy of April. 1H07. there will
be submitted to the h(?nl voters uf xald county
for their acceptance or rejection the following
propdHltlan. to wit:
Shall tin; board of county commtsxloncrx of
Wcbdter county. NebrnHka. for and In behalf of
tmld county, Imip the bonds of nald county lit
the mim of foventy-live thoiiKnnd doliarn ( KhS)
of the denomination of 0110 tnoucand dullar
($1.0f0)cat!h, for tho punoi-e of purchiidlntJ
material for and onlldliiK. coiiMriiellnK. furnlli
Iuk mill completing a counuoiito bulldliiK for
said county lu the city of lied Cloud, the count?
wat of xald county, on thu prcaenl conrthoufc
rquarc therein, all the comm thereof not to ex
reed the nuin of seventy-live thounand dollar
(l7r,(Xi); the entlio amount of the ptoceedi" of
xald bonda to be payable tobearer at the offiep
of the treasurer of the Htutc of Nebraika at I.tu
coin, NcbraMka, at the expiration of 10 tear
from the date thereof, but to be Hindu redeem
able nt the option or xald county of Wcboter '.
nny time nfter the dnto f the lnNnancc of the
name, lu the sum of otic thoiiHiiud dollat
(ll.OiiO) r any inultlplo thereof, payable on the
flrfit days of Jnuuary or July In each year. And
nald boiidf to draw 4 perceutlnterch:per unntim
ironi ineiiaicoi ifcsunncc 01 ine Name, paynb e
Fetnt-nunually on the tlrtt dav of January and
July or each year, which Intercut payment
sliall bo evidenced by Interest coupoiiH executed
and attached to mid bond tiyahlt to bearer at
tho mid tU'iiiurur'M olhcu ot the Mule of Ncbra
Ui. Kneh of (.aid bonds and hiterc.t coupons :
be ilnted Jiry tlrM. 1'JOT The vhIiI bonds to be
negotiated nt n sum not less than their par vali.a
nud to be sold only In the amounts ticcessarv nu
the tlme) 11 cod id for the construction of "the
said courihoiise buildltiK. mid the Interest c ..
pons thereon which may be matured nt date of
sale are lo be clipped therefrom so that salt!
bond will draw liwcrest onlv from date f mi!i
And sluul said board of county commissioners
of the said county of Webster or Mich olllccrs t
s-ald county h may be charged by law with tti
only of IcyltiK taxes of said (lintv for the
t me be In k'. In addition to all other taxes levied
or caused to lie levied nuuilnlly upon all tnxnb
property lu said county, an amnuiit of tnxe
sutlicieut to pay the Interest on said bonds i
the same matures
And shall the board of county commissioner-,
of said countyor such other olllccrs as mav te
charged by law with the duty of levjli k itie'tax
cs ot said 0 unity for the tlmu beliii?. lew. or
cause to be levied, lu addition to all other taxei.
In thu year 1(H) 7 and each year llieteaftcr, a lav
upon all the taxable property lu said eountv
sutlicieut to pay not less thnn ten per cent nn'r
tiioiu than twenty per cent of the principal uf
said boudR annually for the period of ten ear
or until a sutlicieut amount is talsed to pay said
And be It further rcsohed. that the vote 01.
said proposition shall bo by ballot In the follow
iiiK form, to wit:
orriciAi. iiam.ot run konii klkcticn.
To vote for the Nsnnncc of seventy lle tho..s
and dollars ($75,000) of tionds of Webster eountv,
Nebraska, for biiildliiK and finishing n coup
hou-c building nml for the levy ot a tux on in.
taxable property In said county to pay. the Inter
est and principal of tho said IioikIh pursuant 'o
the resolution nml notice ol this election:
Make across tlius(X) within the npiure oppo
loitc the words "t-or the bonds and tax.
To ote HKainst the Issuance of scvenix-dve
IhoiHaud dollars ii7n,PHi) ot liouds of Webster
county. Nebraska, for buildluK ittul llnishlucn
courtliouse biilldini;. ami nainst the levy of iu
las sullli lent to pay the Interest mid ptlnclpn)
of said bonds pursuant to thu resolution mid
notice of this election:
Mtike a cross thus (X) within the Miiare np
poslto the words "ARaitist tho bonds mid tax."
K01 the bonds mid tnx ( )
AKiilnst tiio bouils hiiiI tax ,
The said ballots to be prepared, procured and
delivered to the proper election otlleers ns re
Mulred bv law by thecouuty clerk of said county
nt the lime mid in Hit manner required by i
and substHiitlady the same as In other ease:
mid the votes on said proposition to lie received,
counted and the totttriis ttiereot made mid can
vassed by the olllccrs and petsous in the county
and iu the form anil manner required b law
mid substantially the same ns is required 'iv
general elections. And tho said county clerk Iv
further ordered to prncuiu nud deliver to tlu
pro er election nllleeisthc necessary poll boo .
nud other nintetlals and supplies necessary lr
tho submission of the salu proposition accord
liu; to the foreitoliiK resolution at the siieitar
election called ns aforesaid, and that uollce i-f
Oils said proposition, resolution nud election t e
Hlvoti by publMiliii; Die forenoniK lesolutlo:
and notice of this order in tiio Webster County
Ar'tis and the lied Cloud I'iiikk. IcbiiI news,
papers published lu mid of nuiiernl eltculatlnii
In villi! county of Webster for fit lent four
consecutive weeks prior to said Tuesday. April
.'lull. 10(17, and postlui; upat each place of votin.'
durlutr the day election n copy of snld resololluu
notice mid order.
The polls of which said election shall be optiy
at the hour of H 'clock iu the forenoon and
continue open until 0 o'clock in the aftcrnovu
of the said day.
On the question, shall the resolution pass and:
be adopted, the vote was ns follows:
Aye, Itlchard, Sawyer, Anderson, Chaplin andi
No, none.
Thereupon the same was adopted and ordered
10 ue maiie or record.
Courtliouse Bond Prouosltlon.
It wiiMiiovcd by Commissioner H. lawyer
mid seconded by Couimlssloncr T. J. Chap'ilu
Hint Die follow Iuk preamble, resolution and
order be adopted:
111: IT KKMKMItKKKP. that at tin adjourned
ineetiiii: of the regular Jmiiinr). MM7. session of
the hoard of coiihin commissioners of Webster
couutv, Nebraska, held at the point house in
the city of lied cloud In snid county this ltuh
dnv of March. tIMii, the said board belut: dulv
convened mid m session for tiio trniisaetlou of
all business that might proprirl) come before It.
mid thine lielitu presetil W. iiiehmd. chnlrmnn,
nud W. It. Aiiduson.T. .1. hnplln, J O. Over
mini and II. (J. "nwycr. cominlssioners. mid
DeTour. county -lerlt. said board belntr re.itlnr
ly i onvened and cnlled to order for the funs
action of business said resolution was presented:
Wiikiikas. under the laws of the stiilo of Ne
btnskn. It Is the duty of the board of county
cominlssioners of said county to provide 11 safe
and suitable courth- use mid other necessary
bulldltuts for snld county, nud to provide suit
able olllces lor thu scnciiW county olllccrs. 'and
courtrooms and otlices for thu accommodation
of the sevctal courts of record in said county,
and lire proof vaults and safes for Hie safe keep
Int: of the county records, mid
tViiritKAS. the present courthouse of Webster
county Is an old frame building mid wholly In
sutlicieut mid Inadequate to accommodate the
several ollicets of said county, and the vaults
theielu nre not lire proof mid arc Inadequate In
size and construction and afford no protection
to tiio records of said county stored therein In
enso of (ire. thereby udaucerliiK the title to the
real estate iu snid county and other valuable
rltthts' and property of tiio said county and tho
cltleus thereof, and,
Wiikiikas. a petition has been presented to
this hoard purportliik" to be sIkiiciI by a largo
number, to wit: over KOu o' tho lcnal Miters of
said county, asking that provision bo made for a
sultnble conrthoime and county olllces. and tho
hoard dccmlin; the same to be necessary and
proper lo be done at tills time.
Theicfore. bo It resolved by the board of
county commissioners of Webster county. No
briihka. iu tegular session as aforesaid
m (lie lu Hed Cloud In said county
011 till- Hull day of March, Mi", that a special
election ho nud It hereby Is called and ordered
by said boniil to be held In said county of Web
sterntthe vnrioiis voting preolncts thereof on
thu .'tilth day of April, 1U("7. for the purpose of
submitting and to submit to thn legnl voters
of said couutv the proposition which Is set out
fully lu the following form of nolle which Is
made a part of this order and resolution, which
said proposition It will lie necessary to carry out
In order to enable mid board to provide a suit-
Attest: I.KK DeTorit.
County Clerk.
W. Itlt'lIAitn,
.1.0. OVKKMAN,
Application for License.
Notice Is hereby given that a petition signed,
by thirty or more resident freeholders of the
Second ward of the city ol lied Cloud, Nebra
ka. has been lllcl with the city clerk of said
city of Hed Cloud, praying Unit 11 llceuso bc
grauted y the city council of said city lis
harlcs W. llushcc tor the Mil" of malt, splrltotts
atid vinous liquors 011 lot one il). block one (I ,
Williams' addition to the city of lied Cloud, Ne
braskn. That action will be taken 011 snid petl
tlon h the mayornnd city council on thu 1st
ilny ot May, 1IHI7. or at the llrst meeting of the
council thereafter.
I.. II 1'oiiT, City Clerk.
Dated at Ited Cloud, Nehtnskn, this ir.lh day
of March, HK7.
Appllcathn for License.
Notice Is hereby given that 11 petition rigtiet!
bv thirty or more resident fteeholders of the
First ward of the city of Hed Cloud, Nebraska,
has been llled with the city clerl; of Mild city of
Hed Cloud praying that a license be granttd hy
tho city council of said city to John Polnlcky
for tho sale of mall, splrltous and vinous llq
uours 011 lot live (ft), block thirty ono (III), of the
original town, now city, of lied Cloud. Nehras
ka. That action will ho taken on said petition
by the mayor and city council on the 1st day of
May. 11107, or nt the first meeting of the council
I. II. KOHT. City Clerk.
Dated at Had Cloud. Nebraska, this lib day ot
April, 1007.
Application for License.
Notice I" horehy given that a petition signer!
by thirty or mom resident freeholders of the
Second ward of tho city of Hed Cloud, Nebras
ka, has been llled with the city clerk of said cliv
of Hed cloud, praying Hint a llceuso bo granted
bv tho city council of said city to K, H. Maude
vlllo for thu salo of malt, splrltous and vinous
liquors on lot three (.'I), block one (I), Williams
addition to the city of ited Cloud. Nebraska
That action will be taken on thn said petition
by the mayor and city council on tho 1st day of
May, 1007. or at thu llrst meeting of tho council
L. H. FOKT. Oily Clerk.
Datod nt Hed Cloud, Nebraska, this .'Id day ol
April, 1107. '