. 1 on-alcoholic Sarsaparilla If you think you need a tonic, ask your doctor. If you think you need something for your blood, ask your doctor, if you think you would like to try Aycr's non-alcoholic Sarsapa rilla, ask your doctor. Con sult him often. Keep in close touch with him. A We publlih our formula f ijers Wn banlah alcohol from our medicines Wo urea you to oomuiiyour doctor Ask your doctor to name some of the results of constipation. His long list will begin with sick-headache, biliousness, dyspepsia, thin blood, bad skin. Then ask him if he would recommend your using Aycr's Pills. Mado by the J. C. Ayor Co., Lowell, Man. the boys say they were outdoors nil evening. When they removed their shoes mid went upstairs to go to bed there was smoke in the room, and when they discovered the fire one of hoys threw a bucket of water on It, but It hud gained too much headway for them to check it. We desire to thank the many friends and neighbors for their kindness to us In our loss. IjKVI L. I)k IIaiit. Mkutik I)b IIaiit. Business College Notes Hnlftnts Templars Easter Services. The Kaster services at the Congre gational church Sunday evening were extremely interesting, enjoyable and beneficial. The ladies had decorated the church with (lowers anil gave it the appearance of real summer time. The choir rendered a beautiful sacred cantata, and musical experts pronounce it an unqualified success. There were solos, duets, quartets and chorus work galore. Why Import singers when we have such talent in our own city? Rev. Cressmun took for his subject "Immortality" and his logic, terse statement, and clearness were certainly captivating. Cy rents Commaudery, Knights Temp lar, attended in a body and in uniform. The church was filled to its capacity even to standing room and many peo ple failed to gain admission. Concerning the Dc Hart Fire. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Dc IlaVt make the following statement about the fire which recently destroyed their home: Kimtok Omi:i': We read In Tiik Ciiiki-' that there were two small chil dren at home when the house caught fire. There were three hoys, the old est 1.1, the second 10 and the third (i. There was no lire in the house when we left for the church. We lit the lamp arid placed it on the table, and MARRIAGES. Volk-Dc Brunncr. On Tuesday, April 2, in Kcd Cloud, occurred the marriage of Miss Lizzie Iv. Volk of Campbell and (Jeorge Do llriinncr of Inavale, .ludge ICdson ofli clating. The bride and groom were attended by Charles Martin and Miss Kranecs Do Ilrunnur, and Frank Dc I (runner and Miss Rosa Volk. After the ceremony the bridal party drove to the home of Mr. and Mrs. .1. De Itrunner, on Farmers creek, where about two hundred and guests partook of a bounteous wedding supper. The decorations were pink and white. The happy couple received a large number of beautiful and useful pres ents. One pretty feature of the wed ding supper was that four generations of relatives of the bridegroom were present, including (irandma Myers, aged 80; her daughter, Mrs. .1. De Itmnuci'. and Mrs. Wessel and chil dren, daughter and grandchildren of Mrs. De Itrunner. All join hi wishing the young couple a long and happy life. They will live on the groom's farm one mile west of his parents. OTIIKIt WniUUNfi. Adolph C. Anderson and Carrie Householder, both of Ithulen. Wm. W. Howard of Litchlleld and Miss Maude M. Harris of Red Cloud. Married by .Judge Kdson. Frank II. Karr of Blue Hill and Miss Itcrtha A Sanson of Wilcox. Married by Judge Kdson. Frl&htful Experience. Mrs. W. A. Cummings, who lives ten miles north of Ued Cloud, recently had an experience which she will not care to repeat. While burning some trash during the high wind, Mrs. Cummings' dress eaughtlireand blazed fiercely. With great presence of mind she gathered her garments tightly about her and rolled on the ground, extinguishing the flames. In doing so she was severely burned and bruised but her prompt action probably saved her life. The school Is settled now after the spring drop off and the students are doing some good work. The Normal students are enjoying the reviews hi the various branches of the work. Miss Mamie Haines made us a very instructive talk in chapel Thursday I morning. Miss Haines is the State ' primary worker for the Sunday school , association and was in Red Cloud Wed nesday and Thursday while on her way to the county convention at Ina vale. If ever perfection was granted to a human being Miss Haines is very close to the perfection mark. We all enjoyed her talk. Mr. Harry Cramer has rented one of our typewriters for the spring and summer. Mverton Foe is giving Mr. Palmer some good practice on the telegraph key. They have some lively times sending and receiving messages. The pictures taken dy Mr. Dietrick at the old mill dam last week are real good. The college has secured another good lecture course for the coming winter. A much stronger course than last year. Do you want another season ticket '.' "lMneules" (non-alcoholic) made from resin from our pine forests, used for hundreds of years for Itladder and Kidney diseases. Medicine for thirty days, SI. (iuaranteed to give satisfac tion or money refunded. (.Jet our guarantee coupon from Henry Cook's drug storo Suit FOR V Respect YOUR Stomach GIVE it food that will not irritate or retard the performance of its natural functions, and it will reciprocate in a way agreeable and comforting. No single ingredient contributes so largely toward wholesome, nourishing, agreeable food as Royal Baking Powder. Royal Baking Powder's active ingre dient, Grape Cream of Tartar, is the most healthful of the fruit products' This is why Royal Baking Powder makes the food finer, lighter, more appe tizing and anti-dyspeptic, a friend to the stomach and good health. Imitation Baking Powders Contain Alum N "The use of alum and salts of alumina in food should be PROHIBITED. The con stant use of alum compounds exerts a deleterious effect upon the digestive organs and an irritation of the internal organs after absorption. "EDWARD S. WOOD, M. D. Professor of Chemistry Harvard Medical Schooli Boston." ftOYAl DAKINO POWDER CO., NEW YORK DUMA DISCUSSES BUDGET Kuttler Declares $2,750,0C0,0C0 tiSK Been Spent for War AdventuritWE' St. Petersburg, April 3. Tlio loTO house of parliament, began discussing the budget for 1907. Finance Minister KokovsofT appealed to the menihiMfi to deal with the subject in n national spirit and not from tho standpoint o( party politics. Tho principal reply to tho minis ter's presentation was delivered by tho expert of the constitutional demo crats, Minister Kuttler, who criticised tho budget from tho standpoint of the present financial system of Russia, particularly the direct forms bearing heaviest on the poorer classes, but recognized the impossibility of mak ing reckless attempts to change tho system Ho attributed Russia's financial dif ficulties to tho costly war, the costlier revolution and tho great famine. While tho total expenditures, $1,23G, 000,000, showed a nominal decrease of $20,000,000 over 1900, tho actual sav ing was almost $200,000,000. Tho gov eminent was really spending last year $1,049,000,000, owing to the extraor dinary expense, famine relief, etc., In stead of the $1,255,000,000 contem plated by tho budget. M. Kuttler analyzed the public debt, amounting to $1,500,000,000, with an Interest charge of $191,000, 000 annunlly, declaring that only $1, 750,000,000 had been expended on railroads nnd productive works, while $2,750,000,000 had been spent for war adventurism. fix 5 TheStr m m t m to m (t (t to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to ,&l . ongest 2J to to B OVSf r3: r s to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Two pairs of Trousers with each Coat V di -j i.. M m unc uiuuniei ciuu une leguiai pair. ;; to Every Suit guaranteed. Will stand the to to hardest wear that tops, marbles, kites or to L anything but barbed wire makes. Prices $4.50 to $6.00 for the combination. to Ready for your inspection. w . i . i i r vtr i "tB r N LWifpytr JHt h JTui . i It' fl I-. I :rl i 1 ffj b J ..JL SB ix Mm M L- v.l 5 !,.. XV, NNSf , i k tmz cr- , . y . sfeaietteL DAVTrmSSnC0. to to to to to to m l' iz Hi & sii SLi SLi Hi CLi & & & & Sj GLi 0m "" ' "& Paul Storey, to ?5he Clothier $ . PROSECUTION FOR FRAUD Government to Proceed Against Per sons Who Violate Pure Food Law. Washington, April 3. Tho depart ment of agriculture Is making prepara tions to begin prosecutions under tho pure food law at an early dato, and Dr. Wiley, under whoso directions, as chief of tho bureau of chemistry, tho work will be conducted, has given in structions to his Inspectors to secure as soon as possible the samples on which tho prosecutions will bo based. Tho offending establlslnVnts have generally been located and nothing remains to propnro a basis for the proceedings except to obtain speci mens of tho articles alleged to bo adulterated or Impure. When these aro procured clmrgOB will bo formulat ed and supplied to tho United States district nttornoys In whoso districts tho offenders may reside, whereupon they will be required to begin crlrn Inai proceedings. There will soon ho forty or llfty Inspectors In tho field and Dr. WHoy expresses tho opinion that a large number of prosecutions will result from their Investigations. No Longer an Impossibility The idea that has become general that first class building material could no longer bo had is certainly knocked out, when you take a look at tho complete lino of clear Soft Pino Finish and Siding carried in stock by Saunders Brothers of Hod Cloud, Nob. What is also pleasing to tho buyers of Lumber and building material is tho fact that, their prices aro reasonable, and they guarantee a SQUARE DEAL. Thoy also hnvo a nico lino of Oak, Hickory and Poplar Wagon Material. See their Shin gles. Von can not help but admire thorn. The mombors of this enterprising Ilrm, assisted by plenty of excellent help, are always glad and take ploasuro in showing to the public this nico stock. V. Doing Up a Shirt. "This bill Is too high," said tho cus tomer. "Too high?" ejaculated tho Inimdrynmn. "That's what I sald-too high." "Hut, man, do you know how long It takes to do up a shirt?" "Why, about four washings!" Yonkers States man. The Bore. "I think Jones Is ono of the worst Imwo lit nvni- llvoil " "Whv RO?" "Ho I I ... ..ll... I.. ...wl 1.mtiti tnlt-lit( nlmif I AUrUKO llgUl I" "U uvftuii mnwiito mu..v ...1.11.. T ...... 1.111.... nl.rviit- n .Uimseit WUIIU I WHO iumiiS tiuuuv . (thrilling exporlonco I onco hud out Vest." Indianapolis Star.' For Sale The east half of section 23 and the NW quarter of section 23, township 2, range 14, in Franklin Co., Nebraska, about 4 miles northeast of Franklin. Price $20 per acre, one fourth cash down, bal ance on long time in an nual payments with in terest at 6 per cent. Apply to George G. Clark, Council BluffSM Iowa Mercer's Barber Shop Basement of Potter Block. Massaging a Specialty HPil PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Olraniri anil brmitirir tho bilr. l'romotci luiurimit Krowth. Never fails to Jle.toro Omy UMr to its Youthful Color Curct olp dlwiM ft hair (tiling. f0c,anHUOat Dnigifru Colorada 10,000 acres, rich, black soil, smooth and level. $0 per acre. Kansas -23 quarters at from ?bt)0. Good soil, level land. Terms to suit. Nebraska -City properties and well improved farms at reasonable prices. N. P. KLOWGARD, Olliee of Co. Atty. L. II. Hlaclc ledge, Red Cloud, Nob. I'hono48. N A