ik. -it &' F 'it M K t k ; L0GALE1TES Miss Irene Hull is in lilncoln this week. Sylvester Day is on tlie sick list this week. Dr. 13. A. Thomas, Dentist, Damerell lock. Wanted Fggs and butter at Tnr 11 nre Itros. Frank Nelson's new house is Hearing completion. Frank Dudley for painting and paper hanging. Miss Stella Dueker was up from Sup. rior this week. Dr. Damerell went to Akron, Colo., Sunday evening. Karl Dieker.Minwent to Akron, Colo.. M outlay evening. Mrs. John .MeCune was down from iSladen Satunlay. Wanted (Jirl for general housework. Mrs. ('. II. Miner. Mrs. Ward Hayes and sou have gone Vo Fairbury, Neb. If you miss it you will miss it, Mou c.uy, at opera house. Mr. and Mrs. Lcltoy Tarr are home from their western trip. .1. S. MeKnightof Alma was in the city Tuesday on business. You will do well to take your eggs and butter to Turnure Hros. Louis Itangert and Mr. Storm were ir. from Stillwater Saturday. Mrs. W. IC. (Jeer is visiting with relatives in Republican City. Some of our pessimistic citizens are predicting a drouthy season. The W. C. T. l will meet next Wed nesday with Mrs. L. L. Itnrcn. Mr. antliMrs. .lohn Hathjen are the parents of a girl, born Sunday. Eli Collette and Arlie Davis were flown from Illation Wednesday. The 0-year-old son of Ike Wilmot, living over south, is seriously ill. The "laughiest" yet, "The Girl from -Chili" at the opera house April 8. Alfalfa seed for sale by W. II. Ilot.cn orans, at Piatt's lumberyard. 12tf llev. J. M. Dates will speak Sunday 7iight on Church anil State in France. K. C. Smith of Rcatriee was visiting with friends in Ked Cloud Wednesday. Mrs. T. ('. Hacker has returned from : visit with her daughter in llutte. Mont. Miss Frma Lindleyof Itiverton visit ed with relatives in lied Cloud this -.Teek. Ftlitor tilick of the Uiverton Review mis a plesant caller at this olllee Sat urday. Miss Georgia (lard of Lincoln visited with relatives ami friends the first of The week. Mrs. Charley Olmsted and Miss Itiah Olmsted were down front Inavale Saturday. Mrs. West and Mrs. Caster will go to Naponee tomorrow night for a s.hort visit. Lewis Steward, recently of Columbus O., has oecepted a position with It. 1'. ".MoFarland. S. A. Dayman came down from Strand Island Monday to attend the .club dance. Miss Nellie Jones of Clay Center, Neb., is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. -John Myers. Mrs. George .1. Warren is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Ned Grimes, : Itlue Hill. Millinery New lot of pattern, street &ad trimmed hats just received at Turnure llros. Will Mackey got tangled up in a runaway Tuesday ami received some ieverc bruises. It is agonizingly funny and hyster ically serious, 'The Girl from Chili," Monday April 8. Grant Turner has quit the dray line and is again working on the Starke ranch at Amboy. Frit. Vance of Hastings came down to spend the holidays with his cousins, the Pharos doys. W. F. linker, deputy assessor for ak Creek precinct, was a Ked Cloud visitor yesterday. The largest and best line of new dress goods at Turnure llros. Ilest allies ever offered. If you want to have a good hearty laugh see '-The Girl from Chili" at the pent house April 8. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Saylor went to Xearney Tuesday for n short visit with Mrs. Saylor's parents. The Nebraska supreme court says that it has no right to interfere in the Tabitha Home matter. Special meetings begin at the M. F. Church Sunday, April 7. All are cor dially invited to attend. "The Girl from Chili" a clean whole some farce comedy with a plot. Mon day, April 8, opera house. Miss Laura McCnne went to Almena, Kan., this week, to attend the wedding of her cousin, Miss Harbor. Word was received in Red Cloud Wednesday that L. M. Vance was very ill at his home in Hastings. The bazar and dinner given by the M. F. Ladies' Aid boeiety last Saturday netted 170 for that organization. Arthur McArthur has severed his connection with this olllee and will hereafter make cement sidewalks. The lunacy commission in the Thaw trial has decided that Thaw is now sane, and the trial will now go on. Mrs. George Newhottse anil children are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wash Heed, in Campbell, this week. Hurt F. Drown and Fditor Shields of the Dine Hill Leader were shaking hands with Ued Cloud friends last Friday. Jesse Thompson, manager of Tuber's short order house, is able to be on duty again after a slight attack of pneumonia. The movement to have the streets marked and houses numbered is meet ing with favorableeonsideration by the council. Taxpayers should read County As sessor Turner's explanation of some points in the law, published elsewhere in this paper. Whenever you gel hungry drop into Will Latta's short order house, hist north of Spokeileld's. Everything new and up to date. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peterson and daughter, Mrs. Anderson, will leave next Monday for the hitter's home in Missoula, Mont. Miss Tilla McClelland, of Hastings, formerly a teacher in the Ked Cloud schools, visited at the home of 1). II. Kaley this week. Arthur Koby came over from Deatrice Tuesday. His mother and sister, Miss Helen, will accompany him home today. Mr. and Mrs. Kofod, the new pro prietors of the Holland House, arrived Sunday from Omaha, but have not yet taken possession. Mrs. Sophia Chambers and Mrs. J. N. Kickards returned Monday evening from Hebron and are again visiting at the home of J. II. Kellogg. Fred Maurer secured an increase of pension this wet- for Kobertson Adamson of Cowlesand Robert Wilson, who resides south of the river. Car of puro Itetl Kiver Early Ohio potatoes for seed. If you want good potatoes and a good yield, plant good seed. For sale at Turnure Hros. Challenge Priees 3 lbs large Prunes 25c 4 ioc cans Lye 25c 9 bars Quaker Soap. . . 25c 3 qts. Onion Sets 25c 7 lbs Buckwheat Flour 25c 4 boxes Egg-O-See... 25c MeFARLAND J5he GROCER All tho Phonos I will have some extra peach, cherry, Apple ami plums on hand to sell soon. Expect them about the 5th of April. Come and see them. A. G. Gi:t:i:s. Wanted 30 head of cattle to pas ture, 40 cents per mouth. Albert Wright, .1 miles west and 0 north of Hod Cloud. apr l'J Nowhouso llros, have just received a handsome new line of bracelets of the latest patterns, as well as a full line of the famous "Swastika" pattern jewelry. Pine Salve Carbolized acts like a poultice; highly antiseptic, extensively used for Eczema, chapped hands and lips, eut.s, burns. Soltl by Henry Cook's drug store. Elder W. It. Durbrlge of Danbury, Neb., will preach at the Christian church next Sunday, both morning and evening. A cordial invitation is extended to all. We heard a fanner from the smith side say. the other day, that he was going to Lebanon to trade if something was not soon done about the hitching post matter in Ked Cloud. The famous Crosset Shoes, for men. Irving Drew shoes and oxfords fir ladies and misses. Also complete line of Hamilton-Drown shoes for every body. For sale at Turnure llros. Ed Taylor went to York. Wednes day, where he is on the program of the Central Nebraska Educational As sociation, along with Senator La I'ol lette ami other distinguished people. Charley Schult. is having lifteen hundred cement blocks made to go in to his new residence just south of the Hrethren church. We fail to see what use a bachelor has for a fine residence. The contract for the new pump house at the waterworks was let to J. II. Kellogg, the price being S.VW.SO. Work was begun yesterday and it will be completed by the time the new pump arrives. A letter from Kenneth Williams, who is with a surveying party at Douglass, Wyo., says the way the wind blows here is nothing in conparisou to what Wyoming can put up. He says he Is getting tired of sleeping out with wild cats and rattlesnakes. Fred Spence, who is now located at Trenton ,NobM in the abstractbusiness, was shaking hands with Ked Cloud friends Wednesday. He brought his father Charley Spence, Dob Denton ami C. A. Easterley down from Dladen in his new automobile. Ued Cloud Camp No. 08, M. W. A., are making preparations for a pro gram, to be followed by a banquet, at their hall on April II. This is for the Woodmen, their wives, sweethearts and members of the Royal Neighbors. Come early and stay late. The village of Dladen elected an anti-license board Tuesday. Two of the "antis" were elected by two votes, while the third was tied with his op ponent and in the casting of lots the "dry" man won. We understand the election will be contested. Your money refunded if after using three-fourths () of a tube of Manan you are dissatislled. Return the bal ance of the tube to your druggist, and your money will be cheerfully return ed. Take advantage of this offer. Sold by Henry Cook's drugstore. That low-down "cuss," the dog pois oner, is again abroad in the laud. Last week C. C. McConkey's dog fell a victim to the poisoner, and yesterday morning Holton Letson's full-blooded Scotch collie, "Ted," went to dog heaven by the same route. Charley Crabill's line bulldog is also missing. A man that will poison a dog will steal sheep. The relief of Coughs and Colds through laxative influence originated with Dee's Laxative Cough Syrup, con taining Honey and Tar, a cough syrup containing no opiates or poisons, which is extensively sold. Secure a bottle at once, obtain a guarantee coupon, and if not fully satisfied with results, your money will be refunded. Sold by Henry Cook's drug store. W. H.Taber Is making arrangements to open a new bowling alley in the basement of his building. The equip ment has already arrived and will soon be placed in position. Mr. Tabor in tends to make the alleys a resort that ladies may visit and patronize as safe ly as they can go to tho thcatttror any other public entertainment. Annonce ment of opening day will be made later. CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Slgnaturo of && XraGSfi) A RE yougeltinif Boys' Clothing with the best - quality andjstyle ? Arc you, for a fact ? Or, is it doubtful ? There's no use trying to convince yourself that you can buy as good clothing anywhere else as we handle; it's useless to try to save money over the prices we ask. To assume thar you get the service or satisfaction from "cheaper" clothing is to argue that right is not might, that merit has not power, that value docs not. Boys' Suits, $1.50 to $6 Young Mens Suits, $3.50 to $18 Men s Suits, $5 to $25 The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. Clothiers, Hatters, Furnishers, ALWAYS First Door North of Post MnnZan Pile Remedy put up incon venient collapsible tubes with nozzle attachment so that the remedy may be applied at the very seat of tho trou ble, thus relieving almout instantly bleeding, itching or protruding piles. Satisfaction guaranteed or money re funded. Sold by Henry Cook's drug store. There was an exciting runaway Sat urday when Frank Slaby's team be came frightened at a fluttering sign on a telephone pole. The buggy tipped over in front of the Fifth Avenue Hotel, spilling Mr. Slabyand lifty-sev-en dozen nice fresh eggs on the ground. This accounts for tho shortage in the Faster egg market. The Repudlican Valley Association of Congregational Churches will hold its twenty-seventh semi-annual session at Wilcox, Neb., April it and 10. Rev. A. A. fc'rcssman is to speak on "The Place and Purpose of the Sunday School". Fach church is entitled to bo represented by pastor, Sunday school superintendent and two delegates. .lim Owen, the Alma operator who was held in jail here for several weeks on a charge of robbing tho express company, was convicted and sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. Fugene Mcrrifield, who killed the landlord of tho farm on which ho lived, was convicted of manslaughter , but has not yet been sentenced. Services at the Congregational church next Sunday as follows: Preaching service at 10: lf; sacrament of the Lord's Supper and reception of members. An ottering will be taken at this service and also in Sunday school for the China famine sufferers, Sunday school at 11:50: Juniors, 3jfl(); I Y. P. S. C. F., 7 p. m.: preaching, 8 1 p. in., subject: "The Rights of Km ployers; and Fmployes or, tho Con flict Detween Capital and Labor." In view of tho threatened strikes and the unsettled condition among many laborers, this subject is timely. It will be discussed without fear or favor. Come and hear it. Shoes, Trunks and Suit Cases RELIABLE Office, Red Cloud, Nebraska THE QUESTION Is Not Who Is Golnft to Be Mayor, Bit Will the Court House Bonds Carry, and What Is the Population of Red Cloud, and how many names appear in the new Directory. Make aguess ami get the money. Contest closes next Wednesday, April 10. PUT THIS OUT and mail it to Publishers RedjCloud Directory, City. MyJguessZis Population Names Letter most names Letter least names Letter not represented S'tfri Atldress "The Girl from Chill." "Tho Oirl from Chili" has already found a warm place in tho hearts of Portland theater goers. Another crowded house witnessed ihs produc tion at Cordray's theater last night. This, in view of the inclement weather and the strong counter attractions al ways to bo found in a circus, is proof that there is something more than ordinary to commend it. "ThelOirl from Chili" Is one of tho funniest plays that have been broughtJto Portland. This is conceded by all who have seen it. Tho same bill will be presented tonight and rest of tho week. Port land (Ore.) Fvening Telegram. Reo's Laxative Cough Syrup contain tabling Honey and Tar is especially appropriate for children, no opiates or poisons of any character, conforms to the provisions of tho National Puro Food and Drug Law, Juno 30, 1908. For Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. It expels Coughs and Colds by gently moving tho bowelB. Guaranteed. Sold, by Henry Cook's drugstore. i n .I .i VI 'II M M t 41 B Ul i.'d I 6 i j I U , 1ti.-5 ,