The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 05, 1907, Image 1

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Eight Pages
Home Print
8 $1 a Year
I in Advance
Things of Importance for Tax Payers
to Know.
County Assessor Richard Turner has
compiled the following explanations
and rulings for the benefit of persons
who own taxable property:
Doubts as to Property Kxempt
Where there is any doubt in the mind
f the assessor as to certain classes of
property being exempt from taxation
under section 13 of the revenue act, he
should assess the same.
Items Negatived In answering the
list of questions in the schedule, the
party filling out the same shall write
the word "none" after each item when
ever he has no property under such
item. A ditto opposite each item
when he has no property under such
item does not meet the requirement.-,
of the statute.
Credits The actual value of notes,
bonds or mortgages representing mon
eys loaned or invested shall not be re
duced or diminished by subtracting
therefrom the debts owing by the per
son assessed, who owns such notes,
bonds or mortgages. Credits evidenced
by book accounts, and the like, may
iic onset by debts of like character
Correct Numbers In listing live
stock and other classes of property
where numbers are called for on the
personal property schedule, correct
a -
Iff numbers must be given.
WW Kent Taxable- I tent due is taxable
' as a credit, but rent to irroiv dm is :i
part of the land, and incident to it,
and is therefore not subject to taxa
tion. Fraternal Hcneficiary Associations
and Mutual Companies All property,
money-. oicvcd.its owi ed or controlled
by mutual orrraternal insurance com-
for a whole year to May 1, 1U08. The
regular price is one dollar more than
that. This cut price is good only dur
ing this llargain Week, and all you
hare to do is to mail your 82 to The
Daily News, Lincoln, Neb., during that
time, and you will receive the puper
untill May 1, 1008.
The News does not receive any free
railroad tickets, and has cut off sev
eral traveling solicitors. Instead of
payingourrailroad fare, hotel bills and
other expenses, these savings will be
given to our subscribers direct by this
big bargain offer. More things are be
ing done this year for the people in
Nebraska than ever before. The new
deal seems to suit everybody who has
not had some sort of a pull. The Lin
coln News keeps in the midst of the
fight and wants every man who be
lieves in a square deal on its list.
At S:j for a whole year there is not a
family in the state that cannot afford
a daily paper. The News lias the rep
utation of printing the truth and print
ing it plainly, no matter where it hits.
Its 'the livelest, snappiest newspaper
proposition in Nebraska and if you be
come a subscriber at this cheap rate,
you will stay with it for a long time to
come. Remember the bargain week
April '."., to M7. The price will be S.'l
after this week.
Everybody Should Take an Interest In
the Comlnft Election.
The people of lied Cloud have shown
that they are not afraid to go in debt
for the benefit of the general public.
While we are already in debt up to
our necks, we can stand !i or .1 mills
more on the dollar of assessed valua
tion for the sake of the safety of the
valuable records now housed in the
old shack which occupies the court
house park. It seems almost incredi
ble that anyone who owns real estate
or is at all interested in the welfare
of the county should oppose the build
ing of a modern court house in order
to avoid the payment of a small in
crease in taxes, when It may mean
a saving of hundreds of thousands of
dollars to the taxpayers, yet the pen
pie of Cnwles, Hlue Hill and their im
mediate vicinities are fighting the now
court house proposition on the ground
that if lied Cloud wants a new court
house it should build one out of its
own pocket.
The people of Hlue Hill make the
claim that they would be willing to
put up S'.Tf.OOl) to have the court house
removed to their town. I tut. would
they? We have never noticed Hlue
Hill putting up any very large amount
of money for public improvements.
lied Cloud will receive little if any
more benelit from a new court house
V ' 111 mi will I'.lu.. Hill ..!..,. !),., n...
1 . "1 '" un
.A..?MWAr.r..w Uic appearance of a
Miss Hall is in Lincoln this week. small portion of the city. Ileal estate
Henry I'harcs is assisting Postmas-, a,ul P'rw1 property are already
ter Hacker this week. j taxed a great deal higher here than
lied Cloud high school is billed tL'iS?'lR'n' '" ""J T",ty' T' U,V
nliiv Siiiim!... l.i.ri. .,.l...i ...ii ' ivady to Ko a little deeper for the sake
School Notes
Grace Frisbie entertained the class
pnnies societies or associations, clubs i of '07 at her home in Atnbov last Fri-
r lodges except such as .rre expressly
exempt by statute, shall be listed for
taxation. Their property may consist
f ollice furniture and fixtures, or any
ther personal property, such as cred
its due or to become due. notes, bonds,
mortgages, money deposited in banks
r elsewhere, whether held by such
o- USSOemt inns :iml iiiiii..iiiii. in.
, - i .... '-
'NkIs, contingent funds, emergency
fuiitls, or in any other manner. Such
property is subject to assessment and
taxation against them, and shall be
listed and assessed by the assessor.
The assessment upon the business or
gross premiums shall not be made
against fraternal beneficiary associa
tions and mutual insurance companies
that operate upon the assessment plan,
have no capital stock and make no
dividends, ai.d whose scheme of in
surance does not contemplate the re
turn of any earnings or profits to the
Poll Tax -Deputy assessors are in-
of the general welfare.
The plea that the location of the
, county seat is not permanent in lied
Cloud is very weak. There is no more
prospect of the county seat ever beimr
Miss Stella Ducker. science teacher removed from Kcd Cloud than there is
of the Superior high school, was in ' that Hlue Hill will become the capital
d;' i veiling.
lied Cloud over Sunday
The normal training bill has passed
both houses. If lied Cloud meets the
requirements the annual appropriation
of STOO will be hers.
If prisons are needed to prevent dan
gerous criminals from injuring soci
ety, reform schools are necessary for
vicious boys and girls
of Nebraska
We do not believe that even the
Hlue Hill Leader will have the nerve
to say that Webster county does not
need a new court house. When it
comes to asking for county ollices.
Hlue Hill is always ,'.lohiiny-on-the-Spot,"
and when the assessor visits
that burg he has a hard time finding
i ... .
Miss Martha Abel, who was one of tfo"t nnro of the taxable property,
lied Clouds strongest teachers, writes ,,ot H,ne ,,5H nnex itself to Adams
from McCook that she is well pleased i -,"ty,.where it belongs, for all the
with the schools there. She is receiv-. ,KMl ,l 1S lo ster county.
ing SI." per month this year, and next
year her salary will be raised to S.MI.
.McCook was also anxious to take Miss
A great many farmers are objecting
to the new court house on the ground
that they need better roads. It is
H roil i ax -nepmv assessors are in- n .......,.
I structcd to -.sscss all male inhabitants !lt I,U1-V ''- P1''- Salaries will
f in each road district, being ovei the "'"'""'.V be raised in the lied
If, aire of SI years and under the age of I ,''' 'hools this yoar.
I 50 vears. with a noil tax of SII. exeent
the following exemptions: Under VI
years of age and over .Ml years of age:
paupers, idiots ami lunatics: members
f Nebraska National (iuard: Tinted
States pensioners: members -in good
il standing of lire companies or hook and
I ladder companies. No other exemp
tions are made by statute.
Saloon Licenses Taxable They
I jdjr.jd be listed as a franchise or priv
ilege. The valuation thereon is pure
ly a matter foi the sound judgment
'J an.d discretion of the assessor, the
V(iuiue as fixing the value of all other
lltni.itni,. i
II, k 1 i ..r 1...1...
abm'niih m Minium iirput hi indus
trial Statistics The deputy assessors
should give this enumeration pains
taking care, as it means much to the
enmity and state. Any neglect or
carelessness in taking these statistics
reflect upon the agricultural standing
of the county, ami injures laud values,
llete, accordingly. Deputies are re- tn rimill't ti tilt I'lllllllv nssivss.
I'lir at once the name and address of
(anyone refusing to give the informa
tion required.
Skjelver. lied Cloud needs good teach-1 m,e tlmt "etter roads are needed, yet
ers as well as McCook. The only way j tllu lmlding " ' new court house
to keep them is to go as high as other wo,'ld not affect the road nppropria
cities can go. A cheap teacher is a ' t,ons )m' ,:tJ,,t either way, and there is
dear investment. A good one is cheap j "" 'lnestiou whatever between the
i wo. I lie increase in taxes on farm
property will not be a drop in the,
bucket compared with the burden of!
taxation which the people of this ut
have taken upon themselves in the
past year for nublic imnrovemenls
I and yet we are public spirited enough
to carry our share of the burden of a
new court house.
Kveryone should have enough pride
in his county to wish that it should
have as good a court house as neigh
boring counties.
The following is the general report
for the city schools for March:
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Hi One Dollar Glicancr.
r,l nnrimr thi line Week of Al)l'il VV to
7, inclusive, the Lincoln Daily News falls to cure. E. W. Grove's sicunturo
vill accept 8S from mail subscribers i8 on eaci, box. '25 coute.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take- Laxative Dromo quinine tab-
lots. DruegistB rofuml monov if it
Sunitort the Mayor.
In times past it has been the custom
to elect men to city olllees in Kcd
Cloud, and then turn in and find fault
with their every act, ami the last ad
ministration was no exception to the
rule. Way back in the recesses of our
think tank" we' have a lurking
thought, which keeps pushing to the
front, that the administration just
drawing to a close has accomplished
more real good for the city than any
for many years past. Some mistakes
have been made, but we are all liable
to make errors. However, we believe
the administration has often been un
justly criticized, and this brings to
mind the thought that instead of
"knocking" we should all turn in ami
do our best to help the next mayor
and city council through the dilllcul
ties that are bound to beset them.
The Commercial Club has done every
thing possible to help the present ad
ministration, and for its pains and
trouble has been subjected to a great,
deal of "roasting" by outside parties
who made no effort to assistand could
have done no better had they tried.
Overwhelming Majority for First Ward
The heavy vote in favor of the school
So, lets forget all petty differences bonds Tuesday was a surprise to
and bickerings and lend all possible I everyone, not even the most sanguine
aid to the next mayor and council by ( friends of the incisure predicting the
trying to avoid placing obstructions in big majority which the bonds received,
their way and by not judging too ' The result showed very plainly how a
harshly when they do things contrary few people can make a noise that
to our wishes. sounds like a multitude. That the
I r'irst warders want a new-school house.
. .mil... n ....v 'nd want it badly, was shown by the
v,li,mcll ruK inaiuK. . vol,. !n tlllt wim,
r..l di C.I.- .. c.-. ,n 1:1 "Kuinst.n majority of ,lv.
. .......... .... -,. nuimm.1., iFisicdieu hceoml warders also
By "Dark Horse" Candidate willingness to have a
That .1. (). Caldwell is a very popular j "' lm' ''"'st w,ml h' pvinga majority
man in lied Cloud was demostrnted '' 'j7 "' the bonds. Thisgivesa clean
Tuesday when he was elected over C. l,JuJol'ly of Wli for the bonds in the
.1. Piatt, the nominee of both the eiti- 'st,',t. nd we believe that no one
zeus and llepubtican conventions, for will ever have cause to regret the
mayor. Mr. Caldwell's name was not ' m't'"" taken. While the board has
printed upon the olllcial ballot. UHi , not decided upon n location, we are
those who wished to vote for him were w'ling to trust to their experience
compelled to write his name on the ' 1""' Jndgement in the matter of sdect
ballot, and when the votes were count- 'nr II lot'a,,,)" " making the new
ed it was found that Mr. Caldwell was molding one that will be a source of
elected by a majority of il votes. Platl P'de to everyone who has the inter
carried the First ward by i:t votes. , 's,s ,,f "'' l''lS !t heart.
Caldwell carrying the Second ward by i The decisive victory for the bonds
Hi votes. The followine- are the new ' is m " '"rge measure due to the splen-
olllccrs of the city and school district I ImI w'",, ,1,,",, l,y the mothers of the
for the bonds
showed their
new Intildinir
for the ensuing year.
Mayor .1. O. Caldwell.
City Clerk-L. II. Fort.
City Treasurer .1. (). IJutler.
City Knginecr (!. II. (Ivering.
Councilmen First ward. W. N.
Ilieliardson: Second ward. A. MeCall.
Members r School Hoard 1-2. .1.
Overlng and V. H. Fulton.
'children who will be benelltcd by hav
ing good schools.
Two days' treatment free. King's
Dyspepsia Tablets for impaired diges
tinn. impure breath, perfect assimila
tion of food, increased appetite. Do
not fail to avail yoln-.self of the above
offer. Sold by Henry Cook.
""" s r1
irPH&. v sji x
fjr-J I
Miriff J
Hot Biscuit
Tempting, Appetizing
are made with
rf "Baking Powder
Light, crisp, wholesome !
Hie best food to start the day with
Food raised with Price's Baking Powder Is unfermented,
never sours in the stomach, and may be eaten in its
most delicious state, fresh and hot, by persons of all temper
aments and occupations, without fear of unpleasant results
j -a
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